All posts by Joshua Wright
Birth of Hollywood questions

1)Had better filming locations and year round good weather meaning they good film anytime and had a diverse area to film in and provided good locations.

2) Some big stars at the time was Greta Garbo, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Clara Bow.

It was seen as a factory due to the rapid production of films and could have as much as 10 or more films
The first talking picture was in 1927
Many of their voices didn’t fit their onscreen character, or were heavily accented
The great depression happened around this time.
The big five studios at the time was the metro goldwyn-mayer, warner bros, paramount, Fox and RKO.
a business strategy in which a company takes ownership of two or more key stages of its supply chain.
Challenges in the form of pay TV, antitrust legislation, low admissions, and censorship
WW2 was happening at this time.
Aesthetics power point updated
This is England Representation task
English People: Being English in the Film means many different things and is important to the plot. A lot of the themes of the movie are based around being English and one of the goals Sean realising what it means to be English.

Younger people: The younger people of this is England are seen as kind and looking out for people in similar situotians to them such as Woody looking out for Shaun when he was told he was bullied.

Older People: The older people of this is England are often presented as racist and refuse to change. This is depicted by Combos character leading a racist movement and influencing Shaun in a wrong way.

Black and Asian people: Mostly represented by milky, they are often discriminated by characters like combo. For example we see this when Combo and his gang threaten to stab a Pakistani child over a football whilst yelling slurs at him.

Men: Men are often represented in the film as role models for what Shaun wants to be like. Due to Shaun’s lack of a father figure, he looks up to people like woody, when he begins to look up combo we see how his personality changes and he is reflective of those around him.

Woman: Woman in this is England are scene as kind and caring for those around them. This is brought up with Shaun’s mum as she is constantly worried about Shaun and cares for him. We also see this with the character of Smell who acts as Shaun’s girlfriend throughout the movie and makes him feel better.

Story Schedule
date of filming: 9/12/2023
Location of filming: St catherins woods
cast: Freddie ,Harry , Kim Jon oisin, Josh

List of shots
-Medium shot
-High angle shots
-Over the shoulder shots
-Establishing shots
Shane Meadows task
Aesthetics task
Verisimilitude- appearance of being true or real.
Social Realism- the realistic depiction in art of complementarity life, as a means of social or political comment.
Magic Realism- a literary or artistic genre in which realistic narrative and naturistic technique are combined with surreal elements of dream or fantasy.
Hyper reality-Hyperreality is a concept in post-structuralism that refers to the process of the evolution of notions of reality
Visual Style
Iconography- a particular range or system of types of image used by an artist or artists to convey particular meanings
Intertextual referencing- when a text implicitly or explicitly refers to another text, by using distinctive, common or recognisable elements of the referenced text
Visual/Sound motifs-the visible elements that reoccur in your film to help tell your story.
Colour Grading- post-production process common to filmmaking and video editing of altering the appearance of an image for presentation in different environments on different devices.
Auteur trademarks- infuse films with their singular perspectives and trademark visual styles when translating them from screenplays to the screen.
Pathos-persuade an audience by purposely evoking certain emotions to make them feel the way the author wants them to feel.
Bathos- an effect of anti-climax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous.
Suspense-a state or condition of mental uncertainty or excitement, as in awaiting a decision or outcome, usually accompanied by a degree of apprehension or anxiety.
Comedy-type of drama or other art form the chief object of which, according to modern notions, is to amuse.
Dramatic Irony-a literary device by which the audience’s or reader’s understanding of events or individuals in a work surpasses that of its characters.
Distancing effect-the use of techniques designed to distance the audience from emotional involvement in the play through jolting reminders of the artificiality of the theatrical performance.
Post Modern Humour-the saturation of slippages and meanings prevent a solid linkage of humorous and serious meaning.
Iconic shots in This is England And trainspotting

Representation in Trainspotting task
Heroin addicts

The Heroin addicts of trainspotting make up the main cast and the story revolves around the themes of drugs. We see throughout the course of the film how the negative effects of Heroin severely impact peoples lives. We see this through the character of Tommy who gets addicted to Heroin after his girlfriend leaves him and it causes his death.

Men in the film are often depicted as stupid and violent. Begbie is a great example of this, he often resorts to violence. This is seen in the scene where someone spills his drink and then he beats him till hes unconscious. They are also depicted as sex crazed as seen when they all make their lives worse after following the girls from the club.

Woman in the film are only really seen as accompanying the men and have little power. The only one who does is Diane as she can threaten Renton with the police for sleeping with a minor.
Working Class

The working class are depicted as freedom from the world of drugs. When main character Renton joins the working class he says the quote” for the first time in my life i was almost content”. This shows the world of the working class has it better than the Heroin addicts.
Old people

The older generation are often oblivious of what their children are doing and how they are affected by drugs. An example of this is whenever we see them in the bar just acting docile while the scene before we saw the horrible effect s of heroin had on their child.
Younger people

the younger people of trainspotting are shown as violent and commit very evil acts. For example Spud and Renton stealing from elderly people or Sick Boy shooting a dog with a BB gun. They are also irresponsible with their own and others life ass seen when a baby dies due to neglection.
Trainspotting micro tasks

The Sound in trainspotting is used in a way to create a feeling of danger. Director Danny Boyle makes songs like Lust for life play extremely loudly over scenes which he uses to create a sense of anxiety. It is often used in scenes of danger or utter chaos.

Danny Boyle utilises editing in many different ways. One such way is jump cutting. An example of this is in the interview scene with spud. In the scene the jump cutting is used to how spuds random and hyper nature.

Cinematographer Brian Tuffano uses various camera shots to depict what is going through the characters minds and gives a new way for the audience to be impacted by it. For example, in the introduction scene, a tracking shot is used to follow the characters and create more tension and immerse the viewer.
Mise en scene

The mise en scene in trainspotting creates very small and accurate details that provide a perfect setting for the film. The apartment the characters live in is worn down and messy, the addiditions of left over heroin needles and other drugs on the floor add to the quality of the film and immerses the viewer.