All posts by Mr Toft




Here are examples of excellent Personal Studies from last couple of years from students exploring very personal and mature subjects.

Sophie Marett: Escaping Wonderland

Link to essay: In what way have Robert Darch and Josef Sudek used their photography as a form of therapy?

Within my photobook I want to convey themes of comfort, security and warmth – an ethereal display of locations where I feel at ease within nature and/or areas at home. My narrative will tell the story of my imagination, a dreamlike collection of images in a Pictorialist style that get disrupted by waves of anxiety being represented by darker colder images. My narrative will consist of juxtapositions, comparing the feeling of unease to instant comfort – the photobook will be a journey through ‘Wonderland’ (representing a world where anxiety is calmed but reality isn’t quite real, certain comforts may feel a little too perfect). With landscape images being broken up by still-lives of flowers and objects, it is as if this perfect world of calm and tranquillity is breaking down to reality; escapism can only be a comfort for so long before reality hits.

Read more on her BLOG

Olivia Mooney-Griffiths: Manufactured Memories

Link to essay: In what way are family photographs extensions of our memories as well as our identities?

My photobook narrative will present the story of how my grandparents put their family first and worked hard to provide them with a comfortable life. This photobook will use both old and new photographic images to retell the stories that are often not mentioned in my family, such as the dedication of my grandma to help bring up my grandad’s siblings after their parents moved away, as well as my grandad’s tireless work ethic that persisted through various economic struggles. It will also touch on my family’s Mancunian roots and their move from there, for my grandad’s job. In essence, this photobook is a form of appreciation to the older generations in my family for the comfortable life and opportunities they have proved me with, as well as celebrating our strong bond and love for each other.

Read more on her BLOG

Matthew Brown: Bouley Bay

Link to his essay: How can photography capture and explore an environment, and accurately record it’s atmosphere to a viewer?

My idea is to make a photobook in which I explore the area Bouley Bay, overall I want to capture the activity, views, and close ups of key feature such as rocks, shells, heritage, the hill climb, and the bay. I could also look into the history of the bay and the Jersey Folklore, involving the Black Dog. It is important to me as I grew up in that area, and have many memories of it. And I hope to capture it in the same way in which remember it. I wish to develop my project by exploring the bay and collecting lots of objects to photograph in a studio, and also to take long exposure, aerial, and underwater of the bay, as I have been inspired by many photographers, such as, Martin J Patterson (@ mjplandscapes on Instagram), Jaun Munoz (@ drjuanmdc on Instagram), and David Aguilar (@ davidaguilar_photo).

Read more on his BLOG

Bethany Mildren: Inked

Link to her essay: How does Jono Rotman and Danny Alexander use portraiture to represent different identities? 

My aim is to explore the question that I have about people’s identity ; How do you present who you are? I wish to dive into the expressive forms of tattooing, the permanence of a part of who you are. Over the year, I have had the continuous stream of questions like ‘Why would you do that to your body?’ , ‘You know that’s permanent right?’ and ‘I could never do that to myself?’. There has always been a stigma around people with tattoos which upsets me as it can be a beautiful artform to express your identity. In this project I will document my friends’ and families’ tattoos and pair the photos with what they mean to them, either a handwritten note from them or an object/photo that ties in with the meaning behind. I’m exited to do more research into this subject matter, including the history and culture values which i can add to my final piece if appropriate. 

Read more on her BLOG

Anna Houiellebecq: Inside Out

Link to essay: How-and-why-do-photographers-use-the-human-body-to-physically-express-hidden-emotions (1)

My body image project is about capturing a physical representation of hidden emotions. My book “Inside Out” includes images of subjects posing in a certain way that represents a specific emotion such as pain or happiness. The title Inside Out, concludes what the series is about in a very simple way. The book contains images where I’ve focused on particular body parts, such as the face or the hands. I’ve captured them in a creative way where the shapes and movement that they create represent certain emotions. The book contains a certain aesthetic that flows throughout. It has a very contemporary feel because of the way of using the human body and also the use of the bright colours and abstract visions. The book contains a variation of sizes of images, ranging from half page images to full page spreads. I decided to use a portrait orientation for the book because it was the best way to  display my images. Although I didn’t want to categories my images into different sections of the book, I also didn’t want a completely random structure and sequencing. I therefore displayed images together that linked in some way, to do with colour or subject.

Read more on her BLOG

In her exam project Anna produced another photo book, Wabi Sabi.

Here is the Link to the Final version of my Wabi Sabi film.

Read more on her BLOG to learn about her research and experimentation

My book Wabi Sabi is about the freedom of viewing the world in our own unique way. Its about capturing the insignificant details that we would usually ignore or not notice, and appreciating the pure and spiritual elements of the imperfect details of our lives. The Japanese term, Wabi Sabi fully explains what the series is about in a simple way. The definition of the term, “a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay” concludes the project well. Throughout the book I focus closely on the tiny details of objects and scenes that we witness all the time. An example of scenes that I’ve included is the Sky at evening time, and the movement of the sea. Within these scenes Ive  focused on and framed particular elements that interested me. My aim was to fragment specific details that were insignificant yet beautiful.

Jude Luce: All My Love

Essay: How have the photographers Matt Eich and LaToya Ruby Frazier explored themes of attachment and detachment in their own family through their work and, in particular, their most recent projects looking at family?

My plan for my photo book is to produce a detailed and insightful exploration into my family life, with me centered within the middle. This is the running theme throughout and I hope to show it through poetic, still images of landscapes or objects which may have no direct meaning at its face value but has a deeper meaning once inferred. As well, the portraits in my project are intended to be collaborative and intimate to show the relationships I hold with the people in my life but the portraits are intended to show the emotion of each being as well. I have contrasted yet shown the similarities of my mum and dad’s relationship when they were together to that of my relationship with Lucy now and the overall look I hope to achieve is that of a fun, vibrant, light-hearted but quite solemn and sombre image-based diary about how I am still developing through the events if life and the attachments I have built from the event which shaped my life – my mum and dad’s divorce. I want their to be an obvious existence of the theme of attachment but also an underlying theme of detachment. Although these themes are the main focus for my book, they are underlying themes which are subtly hinted at every now and then by a sequence which develops upon the understanding of love. Memory is fragile and I use this notion as a driving force for my project made up of diaristic photographs, which, when come together, create an album of moments in time which in-turn lend themselves to never be forgotten. I have attempted not to avoid the subject of my mum and dad’s divorce but felt it easier to express this and my feelings towards it through other subject matter, being my relationship with my girlfriend and the other people in my life, such as my individual relationships with my mum and dad and how I view them in solitary opposition to one another.

Read more on Jude’s BLOG

Harrison Cummins:  Over The Fence

Essay: How do photographers Doug DuBois and Robert Clayton represent social divisions in their work?

For the majority of my coursework, I focused primarily on my first photo book by capturing and sifting through 1600 images, editing the ones I thought best-suited my project and then becoming accustom to the online book publication ‘Blurb’. In retrospect, I struggled with this particular project as I found the content rather intrusive and the self-reflection into my own feelings was an intrinsic exposure I had never experienced before. However, I am glad I studied what I did as I believe I have become more self-aware as well as starting to make a conscious effort into helping my step-brother through the process I had once undergone. I steered my attention to my socio-economic surroundings in my early life by capturing Noah in his current environment, giving the perception Noah is a reincarnation of my younger self. When I began the project, my teacher had requested I focused on something thats personal with depth and meaning, and when it came to the planning stages of my project, I realized I was drawn to capturing former situations which I experienced. By focusing on this subject, I believe I created a unique narrative which focuses on what I’m looking at, but the subject of each image I am looking at is reflecting back at me and revealing small but significant elements of my childhood story. Overall, I didn’t enjoy photographing my photography coursework as it invaded my personal emotions and feelings, but in retrospect, I believe that’s what elements are photography about; pushing yourself to identify or explore minor subjects in a unique perception.

