All posts by Mr Toft




Here are examples of excellent Personal Studies from past years from students exploring personal stories and mature subjects in relation to identity/ people, family/ memory, objects/ childhood, place/ community etc.

Sophie Marett: Escaping Wonderland

Link to essay: In what way have Robert Darch and Josef Sudek used their photography as a form of therapy?

Within my photobook I want to convey themes of comfort, security and warmth – an ethereal display of locations where I feel at ease within nature and/or areas at home. My narrative will tell the story of my imagination, a dreamlike collection of images in a Pictorialist style that get disrupted by waves of anxiety being represented by darker colder images. My narrative will consist of juxtapositions, comparing the feeling of unease to instant comfort – the photobook will be a journey through ‘Wonderland’ (representing a world where anxiety is calmed but reality isn’t quite real, certain comforts may feel a little too perfect). With landscape images being broken up by still-lives of flowers and objects, it is as if this perfect world of calm and tranquillity is breaking down to reality; escapism can only be a comfort for so long before reality hits.

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Olivia Mooney-Griffiths: Manufactured Memories

Link to essay: In what way are family photographs extensions of our memories as well as our identities?

My photobook narrative will present the story of how my grandparents put their family first and worked hard to provide them with a comfortable life. This photobook will use both old and new photographic images to retell the stories that are often not mentioned in my family, such as the dedication of my grandma to help bring up my grandad’s siblings after their parents moved away, as well as my grandad’s tireless work ethic that persisted through various economic struggles. It will also touch on my family’s Mancunian roots and their move from there, for my grandad’s job. In essence, this photobook is a form of appreciation to the older generations in my family for the comfortable life and opportunities they have proved me with, as well as celebrating our strong bond and love for each other.

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Max Le FeuvreUntitled

Link to his essay: How have Yury Toroptov, Mariela Sancari and Julian Germain (among others) reflected upon the themes of memories and remembrance in the construction of their photo-books?


My photo-book is based around my Grandfather. He died 30 years ago and so I never got the chance to meet him. I wanted therefore to find out more about him and develop an understanding of what he may have been like if I had got to know him. This project was therefore very much about exploring and investigating the theme of absence, a story based around someone who is no directly part of it. I photographed off and on for 9 months to create this project, re-tracing my Grandfather’s steps and using photography to express my findings. Archival resources in particular have played a huge part in my project, especially through the access I have had from the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archives, and the resources I have found play as much a part in this story as does my own responses. I wanted to make my images and narrative feel as simplistic and personal as possible and so I constructed my photo-book by hand, I style I believe gives my work a quirky, old-fashioned feel.

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Hannah Fernandes: Saudades

Link to her essay: In what way have Latoya Ruby Frazier and Alessandra Sanguinetti explored the notion of family history and childhood memories as a method of understanding identity and self-expression?

The theme for the personal study is ‘Nostalgia’. Nostalgia is about a sentimentality for the past. It’s a sentimental yearning for return to a past period. The feeling of nostalgia is often triggered by a familiar smell, sound, or keepsake. So, I want to centre my focus around my childhood and upbringing, while also acknowledging my heritage. I want to do this as I believe this will communicate a sense of self and allow me to explore and piece together aspects of my ancestry unfamiliar to me.

By taking inspiration from previous projects (home, identity, etc) I will be taking portraits of family and photographs of significant objects, as well as occasional landscapes. These will be accompanied by some images from my family archives, to show my early childhood as well as my heritage which are relevant. I’ll include photographs of my family and pictures of me in Madeira when I was little. My personal study will explore my dual nationality, portraying both my English and Madeiran heritage from each of my parents. I want to gather a collection of meaningful photographs while in Madeira over the Christmas holidays, capturing familiar landscapes from trips when I was younger, like family homes for example. I’ll also capture pictures of family, street photography, environmental portraits, etc in a documentary-type style.

Explore more here on her Blog

Julia Kochan: Upływ Czasu

Link to her essay: To what extent are photographs an accurate portrayal of memories and the past?

For my project, I would like to explore my family, specifically my grandparents, Krystyna and Zbigniew Dziwisz. My grandma sadly passed away on the 29th of August 1992, which left my grandad a widower and my mum without a mother at just 16 years old. Despite never meeting her, it has always felt as through something is missing from my mum’s side of the family. Her loss has been a very significant event in both of their lives, and I would want to create my project about. This project will explore life when my grandmother was alive, compared to how it is now, over 30 years later.  

Explore more here on her BLOG

EXAM PROJECT: In her exam Julia produced another photo book, which achieved the highest marks. We recommend that you have a look at her project as it is great example on how to make significant improvement from one book to another.

Finn McGreevy: Untitled

Link to his essay: How does W. Eugene Smith, express the notion of family history and relationships in his work?

An exploration into my father’s connection to the ocean. My photo story will consist of a combination of archive and new imagery aiding me to document the past life of my father in photo form. The story will have a focus on my dad and his attachment to the sea. Imagery differing in age will be used to give viewers a deeper understanding into this relationship and how his love for the sea has shaped relationships among my family.

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Pip Plummer: Just one more wave…

Link to her essay: How does photography act as an important form of communication of both true and untrue subjects?

I want to explore the story of my dad’s long and continued relationship with the sea and surfing. I will focus on how it has impacted his life and relationships as a whole, as well as my own life as his daughter. This subject is important to me because it is essentially the reason I am here, because my parents met when my mum learned to surf and my dad was her instructor. For this reason, my whole family has been involved with the sport ever since and it affects my life every day. I plan to ask my dad questions about how he started surfing, what draws him to it everyday, and how he feels about the sport. I will also use archived images from family albums from my dad’s life in Newquay as a young surfer and then from my parent’s history together.

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Charlie Barraud: Viennoiserie

Link to her essay: How does Mitch Epstein express the notion of family and relationships in his work?  

The theme of Nostalgia is very extensive and it gave us the chance to do what we wanted with the theme we were given. I think the reason why I wanted to do this project on Vienna Bakery was because I had always wanted to find out more about the processes that the bakery uses, especially since I’ve grown up around the bakery. In this project, my main influence was Mitch Epstein’s book Family Business, this documentary photography style of working when documenting something you are closely related to really inspired me on this project. Using the same point of view as Mitch Epstein, I used my insider access to my advantage as I know a lot of the workers because I live near the bakery, meaning I grew up around a lot of the workers, and work within the bakery.

Explore more here on her Blog

Jude Luce: All My Love

Essay: How have the photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier explored themes of attachment and detachment in their own family through their work and, in particular, their most recent projects looking at family?

My plan for my photo book is to produce a detailed and insightful exploration into my family life, with me centered within the middle. This is the running theme throughout and I hope to show it through poetic, still images of landscapes or objects which may have no direct meaning at its face value but has a deeper meaning once inferred. As well, the portraits in my project are intended to be collaborative and intimate to show the relationships I hold with the people in my life but the portraits are intended to show the emotion of each being as well. I have contrasted yet shown the similarities of my mum and dad’s relationship when they were together to that of my relationship with Lucy now and the overall look I hope to achieve is that of a fun, vibrant, light-hearted but quite solemn and sombre image-based diary about how I am still developing through the events if life and the attachments I have built from the event which shaped my life – my mum and dad’s divorce. I want their to be an obvious existence of the theme of attachment but also an underlying theme of detachment. Although these themes are the main focus for my book, they are underlying themes which are subtly hinted at every now and then by a sequence which develops upon the understanding of love. Memory is fragile and I use this notion as a driving force for my project made up of diaristic photographs, which, when come together, create an album of moments in time which in-turn lend themselves to never be forgotten. I have attempted not to avoid the subject of my mum and dad’s divorce but felt it easier to express this and my feelings towards it through other subject matter, being my relationship with my girlfriend and the other people in my life, such as my individual relationships with my mum and dad and how I view them in solitary opposition to one another.

Read more on Jude’s BLOG

Matthew KnapmanIs that My Blue Butterfly?

Link to his essay: How does the work of Carolle Bénitah and Jessa Fairbrother explore issues of memory and loss within family?

The research of both these artists informed and influenced my personal project, which focused on the life of my mother who is currently diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in Easter 2014, but when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it is called metastatic cancer. The liver, lungs, lymph nodes, and bones are common areas of spread of metastasis. Using art and physical materials, I wanted to draw into and edit the photographs I take in order to illustrate my emotions and what my mother is going through. The physical art would be a visual guide to the audience, telling a story regarding the illness. This is something that I was excited to do, given my passion and abilities in art and design. I can draw, scratch or edit the photograph using chemicals and other kinds of destructive methods. This can demonstrate some kind of investigation into the relationship between traditional art and Photography as mediums. This is something that I touched upon for my AS project.

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Shannon O’Donnell: Shrinking Violet

Link to her essay: How is the work of Claude Cahun and Cindy Sherman questioning the politics of gender and female stereotypes?


Shrinking Violet stemmed from a short film that I created as part of my project of my mother. I made a film based around an interview that I did with my mum and made it up of archival images as well as documenting her everyday life. Part of the interview sparked my interest when she said ‘I’m not one of those shrinking violets in the work place’. This caught my attention as I see her role as simply doing what is expected of her, something that I want to challenge through my photographic work. This brought on the idea for creating a parody shoot where I dress as a persona, similar to my mum, and pose around the house mimicking the role I see my mum portray. I wanted this photo book to embody the traditional role of women our society perceives and for spectators to view the images I have created to recognise themselves, their mothers, their sisters and their wives. Gender defines everyone and, at times, can be limiting. It makes us feel that we need to belong and conform to the expectations placed on us at birth solely on whether we were born male or female.

Explore research, ideas, experimentation on the her Blog

Christianna KnightWomen of Yesterday

Link to her essay: To what extent does Cindy Sherman explore stereotypes of women in her work?

During my personal study I enjoyed having freedom to explore my own ideas and take inspiration from artists and photographers that I am interested in. I was very inspired by Cindy Sherman’s work, I wanted to explore themes such as masquerade, costumes and stereotypes which are very present in Sherman’s studio portraits. When first collecting ideas as to what I should base my project on I decided I wanted to explore female stereotypes through costume and studio portraits. However, with so many stereotypes existing within my gender I decided to create a series of portraits depicting stereotypes from each decade of the 20th Century. As I was born in 1998, I was looking at these stereotypes with a retrospective. I also kept feminist theory in mind, relating my stereotypes to important movements in feminist history including the three main waves as well as smaller social victories for women. I felt that this project was very successful and that each decade was well planned and executed and that the nine image work well as a series.

Read more here on her BLOG

Jemma HosegoodThe Memory Box

Link to her essay: How is the work of Corrine Day and Phillip Toledano autobiographical?


“Good friends make you face the truth about yourself and you do the same for them, as painful, or as pleasurable, as the truth may be.” – Corinne Day

An autobiography is an account of the life of a person written by that person. In other words, it is the story that a person wrote about themselves. My inspiration for this study came from memories that are forgotten, and the ‘things’ that re-jog our brains to remember them. These could be objects from a childhood collection box or a set of images from a blurry holiday. For this piece of work I attempted to join two ways of memory revival into a book as well as a layout presenting some of my final images.

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Anna Houiellebecq: Inside Out

Link to essay: How-and-why-do-photographers-use-the-human-body-to-physically-express-hidden-emotions (1)

My body image project is about capturing a physical representation of hidden emotions. My book “Inside Out” includes images of subjects posing in a certain way that represents a specific emotion such as pain or happiness. The title Inside Out, concludes what the series is about in a very simple way. The book contains images where I’ve focused on particular body parts, such as the face or the hands. I’ve captured them in a creative way where the shapes and movement that they create represent certain emotions. The book contains a certain aesthetic that flows throughout. It has a very contemporary feel because of the way of using the human body and also the use of the bright colours and abstract visions. The book contains a variation of sizes of images, ranging from half page images to full page spreads. I decided to use a portrait orientation for the book because it was the best way to  display my images. Although I didn’t want to categories my images into different sections of the book, I also didn’t want a completely random structure and sequencing. I therefore displayed images together that linked in some way, to do with colour or subject.

Read more on her BLOG

In her exam project Anna produced another photo book, Wabi Sabi.

Here is the Link to the Final version of my Wabi Sabi film.

Read more on her BLOG to learn about her research and experimentation

My book Wabi Sabi is about the freedom of viewing the world in our own unique way. Its about capturing the insignificant details that we would usually ignore or not notice, and appreciating the pure and spiritual elements of the imperfect details of our lives. The Japanese term, Wabi Sabi fully explains what the series is about in a simple way. The definition of the term, “a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay” concludes the project well. Throughout the book I focus closely on the tiny details of objects and scenes that we witness all the time. An example of scenes that I’ve included is the Sky at evening time, and the movement of the sea. Within these scenes Ive  focused on and framed particular elements that interested me. My aim was to fragment specific details that were insignificant yet beautiful.

Daniel Butt: Help

Essay: How can something that doesn’t physically exist be represented through photography?

I decided to portray mental illness throughout my photobook. When I started this project I knew I wanted to tackle the subject of mental health, but it took me a while to figure out the best way to go forward with it. Originally i though of using landscapes as a way to convey emotion, however eventually decided to turn the camera on myself for a set of self-portraits. I feel as though this decision really helped me open up and put as much personal experience into the book as possible. After the original self-portrait shoot, i wanted to continue with creating a really unique and personal narrative in which i can show both my own emotions and feelings that i have been through, but leave parts of it ambiguous enough to be interpreted by other people in their own way.

I then decided to focus on my personnel experience surrounding prescription anti-depressant drugs, or more specifically SSRIs ( Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ) which are used when, for whatever reason, there is a lack of serotonin being produced, with it’s aim to boost serotonin levels in the brain. This element was quite difficult to capture, as most of the time you don’t notice anything different, which is why i decided to use a gradual build in saturation inside the book to show the slow but steady changes, however I did want to make sure to capture aspects of medication not working, and the task of changing medications and gradually building back up until it works. I represented this component in my book by showing the rise in dosage levels in text at the bottom of the page.

Study his blog here

Sky Ailing-Philip: Loved

Essay: How do images of P.H.Polk and Khadija Saye, show change of representation of black identity?

My book is a mixture of images of the people, places and objects that hold meaning in my life. Looking back and how the growing up in Jersey a place in where there is a significant lack of diversity regards to the black in the community.  Also that my parents have separated and I live with my mother, how this has effected my relationship with my father and if in some ways that I have rejected that side of my life so I became less connected to him.

Link to Sky’s Blog

Matthew Brown: Bouley Bay

Link to his essay: How can photography capture and explore an environment, and accurately record it’s atmosphere to a viewer?

My idea is to make a photobook in which I explore the area Bouley Bay, overall I want to capture the activity, views, and close ups of key feature such as rocks, shells, heritage, the hill climb, and the bay. I could also look into the history of the bay and the Jersey Folklore, involving the Black Dog. It is important to me as I grew up in that area, and have many memories of it. And I hope to capture it in the same way in which remember it. I wish to develop my project by exploring the bay and collecting lots of objects to photograph in a studio, and also to take long exposure, aerial, and underwater of the bay, as I have been inspired by many photographers, such as, Martin J Patterson (@ mjplandscapes on Instagram), Jaun Munoz (@ drjuanmdc on Instagram), and David Aguilar (@ davidaguilar_photo).

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Stanley Lucas: Preserved Consumption

Essay: How do photographers Edward Burtynsky and Henry J Fair present their perspectives regarding consumerism?

This is the final layout and design for my book titled ‘Preserved Consumption’. The book includes three different sections including production, product and waste, all of which link into the theme of consumption and its permanent scarring on the landscape (hence the title preserved). Within I have included a variety of different page layouts such as double spreads, boxed in imagery and centred photos, all of which I have experimented with along the way, helping me to conclude which layouts are most effective at accompanying the previous and next photo. Regarding certain images I have included a white border due to it preventing the photo from becoming too overpowering and out-of-place, only really doing so for the larger pieces. For the majority of the pages I have used a white backdrop as I found that it complimented the images the most, stopping any attention being drawn away from the images and to the colours, something I made sure to do from the beginning. Before each category I made sure to add a title page to inform the viewer of the subcategory in the book, giving the layout a narrative as a result which I found is one of the key characteristics of the entire book. Finally I added my essay in the end pages of the book,  this was because I wanted to allow the readers to interpret the topic of the book before actually reading about what I had to say about regarding it, with images depicting the studied photographers works and my responses alongside them.

Link to Blog

Stanley Lucas set of 3 books for his exam books: Hue, Form and Motif

Overall these are the final layouts for each of the books, Motif, Form and Hue. The three books contain a different theme within each looking at colour, texture and pattern, all of which come under my topic title of abstraction and the variety of ways in which it can be portrayed through the camera. Within the books I have included a variety of different page layouts consisting of double spreads, single images and triple photos, all of which I have previously experimented with so that they can transition between the different photos inside s effective as possible. Regarding certain images I have made sure to include a white border around each photo due to how it effectively boxes in the pieces, separating them from the next and creating contrast between the pages which I have used a white backdrop for all pages except the covers. The use of a white backdrop I found was the most effective outcome I could produce due to it not taking away anything from the images like a coloured backdrop would, instead adding definition and that needed bit of contrast on the monochrome imagery. In creating the book I wanted to go straight into the theme portrayed on the covers of each, this meant that the first pages would include my best image from each section so that it set the pace and theme for the rest of the spreads.

Link to Stanley’s Blog:

Nicholas Gallery: Waste

Essay: In what way have Mandy Barker and Keith Arnatt explored the concept of Anthropocene in their work?

In the final version, I changed the cover images to what was originally the first pages in the book. I felt that these images were more powerful in portraying my ideas as well as captivating the essence of my project.

I summed the topic of my project in one word being ‘Waste’ as it reflects the three concepts behind my work:

  1. The ‘Waste’ featured in the images
  2. The action behind humans throwing away the things they do not consider important.
  3. The consequences of disposing items to ‘Waste’ away.
  4. The title is written sideways to give a ‘scientific document’ feel.

I repeated the same pattern of images throughout the book, to give an organised aesthetic. The circle images are placed alongside their close-up comparisons to show the detail in the items depicted. I chose to make many of my images full scale, as they all have dark backgrounds. Black is used in a minimalistic style to emphasize the items, as well as being associated with darkness and negativity to reflect the topic of pollution.

Link to Nick’s Blog

Zoe Pannenborg: A State of Contentment

Essay: How does subjectivity affect the authenticity of photographs representing third world countries?

I decided the title of my book ‘ A State of Contentment’ when i was actually in Burkina Faso completely submerged in the situation that i was in. The idea came to me when we were on the building site discussing the local community and thinking of all the things we are grateful for that we were getting to go home to. It was evident to us that we would only be in Africa living a minimalist life for a few weeks whereas the reality for the local community was that they would be experiencing this hardship for the most of their lives. Although this seems like a harsh thought we had all noticed that even though the community had so little they were utterly content with what they had and i said during this discussion that it seemed as though they were in a state of contentment, because the community truly were in a state of peaceful happiness. I put the title and my name on the cover so that the writing did not take away from the cover image.

Read Zoe’s BLOG

Charlie Bell: Nitimur In Vetitum

Link to his essay: How does Troy Paiva use the themes of isolation and loneliness in his work?

The subject of the book is abandoned buildings and night life in Jersey, that is linked to my youth. As a child I always went and explored abandoned places and old German bunkers and castles. I believe this could shows my curiosity to explore the unknown and look at places that are unnoticed. I also want to give the person who is looking at my photos the feeling of nostalgia. My main inspiration is the work of Troy Pavia who used ‘painting with light’ techniques in the deserts of California, Navada, Arizona, Utah and finally Texas.

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Charlie Craig: WATCH OUT

Essay: Looking at the work of Sophie Calle and Thomas Ruff: How does mass surveillance and the ‘big brother theory’ cause a common paranoia and feeling of insecurity within the general public?

In my design specification I stated ”Some images will be best as full page spreads (single or double), some images will look best with boarders and some will look best grouped together, and therefore I am not going to limit myself by completely sticking to one uniformed layout and will instead lay out my photographs in the way which I believe individually best suits them…The sequencing of images in the book I intend to follow a narrative of how surveillance is evolving/developing. So as the book continues the images represent closer and more personal forms of  surveillance, such as surveillance through our own devices. Whereas in the beginning it will look at visual forms of surveillance (birds) and then early forms of technological surveillance (CCTV etc.)” This, as I said, was something which I definitely followed up on and stuck to.

Link to Charlie’s Blog

Harrison Cummins:  Over The Fence

Essay: How do photographers Doug DuBois and Robert Clayton represent social divisions in their work?

For the majority of my coursework, I focused primarily on my first photo book by capturing and sifting through 1600 images, editing the ones I thought best-suited my project and then becoming accustom to the online book publication ‘Blurb’. In retrospect, I struggled with this particular project as I found the content rather intrusive and the self-reflection into my own feelings was an intrinsic exposure I had never experienced before. However, I am glad I studied what I did as I believe I have become more self-aware as well as starting to make a conscious effort into helping my step-brother through the process I had once undergone. I steered my attention to my socio-economic surroundings in my early life by capturing Noah in his current environment, giving the perception Noah is a reincarnation of my younger self. When I began the project, my teacher had requested I focused on something thats personal with depth and meaning, and when it came to the planning stages of my project, I realized I was drawn to capturing former situations which I experienced. By focusing on this subject, I believe I created a unique narrative which focuses on what I’m looking at, but the subject of each image I am looking at is reflecting back at me and revealing small but significant elements of my childhood story. Overall, I didn’t enjoy photographing my photography coursework as it invaded my personal emotions and feelings, but in retrospect, I believe that’s what elements are photography about; pushing yourself to identify or explore minor subjects in a unique perception.

Link to Harrison’s Blog

Caitlyn O’Malley: Through the Eyes of a Child

Link to essay: What is the relationship between photography and memory, or loss of memory?

Throughout this project I have stuck with my main theme of my childhood memories. However, I have adapted what I wanted to do with my theme. To begin with, I didn’t want to include photographs of people but that changed after I looked through my families archives. I ultimately used a collage of old photographs in order to showcase how we each have our own memories, as well as creating a link to my essay on how photography and memories go hand in hand. To showcase the time of these memories, I made the collage on the back of the book focused on images of my grandparents and their lives while the collage on the front cover focuses on my parents lives.

Read more on her BLOG

EXAM PROJECT: In her exam Caitlyn produced another photo book: which achieved the highest marks. We recommend that you have a look at it as it is great example on how to make significant improvement from one book to another.

Bethany Mildren: Inked

Link to her essay: How does Jono Rotman and Danny Alexander use portraiture to represent different identities? 

My aim is to explore the question that I have about people’s identity ; How do you present who you are? I wish to dive into the expressive forms of tattooing, the permanence of a part of who you are. Over the year, I have had the continuous stream of questions like ‘Why would you do that to your body?’ , ‘You know that’s permanent right?’ and ‘I could never do that to myself?’. There has always been a stigma around people with tattoos which upsets me as it can be a beautiful artform to express your identity. In this project I will document my friends’ and families’ tattoos and pair the photos with what they mean to them, either a handwritten note from them or an object/photo that ties in with the meaning behind. I’m exited to do more research into this subject matter, including the history and culture values which i can add to my final piece if appropriate. 

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Nathan Healey: Mr Ronald Welling and Mrs Welling

Essay: To what extent can we trust documentary photography to tell the truth about reality?

On a basic level I believe my exploration into the terms of occupation and liberation went well. The terms were broad and allowed me to consider many different opportunities to explore, but I felt looking at the occupation my Grandparents lifestyle was a perfect fit. At first I was a little worried as I knew my portraits were not always my strong point within photography, but I knew it would allow me to refine and develop me skills within this area of photography. Using artists such as Walker Evans, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Laura Blight and many allowed me to explore different ways to present my Grandparents lifestyle through portraits and landscapes. Initially, I wanted to focus of both my Grandma and Grandad but as my project developed I made the decision to place the central focus on my Grandad due to his higher position within the family hierarchy and how he considers himself the backbone of the household. At first, I looked at just capturing portraits and understood that my narrative of my book would need a change of pace and so I decided to explore the interior and exterior of their house and the relationship between landscape and person. In terms of photographic styles my project follows a documentary style as I try and capture the reality of my Grandparents lifestyle. I often found it challenging to produce reliable imagery as I did not want to ‘intrude’ on my Grandparents, but I felt as the project went along the bond between me and my Grandparents became stronger allowing me to decode their lifestyle more.

Link to Nathan’s Blog

Peter Le Gal: Please, Father Help Me 

Essay: In what way has Carolle Benitah and Laia Abril used different photographic processes and techniques in experimenting, responding to the notion of family archives and complex emotions?

Peter Le Gal exam projectBaptism

Read more on his BLOG

The exam brief was to create photos around the words Freedom and Limitations. I made a book with the name Baptism. The reason for this is because when a person is baptized it is a symbolic representation of what God has done in their life. In this we believe God has washed away the old life and this person has started a new life with god. ‘Old’ and ‘New’ are keys words in the context of my book. By using software I was able to change the original colors and intensify them. Giving these photos New Life with New Colors.

