Are some things unknowable?

Are some things unknowable? Do we know what’s happened in the past? Can we know what will happen in the future? We can imagine: will we be able to hyper-loop from England to Australia? Will cars fly? Will a world exist underground? Can we call a pod to transport us from A to B by just a tap? That’s what the kids in the picture imagined the future to be like. Fast forward twelve or thirteen years, are these notions still a figure of child imagination or is it a reality? I can say hand-on-heart that I am yet to see an underground society or have a smart pod pick me up and take me to school everyday, but who is to say that that can never happen?

Children have a much more active imagination than adults. As we grow up, we learn more how the world works, adapt to our environments and therefore lose our imaginative and creative elements. People in creative professions develop personal systems to stay creative. A regular, day-to-day person develops a subconscious routine of how to navigate through life, which becomes their norm. As cognitive misers (being lazy) we have a tendency to stick to these routines because: we know them well, they become effortless and we feel comfortable doing them. This is why we lose our creativity as we age.

However, although this may be the case, we still don’t know everything. We can’t know everything. The kids in the picture had high expectations of a world that you can power by your fingers. Those kids now haven’t necessarily seen this world, but, those kids (in another twelve or thirteen years) might. No one can say it can’t happen, because no one knows.

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