invisible storytelling is editing to transmit the plot without focusing on it
combining related shots to make a seamless consistent narrative
Young People:
In trainspotting young people are mostly represented as people who do not care about life, this is shown with spud, who gets high for a job interview, so he does not get it
older people:
older people are portrayed as more responsible, wise and knowledgeable then younger people, we see this with rentons parents who attempt to help him get off drugs
women: Women in the film are shown to break the stereotype of men being higher, this is shown with diane who has the upper hand on renton and threatens to call the police on him.
men: men in the movie are shown as very stereotypical, this can be seen with begbie who is an overly aggressive and masculine person
addicts: the film gives a sympathetic view to addicts, highlighting how hard it is to quit drugs when you’re reliant on them, we can see this when the baby dies, showing how drugs have negatively affected renton, but he still struggles to quit
scottish people: scottish people are shown as lower class then english people, renton also yaps about hating being scottish, and he moves to england to seek better oppurtunities
date: sat 9th december
actors: Joshua, Fredrick, Harry
location: St catherines wood
Aesthetic terms – 1 Realism
Verisimilitude – something that looks real
social realism – the realistic depiction in art of contemporary life, as a means of social or political comment.
Magic Realism – a literary or artistic genre in which realistic narrative and naturalistic technique are combined with surreal elements of dream or fantasy.
Hyperreality – extremely realistic media, that is very close to real life
Aesthetic terms 2 – Visual Style
Iconography – the distinguishing elements, in terms of props and visual details, which characterise a genre.
Intertextual Referencing – the shared relationship between two texts, and it relates to texts that have similar ideas or that take inspiration from other texts
Visual/ Sound motifs – the visible elements that reoccur in your film to help tell your story.
colour grading – the process of enhancing and altering the colour of footage in order to achieve a desired visual effect
auteur trademarks – infuse films with their singular perspectives and trademark visual styles when translating them from screenplays to the screen.
aesthetic terms 3 – tone
Pathos – evokes an emotional response from the audience
Bathos – If something starts out serious and then turns trivial
Suspense – a state or condition of mental uncertainty or excitement, as in awaiting a decision or outcome, usually accompanied by a degree of apprehension or anxiety.
Comedy – humor
Dramatic Irony – a literary device by which the audience’s or reader’s understanding of events or individuals in a work surpasses that of its characters.
Distancing Effect (Verfremdung) – the use of techniques designed to distance the audience from emotional involvement in the play through jolting reminders of the artificiality of the theatrical performance.
Postmodern Humour – The saturation of slippages and meanings prevent a solid linkage of humorous and serious meaning.
a stereotype is a simplified idea of what a person is like based on something about them
a countertype is representation that highlights positive parts of a group
An example of a movie stereotype is Scott Pilgrim, as heroes in stories are normally good people, with good goals like saving someone, and Scott is not a good person.
This is england