Previously I have been studying the spiritual link between color and the soul. I read the book ‘Concerning the Spiritual in Art’ by Wassily Kandinsky, in this he writes about how certain colors can effect human emotions differently. I wanted this to be the case with my book. Baptism is a very spiritual thing and I found calling my book that linked everything together nicely. When a person is baptized the person has the Freedom to start over to begin a new life. Before these photos were Limited by the colors that they were captured in. But I have given these photos the Freedom to change, to be something new, with new colors that effect the soul differently to when the photos were initially taken.

My intentions were always to have a book that explores family and how a belief and faith can connect a family as well as help it. Throughout my book I have placed photos like the one you can see below. This was useful to break up the photos as otherwise it could be considered very repetitive. Many of these family archive photos have been altered in some way or other. A continuing theme was red, this was meant to represent God as in the bible when the text is red it is Jesus talking. These photos are very symbolic. They were inspired by the photographer Jonny Briggs and Carol Benitah. Jonny Briggs is a photographer that actually visited our school. He asked us to manipulate, physically change the images to not be afraid of making mistakes. This opened a whole new realm of creativity for me and it gave me so many ideas of how I wanted to explore this. This played a part in the making of the book.

Link to Peter’s Blog

Megan Woolsgrove: La Motte

Essay: How do the photographers Chrystel Lebas and Mandy Barker explore issues of the changing environment?

I started my project with the intention of exploring issues of pollution and plastic specifically, taking inspiration from the photographer Mandy Barker and experimented in my first shoot by taking images with string infront of the lens looking at rules of manipulation. I then found the photobook ‘The Meadow’ by photographers Barbara Bosworth and Margot Anne Kelley which is what first interested me in photographing and exploring specific areas, as well as gathering objects and photographing them. I also discovered the photographer Chrystel Lebas and her photobook ‘Field Studies: Walking through Landscapes and Archives’ which is where I read about the changing environment. She compared her modern images to the photography of Edward James Salisbury in the early 20th century and walked in his footsteps, going to the same areas he did to explore how the environment had changed over 100 years. This is where I decided that the concept for my project would be looking at how the natural environment had changed over 90 years at the location La Motte. I found archival images from this area and thought i would build my photobook around them, comparing and contrasting them to my own images. I noticed Lebas’ influences from sublime ideologies by Edmund Burkina his book ‘Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful’,with her images being vast and other-worldly, which is an aspect I wanted to reflect in my own work.  From then on, I did an additional five shoots where i went and took landscape images of La Motte and at the same time gathered natural objects that i found on the island and the beach i.e. rocks, seaweed, flowers. I did multiple shoots where I photographed these objects formally with plain background and edited them to reflect the work of early botanists where they used light sensitive paper to create photograms. I did this as i thought it would give my project and photobook a scientific appearance and reflect that of an investigation into a specific area. Towards my final shoots, I walked around La Motte and tried to find man made objects that I could photograph to perhaps represent how the natural landscape had changed.

Link to Megan’s Blog

Ari Gamble: Untitled

Link to essay: How does the work of Francesca Woodman and Carolle Benitah explore isolation through self-portraiture?

I want to explore how moving from where I have grown up has impacted my life, whilst also adjusting to and finding beauty in a new place. I want this book to primarily focus on family and my relationships with them whilst growing up.

Explore more on her blog here

Eleanor Gilson: Erasure and Uncomfortable Skin

Essay: Can identity be expressed in a portrait?

To conclude, this project has overall been successful in terms of recording and capturing the concepts which I brought into the project, focusing on self identity. Given the titles ‘Occupation Vs Liberation’ I had a large range of work I could explore, however I found the idea that suited best was the liberation of personal identity and the occupation of your own thoughts. Initially I wanted to focus on the destruction of self portraits that would reflect a physical emotion towards these pictures, but through experimentation and photoshoots I created images that reflected an identity. Through my responses to Francesca Woodman and Edward Honaker I was able to combine both response imagery together in which they completed each other and formed a narrative. The narrative being the unwanted identity I was given and how I view myself within those images. Within my final zines I utilised self portraits both archival and new so that it was reflected even as I grew, the sense of unease was consistent.

Study her blog here

For my final pieces, I am very proud in how I managed to construct 2 photographic zines, a storage box for them and a mobile for my mounted and hung images. I wanted everything to be done by hand because it was a project about myself and I don’t think something made by a machine would convey the right message.

Kristiana Ambrasa: Le Seuil De Pauvrete

Essay: In what way does Nick Hedges portray a sense of state discrimination and hopelessness through his monochromatic imagery?

This project has overall been very successful in terms of recording and capturing the concepts which I brought into this project, focusing on three main concepts, the housing crisis, nostalgia and control. I took significant inspiration from the slum photographer Nick Hedges and used his conceptual and contextual intents within my own work, bringing awareness to the housing crisis here in Jersey. In order to respond to my personal study I employed the use of both a film camera and digital camera. As I used the theme of nostalgia, the use of a film camera is an effective way to display this through the grainy and soft nature of the photos themselves. The subject of my images is the low cost, affordable housing which can be rented in Jersey. I contacted estate agents in order to show the contrast of the way in which housing agents glorify these homes in a way which makes them more commercially appealing, versus what the reality of them are. I focused on small and minor details which distinguish each property such as the flooring, bathrooms and kitchen cabinet. I photographed the exterior of buildings, going around the dingier parts of St.Helier which depict the depressing lifestyle some people face by living in the urbanized town center.

Link to her blog

Orla Worthington: Ascension

Essay: To what extent have the movements Romanticism and Surrealism, effected the view of the Sublime, shown through artists; Tim Walker and Julia Margaret Cameron

When developing my final book I wanted to have something unique, something I have never done before, and originality that meant my final presentations will be unlike any others. To do so I started off with developing the book. I Knew for my book I wanted to create a black and white tonal book. This soon transpired to having silver and black ink inverted to create glowing images. I also knew that for my narrative of life from birth to death, told through the story of creation, That I would need a long narrative. To do so I first off assigned myself 100 pages, then narrowing down only the best images to around 87 pages in total. Furthermore, to go in hand with his over exaggeration of visual overload due to the volume, I decided to have an image on every single page, so to go hand in hand with this large effect. In the end I was left with an array of different displays, differing from two full bleeds, to some with black boards to full double page spreads. The distorted array not being continually mimicked was very effective and something which Made the narrative of my book, perhaps, more enjoyable, as you are able to take your time when looking through each of the images. As spoken about previously the finality of my book was found within previous books such as Astres Noirs.

Link to Blog

Niah Da Costa: Espera

For my photo book, the main theme was intimacy and young love. I wanted to explore my relationship with my boyfriend and show a series of different styles of images. I called this photo book “Espera” which means to wait in Portuguese, as this word (besides love) is a word that both Jack and I use frequently. Read more on her BLOG here.

Aimee Low: Nothing Can Come Between Us

Study her blog here

For my personal investigation I intend to create a photo-book project around the theme of documenting the youth of today and our culture, which is rarely portrayed accurately in the media, this may also include certain subcultures that I could decide to delve into. I will try the best I can to capture and achieve a realistic portrait of each individual person. The question then arises, ‘What does a ‘real photo’ even look like: is it something you can hold? Is it something you can see on a screen and alter?’ (Bright, S. and Van Erp, H. 2019: 17.) I hope to answer this question throughout my efforts of trying to capture a ‘real’ portrait of an individual. How much can you really tell about a person through looking at a mere photograph of them?

Jasmin RossHandle With Care

I have made a book which is called Handle With Care, it is about the history of St Saviours hospital from when it first opened in 1869 to when it closed. The layout of the book starts from the outside, goes inside then, then you meet 3 patients, it stays inside then it goes outside again to finish the book. My book is 108 pages and it has a combination of text, double page spreads and single image pages. My book is split into two parts of Archival material which was the basis of my work which i went a collected and photographed then next part is of my own images which i made of the outside of the abandoned building.

Read more here on her BLOG

Handle With Care

Rosanna ArmstrongHis Master’s Voice

Overall I have found my personal study project very interesting. Assisting with the wider project in collaboration with the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive and National Trust has meant that I have been involved with research and discoveries as well as having access to exciting photographic opportunities.  I was originally introduced to the collection of Francis Foot’s photographs in October last year while interring at the SJ Photographic Archive and since then have been involved in a lot of work developing a project around it in connection to the building restorations. I started by researching the family and history of the buildings and familiarising myself with the collection by updating the database. One of the most interesting areas of my project was actually visiting the buildings while  they were in the process of being restored. This allowed me to connect the knowledge of the past to the present and explore the idea of preserving built heritage in connection to the historical photographic aspect.  This relates to my interest in local history and the development of photography as an art form. Having knowledge of the past inhabitants reflects the human side of buildings and memories and traces associated with them.  Some of the small details such as the image found behind the mirror and writing on the walls were particularly striking examples of this.  It has also been interesting to explore family portraiture throughout time  and conduct various shoots with my own family including one specifically connected to the Foot Shops.

Read more here on her BLOG

Nina Powell: Jersey Folklore

Beliefs and superstitions revolving around mythical characters in Jersey, Channel Island are common. The ancient lanes overhung with vegetation look almost like dark tunnels leading into the unknown. Unexplained ruins dotted around the coast add to the air of mystery and Island people with a long and proud history have many stories to tell which have been passed down from generation to generation. In this photo book I have explored three of Jerseys most famous and well-known legends, portraying each one with a series of environmental portraits, studio shots and landscape photographs. The first legend tells the story of the poor Bride of Waterworks Valley, the second shows the demonic presence down at  Devil’s Hole and the third looks into the many tales of Witchcraft in Jersey. This project is my response to the provided themes of ‘truth, fantasy and fiction’, as well as the beautiful depictions of myths created by other photographers. My aim for this photo book was to recreate some of our islands most interesting history using beautiful and insightful visuals. By doing this I hope to bring these legends back to life in this colourful yet ominous series.

Read more here on her BLOG

Cerian Mason: Untitled

I produce a large amount of documentary style images revolving around the more shadowed teenage social life. This involves being in a lot of places we shouldn’t be, drinking too much and probably a little more nudity that this blog is ready for. Below is a selection of my project work over the last few weeks presenting a range of locations – from abandoned hotels to out of hours nightclubs – featuring my friends being strange and causing trouble. There are some clear trends in the image I create such as the selective palettes and tight range of colours and the positioning of characters – these images were not directed at all though the figures were of course aware I was photographing them. This photobook was made using bookwright software and will be printed as a portrait A4 project. Many of the design ideas for this projects are inspired from artists and graphic designers I have studied over the last two years such as Lotta Nieminen. Studying the graphic designer’s personal projects. I took particular notice of the image layouts and use of overlapping text. There is a carefully controlled colour palette and minimalistic design which aids the presentation of images in such a publication. Benjamin Koh’s project work again has a strong graphic theme which uses a muted colour palette to emphasize the continued sense of photographic narrative. His pages tend to be uncluttered and minimal which draws attention to the graphic images in each of the carefully constructed double-page spreads. These elements were crucial to my own work, ensuring that images would be easily visible and clearly presented.

Read more here on her BLOG

Max HillmanThe Getaway

There is a consistency of monochrome tones and grainy, heavy contrasted images. Throughout my project I have looked at documentary photographers such as Larry Clark and Jacob Sobol, and upon reviewing their work i have grown a love for their styles. The layout and the order of the images is important as the book needs to flow, almost the same way a story does. I need to find similar groups of images and order them carefully one by one so the book feels as if it has a narrative. I started with a small, shadow filled image of my face as the book is about my teenage life with friends. I followed this by a double sided silhouette of a friend in the school car park leaning up against a car. I wanted to start the book of with images based around friends and our utilisation of cars. These next pages were organised to follow the theme around cars, starting with another image of friends in the school car park between lessons, leading to images in cars at night time.

Read more here on his BLOG

Gio RiosHome Sweet Home?

In terms of my title, I called my book ‘home sweet home?’. This is of course a common household saying, that I have added a question mark to. Due to the fact that my home life is fairly broken and has been on and off my entire life, which makes it far from ‘sweet’. On the first page within my book I write the quote ‘family means no one gets left behind or forgotten’. This is controversial from the start, as my farther had done exactly this from my birth, which is ultimately what stems my thoughts and feelings towards a lot of my family life and the reasons for the decisions made within this book.

Read more here on his BLOG

Here I feature a stand alone image of an ultrasound of me. This is used to imply that I am the center of this book and that this is my own representation. The inclusion of juxtaposing images, put alongside one another, help to emphasise my emotions towards certain characters within my book.

My granddad is someone who has consistently been in and out of my life, throughout my upbringing. Therefore I feature him alongside a set of spiraling stairs to imply that he has spiraled out of my life.

Rochelle MerhetRyan

The first step I took to my project inspired by the work of the artists I have studied and discussed was look at my own archived family photographs. I have a huge selection taken by my parents featuring me and my brother, many appeared very informal depicting me and my brother playing and laughing at each other, which gave the ability to see the relationship between me and my brother and how it has developed. Much like any family album, these photographs share a very personal importance to me. I wanted to use photographs that depicted who I was as well as my brother in my book as a way of a candid reflection of what my childhood was like and how I felt about it. Similar to the work of Carolle Benitah I wanted to make physical alterations to the photographs to further explore the notion of nostalgia, memories and the relationships between family members, in particular between me and my brother. I wanted use their project as a way to further understand myself through the use of memories and photographs to build and develop and understanding of who me and my brother are today and in particular our differences which are created from the notion of ‘nature and nurture’.

Read more here on her BLOG

Hayli DuckerMy Bones Hurt

I took huge inspiration from photographers such as Thilde Jensen, Jo Spence and Francesca Woodman, these three photographers all explored their illnesses through photography which I thought would help me come to accept my diagnosis. As Jo Spence explained, photography can be used as therapy, “literally using photography to heal ourselves.” Through taking these photographs to document my illness like a diary I came to terms with it and learnt to adapt and slowly started to be able to have a normal life again just at a slower pace than before. For me this was a difficult subject matter to explore as I try and keep it rather private, friends know about it but I try to keep it private from classmates and the general public. I don’t want people to look at me differently and I found I felt rather vulnerable exposing the one thing I do my best to hide.


Link to her blog:

Jessica FreireDomestic 

My personal study is about my mother who immigrated to Jersey in 1987, from a disadvantaged background in the hopes of having a better life. My mother is the eldest child of six, who grow up in a village called Machico on the south east side of the Island of Madeira. After leaving school at the age of 9 to work on the land to provide for her family, she developed a hard working discipline. Currently, she is the breadwinner within my family working in five different jobs all within the domestic area. In my personal study I am exploring how my mum’s role as a breadwinner abdicates from her culture and stereotypical role within a household.

Link to her book Domestic


Explore research, ideas, experimentation on the her blog:

Sian CummingThe Butler

As a photographer, it is important for me to express details about my life to almost create a biography through photographs. I chose to use my dad for my project as his job has impacted my life since day 1. My dad is the Butler for the Lieutenant Governor of Jersey and has enabled me to have an insight into the life of royalty. My dad’s responsibilities are; ensuring the house events run smoothly, he also manages the house staff and liaises with his Excellency and Lady Mc Cole for all their requirements. I have lived in the grounds of Government House all my life and have truly honoured living here. Our tight community has really impacted my life and the way I am, as I also work as a waitress for Government House functions, I have been taught the type of service required for the Governor and his guests by my Dad himself. It was an honour to follow the footsteps of my dad and what he does at work and for the Governor to allow me take photographs of him off duty was a privilege in itself. To me, family is the most important aspect in life, it’s the root to our personality.  Family is the single most important influence in a child’s life. From your first moments of life, you depend on parents and family to protect and provide for your needs. They form your first relationships with other people and are your role models throughout life. Researching into the way different photographs express the notion of home was truly inspiring and made me want to produce something that shows how my life has been


Link to her blog

Viviana Maia: Destruction is Creation

I created this photographic book called “Creation Is Destruction” as an outlet to show how not everything we see is the truth. As part of our exam project, I decided to focus on the theme of truth to be able to have a chance of telling my own version of events that have occurred throughout my life. The main theme of my photo book is the sense that when you destroy something, you forget that you are always creating something new. I used that notion to therefore allow myself to create a whole new truth about who I am, where I came from and what it all means to me.  I decided to use archival images from when I was a child as well as images taken from family photo albums which I then digitalised and this is when I began my destruction process. I ripped up, stitched together, erased people and added people to my photographs to create a new truth and a new sense of reality that, at that time I still had no idea what it was going to be until I left everything I grew up with behind and started a whole new life in a completely different place.


Link to her blog


Holly Benning: Three Chapters

I have explored how the invisible can be captured and portrayed through the medium of photography. And why memories hold such a powerful influence over our past, present and future. I have looked at what makes a photograph meaningful, what gives a photograph reality and how through photography the memory of a person can live on. My project focused on exploring the invisible through three female generation’s memories; this included my grandmother, my mother and myself. These distinctive viewpoints enabled my project to become more personal and really seek the depths of my grandfather’s life. I think memory is more than simply remembering a once present thought, but it is about connecting with the past in order for it to live on. We are made up of fragmented memories and forgotten dreams. Our entirety rests in the fate of old letters, burnt photographs and meaningless possessions. We never question the invisible, it is as though we are on a relentless pursuit to try and capture what we cannot see.  We abide by the rules and limitations that are enforced by the concept of death. But what happens to those who become untouchable, those who are no longer part of the flux. Their existence becomes empty and lost; they are no longer perceptible to the eye. We yearn to cherish the ‘good’ memories and except the restrictions we are faced with, regarding mortality. In doing so, the feeling of life is created; the tangibility of pleasure and pain enters our worlds and consumes us. But, photographs hold heritage and meaning, they have a depth of knowledge and feeling to them.


Link to her blog:

Personal Study | 2015-16

Bryony SandersonGie us a wee word wi’ yer Mum:

The title of this work is phrase I would hear both my Scottish Grandparents say almost every time I answered the phone.  During this project, I focused on my Scottish Heritage and the difficultly living in Jersey has bought to our relationship with my Grandparents.

Bryony’s exam project: Artificial

Being surrounded and fascinated in the prosthetic world through my parents’ occupation, I felt that this to be an appropriate area to explore under the theme flaws and imperfections. From the moment the idea sprung to mind, I knew this was going to be a challenge, being well aware it would push my abilities as an amateur photographer. However, I was firm in my decision to pursue this, making it my goal to depict the power, strength and determination of amputees, and how in-fact, their ‘imperfection’ or ‘flaw’ as some would call it, is certainly not a flaw at all.  Stuart Penn, the focus of my photographs, was such a pleasure to work and a huge inspiration, giving us the powerful message that anything really is possible. I feel honoured to have had the opportunity of taking his photographs and gaining insight into his incredible lifestyle.

Eve Ozouf A Lekker Christmas

For this project I captured the highlights of my family holiday to Durban, South Africa for Christmas 2014. The images were captured in a documentary style, which is my preferred approach as I enjoy capturing family life as well as landscapes where human activity has occurred. The word ‘Lekker’ which I used to describe my Christmas means ‘good’ in the native language of Afrikaans. My photographs show a variety of environments that South Africa has to offer with its vast land including urban built up areas to the deserted African plains. Some images show the ‘Durbanite’ way of life, including where my 14-year-old cousin demonstrates how to use my grandfather’s rifle to shoot the annoyingly noisy ‘Hadeda’ birds. South Africa is full of vibrant colours and textures which I particularly focused on when producing this body of work as a photograph isn’t just about how it looks, it’s how you imagine it feeling. A lot of experimentation was used to bring out different styles of photography including slow shutter speeds to dramatise events such as the bonfire sprites floating towards the sky. For me, these images capture the quality of life South Africa has to offer and should make the viewers want to visit this beautiful country for themselves.

Oliver Sharman You’s Company, Me’s a Crowd 

This photo book is in an autobiographical form, whereby I am re-enacting events that occurred in my recent life, venturing from visiting my brother at university and the hungover pain this brough, to partying and hanging out with friends in all manner of ways and the aftermath of this. So, here is an insight into me, often eventful life of a teen in the island of Jersey.

Matt PalmerI Need A Shovel  

This photobook is the story of my Granddad, the house he has lived in since the 1960s and the clearing out of the house as it is now need to be sold. The name of this project came from my Dad. Him and a couple of others when ahead to my Granddad’s house whilst I went with my Aunt to pick my Granddad up. My Dad had the job of removing the upstairs toilet, which, when it stopped working, my Granddad kept on using it until it overflowed. When my Aunt and I arrived the first thing my Dad said to his sister was ‘I Need A Shovel.’ We all found that line funny when we heard it and then that line just stuck with me.

Lots of people can see little bits of themselves when they see my granddad’s hoarding, be it from collecting newspapers, or postcards, or whatever they’ve collected, it can all be related to what my Granddad has done over the past 50 years.

It is a growing problem. The family need to sell the house as the people next door want to buy the house, however, my Granddad doesn’t want anything to go or be moved. I feel that this could be happening to lots of people across not just the UK but the world. This project will speak to lots of families who are facing the same problem.

Matt PalmerA Little Bit Longer: 

Not all disabilities are visible. You could know some your whole life and never know that they have a severe, life-long condition. On Tuesday 14th July 2009, I was diagnosed with an invisible illness; Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, a condition when the pancreas in the body loses the ability to produce insulin independently. Day to day, my life hasn’t changed; however, I have to inject myself four times a day, and manually balance my sugar levels for the rest of my life.

As diabetes is something you cannot see, it was very hard to photograph it. I took inspiration from Elinor Carucci, an Israeli-American photographer who photographed herself with her children from when she was pregnant, through the birth to her children growing up. Her work involves very revealing, close-up self-portraits to capture her emotions. I found this style to be inspiring in capturing one’s self, and adopted this style into my own.

This is the first time I have ever turned the camera on myself. You would think it would be hard, however, it was just like I was being a model for someone else, and since I’m very open, talking about my diabetes, I found it easy to show my emotions. Photographing events from having low blood sugar level in the middle of the night, to a regular check-up at the diabetes Centre, to an eye-screening at the hospital, and the different physiological outcomes I had to injure, all within one week.

Tom Rolls: Angel; The Perfect being?  

With this work, I am exploring Angels in relation to the project brief “Perfection/Imperfection” which I chose as part of my A2 final Photography exam. Throughout the project, my aim was to rekindle an idea of the Angelic being in relation to different people’s perceptions; for faith, protection, happiness, balance etc. I spoke with a number of different people about their definition of an Angel and what it meant to them.

I interviewed my local church vicar who gave me a very brought insight into angels in both a religious and personal sense. I came away bewildered at the fact that Angels are a very important part of people’s lives, and realised that there is a whole other dimension to the subject. Having researched and gained enough primary knowledge, I began transforming these different perceptions into my own interpretations and pieced together a visual binding of all the ways in which an Angel spoke to me through others. I made a film which documents my journey in the sense of exploring what angels actually symbolise today, and how its image and meaning has changed over time. I hope you will also find this a journey for yourself and come away reflecting on this inner dimension from your own personal viewpoint. Are angels in fact the perfect being, or is it in fact their imperfections which make them so sacred?CONTEXTUAL STUDIESPHOTO LITERACYWRITING


In this folder here you can find texts to read in relation to a number of subjects and themes below. Some of these files are too large to upload to the blog here so go to the folder below.

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Photography Histories
Identities > Codes > Meaning

Well, L (2002) ‘Roland Barthes: Extracts from Camera Lucida’ in The Photography Reader. London: Routledge.
– You can also read the entire book here.

Barthes, R. (1977). ‘The Photographic Message’ in Image, Music, Text. London: Fontana Press

Well, L (2002). Extracts from The Work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction’ in The Photography Reader. London: Routledge.

– Read full text here in Benjamin, W. (1936) ‘The Work of Art in an Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ in Hannah Arendt (ed) (1973) Illuminations. London: Fontana Press

Campany, D. (2004) ‘Thinking and not thinking photography’. Engage 14 (Winter) The Photographic: 7:12. London.

Stahel, U. (2003) Well, What is Photography? Zurich: Scale.

Wells L. (1998). ‘Thinking about Photography’ in Photography: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge.

Documentary Photography
Realism > Representation > Ethics

A short PPT on Documentary Photography

Wells L. (1998). ‘The Photograph as Document’ in Photography: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge.

Bull, S. (2009), ‘The Photograph as Document’ in Photography. London: Routledge.

Bate, David (2016) ‘The Art of the Document’ in Art Photography. London: Tate Galleries.
– A text about how documentary photography now is considered within a fine-art context

Sontag, S. (1977) ‘In Plato’s cave’ in On Photography. London: Penguin Books.

Sontag, S. (1977) ‘Through a Glass Darkly’ in On Photography. London: Penguin Books.

Here some helpful resources on Sontag: On Photography from PhotoPedagogy

Rosler, Martha (1981) ‘In, around, and afterthoughts (on documentary photography)’ in Stallabras Julian (2013) Documentary. Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press.

Here is an introduction to Tagg, John (1998): A Burden of Representation. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

Photojournalism in Crisis in ‘ ‘

Shah, S (July 18 2008). Max Pinckers Interview: On Speculative Documentary [online]. Available at: [Accessed date accessed].
– A text about how fact and fiction today in documentary photography is blurred.

Solomon-Godeau, A. (1994), ‘Inside/ Out’ in Photography At The Dock: Essays on Photographic History, Institutions, and Practices. Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

Here some helpful resources on ethical questions regarding the photographer’s position of being inside or outside from PhotoPedagogy.

Hall, S. (2019). ‘Representation‘ in Dixon, M. Media Theory for A-Level Students. London: Routledge.

Henri Cartier-Bresson and the Decisive Moment

To me, photography is the simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as of a precise organization of forms which give that event its proper expression.

– Henri Cartier-Bresson, “Foreword,” The Decisive Moment

See blog post below on street photography with an introduction to Henri Cartier-Bresson and the decisive moment.

Summer Term: OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE | 2025 Photography A Level Blog

Here is a good overview of Henri Cartier-Bresson and his theory of the decisive moment at ICP (International Centre for Photography) in NYC.

Read review here by Leo Hsu in Fraction Magazine of Henri Cartier-Bresson and the re-issue of his publication; The Decisive Moment.

Watch Youtube clip here where Henri Cariter-Bresson himself talks about his theory of the decisive moment

Here is an online collection of Cartier-Bresson’s images held at Museum of Modern Art in New york (MOMA)

Listen to an audible comment from MOMA ) about one of Cartier-Bresson’s most celebrated images: Behind the Gare St. Lazare. 1932 | MoMA

Read interview here by The Guardian’s photography critic Sean O‘Hagan. Cartier-Bresson’s classic is back – but his Decisive Moment has passed

Clair, J. (2003). ‘Kairos: The Idea of The Decisive Moment in the Work of Cartier-Bresson’ in Henri Cartier-Bresson: the man, the image and the world. A Retrospective. London: Thames & Hudson.

All texts below are too large to upload to blog – find text here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Cartier-Bresson, H. (2014). The Decisive Moment. Gottingen: Steidl [reprint of original edition 1952]

Jeanneney, J-N. (2003). ‘Seeing is Everything’ in Henri Cartier-Bresson: the man, the image and the world. A Retrospective. London: Thames & Hudson.

Galassi, P. (2003). ‘And Everything in Between’ in Henri Cartier-Bresson: the man, the image and the world. A Retrospective. London: Thames & Hudson.

Clair, J. (2003). ‘Kairos: The Idea of The Decisive Moment in the Work of Cartier-Bresson’ in Henri Cartier-Bresson: the man, the image and the world. A Retrospective. London: Thames & Hudson.

Frizot, M. (2006). ‘Unpredictable Glances’ in Henri Cartier-Bresson: Scrapbook – Photographs 1932-1946. London: Thames & Hudson

Photography and Truth

Photography and Truth – see blog post with many resources.

Bright, S. (2019) Is it Real? in Photography Decoded. London: Tate Galleries.

See more short essays here in Photography Decoded

Photography & Truth

Issues in Photojournalism

Photojournalism: Truth, Representation, Propaganda, Aesthetics

Richard Billingham

Richard Billingham: Ray’s A Laugh – a photographer who worked on the inside documenting his parents life and relationship.

Interview Richard Billingham

Documentary film: Fish Tank based on his book and parents relationship

Feature film: Ray & Liz

Interview in The Guardian and The Observer by Tim Adams (2019)

Larry Sultan

a Review in the Guardian Newspaper.

Tableaux Photography
Pictorialism > Narrative > Cinema

A short PPT on Tableaux Photography

Bull, S. (2009), ‘The Photograph as Art’ in Photography. London: Routledge.

Bate, D. (2016) ‘Pictorual Turn’ in Art Photography. London: Tate Galleries.
a text about how Tableaux has been influenced by Pictorialism.

Bright, S. (2005). ‘Narrative’ in Art Photography Now. New York: Aperture.

Cotton, C. (2009). ‘Once Upon a Time’ in The Photograph as Contemporary Art. London: Thames & Hudson.

Photography and Family
Family albums > childhood > memories

Bull, S. (2009), ‘Phototherapy: The Family Album and Beyond‘ in Photography. London: Routledge.

Kuhn, A. ‘Remembrance: The Child I Never Was’ in Wells, L. (ed) (2003) The Photography Reader. London: Routledge

Hirsch, Marianne, Family Frames: Photography, Narrative and Postmemory. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Read Introduction: Family Frames.

There is a set of excellent texts on the photography and family, but there are all too large files to be uploaded on the blog – find text here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Howarth, S. (2016) ‘Is My Family Normal?’ in Family Photography Now. London: Thames & Hudson.

McLaren, S. (2016), ‘Thanks for Sharing!’, in Family Photography Now. London: Thames & Hudson

Williams, V. (2013). ‘Who’s Looking at the Family, Now’ in Family Politics, Issue 20. Brighton: Photoworks.

Photography and Memory

Kuhn, A. (2003). ‘Remembrance: The Child I Never Was’ in Wells L. (ed) The Photography Reader. London: Routledge

Here are a few online articles and photobooks on Photography and its relationship with memory. You should read them and references them in your essay.

Colberg, J (May 28, 2012) Photography and Memory
blogger on Conscientious

Anwandter, P. M. (26 April 2006), ‘Frames of Mind: Photography, Memory and Identity’. CUREJ – College Undergraduate Research Electronic Journal ( [Accessed Date Accessed]
– In Frames of Mind, I have sought to explore the themes concerning the dynamic construction of memory. What do we choose to remember and how do we reinforce it? Who are we in relationship to who we were? Working with a collection of over five hundred images accumulated throughout my life, I have reinvestigated the images and their interrelationship with one another.

A Matter of Memory: Photographs as Objects in the Digital Age 
An exhibition at George Eastman House
– Read a review on British Journal of Photography for a different perspective on the exhibition

Barthes, R (1982) Camera Lucida, London: Jonathan Cape

Overview of Barthes book Camera Lucida in Photo Pedagogy
The first half of this article talks about Barthes theory of a studium and punctum. The latter part about a photograph of his dead mother which allows him to think about memory.
Commentary on Barthes book

Rereading: Camera Lucida by Roland Barthes
Article by Brian Dillon in the Guardian, 26 March 2011
Grieving for his mother, Roland Barthes looked for her in old photos – and wrote a curious, moving book that became one of the most influential studies of photography

DEATH IN THE PHOTOGRAPH – critical article in response to Roland Barthes seminal book ‘Camera Lucida’ reflecting on photography.

Photography and Portraiture
Photographic gaze > Self-portraiture

Wells L. (1998). ‘The Photographic Gaze’ in Photography: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge.

Kelly, A. (1998). ‘Self Image: Personal is Political’ in Photography: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge.

Jones, A. (2002). ‘The Eternal Return: Self-Portrait Photography as Technology of Embodiment’ in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Vol. 27: Number 4). Chicago: University of Chicago Press

Rudd, N. (2021), The Self-Portrait. London: Thames & Hudson.
– too large a file to be uploaded to blog – find text here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Photography and Feminism
Gender Studies > Male/Female Gaze > Girlhood > Youth

See blog post below with introduction to key thinkers and theories around the photographic gaze:

Mulvey, L. (1973) ‘Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema’ in Screen (1975)

Judith Butler is an academic and writer who is an authority on feminism and gender studies, incl queer theory. Her seminal book is: Gender Trouble which we do have a copy of in the Library LRC and in Media. Here is a good overview of her work – make sure you read it all and watch video as well.

Butler, J. (2019). ‘Gender as Performance: Judith Butler’ in Dixon, M. Media Theory for A-Level Students. London: Routledge.

van Zoomen, L. (2019). ‘Feminist Theory’ in Dixon, M. Media Theory for A-Level Students. London: Routledge.

Jansen, C. (2017). Girl on Girl: Art and Photography in the Age of the Female Gaze. London: Laurence King Publishing.

Avgikos, J (2002) ‘Cindy Sherman: Burning Down the House’ in Well, L. The Photography Reader. London: Routledge.

Wells L. (1998). ‘The Subject as Object: Photography and the Human Body’ in Photography: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge.

Kotz, L. (1998) ‘”Aesthetics” of Intimacy’ in Bright, D. (1998) The Passionate Camera: Photography and bodies of desire. London: Routledge

Healy, C. M. (2023) Girlhood, London: Tate Enterprises Ltd.
Part 1
Part 2

Robert Mapplethorpe: The Male Gaze – in pictures. The Guardian

Justine Kurland

Bengal, R. (2020) ‘The Jeremys’ in Girl Pictures. New York: Aperture.

Kurland, J. (2020) ‘Cherry Bomb’ in Girl Pictures. New York: Aperture.

Kurland, J. (July 14 2020). Justine Kurland Reflects on Her Photographs of Teenage Girl Runaways. New York: Aperture

Jim Goldberg

Goldberg, J. (5 `May 2005) A Completely True Work of Fiction: Jim Goldberg’s Raised By Wolves. Magnum Photos: ( [Accessed Date Accessed]

Goldberg, J. (2 June 2021). Fingerprint: Tracing the Roots of Jim Goldberg’s Raised by Wolves. Magnum Photos: ( [Accessed Date Accessed]

Raised by Wolves video

Cindy Sherman

Paoli, J (2008). Deconstruction Woman: The works of Cindy Sherman. Bon À Tirer: The Western Undergraduate Journal of Art History and Visual Culture.

Cain, A. (2 June 2016), A Brief History of Cindy Sherman and Feminism [online]. Artsy Net: [Accessed Date Accessed]

Owen, S. R. (2014) Gender and Vision Through the Lens of Cindy Sherman and the Pictures Generation. Vermont: University of Vermont

Lots of interviews and video and with Cindy Sherman on MOMA

Have a look at Shan’s O’Donnell’s work here and when she was an A-level student?

In addition to the above digital/ online articles there are 4 excellent essays published in the book:

Cruz, A, A.T. Smith, E. and Jones, A. (1997). Cindy Sherman: Retrospective. Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art.

We have the book in the classroom and you can find essays as pdfs here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Francesca Woodman

Townsend, C. (2006) Francesca Woodman: Scattered in Space and Time. London: Phaidon Press Limited.
– A set of excellent essays on Woodman’s work, but too large files to be uploaded to blog – find text here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Online texts:

Reines, A. (4 April 2013). ‘An Hourglass Figure: On Photographer Francesca Woodman’ [online]. Los Angeles Review of Books: ( [Accessed Date Accessed]

Miller, C. (13 April 2016). The Dream of Reason: On Photographer Francesca Woodman. Electric Lit: ( [Accessed Date Accessed]

Moza, A. Thematic Essay about Francesca Woodman. Published on Academia ( [Accessed Date Accessed]
– You may have to setup an account to download. There are many other excellent essays on Woodman published and in many other subject areas.

Have a look at an essay and research by previous student, Francesca Hogan

Jo Spence and Photo-therapy

Martin, R and Spence, J. (2002) ‘Photo-Therapy: Psychic Realism as a healing art’ in Well, L. The Photography Reader. London: Routledge.

Jo Spence Memorial Library. London: Birkbeck: University of London.

Dennett, T. (2008): Jo Spence’s camera therapy: personal therapeutic photography as a response to adversity European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling (Volume 11, 2009 – Issue 1: Phototheraphy and Therapeutic Photography)

Heath, C. (2017). Work, Politics, Survival, British Journal of Photography

Weiser, J. (2005) Remembering Jo Spence: A Brief Personal and Professional Memoir… PhotoTherapy Centre

Jansen, C. (2020) Is Photography An Effective Form of Therapy? Elephant

Dennett, T. (2013). ‘Jo Spence’s Family Album’ in Family Politics, Issue 20. Brighton: Photoworks

Snapshot Photography
Vernacular photography

Bull, S. (2009), ‘Snapshots’ in Photography. London: Routledge.

Zuromski, C. (2009) . ‘On Snapshot Photography: Rethinking Photographic Powers in Public and Private Spheres’ in J.J. Long, Andrea Noble, Edward Welch, Photography: Theoretical Snapshots. London: Routledge.

Aesthetic Theory
Beauty > Sublimity > Judgement

The Concept of the Aesthetic

Read Greek philosopher Plato’s thesis on Beauty and Aesthetics.

Romanticism/ Sublime > Modernism/beauty >
Post-modernism/ New Topographics

Colin Pantall Landscape, Power and Climate Change

Adams, R (1996), Beauty in Photography, New York: Aperture
Read chapter 1 of same name

The Sublime

J. M. W. Turner’s painting: Snow Storm Steam Boat of Harbour’s Mouth

Youtube on Burke/ Sublime:

This article picks out key elements of Burke’s theory of the Sublime and also includes an analysis of painting by Casper David Friedrich:

New Topographics

Landscape as Photograph and Photograph as Landscape: The New Topographies
Source: Southwest Review , AUTUMN 1989, Vol. 74, No. 4 (AUTUMN 1989), pp. 422-465

Salvesen, B. (2009). New Topographics. Steidl: Gottingen

This text by Salvesen will provide you with the best knowledge and most detailed information about the New Topographics. Files are too large to upload, so find texts: Part 1, Part 2, part 3 and Part 4 here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Photography and Typology

Lange, S. (2017). Bernd & Hilla Becher – Typology. Munich: Schirmer Mosel Verlag.

Too large files to upload on blog – see Part 1 and Part 2 in folder on M:drive below

Schreier, C. (1996) August Sander. London: National Portrait Gallery.

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Doblin, A. (2008). August Sander: Face of Our Time. Munich: Schirmer/ Mosel

Photography and Colour
Origin > History > Development

Lowe, P. (2018). ‘Colour becomes Accepted Art’ in A Chronology of Photography. London: Thames & Hudson

Too large files to upload on blog – find texts here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Roberts, P. (2007). ‘What Came Before’ in The Genius of Colour Photography; From the Autochrome to the Digital Age. London: Goodman Carlton Publishing Group.

Roberts, P. (2007). ‘The Autochrome’ in The Genius of Colour Photography; From the Autochrome to the Digital Age. London: Goodman Carlton Publishing Group.

Roberts, P. (2007). ‘The Colour Boom’ in The Genius of Colour Photography; From the Autochrome to the Digital Age. London: Goodman Carlton Publishing Group.

Roberts, P. (2007). ‘Experiments in Colour’ in The Genius of Colour Photography; From the Autochrome to the Digital Age. London: Goodman Carlton Publishing Group.

William Eggleston

Jaeger, A-C. (2007). ‘Interview with William Eggleston’ in Image makers Image Takers. London: Thames & Hudson

Too large files to upload on blog – find texts here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Szarkowski, J. (2002). William Eggleston Guide. New York: Museum of Modern Art

Weski, T. (2008). ‘I Can’t Fly, But I Can Make Experiments’ in William Eggleston Democratic Camera: Photographs and Video, 1961-2008

Photography and Anthropology
Ethnography > colonialism

Ethnography and Photography: What Kind of Collaborations for What Kind of Communications?

Bull, S (2009), ‘Classification by Observation: Anthropology and Colonialism‘ in Photography. London: Routledge

Sealy, M. (2019), Decolonising the Camera: Photography in Racial Time. Chawell Heath: Lawrence and Wishart Ltd.

Edwards, E. (1992), Anthropology & Photography 1860-1920. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Warner Marien, M. (2006), ‘Photography and the Social Sciences’ in Photography: A Cultural History. London: Lawrence King Publishing

The two texts above are too large files to upload – find texts here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Essay tools\READING

Photography and Movement

Making Modernism: Muybridge and Marey, Photoworks

Marey and Chronophotography

Latsis. D. (2015) Landscape in Motion: Muybridge and the Origins of Chronophotography. Film History , Vol. 27, No. 3 (2015), pp. 1-40. Indiana: Indiana University Press

Read chapters in books which are in the classroom:

Frizot, M (1998), A New History of Photography. Cologne: Könemann. Read Ch 14: Speed of Photography

Warner Marien, M. (2002) Photography: A Cultural History. London: Lawrence King. Read chapter Science and Photography: The photography and Movement (pg 212-217)

Photography and Surrealism – influence of Freudian psychoanalysis

Bull, S. (2009) Photography. London: Routledge

Surrealism Art Movement: A Window into the Mind

Surrealism and Psychoanalysis – Smarthistory

Surrealism and Psychoanalysis

One photographer’s surrealist impression of mental illness

Photography: Postcolonialism, Postmodernism, Semiotics


DEADLINE: Essay Introduction Draft MUST be handed in Thursday 18 Dec 2024

DEADLINE: Final Essay MUST be handed in Fri 31 Jan 2025

ESSAY: In the Spring term will be spending 1 lesson a week every Wednesday on writing and developing your essay. However, you will need to be working it independently outside of lesson time.

Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Be aware of some of the methods employed by critics and historians within the history of art and photography.
  • Demonstrate a sound understanding of your chosen area of study with appropriate use of critical vocabulary. – use for image analysis
  • Investigate a wide range of work and sources
  • Develop a personal and critical inquiry.

Academic Sources:

  • Research and identify 3-5 literary sources from a variety of media such as books, journal/magazines, internet, Youtube/video .
  • Begin to read essay, texts and interviews with your chosen artists as well as commentary from critics, historians and others.
  • It’s important that you show evidence of reading and draw upon different pints of view – not only your own.
  • Take notes when you’re reading…key words, concepts, passages
  • Write down page number, author, year, title, publisher, place of publication so you can list source in a bibliography

Quotation and Referencing:

Why should you reference?

  • To add academic support for your work
  • To support or disprove your argument
  • To show evidence of reading
  • To help readers locate your sources
  • To show respect for other people’s work
  • To avoid plagiarism
  • To achieve higher marks

What should you reference?

  • Anything that is based on a piece of information or idea that is not entirely your own.
  • That includes, direct quotes, paraphrasing or summarising of an idea, theory or concept, definitions, images, tables, graphs, maps or anything else obtained from a source

How should you reference?

Use Harvard System of Referencing…see Powerpoint: harvard system of referencing for further details on how to use it.

Here is an full guide on how to use Harvard System of Referencing including online sources, such as websites etc.

Essay Question

  • Think of a hypothesis and list possible essay questions
  • Below is a list of possible essay questions that may help you to formulate your own.

Some examples of Personal Study essays from previous students:

Links to a previous essays: 

Pip Plummer: How does photography act as an important form of communication of both true and untrue subjects?

Julia Kochan: To what extent are photographs an accurate portrayal of memories and the past?

Olivia Mooney-Griffiths: In what way are family photographs extensions of our memories as well as our identities?

Sophie Marett: In what way have Robert Darch and Josef Sudek used their photography as a form of therapy? 

Shan O’Donnell: How is the work of Claude Cahun and Cindy Sherman questioning the politics of gender and female stereotypes?

Eleanor Jones: In what way have Mary Ellen Mark and Laia Abril portrayed women’s mental and physical health? 

Emma Price: In what way have Jim Goldberg and Ryan McGinley represented youth in their work?

Wiktoria Markiewicz: In what ways do alterations in Jessa Fairbrother’s work make the visible what is invisible?

Scarlett Sargeant: In what way does Justine Kurland & Michelle Sank explore youth and femininity through their work?

Emily Stubbs: How do Justine Kurland and Jim Goldberg portray childhood differently through their work?

Megan Hawthornthwaite: How is the work of Rinko Kawauchi inspired by Japanese Aesthetics and History? 

Lawrence Bouchard: What Constitutes a ‘Real’ Image?

Thomas Le Maistre: How do Robert Mapplethorpe and Karlheinz Weinberger portray ‘Lad Culture’ through the medium of portraiture?

Nic Rolland: In what ways have Rejlander and Shonibare explored narrative in their photography?

Charlie Barraud: How does Mitch Epstein express the notion of family and relationships in his work?  

Charlie Bell: How does Troy Paiva use the themes of isolation and loneliness in his work?

In what way does Nick Hedges portray a sense of state discrimination and hopelessness through his monochromatic imagery?

To what extent can we trust documentary photography to tell the truth about reality?

How does Jeff Wal’s Tableaux approach depict a seemingly photojournalistic approach?

Compare how Cindy Sherman and Phoebe Jane Barrett challenge gender stereotypes.

How can something that doesn’t physically exist be represented through photography?

To what extent does Surrealism create an unconscious representation of one’s inner conflicts of identity and belonging? 

How has children’s stories and literature influenced the work of Anna Gaskell and Julia Margaret Cameron?

How do Diana Markosian and Rita Puig-Serra Costa express the notion of family history and relationships in their work?

How does the work of Darren Harvey-Regan explore abstraction as an intention and process?

Some examples of Personal Study essays from previous students

In what way does Nick Hedges portray a sense of state discrimination and hopelessness through his monochromatic imagery?

To what extent can we trust documentary photography to tell the truth about reality?

How does Jeff Wal’s Tableaux approach depict a seemingly photojournalistic approach?

Compare how Cindy Sherman and Phoebe Jane Barrett challenge gender stereotypes.

How can something that doesn’t physically exist be represented through photography?

To what extent does Surrealism create an unconscious representation of one’s inner conflicts of identity and belonging? 

How does Carolle Benitah and Claudia Ruiz Gustafson explore their past as a method of understanding identity?

How has children’s stories and literature influenced the work of Anna Gaskell and Julia Margaret Cameron?

How do Diana Markosian and Rita Puig-Serra Costa express the notion of family history and relationships in their work?

How does the work of Darren Harvey-Regan explore abstraction as an intention and process?

Essay Plan:

Make a plan that lists what you are going to write about in each paragraph – essay structure.

  • Essay question:
  • Opening quote
  • Introduction (250-500 words): What is your area study? Which artists will you be analysing and why? How will you be responding to their work and essay question?
  • Pg 1 (500 words): Historical/ theoretical context within art, photography, visual and popular culture relevant to your area of study. Make links to art movements/ isms and some of the methods employed by critics and historian. 
  • Pg 2 (500 words): Analyse first artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
  • Pg 3 (500 words): Analyse second artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
  • Conclusion (250-500 words): Draw parallels, explore differences/ similarities between artists/photographers and that of your own work that you have produced
  • Bibliography: List all relevant sources used

Use of AI / ChatGPT – go to this blog post here for guidelines.

KEY TERMINOLOGY: Here is a link to a glossary of key words, glossary of photographic processes, glossary of art movements and genres, and linking words and phrases.


See below for a possible essay structure. Further help can be found here essay structure or see link here The Royal Literay Fund

Introduction (250-500 words). Think about an opening that will draw your reader in e.g. you can use an opening quote that sets the scene. You should include in your introduction an outline of your intention of your study e.g. what and who are you going to investigate. How does this area/ work interest you? What are you trying to prove/challenge, argument/ counter-argument? What historical or theoretical context is the work situated within. Include 1 or 2 quotes for or against. What links are there with your previous studies, if any? What have you explored so far, or what are you going to photograph? How will your work develop. What camera skills, techniques or processes have you experimented with, or are you going to experiment with?

Paragraph 1 Structure (500 words) Use subheadingThis paragraph covers the first thing you said in your introduction that you would address. The first sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraphOther sentences develop the subject of the paragraph.

Content: you could look at the followingexemplify your hypothesis within a historical and theoretical context.  Write about how your area of study and own work is linked to a specific art movement/ ism. Research and read key text and articles from critics, historians and artists associated with the movement/ism. Use quotes from sources to make a point, back it up with evidence or an example (a photograph), explain how the image supports the point made or how your interpretation of the work may disapprove. How does the photograph compare or contrast with others made by the same photographer, or to other images made in the same period or of the same genre by other artists. How does the photograph relate to visual representation in general, and in particularly to the history and theory of photography, arts and culture.

Include relevant examples, illustrations, details, quotations, and references showing evidence of reading, knowledge and understanding of history, theory and context!

See link to powerpoints: Pictorialism vs Realism and Modernism vs Postmodernism here

Paragraph 2 Structure (500 words) Use subheading. In the first sentence or opening sentences, link the paragraph to the previous paragraph, then introduce the main idea of the new paragraph. Other sentences develop the paragraphs subject (use relevant examples, quotations, visuals to illustrate your analysis, thoughts etc)

Content: you could look at the following...Introduce your first photographer. Select key images, ideas or concepts and analyse in-depth using specific model of analysis (describe, interpret and evaluate) – refer to your hypothesis. Contextualise…what was going on in the world at the time; artistically, politically, socially, culturally. Other influences…artists, teachers, mentors etc. Personal situations or circumstances…describe key events in the artist’s life that may have influenced the work. Include examples of your own photographs, experiments or early responses and analyse, relate and link to the above. Set the scene for next paragraph.

Include relevant examples, illustrations, details, quotations, and references showing evidence of reading, knowledge and understanding of history, theory and context!

