Sound- Margaret Thatcher’s radio broadcasts are frequently used in the film to remind the spectator about the Falklands war during the 1980s, bringing verisimilitude to the table. this non-diegetic sound of war is going on in the background of each characters minds, which is then also replicated through the horrible situations all of the skinheads have brought upon themselves and those who surround them. This enhances the agony and pain from Shaun’s mind. Reggae and Jamaican genre called ‘Ska’ is also included to show the confusion and corrupt ideology and beliefs from the skinhead community as back in the 60’s, black people and Jamaican culture was incooperated and interlinked with no hatred or racism. However, in the 80’s, Combo has no filter in demonstrating his racist beliefs. Yet the younger gang such as Woody and Shaun see no problem in skin colour which demonstrates that this culture is made of far right and left wing politics.

Editing- Many montages depict Shaun’s story and his upbringing as we are taken along with him, also second handly experiencing his feelings. It encourages his story into a journey as there are unique stages that we see through the use of montages. This allows the spectator to adjust to Shaun’s character development and sympathise much personally.

Mise en Scene- The costume, hair and makeup and set design spring to mind when Mise en Scene is considered as there was a great effort in bringing back the verisimilitude of the 80’s in the United Kingdom. The shaved heads help our understanding of the Skinhead culture, along with the lack of education when the gang spray paint National as “Nashnil” to represent their racism and lack of inclusivity in England.

Cinematography- Many POV shots are used from Milky’s perspective to emphasise the hurtful and incredibly harsh racism that is experienced, which appears very raw to the spectators to apply knowledge of how horrible this skinhead community can be including the Far Right movement. Handheld camera shots also bring verisimilitude and spring alertness to the characters when concerning or on edge scenes are shot whereas a static shot wouldn’t bring the same emotion.