Link to Harrison’s Blog

Sky Ailing-Philip: Loved

Essay: How do images of P.H.Polk and Khadija Saye, show change of representation of black identity?

My book is a mixture of images of the people, places and objects that hold meaning in my life. Looking back and how the growing up in Jersey a place in where there is a significant lack of diversity regards to the black in the community.  Also that my parents have separated and I live with my mother, how this has effected my relationship with my father and if in some ways that I have rejected that side of my life so I became less connected to him.

Link to Sky’s Blog

Nathan Healey: Mr Ronald Welling and Mrs Welling

Essay: To what extent can we trust documentary photography to tell the truth about reality?

On a basic level I believe my exploration into the terms of occupation and liberation went well. The terms were broad and allowed me to consider many different opportunities to explore, but I felt looking at the occupation my Grandparents lifestyle was a perfect fit. At first I was a little worried as I knew my portraits were not always my strong point within photography, but I knew it would allow me to refine and develop me skills within this area of photography. Using artists such as Walker Evans, LaToya Ruby Frazier, Laura Blight and many allowed me to explore different ways to present my Grandparents lifestyle through portraits and landscapes. Initially, I wanted to focus of both my Grandma and Grandad but as my project developed I made the decision to place the central focus on my Grandad due to his higher position within the family hierarchy and how he considers himself the backbone of the household. At first, I looked at just capturing portraits and understood that my narrative of my book would need a change of pace and so I decided to explore the interior and exterior of their house and the relationship between landscape and person. In terms of photographic styles my project follows a documentary style as I try and capture the reality of my Grandparents lifestyle. I often found it challenging to produce reliable imagery as I did not want to ‘intrude’ on my Grandparents, but I felt as the project went along the bond between me and my Grandparents became stronger allowing me to decode their lifestyle more.

Link to Nathan’s Blog

Peter Le Gal: Please, Father Help Me 

Essay: In what way has Carolle Benitah and Laia Abril used different photographic processes and techniques in experimenting, responding to the notion of family archives and complex emotions?

My intentions were always to have a book that explores family and how a belief and faith can connect a family as well as help it. Throughout my book I have placed photos like the one you can see below. This was useful to break up the photos as otherwise it could be considered very repetitive. Many of these family archive photos have been altered in some way or other. A continuing theme was red, this was meant to represent God as in the bible when the text is red it is Jesus talking. These photos are very symbolic. They were inspired by the photographer Jonny Briggs and Carol Benitah. Jonny Briggs is a photographer that actually visited our school. He asked us to manipulate, physically change the images to not be afraid of making mistakes. This opened a whole new realm of creativity for me and it gave me so many ideas of how I wanted to explore this. This played a part in the making of the book.

Link to Peter’s Blog

Peter Le Gal exam projectBaptism

Read more on his BLOG

The exam brief was to create photos around the words Freedom and Limitations. I made a book with the name Baptism. The reason for this is because when a person is baptized it is a symbolic representation of what God has done in their life. In this we believe God has washed away the old life and this person has started a new life with god. ‘Old’ and ‘New’ are keys words in the context of my book. By using software I was able to change the original colors and intensify them. Giving these photos New Life with New Colors.

Previously I have been studying the spiritual link between color and the soul. I read the book ‘Concerning the Spiritual in Art’ by Wassily Kandinsky, in this he writes about how certain colors can effect human emotions differently. I wanted this to be the case with my book. Baptism is a very spiritual thing and I found calling my book that linked everything together nicely. When a person is baptized the person has the Freedom to start over to begin a new life. Before these photos were Limited by the colors that they were captured in. But I have given these photos the Freedom to change, to be something new, with new colors that effect the soul differently to when the photos were initially taken.

Stanley Lucas: Preserved Consumption

Essay: How do photographers Edward Burtynsky and Henry J Fair present their perspectives regarding consumerism?

This is the final layout and design for my book titled ‘Preserved Consumption’. The book includes three different sections including production, product and waste, all of which link into the theme of consumption and its permanent scarring on the landscape (hence the title preserved). Within I have included a variety of different page layouts such as double spreads, boxed in imagery and centred photos, all of which I have experimented with along the way, helping me to conclude which layouts are most effective at accompanying the previous and next photo. Regarding certain images I have included a white border due to it preventing the photo from becoming too overpowering and out-of-place, only really doing so for the larger pieces. For the majority of the pages I have used a white backdrop as I found that it complimented the images the most, stopping any attention being drawn away from the images and to the colours, something I made sure to do from the beginning. Before each category I made sure to add a title page to inform the viewer of the subcategory in the book, giving the layout a narrative as a result which I found is one of the key characteristics of the entire book. Finally I added my essay in the end pages of the book,  this was because I wanted to allow the readers to interpret the topic of the book before actually reading about what I had to say about regarding it, with images depicting the studied photographers works and my responses alongside them.

Link to Blog

Stanley Lucas set of 3 books for his exam books: Hue, Form and Motif

Overall these are the final layouts for each of the books, Motif, Form and Hue. The three books contain a different theme within each looking at colour, texture and pattern, all of which come under my topic title of abstraction and the variety of ways in which it can be portrayed through the camera. Within the books I have included a variety of different page layouts consisting of double spreads, single images and triple photos, all of which I have previously experimented with so that they can transition between the different photos inside s effective as possible. Regarding certain images I have made sure to include a white border around each photo due to how it effectively boxes in the pieces, separating them from the next and creating contrast between the pages which I have used a white backdrop for all pages except the covers. The use of a white backdrop I found was the most effective outcome I could produce due to it not taking away anything from the images like a coloured backdrop would, instead adding definition and that needed bit of contrast on the monochrome imagery. In creating the book I wanted to go straight into the theme portrayed on the covers of each, this meant that the first pages would include my best image from each section so that it set the pace and theme for the rest of the spreads.

Link to Stanley’s Blog:

Megan Woolsgrove: La Motte

Essay: How do the photographers Chrystel Lebas and Mandy Barker explore issues of the changing environment?

I started my project with the intention of exploring issues of pollution and plastic specifically, taking inspiration from the photographer Mandy Barker and experimented in my first shoot by taking images with string infront of the lens looking at rules of manipulation. I then found the photobook ‘The Meadow’ by photographers Barbara Bosworth and Margot Anne Kelley which is what first interested me in photographing and exploring specific areas, as well as gathering objects and photographing them. I also discovered the photographer Chrystel Lebas and her photobook ‘Field Studies: Walking through Landscapes and Archives’ which is where I read about the changing environment. She compared her modern images to the photography of Edward James Salisbury in the early 20th century and walked in his footsteps, going to the same areas he did to explore how the environment had changed over 100 years. This is where I decided that the concept for my project would be looking at how the natural environment had changed over 90 years at the location La Motte. I found archival images from this area and thought i would build my photobook around them, comparing and contrasting them to my own images. I noticed Lebas’ influences from sublime ideologies by Edmund Burkina his book ‘Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful’,with her images being vast and other-worldly, which is an aspect I wanted to reflect in my own work.  From then on, I did an additional five shoots where i went and took landscape images of La Motte and at the same time gathered natural objects that i found on the island and the beach i.e. rocks, seaweed, flowers. I did multiple shoots where I photographed these objects formally with plain background and edited them to reflect the work of early botanists where they used light sensitive paper to create photograms. I did this as i thought it would give my project and photobook a scientific appearance and reflect that of an investigation into a specific area. Towards my final shoots, I walked around La Motte and tried to find man made objects that I could photograph to perhaps represent how the natural landscape had changed.