Paragraph 3 Structure (500 words) Use subheading. In the first sentence or opening sentences, link the paragraph to the previous paragraph, then introduce the main idea of the new paragraph. Other sentences develop the paragraphs subject (use relevant examples, quotations, visuals to illustrate your analysis, thoughts etc)

Content: you could look at the following…Introduce key works, ideas or concepts from your second photographer and analyse in-depth – refer to your hypothesis…Use questions in Pg 2 or add…What information has been selected by the photographer and what do you find interesting in the photograph? What do we know about the photograph’s subject? Does the photograph have an emotional or physical impact? What did the photographer intend? How has the image been used? What are the links or connections to the other photographer in Pg 2? Include examples of your own photographs and experiments as your work develop in response to the above and analyse, compare, contrast etc. Set the scene for next paragraph.

Include relevant examples, illustrations, details, quotations, and references showing evidence of reading, knowledge and understanding of history, theory and context!

Conclusion (500 words) : Write a conclusion of your essay that also includes an evaluation of your final photographic responses and experiments.

List the key points from your investigation and analysis of the photographer(s) work – refer to your hypothesis. Can you prove or Disprove your theory – include final quote(s). Has anything been left unanswered?  Do not make it a tribute! Do not introduce new material! Summarise what you have learned. How have you been influenced? Show how you have selected your final outcomes including an evaluation and how your work changed and developed alongside your investigation.

Bibliography: List all the sources that you used and only those that you have cited in your text. Where there are two or more works by one author in the same year distinguish them as 1988a, 1988b etc. Arrange literature in alphabetical order by author, or where no author is named, by the name of the museum or other organisation which produced the text. Apart from listing literature you must also list all other sources in alphabetical order e.g. websites, exhibitions, Youtube/TV/ Videos / DVD/ Music etc.

Visual Storytelling

Once upon a time….

A well rehearsed phrase that we are all familiar with, invoking childhood memories of fairytales, grandparents recounting old days or stories around the campfire. American novelist Kurt Vonnegut argued that the quality that defined good storytellers was simply that they themselves loved stories.

See if you can identify the story that Vonnegut is illustrating here using a X / Y graph.

TASK 1: In pairs discuss how photography can tell stories and give examples?

think, pair, share…

Show me boards

Cold calling

Examples of visual storytelling:

FAMILY ALBUMS: images that charts events in the history of a family, such as portraits of family members, births/ christening, marriages/ weddings, holidays, birthdays, children at play, a new car etc.


WEDDING ALBUMS: a specific album produced with images from a weddings showing staged portraits and imagined snapshot following a formula of images depicting the wedding party, speeches, cutting the cake, first dance etc.

MOBILE PHONES / SOCIAL MEDIA: Digital images stored on mobile phones acting as a digital archive of your life. Images selected individually or in groups, edited using in-built software and shared on social media etc.

Pictures appear on the smartphone photo sharing application Instagram on April 10, 2012 in Paris, one day after Facebook announced a billion-dollar-deal to buy the startup behind Instagram. The free mini-program lets people give classic looks to square photos using "filters" and then share them at Twitter, Facebook or other social networks. AFP PHOTO THOMAS COEX (Photo credit should read THOMAS COEX/AFP/GettyImages)

A carefully considered se of images that together tells a story visually, published in magazines, newspapers or equivalent online platforms.

W. Eugene Smith: Country Doctor

PHOTO-ZINES: smaller low-fi and affordable publications with less pages, produced and self-published by artists/ photographers.

A selection of student zines from school trip to St Malo in 2023

PHOTO-BOOKS: More serious and long-form photographic studies about a specific subject, community or place that are produced in collaboration with photographer, writer, designer and publisher.

Hannah Fernandes: Saudades – a student photobook on mixed heritage of Portuguese/ Jersey identity

FILMS/ CINEMA: Films are 24 still-images every second played on a timeline. More complex stories can be told using images and sound combined.

Chris Marker: La Jattee, 1962 – a short film constructed using still-images only

NARRATIVE – a summary

Narrative is essentially the way a story is told. For example you can tell different narratives of the same story. It is a very subjective process and there is no right or wrong. Whether or not your photographic story is any good is another matter. 

An analogy: you witnessed a road accident and the police arrived to take statements from bystanders who saw the accident. Your version of events would be different to that of other witnesses or bystanders. They are both ‘true’ to what you saw and they both tell a different narrative depending on where you were in relation to the event, your point of view and how you remembered the event as it happened.

  1. Narrative is constructed when you begin to create relationships between images (and/or text) and present more than two images together.
  2. Your selection of images (editing) and the order of how these images appear on the pages (sequencing) contributes significantly to the construction of the narrative.

TASK 2: SEQUENCING: In pairs choose a newspaper and deconstruct it to re-configure a new narrative. You can cut, rip and tear sheets apart

Consider the following:

  • Think about what theme or story you wish to tell.
    Think about start, middle and end images.
  • Which images are major images (establishing shots, full page, double page), and minor images (portrait, detail shots, small images, multiple images on the page etc.)
  • Think about visual relationship between images and their juxtaposition e.g colour, shapes, subject, repetition, landscape, portrait, objects, details etc.
  • What happens or changes over the series of images?
  • Are you using your best images?
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fb4.jpg
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is MG_8866okok.jpg
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Where-Mimosa-Bloom_03-1024x682.jpg

Windows & Mirrors: CONTEXT

Task 1: Question: What are the differences between photographs that are WINDOWS and MIRRORS.

Answer in your own words and include quote from Szarkowski’s text and comment on it.

Task 2: Key words associated with:

MIRRORS: tableaux, subjective, romanticism, fiction, staged, personal, reflective, internal, manipulated

WINDOWS: documentary, objective, realism, candid, public, external, truthful, straight, optical, views…

Think of binary opposites…

Task 3: Upload your chosen image and describe why the image is either a mirror or a window, or both.

Mirrors and Windows

Do you remember the picture of a large bay window, the first paper negative ever to be made – that we watched in the film Fixing the Shadows – episode one of the first major television series devoted to the medium of photography, The Genius of Photography.  

‘Fixing the Shadows’ from BBC Genius of Photography, Episode 1.

In the summer of 1835 William Henry Fox Talbot experimented with various chemicals to develop paper coatings suitable for use in a camera. He placed small wooden cameras that his wife called “mousetraps” all over his estate. The earliest surviving paper negative dates from August 1835, a small recording of the bay window of Lacock Abbey (left). In 1978, the German photographer Floris Neusüss visited Lacock Abbey to make photograms of the same window. He returned again in 2010 for the Shadow Catchers exhibition at the V&A to create a life-sized version of Talbot’s window (below right).

That 1978 photogram was the start of our adventures in creating photograms of large objects in the places where we found them […] we took our equipment to Lacock Abbey and made a photogram of a fixed subject. This particular subject was for us not just a window in a building but an iconic window, a window on photography, opened by Talbot. The window is doubly important, because to be able to invent the photograph, Talbot first used photograms to test the light sensitivity of chemicals. His discovery became a window on the world. I wonder what percentage of our understanding of the planet we live on now comes from photographs?

— Floris Neusüss

The idea of photographs functioning like windows makes total sense. Like the camera viewfinder, windows frame our view of the world. We see through them and light enters the window so that we can see beyond. Photographs present us with a view of something. However, it might also be possible to think of photographs as mirrors, reflecting our particular view of the world, one we have shaped with our personalities, our subconscious motivations, so that it represents how our minds work as well as our eyes. The photograph’s glossy surface reflects as much as it frames. Of course, some photographs might be both mirrors and windows.

A window is a resource that offers you a view into someone else’s experience. A sliding door allows the viewer to enter the story and become a part of the world. A mirror is a story that reflects your own culture and helps you build your identity.

Photo-historian, Gerry Badger who was part of the editorial team producing the television series The Genius of Photography wrote in the introduction of the book of the same name that John Szarkowski’s distinction of photographs as ‘mirrors’ or ‘windows’ is useful, but only to a point, ‘because most photographs are both mirrors and windows.’ (Badger 2007:8)

The exhibition Mirrors and Windowsan exhibition of American photography since 1960, opened at The Museum of Modern Art, New York (MoMa) in July of 1978. The curator John Szarkowski’s attempted to categorise photographers whose work largely reflected the subjectivity of the artist in comparison with those whose work largely sought to see outside themselves. Szarkowski wrote in the catalogue essay that accompanied the exhibition:

“The two creative motives that have been contrasted here are not discrete. Ultimately each of the pictures in this book is part of a single, complex, plastic tradition. Since the early days of that tradition, an interior debate has contested issues parallel to those illustrated here. The prejudices and inclinations expressed by the pictures in this book suggest positions that are familiar from older disputes. In terms of the best photography of a half-century ago, one might say that Alfred Stieglitz is the patron of the first half of this book and Eugène Atget of the second. In either case, what artist could want a more distinguished sponsor? The distance between them is to be measured not in terms of the relative force or originality of their work, but in terms of their conceptions of what a photograph is: is it a mirror, reflecting a portrait of the artist who made it, or a window, through which one might better know the world?” 
— John Szarkowski, 1978

MIRRORS AND WINDOWS has been organized around Szarkowski’s thesis that such personal visions take one of two forms. In metaphorical terms, the photograph is seen either as a mirror – a romantic expression of the photographer’s sensibility as it projects itself on the things and sights of this world; or as a window – through which the exterior world is explored in all its presence and reality.

READ a pdf of the original book Mirrors and Windows: American Photography Since 1960 here and MoMa’s original press release (1978) here. As a critical point of view read also a a review here by Jed Pearl published in the photography magazine, Aperture in spring 1878.

Take a look at the images below. Think about whether, in your opinion, they are mirrors or windows.

You could draw a horizontal line with the word ‘Mirror’ at one end and ‘Window’ at the other. You could add a list of words that help to describe what these words suggest.

Now, try placing each of these images somewhere on this spectrum. Annotate the images to explain your decisions.

HOMEWORK: Independent Study
TASK 1: 1000 word mini-essay
Essay question: How can photographs be both ‘mirrors’ and ‘windows’ of the world?

Follow these instructions:

  1. Read two texts above (John Szarkowski’s introduction and review by Jed Pearl) and select 3 quotes form each that is relevant to your essay.
  2. Select two images, one that represent a mirror and another that represents a window as examples to use in your essay.
  3. Use some of the key words that you listed above to describe what the mirrors and windows suggest.

Essay plan
Introduction (250 words): Reflect on the origin of photography and describe in your own words the difference between the two photographic processes, Daguerreotype and Calotype. Consider how they could be viewed as either a mirror or a window of the world according to John Szarkowski’s thesis. Choose one quote from Szarkowski’s text and comment if you agree or disagree.

Paragraph 1 (250 words): Choose an image that in your view is a mirror and analyse how it is a subjective expression and staged approach to image-making. Choose one quote from Szarkowski’s thesis and another from Jed Pearl’s review which either supports of opposes Szarkowski’s original point of view. Make sure you comment to advance argumentation in providing a critical perspective.

Paragraph 2 (250 words): Choose an image that in your view is a window and analyse how it is an objective expression rooted in the notion of realism. Choose one quote from Szarkowski’s thesis and another from Jed Pearl’s review and follow similar procedure as above ie. two opposing points of view and commentary to provide a critical perspective.

Conclusion (250 words): Refer back to the essay question and write a conclusion where you summarise Szarkowski’s theory and Pearl’s review of his thesis. Describe differences and similarities between the two images above and their opposing concepts of objectivity and subjectivity, realism and romanticism, factual and fiction, public and private.

TASK 2: Photo-assignment
A creative response to documentary (realism/ factual/ public/ candid) and tableaux (romanticism/ fiction/ private/ staged) photography
DEADLINE: Fri 25 Oct

RECORDING > Based on the theme of ‘OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE’ – and with relevance to your Personal Study – produce 3 images that are documenting reality‘windows of the world’ and another 3 images that are staging reality‘mirrors of the world’.

PLANNING > Produce a blog post where you plan and sketch out a few ideas in relation to the photo-assignment. You may use some of the images or artists references we looked at earlier in the week as inspiration and put together a mood-board, that will act as inspiration for your shoot.

In the next lesson tomorrow (Wednesday) you will be given a camera to make initial responses. Be creative and use this opportunity to experiment with ideas or approaches to image-making that you might want to extend further in your Personal Study. The expectation is that you make a set of images during the lesson using the school environment (inside or outside) creatively. The photographic studio is also available where you can explore different ideas using different lighting techniques…Rembrandt lighting…Butterfly lighting…Chiaroscuro…reflected light…coloured gels etc.

DEVELOPING >In post-production you can incorporate different editing techniques…monochrome/ colour adjustments…montage/ composite…juxtaposition/ triptychs/ grids etc…using Lightroom, Photoshop, AI technology if appropriate to your intentions. The focus here is on creativity, imagination and experimentation. Add images to your essay as photographic responses to Szarkowski’s thesis and evaluate.


Marking Criteria

Literary Sources:

  • Read key texts that will provide you with knowledge and understanding
  • It demonstrates evidence of reading and will enable you to draw upon different points of view – not only your own.
  • Select relevant quotes and make notes when you’re reading…key words, concepts, passages including page number
  • Write down author’s name, date it was published, title, publisher, place of publication so you can list source in a bibliography


List all the literary sources that you have read and arrange in alphabetical order. For example:
Szarkowski, J. (1978), Mirrors and Windows: American Photography Since 1960. Museum of Modern Art: New York

Quotation and Referencing:

Why should you reference?

  • To add academic support for your work
  • To support or disprove your argument
  • To show evidence of reading
  • To help readers locate your sources
  • To show respect for other people’s work
  • To avoid plagiarism
  • To achieve higher marks

What should you reference?

  • Anything that is based on a piece of information or idea that is not entirely your own.
  • That includes, direct quotes, paraphrasing or summarising of an idea, theory or concept, definitions, images, tables, graphs, maps or anything else obtained from a source

How should you reference?

Use Harvard System of Referencing…see Powerpoint: harvard system of referencing for further details on how to use it.

Here is an full guide on how to use Harvard System of Referencing including online sources, such as websites etc.


Welcome back after Summer break!

In the final year of your A-level photography studies the focus is on narrative and visual storytelling. We will be continuing to explore the themes of OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE and build on your knowledge and understanding of how to combine images and text in creating photo-zines. In your development as a photography student we encourage you to engage with both traditional methods of image-making using your eye and camera, as well as utilising creative potential of new technology and tools such as generative AI.

In the first half of the term everyone will explore a set of collective/ creative tasks that will act as triggers and creative starting points in the second half where you will be exploring the theme more in-depth as part of your Personal Study unit which will lead you towards your final major outcome making a photobook, or film and writing an essay.

BLOG > publish blog posts on a regular basis. You should aim for 2-3 blog posts per week. Mr Cole and myself will monitor and provide feedback online in comments provide updates on Go4schools tracking sheets.

Week 1: 4-8 Sept 
Complete the following blog posts

Since prehistoric to modern time the sea has been Jersey’s connectivity to the outside world. As an island we are surrounded by water and it is through maritime routes that people travel and settle to form new families and communities. For island communities, their ports and piers hold symbolic as well as obvious practical significance. They facilitate trade and communication, and as an islands economy grows beyond the means by which it can support itself, they come to symbolise survival and possibility. People who live by the sea are defined by it and it’s intrinsically linked to the island’s history, geography, economy, identity and culture.

Stories of the sea, such as voyages, encounters and even shipwrecks holds mythological and romantic notions in the imagination of humans. Artists, writers, poets and filmmakers have for centuries been inspired by the sea and it’s many secrets.

Théodore Géricault,The Raft of the Medusa.1818–19. Oil on canvas. Read the story behind Gericault’s famous painting here

Jèrriais, the Island’s old Norman-French language, retains to this day many words of Norse origin. There are many Viking words to do with farming (especially ploughing and harvesting) and fishing, ships and the sea. For example:

bete, baitbeita ;

dranet, draw-net, dragnet;

flie, a limpet, flie;

greer, to rig, greidi;

haler, to haul, hala;

crabe, a crab, krabbi;

mauve, a seagull, mar.

The sea is also a food source where fish and shellfish are caught to feed islanders and exported to markets in Europe and the UK. 98 % of all the goods that enters the island from food to fuel are carried by vessels. Industries, such as fisheries, freight operators, ferry companies, marine engineering and Ports of Jersey employ many skilled people. Likewise, leisure activities from tour operators, rowing and sailing clubs and islanders who owns boats are dependent on the sea.

TASKS – must be published on blog by Mon 9 Sept

1. Research Jersey’s maritime history within context of the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade . Explain how the merchant network operated with ownership and management in Jersey, production of codfish in Canada and markets in the Caribbean, South America, Mediterranean and the Baltic. Write 500 words and use images and maps to illustrate your knowledge and understanding. See resources below. Try and comment on some of these questions:

What was the involvement of Jersey mariners in the Canadian cod-fisheries and the Transatlantic carrying trade?

Which ports did Jersey ships sail to and trade with?

What type of goods did Jersey merchants exchange for cod-fish?

To what extend, has the island of Jersey benefitted from its constitutional relationship with Britain and the legacies of colonialism based on a slave plantation economy during the first Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)?


Make good use of the resources an reading material listed below that will provide you with an overview of the maritime history in the Channel Islands and context of Jersey’s involvement in North Atlantic cod-fisheries.

Reading material:

In 2021 Jersey Heritage produced report with details of current knowledge of Jersey’s links to the transatlantic slave trade. Read here: Jersey Heritage report on legacies of Transatlantic slavery in Jersey

Jersey historian Doug Ford carried out much historical research in 2006 as part of the efforts to mark the bicentenary of the abolition of the slave trade. Read: A respectable trade or against humanity?

The UCL Legacies of British Slave-Ownership website with the database of the 1834 Compensation Register which lists all people who claimed compensation when slavery was abolished. –

This website which lists all slave journeys –


For an overview of maritime activity in the Channels Islands, see link here. Below are some of the key developments:

The Channel Islands are a group of islands off the coast of France. The largest island is Jersey, followed by GuernseyAlderneySark, and a number of smaller islands, islets and rocky outcrops. The islands were separated from mainland Europe with rising sea levels in the Neolithic period; thereafter maritime activity commenced.

The Channel Islands

Needing to trade, the islanders were innovative. Over time they built up skills, earning money and investing capital in maritime businesses.

Stone and Bronze ages: The presence of Statue menhirs on the islands, such as at St Martin’s church on Guernsey and the burial mound at La Hougue Bie, Jersey, give evidence of populations either living on or visiting the islands.

Iron age: Archaeological evidence of trade from the Iron Age period is in evidence in the Islands, with goods manufactured on the western coast such as armlets, Breton pottery and amphorae from the Mediterranean indicating trade along the Atlantic coast from Iberia to Ireland. Armorica was the nearest trade zone.

Roman: Hoards such as the 70,000 coins found in the Grouville Hoard have been discovered, although their reason for being in Jersey is open to speculation. Roman settlements on the islands show evidence of an intricate trading network with regional and long-distance trade from 120 BC after the Romans occupied southern Gaul, especially using Guernsey where amphorae from the Herculaneum area and Spain have been found.

Middle ages: The arrival of Christianity including Samson of DolHelierMarcouf and Magloire shows the rise in regular shipping to and from the islands in the 6th century.

Piracy/raiding especially by Vikings took place throughout this era. The Viking leader Rollo besieged Paris in 911, resulting in 933 with the islands, formerly under the control the Duchy of Brittany, being annexed by the Duchy of Normandy.

Travels of the Vikings

Piracy in the islands mainly died when Sark was colonised by Hellier de Carteret in 1563 and they lost their last refuge. Some pirates still hid out in isolated English and French bays, others sailed up from the Barbary Coast, or even Turkey, ransoming valuable captives or keeping them as slaves. It was replaced by legal piracy in the form of privateering. Ships issued with a letter of marque giving the ship the right to capture ships and goods of a specific enemy and to keep the profits.

During the War of the Three Kingdoms Jersey became a base for Royalist privateers between 1643 and 1651, most notably George Carteret who in late 1643 became Lieutenant Governor of the island (more about him later)

Early modern: Covering the period from the 15th to the late 18th centuries, the era saw trade increase with the technical improvement in ships and navigation, and the ability to sail out of sight of land for days on end, until the end of the Napoleonic Wars.

The main trade continued cross channel, where the islands were given concessions. These included dried cod from Newfoundland and Gaspe coast, cloth, wine, wool, leather and household goods. You can read more here about Jersey settlements in Gaspe.

shore worker for Charles Robin Company drying cod on flakes in the Bay of Chaleurs, Gaspe, Canada
Map of Canada Atlantic provinces

Jersey cod-merchants also exported cod-fish to British colonies in the West Indies and later Brazil too in exchange for plantation goods, such as sugar, molasses, rum, cotton, coffee and tobacco which it brought to markets in America, Europe and the UK (inc. Jersey). Within that context Jersey benefitted from the profits made in the British Empire build on a capitalist model of a slave-based economy.

An illustration of a sugar plantation in Antigua, The British Library

Both islands established Chambers of Commerce as the merchant families expanded and grew in wealth. These families included Tupper, Priaulx, Le Marchant and De Jersey from Guernsey and De Ste Croix, Robin, Janvrin and Hemery from Jersey, often intermarrying to avoid rivalry.

Ship building only became a serious business in the islands in the late 18th century with the requirement to build ships larger than fishing boats allowing Jersey merchants to take part in the Atlantic carrying trade. Between 1760 and 1815 Great Britain was at war for 36 years, which affected the maritime trade, causing dangers and opening possibilities of profit.

Late Modern: This period covers the rise of the British Empire into the Victorian era, through the First World War and then the Second World War. This saw the introduction of iron ships, steam, then oil powered ships.

Island-built wooden sailing ships were going further, opening up more ports in South America and even going to Hong Kong and Australia. By the 1850s Jersey had 300-400 ships with a tonnage of over 40,000.

The barque Wagoola, 550 tons, docked at Hobart with the ps Kangaroo in the background. Built 1856 Jersey. Owners: Redfern, Alexander and Co, registered London. Well known in the Hobart-London trade. Date of photograph circa 1875

Emigration: The ships provided an opportunity for emigration and many families moved to Australia, New Zealand or America. For example, a number from Jersey settled in Salem, Massachusetts and were among the accused in the 1693 Salem witch trials

St Aubin was the main harbour for Jersey merchants before St Helier became the central maritime hub. St Helier harbours were proving too small for the larger ships and increasing tonnages, with both drying out at low tide. Jersey added a few piers to its harbour, such as Victoria and Albert Piers.

St Aubin harbour in early 19th century

The change from sail saw a major decline in the maritime activities of the islands: commercial shipbuilding had boomed in the 1850s with 20,000 tons a year before collapsing to 3,000 tons built per year in the 1880s, as iron and steel were not available in the islands. By the end of the century, island fleets had just 150 ships with a total tonnage of just 11,000.

World Wars I and II. The First World War saw island shipping used for the war effort. The peace then saw a demand from visitors for transport with in boom in tourism. The islands were occupied by the Germans during the Second World War, and most island-based ships went to England in June 1940. Initially a number of fishing and private boats, then later smaller craft, made the perilous journey with over 200 escaping islanders. Not all survived: some were captured or shot, others drowned.

Arrival of a mailboat in 1952 – Picture Evening Post

Since the war, fishing has been reduced, with lobsters and crabs becoming the main catch in the islands with an annual value of around £10m in 1995. Private boating has increased with the construction of marinas. Freighting changing from loose and pallets to containers with Ro-Ro for vehicles. Hydrofoils and then catamarans and wave piercers appeared as fast passenger ships.

Today, Ports of Jersey operates all entry and exit points to the island, including harbours and airport. They have plans to re-develop St Helier Harbour into a modern commercial maritime hub – see their Harbour Masterplan here.

CONTEXT > Triangular cod-trade

For centuries Jersey’s maritime economy dominated island life and many merchants were engaged in the Atlantic trade, referred to as the ‘merchant triangle’ with commodities of manufactured goods and agricultural products exchanged in different outposts in the British Empire and other European colonies in the Caribbean, South America and Mediterranean. However, Jersey’s financial success derived from the North-Atlantic cod-fisheries established first in Newfoundland late 16th and 17th centuries and later in Gaspé in the province of Quebec in 18th and 19th centuries.

Charles Robin Company’s headquarter in Paspebiac in the Bay of Chaleurs in Gaspe is now a museum, see link here

Jersey’s colonial past is linked indirectly with slavery as merchants and shipping were part of the supply chain of goods and products in the transatlantic trade. One of Jersey’s premier cod-merchants was Charles Robin who founded Charles Robin Company in 1766 (second oldest incorporated firm to be founded in Canada which only ceased operation in 2006 albeit under different ownership).

