NEA / Print Language

For your NEA (coursework) you have to create a front covercontents page and double page spread for a magazine for gamers similar to PC Gamer, Pocket Tactics, Games TM.

There is more guidance on the NEA page but it is worth noting that all work (ie text, images and graphics) need to be original.

So let’s start by looking at some PC Gamer, Pocket Tactics and Games TM magazines. Then let’s look at some other gaming magazines.

TASK 1: make a gallery of front cover images using at least 12 front covers from either PC gamer, Pocket Tactics or Games TM. Upload and embed as a GALLERY not as single images.

next let’s apply some key language to some games magazines in class. TASK 2: assemble the packet of print language terms under 3 separate headings:

  • Image
  • Text
  • Layout

take a picture and upload to your blog.

Task 3: label every sign that you can see on the front cover of a games magazine (that will be handed out in class). Use as many of the key words as possible and if you need more than 1 label, make some more handwritten labels to use or print some out using the document below. Place all of your labels on the front cover. Take a picture and upload to your blog.

For more support and ideas look at this post:

Layout & Design

To move from our summer task work to our NEA / Coursework we need to revisit our layouts and designs – so you may either build on your summer task, or abandon it! Either way you need to produce a sketch of your intended front cover layout, thinking several key elements – the rule of thirds, your main signifier (usually a main image) and your masthead. As such, Task 4 is to get a piece of A4 paper and carefully think about your design and layout. Take a picture of this rough / initial sketch and upload to the blog. Use your research material to inform your choices, ideas and decisions and underneath this (uploaded) picture write up some annotations that give an insight into your intentions, ideas. Use key language and also reference your research material – please note that this is the start of your statement of intent see NEA information page above.

Intro to audience Theory

Basic audience theory is looking to investigate the relationship between ENCODING (the way that a message is CONSTRUCTED and DELIVERED) and DECODING (the way in which a message is RECEIVED and/or DECONSTRUCTED).


follow this link for wiki info on Encode / Decode model (Stuart Hall)

When companies develop a new product they often construct a prototype or pilot around an ideal consumer. So for TASK 5: go back to your post that has your initial sketch and your initial ideas written up and describe the ideal consumer for your product. To help you could watch the video below which looks at the audience theory that suggests media products satisfy the USES AND GRATIFICATIONS OF THEIR TARGET CONSUMERS, in that sense, what are the uses and gratifications of your product/target audience, as ideally these should be matched.

Now that you have developed an initial idea for your product and have an initial idea of your target audience, Task 6 is to come up with a TITLE for your magazine and produce a convincing, creative, original and appropriate masthead in Photoshop. To do this YOU MUST MEASURE A REAL MEDIA MASTHEAD PRODUCT AND SET YOUR PHOTOSHOP DOCUMENT TO THAT EXACT SIZE. Make sure you think carefully about:

  • choice of font
  • colour
  • size, scale and positioning
  • the connotations of your choices

Test your ideas with the person sitting next to you, reflect on what they have to say and revise your decisions / product.

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