Link to Megan’s Blog

Nicholas Gallery: Waste

Essay: In what way have Mandy Barker and Keith Arnatt explored the concept of Anthropocene in their work?

In the final version, I changed the cover images to what was originally the first pages in the book. I felt that these images were more powerful in portraying my ideas as well as captivating the essence of my project.

I summed the topic of my project in one word being ‘Waste’ as it reflects the three concepts behind my work:

  1. The ‘Waste’ featured in the images
  2. The action behind humans throwing away the things they do not consider important.
  3. The consequences of disposing items to ‘Waste’ away.
  4. The title is written sideways to give a ‘scientific document’ feel.

I repeated the same pattern of images throughout the book, to give an organised aesthetic. The circle images are placed alongside their close-up comparisons to show the detail in the items depicted. I chose to make many of my images full scale, as they all have dark backgrounds. Black is used in a minimalistic style to emphasize the items, as well as being associated with darkness and negativity to reflect the topic of pollution.

Link to Nick’s Blog

Charlie Craig: WATCH OUT

Essay: Looking at the work of Sophie Calle and Thomas Ruff: How does mass surveillance and the ‘big brother theory’ cause a common paranoia and feeling of insecurity within the general public?

In my design specification I stated ”Some images will be best as full page spreads (single or double), some images will look best with boarders and some will look best grouped together, and therefore I am not going to limit myself by completely sticking to one uniformed layout and will instead lay out my photographs in the way which I believe individually best suits them…The sequencing of images in the book I intend to follow a narrative of how surveillance is evolving/developing. So as the book continues the images represent closer and more personal forms of  surveillance, such as surveillance through our own devices. Whereas in the beginning it will look at visual forms of surveillance (birds) and then early forms of technological surveillance (CCTV etc.)” This, as I said, was something which I definitely followed up on and stuck to.

Link to Charlie’s Blog

Zoe Pannenborg: A State of Contentment

Essay: How does subjectivity affect the authenticity of photographs representing third world countries?

I decided the title of my book ‘ A State of Contentment’ when i was actually in Burkina Faso completely submerged in the situation that i was in. The idea came to me when we were on the building site discussing the local community and thinking of all the things we are grateful for that we were getting to go home to. It was evident to us that we would only be in Africa living a minimalist life for a few weeks whereas the reality for the local community was that they would be experiencing this hardship for the most of their lives. Although this seems like a harsh thought we had all noticed that even though the community had so little they were utterly content with what they had and i said during this discussion that it seemed as though they were in a state of contentment, because the community truly were in a state of peaceful happiness. I put the title and my name on the cover so that the writing did not take away from the cover image.

Read Zoe’s BLOG

Daniel Butt: Help

Essay: How can something that doesn’t physically exist be represented through photography?

I decided to portray mental illness throughout my photobook. When I started this project I knew I wanted to tackle the subject of mental health, but it took me a while to figure out the best way to go forward with it. Originally i though of using landscapes as a way to convey emotion, however eventually decided to turn the camera on myself for a set of self-portraits. I feel as though this decision really helped me open up and put as much personal experience into the book as possible. After the original self-portrait shoot, i wanted to continue with creating a really unique and personal narrative in which i can show both my own emotions and feelings that i have been through, but leave parts of it ambiguous enough to be interpreted by other people in their own way.

I then decided to focus on my personnel experience surrounding prescription anti-depressant drugs, or more specifically SSRIs ( Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ) which are used when, for whatever reason, there is a lack of serotonin being produced, with it’s aim to boost serotonin levels in the brain. This element was quite difficult to capture, as most of the time you don’t notice anything different, which is why i decided to use a gradual build in saturation inside the book to show the slow but steady changes, however I did want to make sure to capture aspects of medication not working, and the task of changing medications and gradually building back up until it works. I represented this component in my book by showing the rise in dosage levels in text at the bottom of the page.

Study his blog here

Ari Gamble: Untitled

Link to essay: How does the work of Francesca Woodman and Carolle Benitah explore isolation through self-portraiture?

I want to explore how moving from where I have grown up has impacted my life, whilst also adjusting to and finding beauty in a new place. I want this book to primarily focus on family and my relationships with them whilst growing up.

Explore more on her blog here

Eleanor Gilson: Erasure and Uncomfortable Skin

Essay: Can identity be expressed in a portrait?

To conclude, this project has overall been successful in terms of recording and capturing the concepts which I brought into the project, focusing on self identity. Given the titles ‘Occupation Vs Liberation’ I had a large range of work I could explore, however I found the idea that suited best was the liberation of personal identity and the occupation of your own thoughts. Initially I wanted to focus on the destruction of self portraits that would reflect a physical emotion towards these pictures, but through experimentation and photoshoots I created images that reflected an identity. Through my responses to Francesca Woodman and Edward Honaker I was able to combine both response imagery together in which they completed each other and formed a narrative. The narrative being the unwanted identity I was given and how I view myself within those images. Within my final zines I utilised self portraits both archival and new so that it was reflected even as I grew, the sense of unease was consistent.

Study her blog here

For my final pieces, I am very proud in how I managed to construct 2 photographic zines, a storage box for them and a mobile for my mounted and hung images. I wanted everything to be done by hand because it was a project about myself and I don’t think something made by a machine would convey the right message.

Kristiana Ambrasa: Le Seuil De Pauvrete

Essay: In what way does Nick Hedges portray a sense of state discrimination and hopelessness through his monochromatic imagery?

This project has overall been very successful in terms of recording and capturing the concepts which I brought into this project, focusing on three main concepts, the housing crisis, nostalgia and control. I took significant inspiration from the slum photographer Nick Hedges and used his conceptual and contextual intents within my own work, bringing awareness to the housing crisis here in Jersey. In order to respond to my personal study I employed the use of both a film camera and digital camera. As I used the theme of nostalgia, the use of a film camera is an effective way to display this through the grainy and soft nature of the photos themselves. The subject of my images is the low cost, affordable housing which can be rented in Jersey. I contacted estate agents in order to show the contrast of the way in which housing agents glorify these homes in a way which makes them more commercially appealing, versus what the reality of them are. I focused on small and minor details which distinguish each property such as the flooring, bathrooms and kitchen cabinet. I photographed the exterior of buildings, going around the dingier parts of St.Helier which depict the depressing lifestyle some people face by living in the urbanized town center.