Gaspe dry-cured salt cod. Yellow colourisation comes from cod drying on rakes for 10 sun days

Robin produced two types of salted cod-fish called ‘green’ and ‘yellow’ in the vernacular. ‘Green’ was a wet salted codfish that was not dry cured and therefore did not have the same shelf-life. It was ideal selling it at markets in the Caribbean or North East Brazil as it was much shorter run for Robin’ ships on the second leg of the triangular Atlantic trade. In his own 18th century diary Charles Robin refer to it as ‘West India fish’ and it was sold to planters who would feed the protein rich codfish to its enslaved populations for increased productivity in the plantations. In exchange, Robin would load his ship with plantation produce such as sugar, rum, molasses, cotton, coffee and tobacco before sailing across on the third leg of the Atlantic triangular trade route to the Mediterranean, England and Jersey.

Yellow’ was a dry-cured cod and marketed as a premier product and sold to markets in Europe, such as Portugal, Spain and Italy with their large Roman Catholic populations having a great demand for fish for fast days on Fridays. From ports in Lisbon, Cadiz and Naples merchants traded cod-fish for other products such as salt (used in the curing process), wine, spirits, fruits and spices which they brought back to Jersey and British ports before returning to Canada. The maritime networks were complex and often financed from London. Read another article here from Jersey based critic, Ollie Taylor Fish, Finance and Slavery.

If you look up shipping news in old Jersey newspapers La Gazette de Jersey or La Chronique de Jersey ships would leave St Helier Harbour with supplies to slave stations in West Africa, such as the notorious Cape Cod Castle on the Gold Coast of Ghana. For example, on 8th June 1854 Newport, a 106-ton schooner brig owned by F Le Sueur, jnr, P Le Sueur and JF Le Sueur, mastered by sea captain, Charles Philippe Hocquard left port bound for Ambrez, Angola. On the ship’s manifest (a customs document listing the cargo, passengers and crew) were 25 cases of muskets, 20 cases of knives, five cases of hatchets, one case of bells and padlocks, to be delivered to a Senor Francisco Antonio Florese, who was known as a slave trader. On 21st September 1854 she was stopped and searched by HMS Philomel and taken to St Helena, where she was condemned in the Admiralty to be sold.

View of St Helier Harbour, 1903 © Société Jersiaise
Cape Coast Castle, a notorious slave fort on the Gold Coast in modern day Ghana. Up until 1698 the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading Into Africa enjoyed monopoly in the Atlantic slave trade and over a decade build 18 stone forts along the coast of West Africa. Sir George Carteret, Bailiff of Jersey 1643-1651, 1660-1661 was a consultant and investor in RAC.
Negroland and Guinea with the European Settlements”Herman Moll, 1727

CONTEXT: Sir George Carteret and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

Sir George Carteret (1610–1680) was Bailiff when King Charles I was executed and had his son Charles II proclaimed King in Jersey. He had been a naval officer and was later to serve as Treasurer of the Navy. He was given large tracts of land in the American colonies by Charles II.

In 2015 Mr Toft published Atlantus together with Dr Gareth Syvret (former photo-archivist at Société Jersiaise) which is a transoceanic photography project about the connected history between Jersey and New Jersey, prompted in part by the 350th anniversary in 2014 of Sir George Carteret naming of the State of New Jersey, USA after Jersey his island home in 1664.  

Multi-functional newspaper & DIY exhibition
Sir George Carteret statue in St Peter’s Village and former Constable John Refault who was has defended his decision to put it up in 2014.

In 2014 a public statue of Sir George Carteret was unveiled in St Peter to commemorate his achievements in relation to the 350th anniversary of the state of New Jersey. Sir George was a prominent investor and consultant in the Company of Royal Adventurers Trading Into Africa, which was a major player in trafficking slaves from Africa as well as gold and ivory. Between 1662 and 1731, the Company transported approximately 212,000 slaves, of whom 44,000 died en route. By that time, they also transported slaves to English colonies in North America. Its profits made a major contribution to the increase in the financial power of those who controlled the City of London. Sir George received a dividend until his death and his son James Carteret commanded one of the slave ships, Speedwell with 302 Africans on board in the early years (1663-64) of trading from Benin to St Kitts in the Caribbean.

Please read the latest article by Jersey independent reporter, Ollie Taylor (Nine by Five Media) The whitewashing of George Carteret and watch a video below of its unveiling in St Peter with a commentary by the former Constable John Refault who describes Sir George Carteret as a hero, ‘Jersey’s greatest son’, one of “Jersey’s great figures” and a role model for youngsters.

The unveiling of the statue of George Carteret attended by politicians and dignitaries in St Peter 14 September 2014

It is true that the biography of Sir George Carteret (b. 1610 d. 1680) include many extraordinary deeds such as commandeering ships in the Royal Navy and rising quickly through the ranks to become the Comptroller of the Navy in 1641 and eventually Vice Admiral. Between 1643 and 1651 he was both appointed Lieutenant Governor and Bailiff of Jersey. But it was his loyality to Prince Charles II, who was exiled in Jersey twice during the English Cicil War after the death of his father King Charles I that propelled him to power and influence. After the restoration of the monarchy he was granted lands in the new British colony in North America, including the Carolinas and a territory south of New York, which he named New Jersey after his island home. There are some people who only wish to remember this part of his life, but there is a growing demand that his links with the Royal African Company and the Atlantic slave trade must be included in the historical records. It’s important to recognise that history is never fixed and new research, new interpretations are made continuously as new material emerge and different scholars examine the archives. There are many different histories depending on who is telling them and it is your duty as future citizens to examine all points of view and analyse claims and counter-claims.

The statue pulled down in Bristol in 2019 was of Edward Colston who was the Deputy Governor in Royal African Company, which succeeded The Company of Royal Adventurers Trading Into Africa in 1672 with a new and broader royal charter than the old one, which included the right to set up forts and factories, maintain troops, and exercise martial law in West Africa, in pursuit of trade in gold, silver and African slaves. Read article here in The Guardian about Colston statue in Bristol.

The decision to erect the statue of Sir George Carteret was questioned by Deputy Montfort Tadier, who as Minister for Culture in 2019 said that it was a different case to the Edward Colston statue because that had been put up in Bristol around 120 years earlier, during the closing years of Queen Victoria’s reign. He has lodged a proposal Jersey and The Slave Trade to discuss how the island deals with its past at the next States Assembly.

There was also controversy when part of the International Finance Centre was named Trenton Square after the capital of New Jersey, which was itself named after trader William Trent, who had links with slavery. Read more here

In the JEP last Saturday (13 June 2020) there were 3 Opinions published by columnists, Susanna Rowles, Tom Ogg and Gary Burgess. Very diverse points of view about how to address the issues of racism and the wrongs of the past, but all comments written by ‘white’ people. Where is the representation of BAME (Black, Asian and minority Ethnic) voices?

Read an islander who is mixed race talk about white privilege and another article in the Bailiwick Express that urges Jersey leaders to dismantle institutional racism in the work place and wider community at a protest for racial justice at People’s Park on Saturday 6 June.

PRACTICE > ENTREPÔT – a photographic research project

Mr Toft has developed a number of long-term photographic based research projects exploring Jersey’s maritime history and heritage with links to slavery such as, Entrepôt and his recent short film The Seaflower Venture.

The Seaflower Venture is a short film based on the life of Charles Robin, Jersey’s premier cod-merchant who founded the most successful firm on the Gaspé Coast in 1766. Using extracts from his own diaries and a fictional biographical narrative of Robin’s life the film re-imagines a merchant triangle – a three-pointed trading system with production in Canada, management in Jersey and markets in Brazil, Italy, Spain, Portugal and England.

The narrative of the film is created around a sea journey of a Robin ship loosely based on an actual abstract journal of a voyage recorded in a Deck Log written by sea captain Peter Briard (senior) who was employed by the Charles Robin Company and successfully mastered the Robin ships ‘Day’, ‘Oliver Blanchard’, ‘Christopher Columbus’ and ‘C.R.C.’ from Gaspé to Naples and Palermo every year for nearly twenty years between 1818 to the late 1830s. It includes a two-hander poetic dialogue between a young and old Charles Robin based on an adaptation from two archival records, such as his own 18th century diary (The Early Journals of Charles Robin 1767-73 & 1787) and an unpublished biographical narrative (The Seaflower Venture) written by Phyllis Gertrude Ross held in the library at the Société Jersiaise.

Specific footage in the film from the Recôncavo – Bahia’s rich agricultural and industrial maritime district in North-eastern Brazil – features images from a small rural town Muritiba in
the municipality of Cachoeira where a coffee plantation was owned by Jerseyman, Jean Gibaut and later his son John Frederick Gibaut. From judicial records in Salvador a civic court case from 1851 confirmed that the Gibaut Estate was one of the largest plantations in the area using slave labour and pioneering mechanisation. Both Jean Gibaut’s brothers, Moses Amice Gibaut and Francis Gibaut were sea captains working for Charles Robin Company in Gaspé. Today descendants of the Gibaut family still reside in Muritiba, where a street, Rua Gibaut is named after the plantation where it once stood.

A daguerreotype held in the Society Jersiaise Photographic Archived with the inscription: John Frederick Gibaut, born in Bahia 22nd May 1823, daguerreotyped in Muritiba, November 1843.

Gibaut coffee plantation in Muritiba, 1844.
Jose Adilson Gibaut, great grandson of John Frederick Gibaut. 2 August 2018, Muritiba, Bahia, Brazil. Martin Toft

Entrepôt is a maritime photographic research project exploring the history of Jersey’s cod-fishing trade in Canada and its merchant networks in the West Indies, South America, Mediterranean and Baltic in the 18th and 19th centuries.
It is examining through the prism of colonial and family history, how Jersey’s original wealth generated by the proceeds from the North Atlantic fisheries and merchant networks in the 18th and 19th centuries lay the foundation for the island’s economic growth and development in the 20th and 21st centuries as an International Finance Centre. Theoretically, my project Entrepôt is based around Rosemary E. Ommer’s structural economical analysis of the Jersey-Gaspé cod fishery which reveals a functional three-pointed trading system in what Ommer refers to as a ‘merchant triangle’ with production in Canada, management in Jersey and markets in the Mediterranean, the West Indies, South America and the Baltic. Ommer’s central question in her book is: ‘How did the cod-fishery, functioning as a commodity trade, shape the economic development of the metropole that managed it and the colony that produced it.’ (Ommer in Outpost to Outport: A Structural Analysis of the Jersey-Gaspé Cod Fishery, 1767-1886)

Mr Toft has just returned from 6 weeks research and field studies trip to the Caribbean where Charles Robin would send ships laden with salted codfish from his headquarter in Paspébiac via established trade routes with markets in the Caribbean, primarily the islands of Barbados, Dominica, Martinique, Grenada, St Lucia and occasionally also Jamaica, Cuba, Santo Domingo and Trinidad and Tobago dating from 1777 to 1931. In total he produced 25,000 new images and gathered other visual and textual material from research in national archives. Whilst there he published two dispatches on his blog:

Dispatch 1: Caribbean

John Brodie, Group portrait, two men, two women, 8 x 8.5 inches

Dispatch 2: Caribbean

Old Mill house, La Pearle Estate, St Lucia. 2024

In 2019 Mr Toft spend 6 weeks in Belize and Honduras and in the colonial records uncovered interesting details regarding several Jersey merchants operating as mahogany cutters and their slave populations. I also surveyed the colonial landscape and explored several estates belonging to Jerseymen and the communities that their mahogany works fostered. Additionally, I tracked down descendants currently living in Belize and the Bay Islands of Roatan and Utila (Honduras) with direct ancestral links to Joshua Gabourel who arrived here from Jersey in 1787. Some of this material includes:

  • Census records and Slave registers from Belize with names of Jersey merchants and their households
  • Inventory and Appraisement – list of land and property owned where ’negroes’ are listed alongside, goats, cattle and farm equipment etc
  • Invoices of buying and selling slaves.

If you wish to learn more about the mahogany trade in Central America, and in particularly, British Honduras, read this essay Furnishing the Craftsman: Slaves and Sailors in the Mahogany Trade by Dan Finamore,Curator of Maritime Art and History at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts. It gives a very detailed account of extracting mahogany wood from its dense forests under strenuous hardship of African slaves and shipping it to North America and Europe (including Jersey) and be turned into fine bespoke furniture to adorn the large mansions of the merchant class known as ‘cod-houses’ (maison terre-de-neuve.) Mahogany and other exotic hardwoods were also used successfully in the growing shipbuilding industry in Jersey for decorative purposes.

J. McGahey, Felling Mahogany, Liverpool, England, ca. 1850. Lithograph. 6″ x 9″. (Courtesy, American Antiquarian Society.)

Week 2: 9-15 Sept 
Complete the following blog posts

1. Provide a short history of the development of St Helier harbour and produce a mood-board of images that show changes from mid-19th century up until today, including future plans to transform the port into a modern maritime hub (1830s – 2020s). Annotate images and describe what they are depicting (ships, industries, harbour facilities, port workers, visitors, views etc.), location (pier, quay) and any other information that would be of interest. This mood-board will be used as inspiration for making your own images and photographic responses to St Helier harbour.

Here is a link to a folder with images from the Societe Jersiaise Photographic Archive and other visual repositories.

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\ST HELIER HARBOUR

History and development of St Helier Harbour

Saint Helier Harbour is the main harbour on the Channel Island of Jersey. It is on the south coast of the island, occupying most of the coast of the main town of St Helier. It is operated by Ports of Jersey, a company wholly owned by the Government of Jersey.

Maps of St Helier through time.

Map of St Helier in 1790. One little pier is visible in red which is the Old Harbour, also know as the French and English harbour.

Here is a link to an interactive map.

Facilities include three marinas for berthing private yachts on pontoons, drying harbours and facilities for commercial shipping including roll-on/roll-off ferry berths, a tanker berth and a dock for lift-on/lift-off cargo ships.

Etymology: Saint Helier Harbour is named after Helier (or Helerius), a 6th-century ascetic hermit from Belgium. The traditional date of his martyrdom is AD 555. His feast day, marked by an annual municipal and ecumenical pilgrimage to the Hermitage, is on 16 July. If interested, you can read more here bout the growth of St Helier.

History: The harbour was constructed in the early 19th century. Previously, ships coming into the town had only a small jetty at the site now called the English Harbour and the French Harbour. The Chamber of Commerce urged the States Assembly to build a new harbour, but they refused, so the Chamber took it into their own hands and paid to upgrade the harbour in 1790. A new breakwater was constructed to shelter the jetty and harbours. In 1814, the merchants constructed the roads now known as Commercial Buildings and Le Quai des Marchands to connect the harbours to the town and in 1832 construction was finished on the Esplanade and its sea wall. A rapid expansion in shipping led the States of Jersey in 1837 to order the construction of two new piers: the Victoria and Albert Piers.

The Old harbour: English Harbour and French Harbour have berths for over 500 motorboats and sailing yachts which dry out on the mud at low tide. The abandoned pub, La Folie Inn is also situated here and so is South Pier where you will find marine engineers South Pier Marina and St Helier Yacht Club.

Main harbour: The main harbour provides deep water berths for commercial vessels alongside the Victoria Quay and New North Quay. On Victoria Quay you will find fish wholesalers such as, Fresh Fish Company and Aquamar Fisheries. Albert Pier has now been re-developed from a ferry terminal to new berths for large vessels and yachts. Read about new development here and also look through ED.EM.04 – Victoria and Albert: on the Piers a photo-zine produced by the SJ Photo-archive.

Elizabeth harbour: The Elizabeth Harbour consists of a ferry terminal, two roll-on/roll-off ferry berths and a trailer park for shipping containers. These are used by high-speed craft to PooleGuernsey and Saint-Malo, traditional ferries to Saint-Malo, Guernsey and Portsmouth and foot passenger ferries to GranvilleBarneville-Carteret and Sark

Marinas: There are three marinas — the La Collette Yacht Basin, the Saint Helier Marina (built in 1980) and the Elizabeth Marina. The La Collette Yacht Basin is the only one of these to provide non-tidal, 24-hour access to the sea and is home to Jersey’s commercial fishing fleet.

Since 2008, Saint Helier Marina has been the venue for the annual Jersey Boat Show.

Here is a picture gallery of images from St Helier Harbour from 1940s t0 21st century.

Delivery of coal on New North Quay

Maritime Museum: We will be visiting the Maritime Museum on Wed 18 September for a guided tour by local historian Doug Ford. You will have an opportunity to make images of objects on display which relates to maritime activities. Here is a link to their website for more information.

Tue 10 Sept > First school trip
Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive and St Helier Harbour

08:45: Meet at Société Jersiaise, 7 Pier Road, St Helier ready for 09:00 start. Students make their own way and must bring own camera, (with card and fully charged batteries), good footwear, appropriate clothing and provisions for lunch. 

Tue 10 Sept
09:00 – 10:00: Presentations by photo-archive team about relevance of photo-archive and showing examples of images and objects from the collections with reference to St Helier Harbour, Jersey’s maritime heritage and early photographic techniques.
10:00-10:15: Break
10:15-11:15: Workshop: In groups students will work with set of images from different collections and construct a visual narrative through sequencing. Each group present.
11:15-11:30: Break
11:30-13:00: Photoshoot 1: SH Harbour >
Old Harbours (English and French harbours), La Folie Inn/ South Pier
Brian Nibbs, former Harbour Master and blue badge guide will join us for a guided walk.
13:50-15:20 Photoshoot 2: SH Harbour >
Albert Pier, Elizabeth Terminal, Elizabeth Marina.
Each group will swap sites for photoshoots.

Upload new images from St Helier Harbour to M:drive and begin to edit in Lightroom.
Follow these instructions:


  • Save shoots in folder on M:drive and import into Lightroom
  • Organisation: Create new Collection Set: St Helier Harbour
    Create a new Collection from new shoot inside Collection Set: Photoshoot 1
  • Editing: select 10-12 images from your shoot.
  • Experimenting: Adjust images in Develop, both as Colour and B&W images appropriate to your intentions.
  • Make sure you have standardised all the pictures in terms of exposure, brightness/ contrast, colour balance using Sync Settings
  • Export images as JPGS (1000 pixels) and save in a folder: BLOG
  • Create a Blogpost with edited images and an evaluation; explaining what you focused in your shoot and how you intend to develop your next photoshoot.
  • Analyse a couple of your best images using Photography Vocabulary Sheet, perhaps even comment on the Decisive Moment within the images, if appropriate

EVALUATING: Upon completion of photoshoot and make sure you evaluate and reflect on your next step of development. Comment on the following:

  • How successful was your photoshoot?
  • What references did you make to artists references? – comment on technical, visual, contextual, conceptual?
  • How are you going to develop your project from here? – comment on research, planning, recording, experimenting.
  • What are you going to do next? – what, why, how, when, where?

HOMEWORK: Photo-assignment >
Plan your own visit to St Helier Harbour, choosing a site that you wish to explore more in depth, and make another 150-200 images. Bring new images to school and edit following same process as above.

Deadline: Mon 23 Sept

Week 3: 16-22 Sept 
Complete the following blog posts

Mon -Tue > Essay: Origin of Photography
Follow instructions in blog post below.
Deadline: Mon 30 Sept

The Origin of Photography | 2025 Photography A Level Blog (

Wed 18 Sept > Second school trip
Maritime Museum and St Helier Harbour

08:45: Meet at Maritime Museum, New North Quay, St Helier ready for 09:00 start. Students make their own way and must bring own camera, (with card and fully charged batteries), good footwear, appropriate clothing and provisions for lunch. 
09:00-9:30: Outside harbour walk and talk led by maritime historian, Doug Ford on Jersey’s maritime history/ heritage
09:30-10:15: Inside guided tour of Maritime Museum led by Doug Ford
10:15-10:30: Break
10:30-11:15: Students explore and photograph exhibits at Maritime Museum.
11:15-11:30: Break
11:30-13:00: Photoshoot 1: SH Harbour >
Victoria Pier and fisheries (Fresh Fish + Aquamar)
13:00-13:50: Lunch
13:50-15:20: Photoshoot 2 at SH Harbour > La Collette
Each group will swap sites for photoshoots

Upload new images from St Helier Harbour to M:drive and begin to edit in Lightroom.
Follow these instructions:


  • Save shoots in folder on M:drive and import into Lightroom
  • Organisation: Create new Collection Set: St Helier Harbour
    Create a new Collection from new shoot inside Collection Set: Photoshoot 2
  • Editing: select 10-12 images from your shoot.
  • Experimenting: Adjust images in Develop, both as Colour and B&W images appropriate to your intentions.
  • Make sure you have standardised all the pictures in terms of exposure, brightness/ contrast, colour balance using Sync Settings
  • Export images as JPGS (1000 pixels) and save in a folder: BLOG
  • Create a Blogpost with edited images and an evaluation; explaining what you focused in your shoot and how you intend to develop your next photoshoot.
  • Analyse a couple of your best images using Photography Vocabulary Sheet.

EVALUATING: Upon completion of photoshoot and make sure you evaluate and reflect on your next step of development. Comment on the following:

  • How successful was your photoshoot?
  • What references did you make to artists references? – comment on technical, visual, contextual, conceptual?
  • How are you going to develop your project from here? – comment on research, planning, recording, experimenting.
  • What are you going to do next? – what, why, how, when, where?

Week 4: 23-29 Sept 
Complete the following blog posts

Mon – Tue: Continue to edit images from St Helier Harbour shoots > follow instructions in editing as above…

Wed – Fri: Narrative and sequencing
Your first creative assignment is to produce a 16 page photo-zine in InDesign based around images from St Helier Harbour.

A selection of zines from trip to St Malo in 2023
A selection of zines from 2020 when students were exploring Jersey Occupation history.


NARRATIVE is essentially the way a story is told. For example you can tell different narratives of the same story. It is a very subjective process and there is no right or wrong. Whether or not your photographic story is any good is another matter.

Narrative is constructed when you begin to create relationships between images (and/or text) and present more than two images together. Your selection of images (editing) and the order of how these images appear on the pages (sequencing) contributes significantly to the construction of the narrative. So too, does the structure and design of the photo-zine. However, it is essential that you identity what your story is first before considering how you wish to tell it.

In order for you to understand better how narrative works in photography let’s consider the differences between narrative and story when making a photo-zine. For a more in-depth understanding of NARRATIVE and PHOTOGRAPHY go to blog post below.

Once you have considered the points made between the differences in narrative and story and thought about what story you want to tell about St Helier Harbour and the images that that you have made in response, consider the following:

STORY: What is your story?
Describe in:

  • 3 words
  • A sentence
  • A paragraph

NARRATIVE: How will you tell your story?

  • Images > New St Helier Harbour photographs
  • Archives > Old photographs of St Helier Harbour from SJ photo-archive or JEP Photographic Archive
  • Texts > Write a short introduction or statement about your picture story, image captions
  • Typography > creative uses of words, letters, font-types, sizes

Add a selection of your final 10-16 images as a mood-board/ gallery to the blog post, including any archive material too.

In the folder below you will find archive images from the photo-archive at the Societe Jersiaise and other found images from the internet.

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\ST HELIER HARBOUR


EDITING: You may have to revisit your selected images that you used in producing page-spreads. For the zine-design you need a set of 12-16 images that are edited and standardised as either colour or B&W images, or a combination of the both. You may want to consider your final selection with reference to how individual pictures relate and tell a story according to the construction of a traditional picture-story.

SEQUENCING: Print your final set of 12-16 images as small work prints using print Microsoft wizard (4 images per page, 9x13cm). Cut images using guillotine and layout on table and begin to sequence them to construct a narrative. Produce a 16 page zine mock and past images into using masking tape. Consider the following:

  • Think about your theme or story.
    Think about start, middle and end images.
  • Which images are major (establishing shots, full page, double page), and minor (portrait, detail shots, small images, multiple images on the page etc.)
  • Think about visual relationship between images and their juxtaposition e.g colour, shapes, subject, repetition, landscape, portrait, objects, details etc.
  • What happens or changes over the series of images?
  • Are you using your best images?
  • Include archival images/ found images of St Helier Harbour – if appropriate.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is fb4.jpg
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is MG_8866okok.jpg
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Where-Mimosa-Bloom_03-1024x682.jpg
Typography and graphic elements

Week 5: 30 Sept-6 Oct 
Complete the following blog posts

Mon-Tue: Zine research
Wed-Fri: Introduction to InDesign


Research zines and newspaper design made by artists and photographer that will provide visual stimulus for your page design. Produce a mood board and consider the following in your analysis:

  • How you want your design to look and feel
  • Format, size and orientation
  • Narrative and visual concept
  • Design and layout
  • Rhythm and sequencing
  • Images and text
  • Title and captions

Create new document
width: 148mm
height: 210
pages: 16
orientation: portrait
column gutter: 5mm
margins: top, bottom, inside, outside: 10mm
bleed: top, bottom, inside, outside: 3mm

Something to read: Something Tactile: Why Photographers Should Create Zines

Café Royal Books is a small independent publisher of photography photobooks or zines, and sometimes drawing, solely run by Craig Atkinson and based in Southport, England. Café Royal Books produces small-run publications predominantly documenting social, historical and architectural change, often in Britain, using both new work and photographs from archives. It has been operating since 2005 and by mid 2014 had published about 200 books and zines and they are held in major public collections

Editions Bessard is a paris-based independent publishing house created by pierre bessard in 2011. Focusing on working with artists, writers and curators to realise intellectually challenging projects in book form.

