

Texture as a photographic concept is defined as the quality of an object, referring to the variances in tone, depth, colour and shape.

James Welling is a photographer who did a selection of photos of crumpled paper. The images have a strange heavenly effect to them because the highlights are glowing and slightly blown out. The paper looks simultaneously flat and textured – a contrast. They also have a high amount of contrast which creates more texture in the paper. The photos almost look like they could be a birds eye view of an alien landscape.

These are my images on a contact sheet
One photo I edited, I liked how it was off centre so I cropped it and made it a bit more extreme – then I added contrast and texture so the image was more exaggerated. I did this in order to show as much texture as possible – the images should be as contrasted as possible – because
helps showcase texture.
This one is really cool as well – most of it is out focus which brings your eyes to the one in focus section. The blacks are very black and there isn’t much white – mainly grey.
These are some more final images. In the top right, the paper had a purple glow for some reason, and I used this and exaggerated it in post-processing to create quite a cool effect. Personally I think these photos do a good job of showcasing the interesting, contrasted texture present in this paper. They are simultaneously clean and quite grungy.

Photoshoot 2


Gabriele Basilico is an Italian photographer who explores texture and repetition of texture in urban landscapes – ruined and perfect. I find his photos very beautiful as he captures things honestly. Some of his photos explore the effect of war in urban landscapes and show the destruction. He shows texture in the different layers and strange ways in which the architecture often contrasts the sky. I am going to try to capture similar things when I visit the Barbican in London over the weekend. I want to capture how the repetitive, brutalistic architecture contrasts not just each other but also the sky and other surrounding things. Other photographers I looked at for inspiration were Lewis Baltz and Minor White.

ANALYSIS – This is clearly a fil photograph and I can tell this because of the grain and way nothing is as sharp as it would’ve been digital. The mise-en-scene of this image is a large, semi-circular warehouse stood against a grey, grainy sky. The windows are repetitive yet have some anomalies – smashed and white that show character and tell us that the building is old and run down. The use of line in this image is very clever, there is a clear deliberate contrast between the grid pattern of the windows and the circular line of the warehouse. There is lots of texture in this image, from the brick walls to the grainy sky, to the different coloured windows. The lighting is very flat and the tone is greyscale. It captures a repetitive and brutalistic piece of architecture, and knowing the context around the image, is a nice message about war. The photo uses the rule of thirds clearly and obviously, more so vertically than horizontally though, The top third is sky, the middle third is the warehouse and the bottom third is the wall – this intentionally splits the image up and makes it more visually pleasing and easy for the eye to process. I believe the ISO is higher – maybe between 400 and 800, I can tell this because of the grain and the way the light doesn’t seem to be bright daylight. The shutterspeed is probably medium as there is no sign of motion blur but its not particularly sharp. The aperture is likely higher and I can tell this because of the wide depth of field – everything is in focus.

My photos.

These are the photos I took, as you can see, I got excited and edited and did a double refining selection before screenshotting. These 12 images are what I selected as the ones I liked, then I further refined my images, (the ones flagged as pick in Adobe Lightroom Classic) by looking at what conforms most to the aims of my photoshoot (capturing repetition of texture and showcasing the brutalistic architecture)
The further selection

I edited these photos by turning up the contrast quite high, and turning down the black point to make the blacks very contrasting to the white. I used a lightroom preset called Silvertone which added a sort of black and white film effect to my photos.

To finalise and showcase the images I took of the Barbican I created a virtual gallery. The virtual gallery gives the audience an immersive experience and allows them to decide at what pace to view my images. IT gives them an insight into my photographic intent and is generally a cool showcase of modern technology contrasted against the 90s brutalism showed in the images. To improve I could’ve made sure the white balance matched exactly in each of the images to make them a better selection.

2 thoughts on “Texture”

  1. Effective imagery being produced…but a wider range would help you score higher.
    Remember to add more description, explanation and justification for your creative decisions as you progress and make connections with the key artists too.
    Include key vocab where possible.
    Aim to develop the paper experiments now and follow the guidance on the blog…
    You are clearly working hard, so keep it up!

  2. JAC 3 NOV although there is clear evidence of understanding and progression in parts, some tasks have not been completed and now adversely affects your mark / grade

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