Link to her blog

Orla Worthington: Ascension

Essay: To what extent have the movements Romanticism and Surrealism, effected the view of the Sublime, shown through artists; Tim Walker and Julia Margaret Cameron

When developing my final book I wanted to have something unique, something I have never done before, and originality that meant my final presentations will be unlike any others. To do so I started off with developing the book. I Knew for my book I wanted to create a black and white tonal book. This soon transpired to having silver and black ink inverted to create glowing images. I also knew that for my narrative of life from birth to death, told through the story of creation, That I would need a long narrative. To do so I first off assigned myself 100 pages, then narrowing down only the best images to around 87 pages in total. Furthermore, to go in hand with his over exaggeration of visual overload due to the volume, I decided to have an image on every single page, so to go hand in hand with this large effect. In the end I was left with an array of different displays, differing from two full bleeds, to some with black boards to full double page spreads. The distorted array not being continually mimicked was very effective and something which Made the narrative of my book, perhaps, more enjoyable, as you are able to take your time when looking through each of the images. As spoken about previously the finality of my book was found within previous books such as Astres Noirs.

Link to Blog

Niah Da Costa: Espera

For my photo book, the main theme was intimacy and young love. I wanted to explore my relationship with my boyfriend and show a series of different styles of images. I called this photo book “Espera” which means to wait in Portuguese, as this word (besides love) is a word that both Jack and I use frequently. Read more on her BLOG here.

Aimee Low: Nothing Can Come Between Us

Study her blog here

For my personal investigation I intend to create a photo-book project around the theme of documenting the youth of today and our culture, which is rarely portrayed accurately in the media, this may also include certain subcultures that I could decide to delve into. I will try the best I can to capture and achieve a realistic portrait of each individual person. The question then arises, ‘What does a ‘real photo’ even look like: is it something you can hold? Is it something you can see on a screen and alter?’ (Bright, S. and Van Erp, H. 2019: 17.) I hope to answer this question throughout my efforts of trying to capture a ‘real’ portrait of an individual. How much can you really tell about a person through looking at a mere photograph of them?

Jasmin RossHandle With Care

I have made a book which is called Handle With Care, it is about the history of St Saviours hospital from when it first opened in 1869 to when it closed. The layout of the book starts from the outside, goes inside then, then you meet 3 patients, it stays inside then it goes outside again to finish the book. My book is 108 pages and it has a combination of text, double page spreads and single image pages. My book is split into two parts of Archival material which was the basis of my work which i went a collected and photographed then next part is of my own images which i made of the outside of the abandoned building.

Read more here on her BLOG

Handle With Care

Rosanna ArmstrongHis Master’s Voice

Overall I have found my personal study project very interesting. Assisting with the wider project in collaboration with the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive and National Trust has meant that I have been involved with research and discoveries as well as having access to exciting photographic opportunities.  I was originally introduced to the collection of Francis Foot’s photographs in October last year while interring at the SJ Photographic Archive and since then have been involved in a lot of work developing a project around it in connection to the building restorations. I started by researching the family and history of the buildings and familiarising myself with the collection by updating the database. One of the most interesting areas of my project was actually visiting the buildings while  they were in the process of being restored. This allowed me to connect the knowledge of the past to the present and explore the idea of preserving built heritage in connection to the historical photographic aspect.  This relates to my interest in local history and the development of photography as an art form. Having knowledge of the past inhabitants reflects the human side of buildings and memories and traces associated with them.  Some of the small details such as the image found behind the mirror and writing on the walls were particularly striking examples of this.  It has also been interesting to explore family portraiture throughout time  and conduct various shoots with my own family including one specifically connected to the Foot Shops.

Read more here on her BLOG

Nina Powell: Jersey Folklore

Beliefs and superstitions revolving around mythical characters in Jersey, Channel Island are common. The ancient lanes overhung with vegetation look almost like dark tunnels leading into the unknown. Unexplained ruins dotted around the coast add to the air of mystery and Island people with a long and proud history have many stories to tell which have been passed down from generation to generation. In this photo book I have explored three of Jerseys most famous and well-known legends, portraying each one with a series of environmental portraits, studio shots and landscape photographs. The first legend tells the story of the poor Bride of Waterworks Valley, the second shows the demonic presence down at  Devil’s Hole and the third looks into the many tales of Witchcraft in Jersey. This project is my response to the provided themes of ‘truth, fantasy and fiction’, as well as the beautiful depictions of myths created by other photographers. My aim for this photo book was to recreate some of our islands most interesting history using beautiful and insightful visuals. By doing this I hope to bring these legends back to life in this colourful yet ominous series.

Read more here on her BLOG

Cerian Mason: Untitled

I produce a large amount of documentary style images revolving around the more shadowed teenage social life. This involves being in a lot of places we shouldn’t be, drinking too much and probably a little more nudity that this blog is ready for. Below is a selection of my project work over the last few weeks presenting a range of locations – from abandoned hotels to out of hours nightclubs – featuring my friends being strange and causing trouble. There are some clear trends in the image I create such as the selective palettes and tight range of colours and the positioning of characters – these images were not directed at all though the figures were of course aware I was photographing them. This photobook was made using bookwright software and will be printed as a portrait A4 project. Many of the design ideas for this projects are inspired from artists and graphic designers I have studied over the last two years such as Lotta Nieminen. Studying the graphic designer’s personal projects. I took particular notice of the image layouts and use of overlapping text. There is a carefully controlled colour palette and minimalistic design which aids the presentation of images in such a publication. Benjamin Koh’s project work again has a strong graphic theme which uses a muted colour palette to emphasize the continued sense of photographic narrative. His pages tend to be uncluttered and minimal which draws attention to the graphic images in each of the carefully constructed double-page spreads. These elements were crucial to my own work, ensuring that images would be easily visible and clearly presented.

Read more here on her BLOG

Max HillmanThe Getaway

There is a consistency of monochrome tones and grainy, heavy contrasted images. Throughout my project I have looked at documentary photographers such as Larry Clark and Jacob Sobol, and upon reviewing their work i have grown a love for their styles. The layout and the order of the images is important as the book needs to flow, almost the same way a story does. I need to find similar groups of images and order them carefully one by one so the book feels as if it has a narrative. I started with a small, shadow filled image of my face as the book is about my teenage life with friends. I followed this by a double sided silhouette of a friend in the school car park leaning up against a car. I wanted to start the book of with images based around friends and our utilisation of cars. These next pages were organised to follow the theme around cars, starting with another image of friends in the school car park between lessons, leading to images in cars at night time.

Read more here on his BLOG

Gio RiosHome Sweet Home?

In terms of my title, I called my book ‘home sweet home?’. This is of course a common household saying, that I have added a question mark to. Due to the fact that my home life is fairly broken and has been on and off my entire life, which makes it far from ‘sweet’. On the first page within my book I write the quote ‘family means no one gets left behind or forgotten’. This is controversial from the start, as my farther had done exactly this from my birth, which is ultimately what stems my thoughts and feelings towards a lot of my family life and the reasons for the decisions made within this book.

Read more here on his BLOG

Here I feature a stand alone image of an ultrasound of me. This is used to imply that I am the center of this book and that this is my own representation. The inclusion of juxtaposing images, put alongside one another, help to emphasise my emotions towards certain characters within my book.

My granddad is someone who has consistently been in and out of my life, throughout my upbringing. Therefore I feature him alongside a set of spiraling stairs to imply that he has spiraled out of my life.