The new imprint Éditions Emile is named in honour of Emile F. Guiton, the founding father of the The Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive. The first set of publications is a series of small photo-zines comprising of 48 pages with an average of 30-40 images and a short text providing further context. With plans to publish three editions annually, each issue of ED.EM. will take a fresh look at a specific collection within the archive, by pairing it with either another collection or contemporary work, in order to re-contextualise the images, keeping the collections active and relevant for new audiences both in the island and beyond.

Week 6: 7-13 Oct 
Complete the following blog posts

Mon – Wed: Complete zine-design
Thur-Fri: Print and evaluate

DEVELOPING > Show variation of design

  • Create 2-3 examples of alternative layouts for your photo-zine using Adobe InDesign and complete a visual blog post that clearly shows your decision making and design process using screen-prints.
  • Make sure you annotate!

See examples of previous students blog charting his zine design process, here.


Print, fold and bind final photo-zine and hand in for assessment.

Write an overall final evaluation (250-300 words) that explain in some detail how successfully you developed your project in response to themes of EXPLORE, SEEK OR CHALLENGE with specific focus on constructing a narrative presented as a photo-zine. Consider the following:

  • Did you realise your intentions?
  • How did you develop a narrative?
  • Zine; including any contextual/ artists references, links and inspiration between your final design and theme.

Select images for printing and/ or create a virtual gallery


File Handling and printing...

  • Remember when EXPORTING from Lightroom you must adjust the file size to 1000 pixels on the Short edge for “blog-friendly” images (JPEGS)
  • BUT…for editing and printing when EXPORTING from Lightroom you must adjust the file size to Short edge for “high resolution” images (JPEGS) like this…
  • A5 Short Edge = 14.8 cm
  • A4 Short Edge = 21.0 cm
  • A3 Short Edge =29.7 cm

This will ensure you have the correct ASPECT RATIO

Ensure you label and save your file in you M :Drive and then copy across to the PRINT FOLDER / IMAGE TRANSFER

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\Y13 St Helier Harbour prints

For a combination of images, or square format images you use the ADOBE PHOTOSHOP NEW DOCUMENT + PRINT PRESETS on to help arrange images on the correct size page (A3, A4, A5)

You can do this using Photoshop, Set up the page sizes as templates and import images into each template, then you can see for themselves how well they fit… but remember to add an extra 6mm for bleed (3mm on each side of the page) to the original templates. i.e. A4 = 297mm x 210 but the template size for this would be 303mm x 216mm.

Making a Virtual Gallery in Photoshop

Download an empty gallery file…then insert your images and palce them on the walls. Adjust the persepctive, size and shape using CTRL T (free transform) You can also add things like a drop shadow to make the image look more realistic…

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Gallery Mock-ups

The Photographers' Gallery - Gallery -

…or using online software

How I did it:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Sign in / up.

Step 3: Create.

Step 4: Create your own location or choose a template.

Step 5: Upload your images, put them in your exhibition, name it and give it a description.

Step 6: Present / view your Exhibition.

Week 4: 14-20 Oct 
WINDOWS & MIRRORS: Written and Photo-assignments
Complete the following blog posts

Your task in the next four weeks is to produce a short film of 1-3 minutes based on a narrative that you have constructed using still-images made from St Helier harbour.

The production of the film will be supported by a workshop by Sam Hills, a Hautlieu alumni and sound designer who completed a degree in Audio & Music Production at Buckinghamshire New University in 2020. Using original recordings from St Helier harbour from his own sound archive he will introduce you to Audition in developing your own sound scape for your short film.

Here a few students films from the past…replace with film from Elizabeth Castle?

Micah de Gruchy, Jesus is greater than Lockdown, 2021
Chloe Best, Recovery Through a Looking Glass, 2021 – winner of Guernsey Photography Festival Student Award 2021

Week 7-8-9: 14 Oct – 8 Nov 
Complete the following blog posts

Chris Marker, (1921-2012) was a French filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor and multi-media artist who has been challenging moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years with his complex queries about time, memory, and the rapid advancement of life on this planet. Marker’s La Jetée is one of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever made, a tale of time travel. What makes the film interesting for the purposes of this discussion, is that while in editing terms it uses the language of cinema to construct its narrative effect, it is composed entirely of still images showing images from the featureless dark of the underground caverns of future Paris, to the intensely detailed views across the ruined city, and the juxtaposition of destroyed buildings with the spire of the Eiffel Tower. You can read more here about the meaning of the film and watch the full version (29 mins) of the film here.

FILM AND NARRATIVE: Click here to learn more about conventions in film making and narrative theory with reference to the camera/ cinematography, sound and editing moving images.

Film Editing | 2021 Photography Blog (

Thurs-Fri: develop a mood-board and storyboard

2. IMAGES: Produce a mood-board of images that will inspire your visual language, style and aesthetic of your film. This can include similar set of images that you used in the zine layout or be a new set of images from St Helier harbour.

3. ARCHIVE: The film must include archival material, ie. images, footage, maps, documents relevant to your film narrative and historical research – use online catalogues from Société Jersiase or Jersey Archive.

4. STORYBOARD/ SHOT LIST: Develop a storyboard or a shot list that provides you with a clear plan ahead of how you wish to make your 1-3 mins film, including shot sizes, camera angles, movement, lighting, individual scenes and mise-en-scene (the arrangement of the scenery in front of the camera) from location, props, people, lighting, sound etc.

A storyboard or shot list is a graphic layout that sequences illustrations and images with the purpose of visually telling a story. Filmmakers and video creators use storyboards to transfer ideas from their mind to the screen. Creating an effective story board takes skill, but you can learn from storyboard examples to gain some pro tips. Read more here about differences between Storyboard and Shot list. See more examples of story boards here.

Storyboard from film: There will be blood, Martin Scorsese

Download storyboard template here:

Shot sizes in filming

More information about shot sizes here

Camera angles

Camera-angles: see here

Camera movement – read more here
In a storyboard, each shot will have a small section for brief text description. In this description, clarify what camera movement will be used in the shot. 

The most fundamental camera moves are the zoom shotcamera pantilt shotdolly shottracking shot, or pedestal. Of course, these are only a few types of camera movement.


Mise en scene plays a huge role in communicating the tone of a story — but what is mise en scene? In classical terms, mise en scene is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film. Today, mise en scene is regarded as all of the elements that go into any single shot of a production. Click below to learn more about mise-en-scene

Four of the most important aspects of mise en scene are: sets, props, costume/hair/makeup, and lighting. Here are examples from filmmakers Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson on how to apply color to these four aspects.

Mon 21 Oct: SOUND WORKSHOP > Sam Hills
Go to this folder for shared audio files:
M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\SH harbour\Audio files

5. SOUND: Develop a sound design of audio files from various sources, such as original recordings from locations at St Helier Harbour as supplied by Sam Hills. Include other sounds too, such as; sound FX, sound archives, Foley sounds recreated in the Hautlieu recording studio and other audio elements such as interviews, narration and spoken words, singing and music scores.

Sound: Import audio files into Adobe Audition and edit on the timeline. Show experimentation with mixing audio files using…

Here is access to Sound Effect archives:

Hautlieu Media department:
M:\Radio\Departments\Media\Students\Sound FX

Free online websites

Archives: You can find relevant material, such as images, maps and documents your visit to SJ Photo-Archive here, that you may wish to use in your film.

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\NOSTALGIA\SJ Photo-Archive\Elizabeth-castle-images

Organisation: Create new folder FILM on local VideoData drive on your computer. Download files from from camera card into:

Save still images into a sub-folder: STILLS
Save video clips into a sub-folder: VIDEO
Save audio files into a sub-folder: AUDIO

Still-images: Import still-images into Lightroom and create a collection FILM under project folder: ST HELIER HARBOUR. Edit and adjust images and export as high-res jpgs ready for import into Adobe Premiere

Moving-images: Import still-images/ video clips into Adobe Premier and edit on the timeline. Show experimentation with cuts/ transitions/ duration. Adjust exposure, colour grading profiling….

Title and credits: Consider typography/ graphics/ styles etc. For more creative possibilities make title page in Photoshop (format: 1920 x 1080 pixels) and import as a high-res JPEG file into your project folder on the local: VideoData drive.

Export: Export film as mp4 file and upload to Youtube account and embed on Blog. Follow these steps:

  1. In Premier: Click on Sequence > Render IN/OUT
  2. File > Export > Media
  3. Export Settings: Format H.264
  4. Output Name: use title of your film and save to V:Data drive
  5. Click Export at bottom
  6. Using Microsoft Stream: Open up Office 365
  7. Go to All Apps and select Stream
  8. Create > Upload Video
  9. Browse to upload your exported film from V:Data drive
  10. Write a short description, choose thumbnail and publish
  11. My Content > Videos > embed film into Blog post with evaluation.
  1. In Youtube: Set up an account at home (
  2. Click Create (top right corner) > Upload video
  3. Select file > your exported film from V:Data drive
  4. Write a short description and choose thumbnail
  5. Once uploaded, embed film into Blog post with evaluation.

EVALUATING: Write an evaluation on the blog that reflects on you artistic intentions, film-editing process and collaborating as a group. Include screen-prints from Premiere and a few ‘behind the scenes’ images of the shooting and production.


Click here to learn more about conventions in film making and narrative theory with reference to the camera/ cinematography, sound and editing moving images.

Film Editing | 2021 Photography Blog (


Week 10: 11-17 Nov 
ESSAY: Truth in Photography: Can a photograph lie?
Complete the following blog posts

Week 11: 18-24 Nov 
Complete the following blog posts

Week 3: 18 – 24 Sept
Film: Elizabeth Castle
Complete the following blog posts

NOSTALGIA is often linked with the past and Jersey is an island obsessed with its unique history and heritage. The site of Elizabeth Castle is such an example, and it offers up many creative possibilities for constructing a photographic story based on historical research and new recorded material, such as still-images, moving images and sound. Your task in the next four weeks is to produce a short film of 2-3 minutes based on a narrative that you have constructed from over a 1000 years of rich history of Elizabeth Castle or in Jerriais, Lé Châté Lîzabé.

Your film will be a visual feast made of footage from a combination of still-images and/ or moving images (video). Part of your creative challenge is developing a sound scape made from original audio recordings on site. For the film production you can choose to work alone or in a group of 2-3 students.

This element of the film will be supported by a series of workshops by Sam Hills, a Hautlieu alumni and sound designer who completed a degree in Audio & Music Production at Buckinghamshire New University in 2020. He will be assisting us on location at Elizabeth Castle on Wed 27 September and also come into school/ classroom and deliver/ assist with editing your audio in post-production and help developing your sound scape.

Here a few students films from the past…

Micah de Gruchy, Jesus is greater than Lockdown, 2021
Chloe Best, Recovery Through a Looking Glass, 2021 – winner of Guernsey Photography Festival Student Award 2021

TASK: Produce a number of appropriate blog posts.

1. RESEARCH: Elizabeth Castle and decide which particular aspects of its 1000 year history you wish to make into a short film of 3-5 mins – see below. Gather together research material, such as images, maps, documents, links to online sources and write a short synopsis of 300-500 words.

– Hermitage where St Helier is thought to have lived around 550 AD and a priory with about 6 monks.
– 16th century fortress against French invaders.
– Home to Royal exile Charles II during English civil war.
– Construction of a two-story barracks hospital in the early 19th century.
– Nazi occupation in 1940-45 where 100 German soldiers lived in Elizabeth Castle
– Construction work on bunkers carried out by forced workers from Russia and other countries.
– Post-war tourist attraction, current site of Jersey Heritage and living history.

2. VISUALS: Produce a mood-board of images that will inspire your visual language, style and aesthetic of your film. That can include found images of Elizabeth Castle and any other visual material, such as still-images from other filmmakers and films. See film, La Jétte by Chris Marker below.

3. ARCHIVE: The film must include archival material, ie. images, footage, maps, documents relevant to your film narrative and historical research – use online catalogues from Société Jersiase or Jersey Archive.

4. STORYBOARD/ SHOT LIST: Develop a storyboard or a shot list that provides you with a clear plan ahead of how you wish to make your 1-3 mins film, including shot sizes, camera angles, movement, lighting, individual scenes and mise-en-scene (the arrangement of the scenery in front of the camera) from location, props, people, lighting, sound etc.

A storyboard or shot list is a graphic layout that sequences illustrations and images with the purpose of visually telling a story. Filmmakers and video creators use storyboards to transfer ideas from their mind to the screen. Creating an effective story board takes skill, but you can learn from storyboard examples to gain some pro tips. Read more here about differences between Storyboard and Shot list. See more examples of story boards here.

Storyboard from film: There will be blood, Martin Scorsese

Download storyboard template here:

Shot sizes in filming

More information about shot sizes here

Camera angles

Camera-angles: see here

Camera movement – read more here
In a storyboard, each shot will have a small section for brief text description. In this description, clarify what camera movement will be used in the shot. 

The most fundamental camera moves are the zoom shotcamera pantilt shotdolly shottracking shot, or pedestal. Of course, these are only a few types of camera movement.


Mise en scene plays a huge role in communicating the tone of a story — but what is mise en scene? In classical terms, mise en scene is the arrangement of scenery and stage properties in a play or film. Today, mise en scene is regarded as all of the elements that go into any single shot of a production. Click below to learn more about mise-en-scene

Four of the most important aspects of mise en scene are: sets, props, costume/hair/makeup, and lighting. Here are examples from filmmakers Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson on how to apply color to these four aspects.

4. SOUND: Develop a sound design of audio files from various sources, such as original recordings from site at Elizabeth Castle (ambient sounds, directional sounds), sound FX, sound archives, Foley sounds recreated in the Hautlieu recording studio and other audio elements such as interviews, narration and spoken words, singing and music scores.

5. SCRIPT: Write a short script that provides a narrative of your film. This can include historical research and be constructed as a dialogue or narration to be recorded as a potential voice-over r in studio

6. ARCHIVE: The film must include archival material, ie. images, footage, maps, documents relevant to your film narrative and historical research – use online catalogues from Société Jersiase or Jersey Archive.

7. PRODUCTION: Assign roles and responsibilities within your group, such as producer, DP (director of photography), sound recorder, editor etc.


Jersey – Steeped in history and laced with cliffside walking trails, welcome to the largest of the Channel Islands. Don’t miss the top spots to check out in Jersey. If you’re looking for history, adventure, incredible food, and total relaxation, Jersey weaves it all together into something truly magical. It’s not quite British and it’s not quite French, but Jersey is 100% unique.
If you’re looking for an idyllic island escape Jersey might just be the perfect destination for you. This small island located in the English Channel boasts stunning natural beauty, rich history, and a diverse range of attractions and activities. In this YouTube video, we’ll take you through the top 10 places to visit in Jersey. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll be inspired to visit Jersey and experience its unique charm for yourself.

Elizabeth CastleA fortress just off the coast of Jersey to explore 400 years of history – built on a tidal Island in St Aubin’s Bay and dating from the 16th century onwards. Learn more here by visiting Jersey Heritage or Wikipedia

To reach the Castle and begin your adventure, walk along the causeway or take the amphibious Castle Ferry. Spend your day exploring this sprawling 15-acre fortress: climb the battlements dating back to the time Sir Walter Raleigh was Governor of Jersey; explore the grounds that gave refuge to King Charles II during the English Civil War; uncover the story of the Castle during the German Occupation in World War II; then discover the oldest part of this site, The Hermitage, where Saint Helier is thought to have lived around 550 A.D.

Step back in time to 1781 and meet the Castle Gunner who will tell you his story of the Battle of Jersey, but be prepared to be drafted into the Midday Parade and witness the firing of the musket and cannon.

Jersey Heritage is currently restoring parts of the Castle to bring them back into public use and you’ll see scaffolding around two important, historic buildings – the Georgian Military Hospital and the Officers’ Quarters.

This work is essential to secure the Castle’s future and you can find out more about what’s in store for the buildings here. For a detailed conservation plan of Elizabeth Castle done in 2005, click here

The Master Gunner will ensure that your backs are straight, your chins are high, and bellies are tucked-in as you stand to attention for the Midday Parade on the expanse of the Castle’s Parade Ground. Delight in the storytelling of the Gunner, who will enlighten you into the tales and mysteries of bygone times at the Castle, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth I to the Battle of Jersey in 1781. Then finally prepare yourself for the resounding bang of the signal gun and flintlock musket.

Read more on a Blog here about Elizabeth Castle or on Wikipedia here

The Departure of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, 3 September 1846
Philip John Ouless (1817–1885) Government House, Jersey

Historic Environment Record

The Historic Environment Record is a rich, publicly-accessible source of information about Jersey’s historic buildings, archaeological sites and finds spanning more than 250,000 years of human endeavour. New information is being added to the site all the time. Go to site here to learn more

The HER is also accessible in person. It is based at the Jersey Archive, the Island’s national repository of archival material and a key location for all reports on archaeological work and historic building recording carried out on the Island. This resource is available to a wide range of individuals, researchers, students and archaeologists. Jersey Heritage cares for the Island’s collections of archaeology, archives, art and social history, holding over 750,000 objects and documents.

Week 4: 25 Sept – 1 Oct
RECORDING > FILM: Elizabeth Castle
Complete the following blog posts

Mon-Tue > Chris Marker: La Jétte (1962)

Chris Marker, (1921-2012) was a French filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor and multi-media artist who has been challenging moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years with his complex queries about time, memory, and the rapid advancement of life on this planet. Marker’s La Jetée is one of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever made, a tale of time travel. What makes the film interesting for the purposes of this discussion, is that while in editing terms it uses the language of cinema to construct its narrative effect, it is composed entirely of still images showing images from the featureless dark of the underground caverns of future Paris, to the intensely detailed views across the ruined city, and the juxtaposition of destroyed buildings with the spire of the Eiffel Tower. You can read more here about the meaning of the film and watch the full version (29 mins) of the film here.

FILM AND NARRATIVE: Click here to learn more about conventions in film making and narrative theory with reference to the camera/ cinematography, sound and editing moving images.

Film Editing | 2021 Photography Blog (

Wed 29 Sept and Wed 4 Oct – school trip
Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive and Elizabeth Castle

08:45: Meet at Société Jersiaise, 7 Pier Road, St Helier ready for 09:00 start. Students make their own way and must bring own camera, (with card and fully charged batteries), good footwear, appropriate clothing and provisions for lunch. 

WED 29 Sept
09:00 – 9:30: Presentation by photo-archivist Patrick Cahill about relevance of photo-archive showing examples of objects from the collection with reference to early photographic experiments as an introduction to the history and origin of photography.
09:30 – 11:00: Task 1: Students study literature from Lord Coutanche library about the history of Elizabeth Castle and make notes of relevant bits of text, quotes, and references they can use in developing their film script and narrative   
Task 2: In groups students will work with set of images of Elizabeth Castle from different collections and construct a visual narrative through sequencing. Each group present.
11:00-12:00: Visit to exhibition: No Place Like Home

11:15: Meet at West Park, St Helier where Duck vehicles is that will take us to Elizabeth Castle
12:00-13:30: Divide students into two groups
Group A: Sound recording workshop led by Sam Hills. Students will learn practical skills in recording sound using Digi recorders and variety of different microphones.
Group B: Students will be recording visuals, both stills-images and video footage relevant for their film
13:30-14:00: Lunch
14:00-15:30: Swap groups
15:30: Make our way from Elizabeth Castle to St Helier
Students make their own way home

This unit requires you to produce an appropriate number of blog posts which charts you project from start to finish including research, planning, analysis, recording, experimentation, evaluation, and presentation of creative outcomes.

Essay: How are archives a repository of knowledge?

To show knowledge and understanding of your experience day at the Société Jersiaise Photo-Archive you need to write an essay. Follow link and instructions here:


Create a blog post that outlines our visit to the exhibition.

Include how and why it links to our theme of Nostalgia.

Choose an artist to provide more detail about their work, ideas and display methods

Week 5-6-7: 2 – 20 Oct
Complete the following blog posts

Organisation: Create new folder FILM on local VideoData drive on your computer. Download files from from camera card into:

Save still images into a sub-folder: STILLS
Save video clips into a sub-folder: VIDEO
Save audio files into a sub-folder: AUDIO

Still-images: Import still-images into Lightroom and create a collection Elizabeth Castle under project folder: NOSTALGIA. Edit and adjust images and export as high-res jpgs ready for import into Adobe Premiere

Moving-images: Import video clips into Adobe Premier and edit on the timeline. Show experimentation with cuts/ transitions/ duration. Adjust exposure, colour grading profiling….

Go to this folder for shared audio files:
M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\NOSTALGIA\Audio files

Sound: Import audio files into Adobe Audition and edit on the timeline. Show experimentation with mixing audio files using…

Here is access to Sound Effect archives:

Hautlieu Media department:
M:\Radio\Departments\Media\Students\Sound FX

Free online websites

Archives: You can find relevant material, such as images, maps and documents your visit to SJ Photo-Archive here, that you may wish to use in your film.

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\NOSTALGIA\SJ Photo-Archive\Elizabeth-castle-images

Mise-en-scene > link to make blog post: Film Editing or MM’s old resources

Title and credits: Consider typography/ graphics/ styles etc. For more creative possibilities make title page in Photoshop (format: 1920 x 1080 pixels) and import as a high-res JPEG file into your project folder on the local: VideoData drive.

Export: Export film as mp4 file and upload to Youtube account and embed on Blog. Follow these steps:

  1. In Premier: Click on Sequence > Render IN/OUT
  2. File > Export > Media
  3. Export Settings: Format H.264
  4. Output Name: use title of your film and save to V:Data drive
  5. Click Export at bottom
  6. Using Microsoft Stream: Open up Office 365
  7. Go to All Apps and select Stream
  8. Create > Upload Video
  9. Browse to upload your exported film from V:Data drive
  10. Write a short description, choose thumbnail and publish
  11. My Content > Videos > embed film into Blog post with evaluation.
  1. In Youtube: Set up an account at home (
  2. Click Create (top right corner) > Upload video
  3. Select file > your exported film from V:Data drive
  4. Write a short description and choose thumbnail
  5. Once uploaded, embed film into Blog post with evaluation.

EVALUATING: Write an evaluation on the blog that reflects on you artistic intentions, film-editing process and collaborating as a group. Include screen-prints from Premiere and a few ‘behind the scenes’ images of the shooting and production.

DEADLINE: Wed 18 Oct
SCREENING: Thurs 19 Oct and Fri 20 Oct (with popcorn)
Prepare a short presentation of your film with Q&A.



You will only be allocated two lessons for this piece of work and it is expected that you use your study periods or work from home to complete the task to a high standard. Follow instructions below:

Research and analyse the work of at least 1, if not 2 photographers/ artists. Explore, discuss, describe and explain key examples of their work relevant to your project and intentions. Follow these steps:

1. Produce a mood board with a selection of images and write an overview of their work, its visual style, meaning and methods. Describe why you have selected to study their work and how it relates to the themes of OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE and your project about Jersey’s maritime heritage.

2. Select at least one key image and analyse in depth using methodology of TECHNICAL>VISUAL>CONTEXTUAL>CONCEPTUAL

3. Incorporate quotes and comments from artist themselves or others (art/ media /film critics, art/ media/ film historians, curators, writers, journalists etc) using a variety of sources such as YouTube, online articles, reviews, text, books etc. Make sure you reference sources and embed links in your blog post.

4. Compare and contrast your chosen artists in terms of similarities and differences in their approaches, techniques and outcomes of their work.



In our summer project based on street photography in St Malo we learned about Henri Cartier-Bresson and the decisive moment. Cartier-Bresson is often seen as the forefather of photojournalism and documentary photography.

What is documentary photography?
Walktrue: research 2 mins + cold calling

In recent times documentary photography has expanded beyond observation and to become much more of personal interpretation and artistic representation of issues in relation to socio-economics, geography and politics. , often on the subjects of the environment or

Something on Photography and Place: how do you explore a sense of place through photography?

For a basic understanding of documentary photography, lets have a look at this PowerPoint:

Documentary Photography

When we begin to make work in response to REBELLION in the second half of this autumn term we will be experimenting with a different way to construct narrative using a staged approach to photography within the tradition of tableaux, as well as creating a series of self-portraits.

All texts from Bate, David (2016), Art Photography. London: Tate Publishing

New approaches to documentary in contemporary photography

On rise of Tableaux in contemporary photographic practice David_Bate_The_Pictorial_Turn

Rafal Milach, ICELAND, Saudakrokur. Annual horse gathering country ball. 2010 (c) Magnum Photos

Sebastio Salgado

Chris Killip , British, (1946 – 2023) > recent exhibitions and books on shipping and tyneside

In Flagrante describes the communities in Northern England that were devastated by the deindustrialisation common to policies carried out by Thatcher and her predecessors starting in the mid-1970s. The book was accompanied by an exhibition at the V&A in London. It’s worth noting that the photographs initially came out of a joint exhibition in 1985 entitled ‘Another Country’, that Killip made with his close friend, the photographer Graham Smith.

