GCSE Drama is a fun but challenging course covering a range of performance skills and texts. You will be assessed as an actor in 3 pieces of coursework including making up your own piece with a group. You will need to be reliable, self-motivated, keen to challenge yourself, enjoy performing and working with others.

Course content

COURSEWORK – 60% of total.

Solo Acting assessment – A 3-minute character monologue taken from a published play, performed to an audience and filmed for the exam board.

Group Acting Assessment – An extract from a published play, performed to an audience and filmed for the exam board.

Devised Acting Assessment* – A group piece of devised theatre, performed to an audience and filmed for the exam board*.

WRITTEN EXAM – 40% of total

Study of TWO set text extracts.

Section A and B – a mix of short and long exam questions will about design, acting and directing ideas as appropriate to the given texts.

Section C – an explanation and evaluation of the Devised piece that was completed for coursework (see * above).


One written paper towards the end of Year 11.

3 coursework assessments undertaken during the course.

Internally marked and moderated by the exam board by video footage of performances.