Rochelle MerhetRyan

The first step I took to my project inspired by the work of the artists I have studied and discussed was look at my own archived family photographs. I have a huge selection taken by my parents featuring me and my brother, many appeared very informal depicting me and my brother playing and laughing at each other, which gave the ability to see the relationship between me and my brother and how it has developed. Much like any family album, these photographs share a very personal importance to me. I wanted to use photographs that depicted who I was as well as my brother in my book as a way of a candid reflection of what my childhood was like and how I felt about it. Similar to the work of Carolle Benitah I wanted to make physical alterations to the photographs to further explore the notion of nostalgia, memories and the relationships between family members, in particular between me and my brother. I wanted use their project as a way to further understand myself through the use of memories and photographs to build and develop and understanding of who me and my brother are today and in particular our differences which are created from the notion of ‘nature and nurture’.

Read more here on her BLOG

Matthew KnapmanIs that My Blue Butterfly?

The research of both these artists informed and influenced my personal project, which focused on the life of my mother who is currently diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in Easter 2014, but when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it is called metastatic cancer. The liver, lungs, lymph nodes, and bones are common areas of spread of metastasis. Using art and physical materials, I wanted to draw into and edit the photographs I take in order to illustrate my emotions and what my mother is going through. The physical art would be a visual guide to the audience, telling a story regarding the illness. This is something that I was excited to do, given my passion and abilities in art and design. I can draw, scratch or edit the photograph using chemicals and other kinds of destructive methods. This can demonstrate some kind of investigation into the relationship between traditional art and Photography as mediums. This is something that I touched upon for my AS project.

Read more here on his BLOG

Christianna KnightWomen of Yesterday

During my personal study I enjoyed having freedom to explore my own ideas and take inspiration from artists and photographers that I am interested in. I was very inspired by Cindy Sherman’s work, I wanted to explore themes such as masquerade, costumes and stereotypes which are very present in Sherman’s studio portraits. When first collecting ideas as to what I should base my project on I decided I wanted to explore female stereotypes through costume and studio portraits. However, with so many stereotypes existing within my gender I decided to create a series of portraits depicting stereotypes from each decade of the 20th Century. As I was born in 1998, I was looking at these stereotypes with a retrospective. I also kept feminist theory in mind, relating my stereotypes to important movements in feminist history including the three main waves as well as smaller social victories for women. I felt that this project was very successful and that each decade was well planned and executed and that the nine image work well as a series.

Read more here on her BLOG

Max Le FeuvreUntitled

My photo-book is based around my Grandfather. He died 30 years ago and so I never got the chance to meet him. I wanted therefore to find out more about him and develop an understanding of what he may have been like if I had got to know him. This project was therefore very much about exploring and investigating the theme of absence, a story based around someone who is no directly part of it. I photographed off and on for 9 months to create this project, re-tracing my Grandfather’s steps and using photography to express my findings. Archival resources in particular have played a huge part in my project, especially through the access I have had from the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archives, and the resources I have found play as much a part in this story as does my own responses. I wanted to make my images and narrative feel as simplistic and personal as possible and so I constructed my photo-book by hand, I style I believe gives my work a quirky, old-fashioned feel.

Read more here on his blog:


Shannon O’Donnell: Shrinking Violet

Shrinking Violet stemmed from a short film that I created as part of my project of my mother. I made a film based around an interview that I did with my mum and made it up of archival images as well as documenting her everyday life. Part of the interview sparked my interest when she said ‘I’m not one of those shrinking violets in the work place’. This caught my attention as I see her role as simply doing what is expected of her, something that I want to challenge through my photographic work. This brought on the idea for creating a parody shoot where I dress as a persona, similar to my mum, and pose around the house mimicking the role I see my mum portray. I wanted this photo book to embody the traditional role of women our society perceives and for spectators to view the images I have created to recognise themselves, their mothers, their sisters and their wives. Gender defines everyone and, at times, can be limiting. It makes us feel that we need to belong and conform to the expectations placed on us at birth solely on whether we were born male or female.

Explore research, ideas, experimentation on the her blog:


Watch her film below about feminism, her mother and her role in the family. This film was the starting point for her photographs above by re-staging herself as a domisticated female.

Jemma HosegoodThe Memory Box

“Good friends make you face the truth about yourself and you do the same for them, as painful, or as pleasurable, as the truth may be.” – Corinne Day


An autobiography is an account of the life of a person written by that person. In other words, it is the story that a person wrote about themselves. My inspiration for this study came from memories that are forgotten, and the ‘things’ that re-jog our brains to remember them. These could be objects from a childhood collection box or a set of images from a blurry holiday. For this piece of work I attempted to join two ways of memory revival into a book as well as a layout presenting some of my final images.

Read her blog:

Hayli DuckerMy Bones Hurt

I took huge inspiration from photographers such as Thilde Jensen, Jo Spence and Francesca Woodman, these three photographers all explored their illnesses through photography which I thought would help me come to accept my diagnosis. As Jo Spence explained, photography can be used as therapy, “literally using photography to heal ourselves.” Through taking these photographs to document my illness like a diary I came to terms with it and learnt to adapt and slowly started to be able to have a normal life again just at a slower pace than before. For me this was a difficult subject matter to explore as I try and keep it rather private, friends know about it but I try to keep it private from classmates and the general public. I don’t want people to look at me differently and I found I felt rather vulnerable exposing the one thing I do my best to hide.


Link to her blog:

Jessica FreireDomestic 

My personal study is about my mother who immigrated to Jersey in 1987, from a disadvantaged background in the hopes of having a better life. My mother is the eldest child of six, who grow up in a village called Machico on the south east side of the Island of Madeira. After leaving school at the age of 9 to work on the land to provide for her family, she developed a hard working discipline. Currently, she is the breadwinner within my family working in five different jobs all within the domestic area. In my personal study I am exploring how my mum’s role as a breadwinner abdicates from her culture and stereotypical role within a household.

Link to her book Domestic


Explore research, ideas, experimentation on the her blog:

Sian CummingThe Butler

As a photographer, it is important for me to express details about my life to almost create a biography through photographs. I chose to use my dad for my project as his job has impacted my life since day 1. My dad is the Butler for the Lieutenant Governor of Jersey and has enabled me to have an insight into the life of royalty. My dad’s responsibilities are; ensuring the house events run smoothly, he also manages the house staff and liaises with his Excellency and Lady Mc Cole for all their requirements. I have lived in the grounds of Government House all my life and have truly honoured living here. Our tight community has really impacted my life and the way I am, as I also work as a waitress for Government House functions, I have been taught the type of service required for the Governor and his guests by my Dad himself. It was an honour to follow the footsteps of my dad and what he does at work and for the Governor to allow me take photographs of him off duty was a privilege in itself. To me, family is the most important aspect in life, it’s the root to our personality.  Family is the single most important influence in a child’s life. From your first moments of life, you depend on parents and family to protect and provide for your needs. They form your first relationships with other people and are your role models throughout life. Researching into the way different photographs express the notion of home was truly inspiring and made me want to produce something that shows how my life has been


Link to her blog

Viviana Maia: Destruction is Creation

I created this photographic book called “Creation Is Destruction” as an outlet to show how not everything we see is the truth. As part of our exam project, I decided to focus on the theme of truth to be able to have a chance of telling my own version of events that have occurred throughout my life. The main theme of my photo book is the sense that when you destroy something, you forget that you are always creating something new. I used that notion to therefore allow myself to create a whole new truth about who I am, where I came from and what it all means to me.  I decided to use archival images from when I was a child as well as images taken from family photo albums which I then digitalised and this is when I began my destruction process. I ripped up, stitched together, erased people and added people to my photographs to create a new truth and a new sense of reality that, at that time I still had no idea what it was going to be until I left everything I grew up with behind and started a whole new life in a completely different place.