“The objective history of England doesn’t amount to much if you don’t believe in it, and I don’t, and I don’t believe that anyone in these photographs does either as they face the reality of de-industrialisation in a system which regards their lives as disposable. To the people in these photographs I am superfluous, my life does not depend on their struggle, only my hopes. This is a subjective book about my time in England. I take what isn’t mine and I covet other peoples lives. The photographs can tell you more about me than about what they describe. The book is a fiction about metaphor.”

Chris Killip, Foreword to In Flagrante, 1988

Mark PowerThe Shipping Forecats
Intangible and mysterious, familiar yet obscure, the shipping forecast is broadcast four times daily on BBC Radio 4. For those at, or about to put to sea, the forecast may mean the difference between life and death. In The Shipping Forecast, Mark Power documents the 31 sea areas covered by the forecast,

Mark Power (shipping forecast + Good morning America),

New Topographics was a term coined by William Jenkins in 1975 to describe a group of predominantly American photographers, such as Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Stephen Shore, Henry Wessel Jr and Germans, Bernd and Hilla Becher who were inspired by the man-made world, selecting subject matter that was matter-of-fact. Their photographs had a banal aesthetic, in that they were formal and mostly black and white prints of the urban landscape.
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is baltz-00-featured-800x554.jpg
Stephen Shore, Beverly Boulevard and La Brea Avenue, Los Angeles, California, June 21, 1975, chromogenic colour print.

Analysis and discussion… starting points and key features of The New Topographics

  • Foreground vs background | Dominant features
  • Composition | low horizon line | Square format
  • Perspective and detail / cluttering
  • Wide depth of field | Large Format Camera
  • Colour | impact and relevance
  • Nationalism vs mobility vs isolation
  • Social commentary | The American Dream ?
  • An appreciation of the formal elements : line, shape, form, texture, pattern, tone etc

Explore Robert Adams seminal photobook: The New West here

Critic Sean O’Hagan, writing in The Guardian, said “his subject has been the American west: its vastness, its sparse beauty and its ecological fragility…What he has photographed constantly – in varying shades of grey – is what has been lost and what remains” and that “his work’s other great subtext” is silence…

New Topographics' – Will's OCA Log
Frank Golhke
Bernd and Hilla Becher

You could also look at these photographers who has been influenced by New Topographics…see below for images/ examples under RESOURCES…

Remember to use this


New Topographics was inspired by the likes of Albert Renger Patszch and the notion of The New Objectivity

Albert Renger-Patz

TYPOLOGIES and the landscape

Typology means the study and interpretation of types and became associated with photography through the work of Bernd and Hilla Becher, whose photographs taken over the course of 50 years of industrial structures; water towers, grain elevators, blast furnaces etc can be considered conceptual art. They were interested in the basic forms of these architectural structures and  referred to them as ‘Anonyme Skulpturen’ (Anonymous Sculptures.) Each industrial structure was photographed from eight different angles on an overcast day with light grey sky mimicking the detached white background in a photographic studio. Their aim was to capture a record of a landscape they saw changing and disappearing before their eyes so once again, Typologies not only recorded a moment in time, they prompted the viewer to consider the subject’s place in the world.

The Becher’s were influenced by the work of earlier German photographers linked to the New Objectivity movement of the 1920s such as August Sander, Karl Blossfeldt and Albert-Renger-Patzsch.

August Sander
Karl Blosfeldt

Read this useful introduction to the Becher’s work from American Photo magazine which describes their interest in the ‘Grid’ and their influence on future generations of photographers, members of the Düsseldorf School where Bernd and Hilla Becher taught between 1976 and 1996. Among his most renowned students are Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Thomas Ruff, and Thomas Struth.

Andreas Gursky. Paris, Montparnasse 1993
Thomas Struth (b. 1954) Ferdinand-von-Schill-Strasse, Dessau 1991 1991
Thomas Ruff
Candia Hofer

See also the work by Americans, William Christenberry and Ed Ruscha’s photographic works on types e.g. Twentysix Gasoline Stations (1964). Every building on the Sunset Strip (1966). Or Idris Khan‘s appropriation of Bechers’ images.

Ed Ruscha, 26 Gasoline Stations
Ed Ruscha: Every building on the Sunset Strip 
William Christenberry
Idris Khan

Bernd and Hilla Becher – Typologies of industrial architecture

Read this useful introduction to the Becher’s work from American Photo magazine which describes their interest in the ‘Grid’ and their influence on future generations of photographers, members of the Düsseldorf School.

The term ‘Typology’ was first used to describe a style of photography when Bernd and Hilla Becher began documenting dilapidated German industrial architecture in 1959. The couple described their subjects as ‘buildings where anonymity is accepted to be the style’.

Partly inspired by the likes of Karl Blossfeldt, August Sander and The New Objectivity (that we looked at in the previous project)

Stoic and detached, each photograph was taken from the same angle, at approximately the same distance from the buildings. Their aim was to capture a record of a landscape they saw changing and disappearing before their eyes so once again, Typologies not only recorded a moment in time, they prompted the viewer to consider the subject’s place in the world.

The Bercher’s influence as lecturers at the The Dusseldorf School of Photography passed Typologies onto the next generation of photographers. Key photographic typologists such as Thomas Struth, Thomas Ruff, Thomas Demand and Gillian Wearing lead to a resurgence of these documentary-style reflections on a variety of subject matter from Ruff’s giant ‘passport’ photos to Demand’s desolate, empty cities.

Truth and Photography

Lesson Plan: 1 – 2 lessons

Blog post: Create new blog post with title: Truth and Photography

Question: Name 3 things where manipulation of reality happens in photography.

  1. Read text: Is it real?
    Make notes directly into your blog post above – 5 mins

    Link to text: Bright, Susan (2019) Is it Real? in Photography Decoded. London: Octopus Publishing Group Ltd.

  2. Cold-calling: sample answers

  3. Blogpost: Re-evaluate your notes and thoughts from class discussion and add to blog post – 5 mins.
Robert Capa (1913-1954). The Falling Soldier (1936)

Link to story behind Capa’s image.

  1. Research: Robert Capa and find out the context and story behind his famous image The Falling Soldier (1936).
    3 mins – make notes on whiteboards

  2. Think, pair, share: Discuss 2 mins

    Question: Name some of the controversies and new discoveries around how the image was made.

  3. Cold-calling: sample answers

  4. Blogpost: Add image by Capa and write up notes from whiteboards and class discussion – 5 mins

Go through instructions here:

Essay: Can a Photograph Lie? | 2025 Photography A Level Blog (

Essay: Truth and Photography: Can a Photograph Lie?

ESSAY: Photography and Truth: Can a photograph lie?

Can a photograph lie?

Robert Capa, Death of a Loyalist Soldier, 1936

Are all photographs reliable?

Joe Rosenthal, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, February 23, 1945

A photograph is a certain delivery of facts?

Jeff Wall, Mimic, 1982

Claims of truth that most people take for granted?

Tom Hunter, Woman Reading a Possession Order, 1997, after Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675) A Girl Reading a Letter by an Open Window, 1647-49

You often hear a photographer saying: ‘the camera was there and recorded what I saw’.

A common phrase is to ‘shed light on a situation’ meaning to find out the truth.

‘A picture tells a 1000 words‘, is another aphorism that imply images are more reliable.

Picasso famously said: ‘We all know that art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realise truth.’

Magritte’s painting La Trahison des Images in which he painted a picture of a pipe with the words ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’ (This is not a pipe) goes some way towards an explanation.


Documentary photography’s central moral associations are:

depicting truth

recording life as it is

camera as a witness.

The photograph as evidence

Since its ‘invention’ in the 1830s, photographs have been used as sources of evidence. The direct (indexical) relationship between the sun’s rays and the resulting image makes photographs seem reliable as sources of information. No wonder that photography was enthusiastically embraced by organisations like the police who began to use photographs as sources of legal proof. And yet, from the beginning, artists working with photography began to create images which relied on the manipulation of their photographs using techniques like combination printing, undermining their evidential status. Photographs are very persuasive since they look so much like the things photographed. As Susan Sontag has pointed out, when we hear about something happening but doubt its occurrence, we tend to believe it to be true when shown a photograph of it. However, she also describes the way that photographs are peculiar in the type of evidence they provide:

The photographer was thought to be an acute but non-interfering observer – a scribe, not a poet. But as people quickly discovered that nobody takes the same picture of the same thing, the supposition that cameras furnish an impersonal, objective image yielded to the fact that photographs are evidence not only of what’s there but of what an individual sees, not just a record but an evaluation of the world. It became clear that there was not just a simple activity called seeing (recorded by, aided by cameras) but ‘photographic seeing’, which was both a new way for people to see and a new activity for them to perform.
​– Susan Sontag from On Photography

Some initial questions:

  • What can photographs be evidence of?
  • How many types of photographic evidence can you list?
  • Which of your official documents include a photograph of you?
  • Why are photographs considered, in some legal circumstances, to be a reliable source of evidence?
  • How reliable is your Instagram feed or family photo album as a record of your life?

In 2016, the Michael Hoppen Gallery curated an exhibition of photographs entitled ‘? The image as question: an exhibition of evidential photography‘.

The exhibition featured a wide range of photographs from fields such as medicine, conflict, engineering, astronomy and crime. Originally used as evidence of something, torn from their original context and hung on a gallery wall, the photographs could be appreciated for their aesthetic qualities and artistry. 

This was further emphasised by the exhibition hang which drew attention to the formal similarities between some of the photographs:

A limited edition of 200 catalogues were produced to mark the show, again conferring on the photographs the status of art object:

Part of the fascination with all photography is that the medium is firmly grounded in the documentary tradition. It has been used as a record of crime scenes, zoological specimens, lunar and space exploration, phrenology, fashion and importantly, art and science. It has been used as ‘proof’ of simple things such as family holidays and equally of atrocities taking place on the global stage. Any contemporary artist using photography has to accept the evidential language embedded in the medium.
— Michael Hoppen Gallery website

Do you know what London really looks like? Take our quiz and see if AI can fool you

After an image of the Pope fooled the internet, test yourself and see if you’re still one step ahead of artificial intelligence. Click here

TASKS: Produce a number of blog posts that show evidence of the following 

Mon-Tue: ESSAY > Write a 1000-1500 word comparative essay on photography’s association with truth using both historical and contemporary images as examples.

The essay question (hypothesis), Photography and Truth: Can a photography lie? is designed to explore the idea of photographs as forms of evidence. Of course this is relevant to all photographs. To what extent can any photograph be relied upon to tell us the truth? With new technology, such as generative AI that produce content from images and texts that already exist on the internet, it also raises questions about originality, appropriation and authorship. These issues are central to contemporary artistic and photographic practice and students should be alert to them. Is the photographer always the one who presses the shutter? Does it matter?

Follow these instructions:

  1. Select two images that have manipulated truth, one historical using camera technology, one contemporary using AI technology as examples to use in your essay
  2. Research history, theory and context of both images thoroughly and make notes.
  3. Read several sources (both online and on paper) to acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding
  4. Provide a critical perspective by referencing different points of view from sources.
  5. Select at least 2 quotes per image from sources you have read that is relevant to your essay question.
  6. Use Harvard System of Referencing and provide a bibliography
  7. Use key terminology specific to art and photography from the matrix/ sheet below.

Essay plan – use as a guideline

Hypothesis: Photography and Truth: Can a photograph lie?

Opening quote: to set the scene choose an appropriate quote from key texts or source that you have read and understood. Or select something Will Lakeman said in class discussion around ethics using AI in photography.

Introduction (250 words): Describe how photography from its invention as a new technology in 1839 was viewed as a threat to traditional artforms such as painting and drawing. Provide an overview of why photography (like all other art forms) is an illusion and a representation of reality (reflect on your essay earlier on the Origin of Photography). Explain what AI is as a new technology, and how it is already part of lives, give examples (Google, speech recognition, generative AI etc). Discuss both human and societal benefits and potential dangers of AI, again use examples such as Geoffrey Linton resigning from Google to bring awareness, or Sam Altman’s (CEO of OpenAI) being questioned by USA congress. Select one quote by either Linton or Altman and comment (either for or against). Introduce the two images that you have chosen as examples of the above.

Paragraph 1 (250-500 words): Describe how photography in the past (before the digital age) could be manipulated, both in-camera and in the darkroom (eg. reflect on Pictorialism’s use of chemicals and scratching surfaces in distorting images and earlier masking/ collaging technique sin the darkroom.) Provide an example of an image (see case studies below) from history of photography where the truth was distorted. Describe circumstances, context, different points of view and new discoveries or theories around the origin or meaning of your chosen image. Use either direct quote, paraphrasing or summary from sources and comment (for or against). Make sure you provide your own interpretation of the image too.

Paragraph 2 (250 -500 words): Describe how photography now since the digital age has been altering the truth from faking images in-camera to using image manipulation software, such as Photoshop. Provide an example of an image (see case studies below) produced using artificial intelligence that looks ‘real’, but are in fact a digital construct. Provide analysis of how generative AI such as DreamStudio, Midjourney or DALL E 2 has increased our ability to create new images that has no relationship with either photography or the truth. Use same formula as above and use either direct quote, paraphrasing or summary from sources and comment (for or against). Make sure you provide your own interpretation of the image too.

Conclusion (250 words): Refer back to the essay question and write a conclusion where you summarise in your own words both similarities and differences between your two image examples. For example, compare and contrast how historical images in the past and digital images made today, using new technology such as AI, have altered reality and distorted truth. Conclude with a statement on how you envisage the future of photography and AI image-making might change our perception of reality, and attitude towards truth.

Bibliography: List all the sources that you have identified in alphabetical order. Apart from listing literature you must also list all other sources e.g. websites/online sources, Youtube/ DVD/TV.

Quotes and referencing: You MUST reference some of the sources that you have used either by incorporating direct quotes, paraphrasing or summarising of an idea, theory or concept, or historical fact.

Use Harvard System of Referencing…see Powerpoint: harvard system of referencing for further details on how to use it.


Explore case studies where images have ‘lied’ and truth has been manipulated, distorted, staged or altered. Choose two images – one historical and one contemporary – for your essay from case studies listed below that questions the notion of truth regarding the photographic image and its relationship with reality and explain why.

Case Study 1: Roger Fenton, Valley of the Shadow of Death, April 23, 1855
Case Study 2: Robert Capa, Death of a Loyalist Soldier, 1936
Vu magazine, Sept. 23, 1936.  Robert Capa’s Spanish Civil War coverage with the “Falling Soldier” photograph
Case Study 3: Joe Rosenthal, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, February 23, 1945

Joe Rosenthal’s original caption: “Atop 550-foot Suribachi Yama, the volcano at the southwest tip of Iwo Jima, Marines of the Second Battalion, 28th Regiment, Fifth Division, hoist the Stars and Stripes, signalling the capture of this key position.”
Case Study 4: Steve McCurry, Taj Mahal and train in Agra, 1983.

The images of renowned photographer Steve McCurry, who made the famous and iconic image of an Afghan girl for a front cover of National Geography has recently been criticized for making ‘too perfect pictures’ which not only are boring but reinforces a particular idea or stereotype of the exotic other.


Read this article by Teju Cole in the New York Times Magazine which compares McCurry’s representation of India with a native photographer, Raghubir Singh who worked from the late ’60s until his untimely death in 1999, traveling all over India to create a series of powerful books about his homeland.

Read this artcicle on Petapixel in In defense of Steve McCurry’s images

What is your view? Back it up with references to articles read and include quotes for or against.

Subhas Chandra Bose statue, Kolkata, 1987. Raghubir Singh

Reference to Coldplay’s new video also highlight the idea of cultural appropriation that harks back to Britain’s colonial rule and exploitation of the Orient.

Case Study 5 > Jeff Wall, Approach, 2014.

Jeff Wall is a Canadian artists known for his large scale tableaux image presented in light-boxes. Today, most of his images resemble reportage and, as such, are likely to incense his detractors, who claim he’s not a “true” photographer. His most contentious new work, called Approach, shows a homeless woman standing by a makeshift cardboard shelter in which we spy the foot of what could be a sleeping vagrant. Wall tells me it was shot under an actual freeway where the homeless congregate and that “it took a month to make, working hands-on” – but he won’t divulge just how staged it is. Is this an actual homeless woman, or an actor? Is the shelter real, or was it built by Wall’s team of assistants to resemble one?

Re-creating images from memory is crucial to Wall’s practice – perhaps because it flies in the face of the tradition of photography as an act of instant witnessing.

“Something lingers in me until I have to remake it from memory to capture why it fascinates me,” he says. “Not photographing gives me imaginative freedom that is crucial to the making of art. That, in fact, is what art is about – the freedom to do what we want.”

Read full interview with Jeff Wall here

In terms of truth or communicating an idea that make references to a real social problem such as homelessness, does it matter if the image is staged or not? Where does authenticity come into the picture?

Jeff Wall exhibition with his trademark images presented in lightboxes.
Case Study 6 > Boris Eldagsen. The Electrician, from the series PSEUDOMNESIA, 2022. Credit: Boris Eldagsen/Co-created with DALLE2/Courtesy of Photo Edition Berlin.
AI-generated image wins photography award, but artist turns it down
Artist wins photo award with AI generated image, sparking debate | DW News

Berlin-based photographer Boris Eldagsen rejected the recognition from Sony World Photography Awards, saying that artificial intelligence (AI) images and photography should not compete with each other in similar contests. In a statement published on his website, Erdagsen said that he applied to the competition “as a cheeky monkey” to find out if such events are prepared to handle AI-generated content. The photographer also urged for debate on the role of AI in photography. “We, the photo world, need an open discussion. A discussion about what we want to consider photography and what not,” wrote Eldagsen.

Read Boris Eldgasen’s own comments om his website here, where you will also find hyperlinks to many articles and interviews given about the image and his refusal to accept the Sony World Photography Awards 2023.

Seymour, Tom (18 April 2023), The camera never lies? Creator of AI image rejects prestigious photo award. The Art Newspaper. (Accessed 19 June 2023)

Boris Eldagsen has accused the Sony World Photograph Awards of failing to distinguish between a photograph and a DALL-E 2-created image, while the organisers condemn a ‘deliberate attempt at misleading us’

Bush, Lewis (20 April 2023), ‘AI photography is here to stay—here’s why we should be worried’. The Art Newspaper. (Accessed 19 June 2023)

Maybe we should direct our attention less on whether these images count as photographs, and more on the moral right or wrong of how they work

Grierson, J. (17 April, 2023) Photographer admits prize-winning image was AI-generated. The Guardian News & Media Ltd. (accessed 19 June 2023)

German artist Boris Eldagsen says entry to Sony world photography awards was designed to provoke debate.

Williams, Zoe (18 April, 2023), ‘AI isn’t a threat’ – Boris Eldagsen, whose fake photo duped the Sony judges, hits back. The Guardian News & Media Ltd. (accessed 19 June 2023)

The German artist caused uproar this week when he revealed the shot that won a prestigious award wasn’t what it seemed. But, he insists, AI isn’t about sidelining humans – it’s about liberating artists

Parshall, Allison, (April 21, 2023) How This AI Image Won a Major Photography Competition. Scientific American (accessed 19 June 2023)

Boris Eldagsen submitted an artificial-intelligence-generated image to a photography contest as a “cheeky monkey” and sparked a debate about AI’s place in the art world

Bartels, Meghan (March 31, 2023), How to Tell If a Photo Is an AI-Generated Fake. Scientific American (accessed 19 June 2023)

Artificial-intelligence-powered image-generating systems are making fake photographs so hard to detect that we need AI to catch them.

Case Study 7: David Fathi > False image generated by AI using Midjourney showing Emmanuel Macron in contact with police officers and taking to the streets to protest against the retirement age reform in France.

Here is a statement by David Fathi: The Machine Seems to Need a Ghost about his new project and use of AI in his work.

‘Generative artificial intelligence and machine learning are rapidly advancing. Anyone can use image generation tools to create without needing specific technical or artistic skills. The images generated by these tools challenge the notions of work and creator, as if they were algorithmic ready-mades. Like Marcel Duchamp’s urinal, bottle rack or snow shovel, they are products of mechanization and automation (industrial for Duchamp, digital for these new creations) and displayed in an art gallery. The artist does not have to paint, photograph or sculpt; his choices and decisions shape the work. The algorithm draws from a huge database of images that mirror our world without replicating it accurately. The generated images look more and more realistic and close to reality but also act as a distorting mirror, exaggerating all the stereotypes and biases of our visual culture. 

We are at a turning point where human production has not yet been contaminated by artificial production. However this will soon change as the tools themselves use their own creations as input. Gradually the feedback loop, an endless cycle where culture ceaselessly refers to itself, will come to dominate the database, risking getting stuck in nostalgia for the past and trapped in a closed , meta-stable, system. Duchamp’s ghost still haunts us, an unavoidable reference in the history of contemporary art, often quoted, copied or parodied by generations of artists that followed. He became an art cliché despite himself. Duchamp himself described his own art as “meta-irony” to describe his art – a form of critical distance holding its own questioning. 

Artificial intelligence raises ethical, artistic and social questions that are only an acceleration of the same questions that have followed the inventions of printing, photography, computer or the internet. The growing automation only makes it harder to escape our current system and the “meta” has become a refuge. This constant self-reference, reflexivity, circularity of our art, our technologies, our culture is becoming a trap where the past’s ghosts still haunt our present thinking.’

Case Study 8: Philip Toledano > Trump as a poor man

Philip Toledano: (mrtoledano) For the final act of the trump series, let’s think about who donald trump would be if he didn’t have his fathers money. If he hadn’t had a gilded life of privilege handed to him. What if he was just Donny from Queens ? What would his life look like? What would he be doing ? 

Philip Toledano: I’ve noticed a lot of work uses ai to recreate photography as it is now-some sort of reflection of reality -but what’s utterly intriguing is that AI has its own voice. For instance, this image of the two men fighting I would argue is much more interesting than the one I posted yesterday (can you see what’s different ?) because (metaphorically) I allowed ai to have a say -now this image asks more questions (which is ALWAYS a good thing in art) 


Below are some background text on some of the topics of discussion, such as truth, ethics, realism, representation and genres of documentary photography and staged photography (tableaux). Reading a couple of these texts would provide you with the background knowledge and understanding that is required for you write a critical essay on the topic around photography and truth. It is your own responsibility to research relevant information and context around the two images that you have chosen from case studies above.

Documentary > Truth > Realism > Ethics > Representation

A short PPT on Documentary Photography

Bright, Susan (2019) Is it Real? in Photography Decoded. London: Octopus Publishing Group Ltd.

Sontag, Susan (1977) ‘In Plato’s cave’, Chapter 1 in On Photography. London: Penguin Books

Here some helpful resources on Sontag: On Photography from PhotoPedagogy

Max Pinckers Interview: On Speculative Documentary
How fact and fiction today in documentary photography is blurred

Here some helpful resources on ethical questions regarding the photographer’s position of being inside or outside from PhotoPedagogy

Tableaux Photography > Pictorialism > Narrative > Cinema

A short PPT on Tableaux Photography

Bate, David (2016) ‘Pictorual Turn’ in Art Photography. London: Tate Galleries.

How Tableaux has been influenced by Pictorialism




Artificial Intelligence > Ethics > Regulation > Media – current debates

In March, some prominent figures in tech signed a letter calling for artificial intelligence labs to stop the training of the most powerful AI systems for at least six months, citing “profound risks to society and humanity.” The letter, published by the Future of Life Institute, a nonprofit backed by Elon Musk, came just two weeks after OpenAI announced GPT-4, an even more powerful version of the technology that powers ChatGPT. In early tests and a company demo, GPT-4 was used to draft lawsuits, pass standardized exams and build a working website from a hand-drawn sketch.

Lets watch this interview on CNN with Dr Geoffrey Hinton who says ‘AI could kill humans and there might be no way of stopping it.’. The man often touted as the godfather of AI quit Google, citing concerns over the flood of misinformation, the possibility for AI to upend the job market, and the “existential risk” posed by the creation of a true digital intelligence. For more context read articles in The Guardian and NYT (New York Times) too

‘Godfather of AI’ says AI could kill humans and there might be no way to stop it

other clips DeepMind CEO on AI Godfather Hinton’s Google Departure | Watch (

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman: “If this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong.”

AI Principles

The Asilomar AI Principles, coordinated by The Future of Life Institute (FLI) and developed at the Beneficial AI 2017 conference, are one of the earliest and most influential sets of AI governance principles. Read all principles listed, especially those linked with Ethics and Values.

