The Documentary has a raw feel that I believe was done intentionally in order to capture the realism and authenticity of the film. The courthouse buildings doesn’t have a modern feel, instead opting for a more simplistic look. This I believe enhances the film as it shows the justice system still prevails even in this underdeveloped society.
The lack of attractiveness of the film works in the film’s favour as it presents the truth of the cruelty that women and children often face in the undeveloped area that the documentary is set in. This aesthetic detail also serves as a medium to present the judicial system in place. How even in this rough area, the judicial system protects the rights of women and children.
Another way the Aesthetics captures the realism of the film is by showing the daily lives of daily people. Directors Florence Ayisi and Kim Longinotto make great use of cinema verite to present this perspective. The lack of mediation from directors creates a greater sense of realism and enhances the production for the audience.