Link to her blog


Holly Benning: Three Chapters

I have explored how the invisible can be captured and portrayed through the medium of photography. And why memories hold such a powerful influence over our past, present and future. I have looked at what makes a photograph meaningful, what gives a photograph reality and how through photography the memory of a person can live on. My project focused on exploring the invisible through three female generation’s memories; this included my grandmother, my mother and myself. These distinctive viewpoints enabled my project to become more personal and really seek the depths of my grandfather’s life. I think memory is more than simply remembering a once present thought, but it is about connecting with the past in order for it to live on. We are made up of fragmented memories and forgotten dreams. Our entirety rests in the fate of old letters, burnt photographs and meaningless possessions. We never question the invisible, it is as though we are on a relentless pursuit to try and capture what we cannot see.  We abide by the rules and limitations that are enforced by the concept of death. But what happens to those who become untouchable, those who are no longer part of the flux. Their existence becomes empty and lost; they are no longer perceptible to the eye. We yearn to cherish the ‘good’ memories and except the restrictions we are faced with, regarding mortality. In doing so, the feeling of life is created; the tangibility of pleasure and pain enters our worlds and consumes us. But, photographs hold heritage and meaning, they have a depth of knowledge and feeling to them.


Link to her blog:

Personal Study | 2015-16

Bryony SandersonGie us a wee word wi’ yer Mum:

The title of this work is phrase I would hear both my Scottish Grandparents say almost every time I answered the phone.  During this project, I focused on my Scottish Heritage and the difficultly living in Jersey has bought to our relationship with my Grandparents.

Bryony’s exam project: Artificial

Being surrounded and fascinated in the prosthetic world through my parents’ occupation, I felt that this to be an appropriate area to explore under the theme flaws and imperfections. From the moment the idea sprung to mind, I knew this was going to be a challenge, being well aware it would push my abilities as an amateur photographer. However, I was firm in my decision to pursue this, making it my goal to depict the power, strength and determination of amputees, and how in-fact, their ‘imperfection’ or ‘flaw’ as some would call it, is certainly not a flaw at all.  Stuart Penn, the focus of my photographs, was such a pleasure to work and a huge inspiration, giving us the powerful message that anything really is possible. I feel honoured to have had the opportunity of taking his photographs and gaining insight into his incredible lifestyle.

Eve Ozouf A Lekker Christmas

For this project I captured the highlights of my family holiday to Durban, South Africa for Christmas 2014. The images were captured in a documentary style, which is my preferred approach as I enjoy capturing family life as well as landscapes where human activity has occurred. The word ‘Lekker’ which I used to describe my Christmas means ‘good’ in the native language of Afrikaans. My photographs show a variety of environments that South Africa has to offer with its vast land including urban built up areas to the deserted African plains. Some images show the ‘Durbanite’ way of life, including where my 14-year-old cousin demonstrates how to use my grandfather’s rifle to shoot the annoyingly noisy ‘Hadeda’ birds. South Africa is full of vibrant colours and textures which I particularly focused on when producing this body of work as a photograph isn’t just about how it looks, it’s how you imagine it feeling. A lot of experimentation was used to bring out different styles of photography including slow shutter speeds to dramatise events such as the bonfire sprites floating towards the sky. For me, these images capture the quality of life South Africa has to offer and should make the viewers want to visit this beautiful country for themselves.

Oliver Sharman You’s Company, Me’s a Crowd 

This photo book is in an autobiographical form, whereby I am re-enacting events that occurred in my recent life, venturing from visiting my brother at university and the hungover pain this brough, to partying and hanging out with friends in all manner of ways and the aftermath of this. So, here is an insight into me, often eventful life of a teen in the island of Jersey.

Matt PalmerI Need A Shovel  

This photobook is the story of my Granddad, the house he has lived in since the 1960s and the clearing out of the house as it is now need to be sold. The name of this project came from my Dad. Him and a couple of others when ahead to my Granddad’s house whilst I went with my Aunt to pick my Granddad up. My Dad had the job of removing the upstairs toilet, which, when it stopped working, my Granddad kept on using it until it overflowed. When my Aunt and I arrived the first thing my Dad said to his sister was ‘I Need A Shovel.’ We all found that line funny when we heard it and then that line just stuck with me.

Lots of people can see little bits of themselves when they see my granddad’s hoarding, be it from collecting newspapers, or postcards, or whatever they’ve collected, it can all be related to what my Granddad has done over the past 50 years.

It is a growing problem. The family need to sell the house as the people next door want to buy the house, however, my Granddad doesn’t want anything to go or be moved. I feel that this could be happening to lots of people across not just the UK but the world. This project will speak to lots of families who are facing the same problem.

Matt PalmerA Little Bit Longer: 

Not all disabilities are visible. You could know some your whole life and never know that they have a severe, life-long condition. On Tuesday 14th July 2009, I was diagnosed with an invisible illness; Diabetes Mellitus Type 1, a condition when the pancreas in the body loses the ability to produce insulin independently. Day to day, my life hasn’t changed; however, I have to inject myself four times a day, and manually balance my sugar levels for the rest of my life.

As diabetes is something you cannot see, it was very hard to photograph it. I took inspiration from Elinor Carucci, an Israeli-American photographer who photographed herself with her children from when she was pregnant, through the birth to her children growing up. Her work involves very revealing, close-up self-portraits to capture her emotions. I found this style to be inspiring in capturing one’s self, and adopted this style into my own.

This is the first time I have ever turned the camera on myself. You would think it would be hard, however, it was just like I was being a model for someone else, and since I’m very open, talking about my diabetes, I found it easy to show my emotions. Photographing events from having low blood sugar level in the middle of the night, to a regular check-up at the diabetes Centre, to an eye-screening at the hospital, and the different physiological outcomes I had to injure, all within one week.

Tom Rolls: Angel; The Perfect being?  

With this work, I am exploring Angels in relation to the project brief “Perfection/Imperfection” which I chose as part of my A2 final Photography exam. Throughout the project, my aim was to rekindle an idea of the Angelic being in relation to different people’s perceptions; for faith, protection, happiness, balance etc. I spoke with a number of different people about their definition of an Angel and what it meant to them.

I interviewed my local church vicar who gave me a very brought insight into angels in both a religious and personal sense. I came away bewildered at the fact that Angels are a very important part of people’s lives, and realised that there is a whole other dimension to the subject. Having researched and gained enough primary knowledge, I began transforming these different perceptions into my own interpretations and pieced together a visual binding of all the ways in which an Angel spoke to me through others. I made a film which documents my journey in the sense of exploring what angels actually symbolise today, and how its image and meaning has changed over time. I hope you will also find this a journey for yourself and come away reflecting on this inner dimension from your own personal viewpoint. Are angels in fact the perfect being, or is it in fact their imperfections which make them so sacred?CONTEXTUAL STUDIESPHOTO LITERACYWRITING


What is a Personal Study?

The aim of this unit is to critically investigate, question and challenge a particular style, area or work by artists/ photographer(s) which will inform and develop your own emerging practice as a student of photography. The unit is designed to be an extension of your practical work in your Personal Investigation module where the practical informs and develops the theoretical elements and vice versa of your ongoing project.

Your Personal Study is a written and illustrated dissertation, including a written essay (2000 words) and a photographic body of work (250- 500 photos) with a number of final outcomes produced from your Personal Investigation unit based on the themes of OCCUPATION vs LIBERATION. Essentially this is your final module and we are treating it as a MOCK EXAM project with an opportunity for you to explore the themes above anew, with fresh eyes and develop it in a personal manner.

link to a previous essay: How-and-why-do-photographers-use-the-human-body-to-physically-express-hidden-emotions (1)

This year you have to make a photo book, either online using Blurb or by hand using traditional book binding techniques, which you design to include both your essay and a final selection and sequence of your photographs produced as a response to your chosen theme of OCCUPATION vs LIBERATION.

In addition, we are also expecting that those of you who want to go above and beyond will produce a mini film/ pod cast with sound and images based on the same narrative as used in your photobook.

All your usual research, analysis, planning, recording, experimentation and evaluation will be posted onto your BLOG

What it says in the syllabus (Edexcel)

  • Essential that students build on their prior knowledge and experience developed during the course.
  • Select artists work, methods and art movements appropriate to your previous coursework work as a suitable basis for your study.
  • Investigate a wide range of work and sources.
  • Develop your written dissertation in the light of your chosen focus from the practical part of previous coursework and projects.
  • Establish coherent and sustainable links between your own practical work with that of historical and contemporary reference.
  • Be aware of some of the methods employed by critics and historians within the history of art and photography.
  • Demonstrate a sound understanding of your chosen area of study with appropriate use of critical vocabulary.
  • Show evidence for an ongoing critical and analytical review of your investigation – both your written essay and own practical work in response to research and analysis.
  • Develop a personal and critical enquiry.
  • Culminate in an illustrated written presentation.

How to get started: Link your chosen area of study and essay question to your previous work, knowledge and understanding based upon the theme of OCCUPATION vs LIBERATION.

You can choose to develop your project within the Occupation of Jersey stories, focusing on one or a combination of sub- genres already explored such as LANDSCAPE > PEOPLE > OBJECTS and extend and refine studies already begun. This new direction could focus on your own family history in relation to the Occupation or World War II in general (if not Jersey born.)

Alternatively you can decide to interpret the themes in a different way relating to contemporary life, which may be more subjective based and dealing with personal experiences. For example, issues dealing with gender or race referencing political, social, cultural and identity differences.

PRACTICAL WORK: You have 6 weeks in lesson time  and over 2 weeks at Christmas to complete any shoots and make new images. This include all relevant blog posts demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of: RESEARCH > ANALYSIS > PLANNING > RECORDING, EXPERIMENTATION > PRESENTATION > EVALUATION.

DEADLINE: MUST complete 4-5 new photo-shoots this term that must be published on the blog by Tuesday 7 January 2019.

For further inspirations and starting points see blog post Past Personal Studies from previous students,, including links to photo books and essays.

ESSAY: We will be spending minimum 1 lesson a week on CONTEXTUAL STUDIES where you will be learning about critical theory, photo history and contemporary practice as well as developing academic study skills to help you writing your essay. However, it is essential that you are organising your time effectively and setting aside time outside of lessons to read, study and write.

DEADLINE: Essay draft MUST be handed in MON 7 Jan 2020.

PHOTOBOOK: Returning after Christmas we will be spending the whole month of January developing, designing and printing the photobook which will include your essay and somewhere between 40-60 images sequenced to tell a story.

MOCK EXAM: MON – WED 12 Feb 2020.

FINAL DEADLINE: Completion of photobook with final essay WED 12 Feb 2020.

EXAM (ESA): Exam Paper and preparation begins THUR 13 Feb 2020.

EXAM (ESA): Controlled Conditions
MON 27 April – FRI 1 MAY 2020.

PLANNER – Download and save in your folder

Week 9: 4 – 10 Nov
Introduction to Personal Study

Lesson task MON: Inspirations
Choose one Personal Study from past students, either from blog post below or photobooks in class. Look through sequence of images carefully and read the essay. Present the study in class and comment on the book’s, concept, design and narrative. Review the essay and comment on its use of critical/ contextual/ historical references, use of direct quotes to form an argument and specialist vocabulary relating to art and photography. Make an assessment using the mark sheet and calculate a grade.

Lesson Task TUE-FRI: Reviewing and reflecting

 Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Essential that students build on their prior knowledge and experience developed during the course.

Follow these instructions:

  1. From your Personal Investigation based on OCCUPATION vs LIBERATION write an overview of what you learned and how you intend to develop your Personal Study.
  2. Describe which themes, approaches (LANDSCAPE, PEOPLE, OBJECTS), artists, skills and photographic processes/ techniques inspired you the most and why.
  3. Include examples of past and current experiments to illustrate your thinking.
  4. Produce a new mind-map and mood-board based around how you interpret the theme of OCCUPATION vs LIBERATION now.
  5. Plan your first photo-shoot as a response to initial ideas. Must be published on the blog by Mon 18 Nov.

For those not going to Paris on school trip continue to work on the above in lessons on Thursday and Friday.

Paris crew: Complete above task in your own time outside of lesson time once you have returned from Paris trip.

Week 10: 11 – 17 Nov
Design newspaper spreads
Workshop with EESAB

Lesson MON-WED:
This week each student will be designing 3 versions of a newspaper spreads based on the themes OCCUPATION vs LIBERATION in preparation for workshop with post-graduate (MA) students at EESAB ( L’école Européenne Supérieure d’art de Bretagne ) on Wed 13 Nov.

You must produce one spread each on:

  • Create new document in InDesign with these dimensions: 420mm(h) x 280.5mm(w)
  • Only use in high-res TIFF files (4000 pixels)
  • Use design ideas and layouts from your zines and photomontages as a starting point or basis for your spreads.
  • One of your page spread must be one full-bleed image.
  • Incorporate texts and typography where appropriate.

Once you have completed 3 pagespreads, double check:

  • All images are high-res file
  • Check links in InDesign (if Red Question mark appears re-point to image in your folder)
  • Package your layout and save in your name into this shared folder

Complete by Friday 15th Nov 2019

M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\Occupation vs Liberation\Newspaper Pagespreads

Lessons WED 13 Nov: Workshop with EESAB
09:00-10:00: 13E
10:15-11:15: 13B
11:20-12:20: 13C

Other tasks to complete by end of this week:

SPECIFICATION: Continue to develop your specificationWRITE A STATEMENT OF INTENT – and PLAN 4 SHOOTS (2 shoots before Christmas and 2 shoots during Xmas break) in response to artists references and any ideas you may have. It’s important that you begin to make images and experiment.

Paris crew: upload and edit images from Paris trip, especially workshop with Yury Toroptsov. Reflecting on your trip follow instructions below too.

ZINE: Complete Zine design on PORTRAITS & OBJECTS, print and bind. Make sure you have evidence on the blog about showing experimentation with different layouts and annotation.

Week 11: 18 – 24 Nov
Theory & Practice: Artists References
Contextual Studies: Conversations on Photography

THEORY > Artists References

Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Select artists work, methods, theories and art movements appropriate to your previous coursework work as a suitable basis for your Personal Study.
  • Investigate a wide range of work and sources

TASKS: Evidence on BLOG

1. ARTISTS REFERENCES: Find inspirations and select 2-3 artists/photographers that you would like to research in depth, and who forms a basis for your Personal Study and influence your photographic shoots and experiments.