AI and Ethics Panel (

AI and Ethics Panel

The University of Florida hosted a panel on ethics in artificial intelligence on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, with faculty members exploring the important role of ethics as scientists race toward increasingly sophisticated AI technologies. UF faculty members Amelia Winger-Bearskin, Duncan Purves, Tina Tallon and Sanethia Thomas participated in the online panel, which explored various topics related to the ethical implications of artificial intelligence, including algorithmic bias, ChatGPT and the social impact of AI on different communities.

Josh Kline on the unfolding disasters of climate change and AI

Artforum editor in chief David Velasco visits Josh Kline at New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art to discuss “Project for a New American Century,” his first institutional survey in the US. Kline, whose work graces the cover of the April issue, reflects on his world-building art, the unfolding disasters of climate change and AI, and why he still sees the future as a place of hope. In the April issue: Colby Colby Chamberlain on the art of Josh Kline.




Assessment Objectives

Definition in dictionary:

You should provide evidence that fulfils the four Assessment Objectives:

AO1 Develop
 ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding
AO2 Explore and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining ideas as work develops
AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions, reflecting critically on work and progress
AO4 Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and, where appropriate, makes connections between visual and other elements.



  1. a person who watches or notices something.”to a casual observer, he was at peace.
  2. a person who follows events closely and comments publicly on them.”some observers expect interest rates to rise”
  3. a person posted in an official capacity to an area to monitor political or military events.”elections scrutinized by international observers”

SYNONYMS: spectator, onlooker, watcher, voyeur, looker-on, fly on the wall, viewer, witness, eyewitness, bystander, sightseer, commentator, onlooker, reporter, blogger, monitor.



  1. attempt to find (something):“they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds”
    SIMILAR: look for, be on the lookout for, search for, try to find, look about for.
  2. attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something):“the new regime sought his extradition” · “her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom”
    SIMILAR: pursue, go after, go for, try, attempt, endeavour, strive
  3. ask for (something) from someone:“he sought help from the police”
    SIMILAR: ask for, request solicit, call on, invite, entre, beg for
  4. (SEEK SOMEONE/SOMETHING OUT)search for and find someone or something:“it’s his job to seek out new customers”
    SIMILAR: discover, detect find (out), unearth, uncover, disinte



  1. a call to someone to participate in a competitive situation or fight to decide who is superior in terms of ability or strength:“he accepted the challenge”
    SIMILAR: dare, provocation, summons
  2. a call to prove or justify something:“a challenge to the legality of the banning order”
    SIMILAR: opposition, defiance, ultimatum, confrontation with.


  1. invite (someone) to engage in a contest:“he challenged one of my men to a duel” · “organizations challenged the government in by-elections”
    SIMILAR: dare, summon, invite,bid, throw down the gauntlet, to defy someone to do something
  2. dispute the truth or validity of:“it is possible to challenge the report’s assumptions”
    SIMILAR: question, take exception to, confront, dispute, take issue with

WEEK 1: 10 – 16 June
St Malo Trip and Street Photography

Blog post: THEORY & CONTEXT > Henri Cartier-Bresson and the ‘decisive moment’


1. Establish talk partners

2. Ask question:
How does Henri Cartier-Bresson view the act of photography?

Name 3 things and write on Show Me Boards (SMB)

Watch first film: 5 mins
make notes on SMB

For example:
Why is a camera an extension of the eye?
What is the physical pleasure in making photographs?
How can photography be liken to hunting?

3. Thinking time: 30 sec

4. Talk in pairs: 2 mins & SMB

5. Sample students responses: Cold-calling


1. Ask question:
Describe Cartier-Bresson’s theory of The Decisive Moment.

“The simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as the precise organization of forms which gives that event its proper expression.”

Watch second film: 5 mins
make notes on SMB

2. Cold calling to sample answers.

3. Task: In your pairs, describe Henri Cartier-Bresson’s theory of the decisive moment using direct quotes from his own text. Select one image of his work and apply the theory to your understanding of the photograph with detailed analysis of its form (what it looks like), composition (how it is arranged) and capturing a moment (essence of movement) .

The decisive moment is particularly concerned with the overall structure and composition of the photograph, such as shapes, geometry, patterns, action and movement. Comment on these elements as well as other formal elements such as:

The seven formal elements are commonly known as:

– Line
– Shape & Form
– Pattern
– Tone
– Colour
– Texture
– Space

Also make use of other specialist photography vocabulary such as, rule of third, depth of field – see Photography Vocabulary below.

4. Circulate classroom

5. Cold calling to sample answers.

6. Add the above new knowledge about the decisive moment, including analysis of one his images to your blog post on Cartier-Bresson. If you don’t complete in lesson time, make sure you complete it outside of lessons in your study periods or as homework .


1. Ask question:
Which camera techniques are useful for street photography and capturing ‘decisive moments’?

2. Thinking time: 30 sec

3. Talk in pairs: 2 mins & SMB

4. Sample students responses: Cold-calling

5. TASK: In pairs use a camera and explore techniques discussed above. 15 Mins of shooting, return to classroom, upload images in Image Transfer folder below:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\Yr 13 OBSERVE_SEEK_CHALLENGE 2024-25\PHOTO-SHOOTS

6. Review images in class and discuss.


“Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera.” – Henri Cartier-Bresson

Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004), a French photographer who is considered to be one of the fathers of photojournalism and masters of candid photography. He sought to capture the ‘everyday’ in his photographs and took great interest in recording human activity. He wrote,

“For me the camera is a sketch book, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity, the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously. In order to ‘give a meaning’ to the world, one has to feel involved in what one frames through the viewfinder. This attitude requires concentration, discipline of mind, sensitivity, and a sense of geometry. It is by economy of means that one arrives at simplicity of expression.”

As a reporter and co-founder of the Magnum photography agency, Cartier-Bresson accepted his responsibility to supply information to a world in a hurry. He documented the liberation of Paris, the collapse of the Nationalist regime in China, Gandhi’s funeral and the partitioning of Berlin. Cartier-Bresson helped develop the street photography style that has influenced generations of photographers that followed. He was influenced by Surrealism and began his career in film working with renowned French director, Jean Renoir as second assistant director to films such as La vie est à nous (1936) and Une partie de campagne (1936), and La Règle du Jeu (1939 – considered one of the most influential films in 20th century.

“The simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as the precise organization of forms which gives that event its proper expression.”

Henri Cartier-Bresson’s precise definition of ‘the decisive moment’

Henri Cartier-Bresson, Images à la sauvette (The Decisive Moment), 1952

The Decisive Moment, Henri Cartier-Bresson’s influential publication, is widely considered to be one of the most important photobooks of the twentieth century. Pioneering for its emphasis on the photograph itself as a unique narrative form, The Decisive Moment was described by Robert Capa as “a Bible for photographers.” Originally titled Images à la Sauvette (“images on the run”) in the French, the book was published in English with a new title, The Decisive Moment, which unintentionally imposed the motto which would define Cartier-Bresson’s work. The exhibition details how the decisions made by the collaborators in this major project—including Cartier-Bresson, French art publisher Tériade, American publisher Simon & Schuster, and Henri Matisse, who designed the book’s cover—have shaped our understanding of Cartier-Bresson’s photographs.

Henri Cartier-Bresson Behind the Gare St. Lazare1932

Listen to an audible comment from MOMA (Museum of Modern Art, NYC) here Henri Cartier-Bresson. Behind the Gare St. Lazare. 1932 | MoMA

Read interview here by The Guardian’s photography critic Sean ‘Hagan. Cartier-Bresson’s classic is back – but his Decisive Moment has passed

Thurs 13 June: PRACTICE & RECORDING > St Malo photoshoot (250-400 images)

“Stare. It is the way to educate your eye, and more. Stare, pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long.”

Walker Evans, ca. 1960 from Afterword in Many Are Called, a photobook featuring Evans’ snapshots of subway riders in New York.

Street Photography: the impulse to take candid pictures in the stream of everyday life. Street photography is a form of documentary but it is decidedly not reportage and rarely simply tells a story. Sometimes a street photographer captures something truly unusual – an extraordinary face, an accident, or a crime in the making. But more often a good street photograph is remarkable because it makes something very ordinary seem extraordinary.

Flaneur: The street photographer is the archetypal flaneur, an urban type popularised by the French poet Charles Baudelaire in the mid-nineteenth century, around the same time that photography itself came into popular circulation. Baudelaire defined the flaneur as ‘a botanist of the sidewalk’ an apt description for most of street photographers. Read more here

Technology: The Leica handheld camera, commercially available as of 1924, was the ticket to allowing a photographer to be on the move, as well as to capturing movement. A 35-mm film camera, the Leica had a wide aperture that required a short exposure time, especially for pictures taken outdoors, and it could advance quickly, which allowed the photographer to take numerous pictures of a subject in quick succession. Read more here on the history of the Leica camera

The Leica became the camera of choice in the 1930s for photographers such as André KertészIlse BingHenri Cartier-Bresson, and others, all of whom worked primarily in Europe. Those photographers did not call themselves street photographers even if some of their subject matter fit the genre’s current definition, but instead they identified themselves as photojournalists, fashion photographers (many worked for magazines), or simply as experimenters with a new medium. The Leica continued to be the go-to device for photographers after World War II, especially for New York City photographers such as Roy DeCaravaLisette Model, William Klein, and Helen LevittRobert Frank, who is best known for his book The Americans (1959) and was the leading influence on street photographers of the succeeding generation, documented culture throughout the United States and in Europe. Street photography took off in Mexico as well, with Manuel Álvarez Bravo and Graciela Iturbide. Paris had Robert Doisneau, Czechoslovakia had Josef Koudelka, and London had Bill Brandt.

An exclusive interview with photographer William Klein and a first-ever glimpse behind the scenes at his Paris studio.
Hunting for characters on the Streets of New York City with Magnum Photographer Bruce Gilden.
A preview of the exhibition Diane Arbus: In The Beginning, on view at The Met Breuer from July 12 through November 27, 2016.
Finding Vivian Maier Official US Theatrical Trailer #1 (2013) – Photography Documentary HD
In this episode, I try to take photos like Vivian Maier.

Photo-assignment: St Malo and decisive moments

American street photographer Gary Winogrand famously said that, ‘I photograph things to see what they look like photographed.’

Using Cartier-Bresson’s theory of ‘the decisive moment’ try and capture images where the overall composition and visual elements are combined with an essence of movement. Find a location or spot that works as a compositional structure and anticipate or wait for something to happen within the photographic frame, eg. movement of people, a passer-by, or a dog, or some other fleeting moment of street life. Consider the following:

SUBJECT MATTER/ CAPTURING A MOMENT > people and humanity, theatre of everyday life, poetics of streets, comic absurdities and humour, small acts of kindness, scenes of unexpected beauty, ordinary moments, visual pun and humour, gestures and poses, faces and crowds.

LOCATIONS & PLACES > inside the walls and on the ramparts, back alleys and sidewalks, beaches and coastal promenades, parks and public spaces, cafes and shops, street corners and intersections, signs and advertising, facades and architecture.

POINTS OF VIEW > low/ high/ canted angles, deadpan approach, light and shadows, intensity of colour, reflections in shop windows, shoot through glass, frame within a frame, focusing and un-focusing, up-close and details, shallow depth of field, artful and funny juxtapositions, geometry and space, lines and form, textures and patterns, signs and shop windows, advertising and graphics, reflections and mirrors.

APPROACH > capturing decisive moments, candid portraits, informal snapshots, inobtrusive observations (Cartier-Bresson style), interactive and confrontational (William Klein approach), spontaneous and subconscious reactions, poetic possibilities, inquisitive mind and roaming eye, looking and prying, shoot from the hip, serendipity and good luck.

CAMERA HANDLING > Lenses (focal length): use wide (18-35mm) to standard lenses (50mm). Focusing: automatic or manual – whatever you prefer. Exposure mode: S or T mode – (shutter-speed priority). Shutter-speeds: experiment with fast (1/125-1/500) and slow shutter-speeds (1/15-1/60). ISO: 100 (sunny weather), 200-400 (overcast ), 800-3200 ISO (inside or evening/ night). White Balance: auto

Download and print prompt sheet here:

For further inspiration see the work of historical and contemporary street photographers below. Or, for a comprehensive Powerpoint presentation with many examples of street photographers, styles and approaches – go to folder here:

M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\OBSERVE-SEEK-CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Presentations\Street photography

WEEK 2: 17 – 23 June
Editing > Selecting
Photo-shoots from St Malo

Upload new images from St Malo to M:drive and begin to edit in Lightroom.
Follow these instructions:


  • Save shoots in folder on M:drive and import into Lightroom
  • Organisation: Create new Collection Set: St Malo
    Create a new Collection from new shoot inside Collection Set: St Malo
  • Editing: select 10-12 images from your shoot.
  • Experimenting: Adjust images in Develop, both as Colour and B&W images appropriate to your intentions.
  • Make sure you have standardised all the pictures in terms of exposure, brightness/ contrast, colour balance using Sync Settings
  • Export images as JPGS (1000 pixels) and save in a folder: BLOG
  • Create a Blogpost with edited images and an evaluation; explaining what you focused in your shoot and how you intend to develop your next photoshoot.
  • Analyse a couple of your best shots and describe the Decisive Moment within the images
  • Select one image and compare with an image from Henri Cartier-Bresson in relation to the theory of the Decisive Moment

EVALUATING: Upon completion of photoshoot and experimentation, make sure you evaluate and reflect on your next step of development. Comment on the following:

  • How successful was your photoshoot and experimentation?
  • What references did you make to artists references? – comment on technical, visual, contextual, conceptual?
  • How are you going to develop your project from here? – comment on research, planning, recording, experimenting.
  • What are you going to do next? – what, why, how, when, where?

WEEK 3: 24 – 30 June
Developing > Experimenting
Cropping and AGI: Artificial Generative Intelligence

This week you have some time to catch up with work not completed, such as:

  • Experiment 1: CROPPING:
    Using cropping tool only begin to make some radical changes by selecting areas of your images for a different visual impact. Produce at least 3 different crops for 6 images.
  • Experiment 2: AI
    Produce a set 10 AI generated images / variations using text prompts > 1 blog post with annotation
  • Compare camera-based images with AI generated images > 1 blog post
  • Inspirations: Case Study 2 on artist(s) using AI as part of their image-making process > 1 blog post
  • Review, improve or complete any outstanding research, analytical/ contextual blog posts on Henri Cartier-Bresson and the decisive moment > 1 blog post
  • Essay > deadline Mon 10 July
  • If all above is completed, begin research task below collecting a variety of picture-stories as inspiration for your page-spread design.


One of the founding fathers of Documentary Photography Walker Evans used cropping as part of his work.  Another pioneer of the photo-essay, W. Eugene Smith also experimented with cropping is his picture-stories.

Read more here on Walker Evans and his magazine work and  his series Labour Anonymous here on W. Eugene Smith.

Walkers Evans and Labour Anonymous
W. Eugene Smith and Jazz Loft Project

There are many different types of crops used for different effects. The way in which a photo is cropped can add or alter the meaning significantly, especially in photojournalism. Sometimes, artistic qualities within photos are destroyed by careless cropping in order to make it fit into a particular layout in a newspaper or magazine for example.

For more history and context see Pictures on a Page, written almost 50 years by legendary newspaperman, Harold Evans who was the Picture Editor for The Sunday Times Magazine. Pictures on a Page, generally considered the definitive text on photojournalism, graphics and picture editing. Read more here


AI EXPERIMENTING > Using your images from St Malo as inspiration produce a variety of AI generated images (at least 10 variants) using Photoshop AI, DreamStudio or Midjourney. Explore your experiences in St Malo and generate AI images inspired by street photography and Cartier-Bresson’s theory around the decisive moment. Either ‘train’ AI on your original images or recreate street photographs using relevant text prompts linked to your photo-assignment last week – see above. Use key terminology, such as specific words and phrases linked to subject matter, capturing moment, locations & places, points of view, approaches, composition and formal analysis, camera handling and techniques.

Show creative process using a combination of screen grabs and annotation > 1 blog post


Philip Toledano: I’ve noticed a lot of work uses ai to recreate photography as it is now-some sort of reflection of reality -but what’s utterly intriguing is that AI has its own voice. For instance, this image of the two men fighting I would argue is much more interesting than the one I posted yesterday (can you see what’s different ?) because (metaphorically) I allowed ai to have a say -now this image asks more questions (which is ALWAYS a good thing in art) 

I’m also surprised to see how it handles the animal images I’ve been doing -especially the monkeys and apes-the images have such emotion in them -and finally, I’m very much enjoying the way in which you can abstract the human form …

From his series, another America …

Photos courtesy of the latest version of Midjourney, an AI program which generates realistic deepfakes   –  Copyright  Reddit – Twitter. Read article here

AI-created images of Donald Trump, shared by @EliotHiggins’s account. – Twitter – Midjourney
AI-created images of Donald Trump, shared by @EliotHiggins’s account. – Twitter – Midjourney
David Fathi: False image generated by photographer David Fathi via Midjourney showing Emmanuel Macron in contact with police officers. Credit: David Fathi / Midjourney

AI Image generating software: DreamStudio, Midjourney, DALL-E 2, Dream by Wombo, Craiyon and new version of Photoshop with AI

Photoshop AI

A general tip in Photoshop is just to get familiar with Layers, Selections, Masking, and Groups. Almost every complex task just involves being better at these and most problems proceed from small misunderstandings in them. There are free videos explaining any of these, for people who want targeted learning there is a short video on every tool available on Phlearn. The site will try and get you to pay for Premium Content, but there’s loads of free stuff. 

For example, these are all free/quick, the presenter is great, and most contain free sample files to practice on.You can teach yourself a good standard of Photoshop just by following along. Click here for tutorials.

Introduction from Adobe to Photoshop AI: Nearly three and a half decades since we first brought Photoshop to the world, we’re writing a new chapter in our history with the integration of Generative AI and Adobe Firefly into Photoshop. Today we deliver an incredible new capability into creators’ hands that empowers them to work at the speed of their imagination while fundamentally transforming the experience into something more natural, intuitive and powerful.

Generative Fill – Adobe Photoshop Quickly create, add to, remove or replace images right in Adobe Photoshop with simple text prompts powered by Adobe Firefly generative AI.

Learn the basics of Generative Fill that is now integrated into the Beta version of Adobe Photoshop. This technology allows you to write simple text prompts to enhance your own images directly in Photoshop.

What’s new in Photoshop

The new features introduced to Photoshop are designed to accelerate everyday creative workflows, streamline complex tasks, and reduce clicks.

Adjustment Presets

Image showing Adjustments presets.

Adjustment Presets are filters that speed up complex tasks by enabling you to preview and change the appearance of images in just a few steps to achieve a distinctive look and feel, instantly.

There are 32 new presets in the Adjustments panel that you can hover over to see what your image would look like with each preset applied before selecting it. Once a preset is selected, it can be further refined by editing the automatically created adjustment layers in the layers panel.

For more information go here.

Neural Filter

Neural Filters is a new workspace in Photoshop with a library of filters that dramatically reduces difficult workflows to just a few clicks using machine learning powered by Adobe Sensei. Neural Filters is a tool that empowers you to try non-destructive, generative filters and explore creative ideas in seconds. Neural Filters helps you improve your images by generating new contextual pixels that are not actually present in your original image. 

Click here for a tutorial on how to use Generative Fill

Gradients update

The Gradients feature has been significantly improved, and the workflow has been expedited.

The feature enables you to create gradients in just a few steps and now includes new on-canvas controls which help you have precise controls over many aspects of the gradient in real-time. A live preview that’s created automatically shows you instantly how the changes you make affect your image.

You can now also make non-destructive edits to your gradients, which means you can go back and make changes to your gradient without permanently altering your original image.

For more information go here.

Remove Tool

Image showing how to use the Remove Tool.

The Remove Tool is an AI-powered feature that enables you to replace an unwanted object by simply brushing over it, preserving the integrity of nearby objects and providing an uninterrupted transition on complex and varied backgrounds.

The Remove Tool is particularly powerful when removing larger objects and matching the smooth focus shift across the image. For example, the tool can remove an entire building or car from an alpine landscape image while seamlessly maintaining the fidelity of the progression from meadow to mountains.

Use the Remove tool for:

  • Big objects
  • An object near other objects
  • An object on a varied-focus background
  • An object with structure behind it (think lines, like a fence or horizon)

For more information go here.

Contextual Task Bar

The Contextual Task Bar is an on-screen menu that recommends the most relevant next steps in several key workflows, reducing the number of clicks required to complete a project, and making the most common actions more easily accessible.

Image showing how to use the Contextual Task Bar.

For example, when an object is selected, the Contextual Task Bar appears below your selection and suggests actions for selection refinement that you might want to use next, such as Select and Mask, Feather, Invert, Create Adjustment Layer, Fill Selection, or generate something with the new Generative Fill capabilities.

For more information go here.

Generative Fill

The revolutionary and magical new suite of AI-powered capabilities grounded in your innate creativity, enabling you to add, extend, or remove content from your images non-destructively using simple text prompts. You can achieve realistic results that will surprise, delight, and astound you in seconds. 

Click here for a tutorial on how to use Generative Fill


Tutorial as we explore the amazing capabilities of DreamStudio, from creating realistic portraits to coming up with prompts and structuring your work for maximum impact,
Follow more advanced tutorial here
Explore AI artist: Rune S Nielsen site here


Explore examples here, Next Steps in Midjourney: Photorealistic Experience with AI Art

On the left: the old output from V4. On the right: the result of the same prompt in the new V5. Image credits: created with Midjourney by CineD
An example of a picture generated in Cinemascope by adding “–ar 21:9” to the prompt. Image credit: created with Midjourney V5 by CineD

Read article here on: How to get great results with Midjourney learning bout being more precise with your text prompts.


DALL-E and DALL-E 2 are deep learning models developed by OpenAI to generate digital images from natural language descriptions, called “prompts”. DALL-E was revealed by OpenAI in a blog post in January 2021, and uses a version of GPT-3 modified to generate images. In April 2022, OpenAI announced DALL-E 2, a successor designed to generate more realistic images at higher resolutions that “can combine concepts, attributes, and styles”.

WEEK 4 – 6: 1 – 19 July
Picture story: design a page spread

Make A3 page spreads based on images made in-camera (analogue/ observational) and/or AI generated images (digital/ constructed). Follow the steps below:

1. Research Picture-Stories: Produce a mood board of newspaper layouts and magazine style picture stories. For reference use look at local stories from the JEP as well as international stories from  magazine supplements in UK broadsheets newspaper ( e.g. The Sunday Times, The Guardian, The Telegraphs, Financial Times etc). Look at also at digital picture stories from the internet (see photo-agency websites: Lensculture,  Magnum Photos, World Press Photo, AgenceVU, Panos Pictures. Alec Soth’s LBM Dispatch

Find picture-stories here in this folder: M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\YR 13 OBSERVE, SEEK, CHALLENGE 2024-2025\Picture-stories

2. Analysis and deconstruction: Look at the layout of pictures and analyse how individual pictures relate and tell a story according to the construction of a traditional picture-story. Identify what types of pictures are more important than others e.g. which are major (establishing shots) or minor pictures (detail, relationship shot), and which types of portraits are used (formal, informal, environmental and person at work) see Powerpoint: A Traditional Picture Story below for further guidance. Analyse also the use of headline, text and captions to convey and construct a particular meaning or point of view.

The Traditional Picture Story_v1

Blogpost: Produce 1 Blogpost with moodboard of picture stories + analysis of one in relation to Traditional picture story

3. Headline, text, captions: Think of a creative title and write a selection of headlines that tell your story. Write also an introduction/ abstract that provide further context for your pictures story. Also write captions for each picture: who, what, where, when and put into a new post

4. A3 Page-Spread Designs: Produce at least two different designs/ picture-stories from your photographs. Class tutorial on page design using InDesign. Be creative in your layout and experiment with different ways to communicate your message by clever cropping, sequencing, juxta-positioning, typography, use of graphics etc. Think of catchy headline and also write a short text (50-100 words) and captions for images. Start with a rough sketch of how the page might work and begin to lay out pictures, major and minors.

a) Design a traditional newspaper layout
b) Design a magazine double-page spread

Create new document
width: 420mm
height: 297
pages: 3
orientation: landscape
columns: 4
column gutter: 5mm
margins: top, bottom, inside, outside: 10mm
bleed: top, bottom, inside, outside: 3mm

5. Experimentation: Edit your final layout and designs – make sure you show experimentation in your blog of different design and layout ideas combining images, graphics and typography in a personal and creative manner. Produce at least 3 versions of each design

Blogpost: Produce 1 Blogpost which shows evidence of you design process using screen grabs and annotation.

6. Evaluation: Reflect on your final design ideas and explain in some detail how well you realised your intentions and reflect on what you learned/ What could you improve? How?

7. Presentation: Print, mount and present final designs and any other final outcomes, such your best 3-5 images and present as final print.

Blogpost: Produce 1 Blogpost with your final page-spreads and write an evaluation.

PRINT FOLDER: M:\Radio\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\OBSERVE-SEEK-CHALLENGE\PRINTS