Exam Prep

NEA – non-examined assessment or coursework.


  1. 1st draft Statement of Intent (by email m.mckinlay@hautlieu.sch.je or on blog) FRIDAY 17th MAY
  2. 1st draft Product 1 (submit in appropriate media form, so if it’s print, you need to print it out!) FRIDAY 24th MAY
  3. Summer deadline for ALL products (ie both productions) and the statement of intent FRIDAY 19th JULY 2024.
  4. Final deadline for ALL products is THURSDAY 19th DECEMBER

Provisional Grading (ie from last year)

  • Paper 1 and Paper 2 max mark 84 each
  • NEA max mark is 60 (but is scaled up by 1.2 in the final grading)
  • A* 54
  • A 51
  • B 43
  • C 35
  • D 27
  • E 20

Statement of Intent

Ms Magowan Statement of Intent Help

You must complete a Statement of Intent that outlines your aims for your cross-media production. This will be assessed with the products and will allow you to explain the ways in which you will apply knowledge and understanding of media language and media representation to your products, how your products will target the intended audience, reflect the industry context they are created for and how you will exploit the opportunities for digital convergence between the products. For your real coursework / NEA, this must be submitted to your teacher and will be sent to the exam board for marking with your products.

Write your statement of intent from the perspective of WHY rather than WHAT, as you can see below the aim of the NEA is for you explore a theoretical area of the syllabus.

You must complete a first draft of your 500 word statement of intent by Friday 17th May – either upload to the blog, or email to m.mckinlay@hautlieu.sch.je.

The link below is a pro-forma assessment sheet that we have been using to mark your NEA / practical work during the course so far.


Are the CSPs linked to the coursework (Non Exam Assessment)?

Yes, the range of production briefs to choose from are linked to the CSPs. The knowledge and understanding built up in the study of the CSPs will help you to create your own cross-media

This the student NEA handbook. Please read through the booklet and start this process by choosing which set brief you wish to produce. Make sure you look really closely at the exact requirements for your set brief.

PREVIOUS NEA set briefs (ie NOT OURS! So just a guide)

2023 student book:

2023 teacher book: