JEP Placement

What was covered

1-Setting up a mobile studio in a carpentry workshop/farm shed photographing wood and furniture. Worked with a 3 studio light set up and mobile backdrop. Connect Magazine

2- Jersey Royal planting. Working in and around heavy machinery. JEP/Bailiwick

3-Photographing States members arriving and leaving the States Chambers. No Confidence vote in the current Chief Minister. JEP/Bailiwick

4-Photographed a model in the studio using available/studio lighting

5-Skateboard action at Les Quennevais Skatepark. Anniversary of the opening of the Skatepark.JEP/Bailiwick

6- Looked at JEP/Bailiwick operations. Role of the News Editor/Creative Team/Sub Editor Team. Discussed current ‘Live’ news going online and how that is managed

States members arriving and leaving the States Chambers

Nikon D5
Nikon D5
Nikon D5

 Anniversary of the opening of the Skatepark

Nikon D5
Nikon D5

Carpentry Workshop

Nikon D5

Studio lighting

Nikon D5
Nikon D5

Jersey Royal planting

Canon 800D
Canon 800D

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