Drama Department

AQA Drama & Theatre A level

If you’re passionate about communication and creativity, have an analytical mind and want your CV to say more about you as a human than any other subject can, then the Drama & Theatre course could be for you. You will experience the work of other theatre makers, and work creatively with others to shape and develop a range of theatrical styles. You will develop your knowledge and understanding of a variety of theatrical contexts and be able to analyse, evaluate and deploy effective practice in terms of acting, directing and designing. These hugely transferable skills will set you apart from others going into the workplace, by showing that you are a Creative Thinker who understands and can demonstrate an aural, visual, spatial, physical and conceptual language.

Course content

Component 1 (written examination) Study of two set texts. Study of live theatre productions seen during the course.

Component 2 – Creation of a devised piece of group work, linked to the style of a given practitioner or theatre company.

Component 3 – Exploration of three extracts from published plays, one of which will be linked to the work of a practitioner and assessed for acting and all of which will be written about in a 3000 word reflective report covering your theatrical interpretation of the 3 pieces.


1 x 3 hour paper taken at end of Year 13:

Component 1: Written paper – 80 marks (40 %)  

Coursework assessment practical examinations taken during the course:

Component 2: Coursework – 60 marks (30 %)

Component 3: Coursework – 60 marks (30%)