I made sure to use different colours, backgrounds, shapes, sizes, texts, fonts etc to make it look like an old newspaper of st malo. The titles of each page match the photos in the page. Very happy with these outcomes, very nice to look at.
I made sure to use different colours, backgrounds, shapes, sizes, texts, fonts etc to make it look like an old newspaper of st malo. The titles of each page match the photos in the page. Very happy with these outcomes, very nice to look at.
After adding the finishing touches to my layout on Adobe InDesign, I printed out my pages which were automatically arranged in the correct order for the booklet.
My next step was to trim off the excess paper around the outside before folding it in half.
Finally, I stapled the booklet at the side to ensure that the pages do not drift apart.
This is how my zine turned out in the end.
This is a rough storyboard for our short film. The main outline for the film surrounds the architecture and history of the castle itself, discussing the artillery and weapons used throughout its history, which we can then later decide whether to move on from the castle to other landmarks surrounding the war, such as the WWII bunkers around the island or the War Tunnels. Also, as we still aren’t too sure on what equipment we will have on the day, we don’t want our film to rely on shots we won’t be able to get.
I don’t want to plan too much of what we shoot at Elizabeth Castle because I want to explore the area and get shots of places I haven’t thought about, and of whatever may happen while we’re there.
Zines are a type of magazine which is smaller than a magazine, they are a small production scale and self published, zines are a sequence of photographs placed together to usually tell a story, the purpose of a zine is to express your intentions in some sort of “pamphlet-esque” or “book-like” form, replicate that creation, then share.
My zine is going to show the audience how I see St. Malo in my eyes and the story behind what and who I saw whilst over there my photos are predominantly going to be in black and white with a few of which that will be in colour. I believe the minimalism of the black and which will show the age of the town and the the simplistic view on it, the idea that there is one main street.
My film uses many jumpcuts and fast edits. The cuts go along with the beat of the song in the background. I think I did a good job with this overall.
the order of the images had a a significant part on projecting the story, as I wanted to show relationships from a young age How I plan to tell this story is by specifically focus on the placement and order of the images, starting with showing relationships, and love from a young age, then later, adulthood, etc. I want the viewer to feel like they are growing up with the book, although it is not of the same people, its a part of everyone, and everyone goes through it.
First off I started with including two similar images as the front and back cover, these images are of the same scenery except one is out of focus and the other is in focus. On one it is clearer to see the background of people at the beach and on the other the image focuses on the rocks that are in the foreground.
The first two pages are arranged in the way to show what relationships a child encounters from a young age. The first picture being of a mother, represents the first love a child receives which is from their mother. The picture next to it contrasts with what a child sees, which is a love their parents have.
The three images on the next pages are all a collection of my best images of children. I put them in, in this sequence so early on in the zine to show the relationship between child and parents, as this relationship is the first one to experience and usually one that lasts a lifetime.
The first image that is a double page spread, is of two children playing together in the sand. I put this image after the other ones because a child will start to develop friendships from this love that is first displayed by their parents.
Throughout the teenage years the excitement and need for friends continues, this is why at this stage of life we tend to build long lasting friendships. This is why I included an image of two boys that are in their teenage years contrasting with the image of two elderly women. This signifies the importance of lifetime friendships.
Coming back to the storyline of my zine, I wanted to display images of sadness to have a turning point in the storyline. I really like the image on the left, as it shows that love can exist in different forms. Like the homeless person with their dog, that image shows the love he has for his companion and the long-lasting loyalty and dedication through hardships. What we can take from this image is that love and relationships overcome the tough situations we face in life. The image on the right is showing the emotion provoked by this situation. I want to transport the viewers into this moment.
The second double page spread image, is of older people enjoying their day at the beach, taken from above. I have included it in the place in the zine to show what the later years in life are about. This means the relaxation and the nostalgic mindset of life at an older age takes place.
The last images are an ending of the story where people are on the stairs, leaving the area on the beach. This implies they are leaving the story
Below is the finished pages of my zine.
What is the story?
The photographs in the final selection had a certain vibe. They had a theme that I’ve noticed and that theme was that the photographs captured a certain relationship between people. I wanted to present the story of different people in different places, having the same similarities as places perhaps you were in and grew up in. In wanted to show that us as humans, we all form relationships with each other, this is exactly what the objective is of this storyline. In St Malo, I realised what made the most interesting photographs for me were the ones where people showed care and love for each other. This care can look completely different depending on the type of relationship between two people, for example, the love shown between a mother and daughter may seem different than the love shown between a couple. What is very interesting is that anywhere and everywhere in the world there will always be people forming new relationships with one another. this is why I took the opportunity to go to St Malo as one where I can create a link between those in France and jersey as people show themselves feeling the same care towards one another despite living in a different region.
The pictures I plan to use that show peoples relationships:
What is also interesting is how every picture presents itself differently, when I looked back at all the pictures i saw many patterns and soon I began to realise a storyline, this storyline being relationships we experience from the first couple years of our lives. This is why I want to show photographs of parents and their kids as first couple photos in the zine. i want them to later contrast between the early teenage life, adulthood, and late life. showing the different relationships we tend to get in to and form at different stages of life. like when we are children it is usually our parents, then growing up we focus on friends rather than family, and then we get into romantic relationships.
How I plan to tell this story is by specifically focus on the placement and order of the images, starting with showing relationships, and love from a young age, then later, adulthood, etc. I want the viewer to feel like they are growing up with the book, although it is not of the same people, its a part of everyone, and everyone goes through it.
Zines are a tiny magazine that are usually produced by one person or a small organization. they are not seen in a bigger mass produced scale as the quality and production process is cheap and easy to produced, thus it can be done by just one person. they usually present a subject that person is interested in, meaning they are quite direct. they are a common way of photographers to get their work displayed. Usually a zine wouldn’t carry a lot of content, meaning it is ideal for displaying a focused photoshoots.
I have both digitally and physically researched different formats and existing zines that have been created by various people.
What I’ve noticed is how on each page the photographs link together, they all have a certain theme that runs through the zine and the photographs on each page compliment each other in a way where they a sort of similar. The arrangement of photographs is so impart ant for the narrative that runs through the whole zine. Some pages that have an additional writing to create more of a storyline, are effective, however what i think is best is when there is an evident storyline shown through the photographs and the arrangement of them, this is because tit gives ore freedom to the viewer to create a more broad response which doesn’t have to be right or wrong.
Inside InDesign I used the layout to position my images in a way which looks neat and well put together. By creating a box to whatever size you wish, then selecting the edited image you have chosen and place it in the box. After placing the images in the boxes you can adjust them and make the fit in nicely.