Compare and contrast their approaches , practice and work following these steps:

  1. Produce a mood board with a selection of images and write an overview of their work, style and approach to photography. 
  2. Select at least one image from each photographer and analyse in depth using methodology of TECHNICAL>VISUAL>CONTEXTUAL>CONCEPTUAL 
  3. Incorporate quotes and comments from artist themselves or others (art critics, art historians, curators, writers, journalists etc) using a variety of sources such as Youtube, online articles, reviews, text, books etc. 
  4. Make sure you reference sources and embed links to the above sources in your blog post.

PARIS PHOTO: Ideally, try and find work by artists/ photographers and exhibitions that you experienced at Paris Photo. This will make personal connections and you will be able to draw on how you felt when you encountered the work.

For those who did not visit Paris, inspiration can also be found here.

2. MEANING & METHODS: Identify meaning and methods behind selected artists/photographers work and research at least 3 different literary sources (online articles, books, youtube clips) that will provide you with different critical perspective and views other than your own. Incorporate this new knowledge into your own interpretation of artists work.

The literary sources will also provide you with something to read for further contextual understanding and critical thinking in preparation for writing your essay. Make sure you save hyperlinks, photocopies etc in a new folder: Academic References.

PRACTICE> Artists References

3. PLANNING: Plan a shoot in response to researching and interpreting artists work above. Make sure it relates to your ideas on how you intend to develop your project. Follow these instructions: what, why, how, when, where?

4. RECORDING: Complete panned photo-shoot and bring images in to class. Begin to edit and show experimentation with images using Lightroom / Photoshops as appropriate to your intentions. Make sure you annotate process and techniques used.

5. EVALUATION: Upon completion of photoshoot and experimentation, make sure you evaluate and comment on the following:

  • How successful was your photoshoot and experimentation?
  • What references did you make to artists references? – comment on technical, visual, contextual, conceptual?
  • How are you going to develop your project from here? – comment on research, planning, recording, experimenting.
  • What are you going to do next? – what, why, how, when, where?

Wed 20 Nov: Contextual Studies
Conversations on Photography

Go to Blogpost here for more details

Week 12: 25 – 29 Nov
Theory & Practice: Art Movements & Isms

THEORY > Art Movements & Isms

The syllabus states clearly that you have to be aware of some of the methods employed by critics and historians within the history of art and photography.

To demonstrate your knowledge and understanding you will have to write a paragraph in your essay providing historical context about your chosen artists/ photographers and how their their work and practice is linked to a specific art movement, ism or theory.

For this task you need to select an art movement and ism that is relevant to your Personal Study and make a 2-3 minutes presentation in class. You can choose to work alone or pair up with a fellow student:

  • Pictorialism
  • Realism / Straight Photography
  • Modernism
  • Post-modernism

Follow these instructions:

  1. Start by looking at the PPT presentations here which will provide you with an overview.

    M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Occupation vs Liberation\Presentations

  2. Find two other sources, article on internet, text in book, youtube video etc and identify relevant quotes, at least two that you can incorporate into your blog post/ presentation.
  3. Use Art Movements & Isms sheet as a prompt with information that is required in your presentation
  4. Write 500 words which would form the basis of paragraph 1 in your essay and publish on blog.
  5. Your paragraph must include visual examples of artists making work within that art movement and ism.

PRACTICE> Photographic responses

  1. Respond to the art movement/ ism that you have researched and make an image or a set of images that represent the methods/ techniques/ processes/ approach/ styles / aesthetics used by artists working within that is ism or movement.
  2. Make it relevant to your own project.
  3. Produce a blog post and publish by – Mon 2 Dec

Week 13: 2 – 8 Dec
Introduction to Essay writing

Contextual Study: Photography Decoded

MON: Academic Sources

  • Research and identify 3-5 literary sources from a variety of media such as books, journal/magazines, internet, Youtube/video .
  • Begin to read essay, texts and interviews with your chosen artists as well as commentary from critics, historians and others.
  • It’s important that you show evidence of reading and draw upon different pints of view – not only your own.
  • Take notes when you’re reading…key words, concepts, passages
  • Write down page number, author, year, title, publisher, place of publication so you can list source in a bibliography

Bibliography: List all the sources that you have identified above as literary sources. Where there are two or more works by one author in the same year distinguish them as 1988a, 1988b etc. Arrange literature in alphabetical order by author, or where no author is named, by the name of the museum or other organisation which produced the text. Apart from listing literature you must also list all other sources in alphabetical order e.g. websites/online sources, Youtube/ DVD/TV.

Quotation and Referencing:

  • Use quotes to support or disprove your argument
  • Use quotes to show evidence of reading
  • Use Harvard System of Referencing…see Powerpoint: harvard system of referencing for further details on how to use it.

TUE: Essay Question

THUR-FRI: Essay Plan
Make a plan that lists what you are going to write about in each paragraph – essay structure.

  • Essay question:
  • Opening quote
  • Introduction (250-500 words): What is your area study? Which artists will you be analysing and why? How will you be responding to their work and essay question?
  • Pg 1 (500 words): Historical/ theoretical context within art, photography and visual culture relevant to your area of study. Make links to art movements/ isms and some of the methods employed by critics and historian. Link to powerpoints about isms andmovements M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Resources\Personal Study
  • Pg 2 (500 words): Analyse first artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
  • Pg 3 (500 words): Analyse second artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
  • Conclusion (250-500 words): Draw parallels, explore differences/ similarities between artists/photographers and that of your own work that you have produced
  • Bibliography: List all relevant sources used

Week 14-15: 9 – 20 Dec
Practical work: Photo-shoots & Experimentation

Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Show evidence for an on-going critical and analytical review of your investigation – both your written essay and own practical work in response to research and analysis.

PRACTICAL WORK:  Lesson time Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri

Produce a number of photographic response to your Personal Study.  For example; experiment with story-telling approaches, subject-matter, style, form (lighting, composition) or specific skills, techniques, methods influenced by artist-references.

Bring images from new photo-shoots to lessons and follow these instructions:

  • Save shoots in folder on Media Drive: and import into Lightroom
  • Organisation: Create a new  Collection from each new shoot inside Collection Set: OCCUPATION vs LIBERATION
  • Editing: select 8-12 images from each shoot.
  • Experimenting: Adjust images in Develop, both as Colour and B&W images appropriate to your intentions
  • Export images as JPGS (1000 pixels) and save in a folder: BLOG
  • Create a Blogpost with edited images and an evaluation; explaining what you focused on in each shoot and how you intend to develop your next photoshoot.
  • Make references to artists references, previous shoots, experiments, inspiration etc.


  • Export same set of images from Lightroom as TIFF (4000 pixels)
  • Experimentation: demonstrate further creativity using Photoshop to make composite/ montage/ typology/ grids/ diptych/triptych, text/ typology etc appropriate to your intentions
  • Design: Begin to explore different layout options using Indesign and make a new zine/book. Set up new document as A5 page sizes. This is trying out ideas before we begin designing photobook in January.
  • Make sure you annotate process and techniques used and evaluate each experiment


Produce a detailed plan of  at least 3-4 photoshoots that you intend on doing in the next 4 weeks – including Christmas holidays.

  • Must present one shoot, with edit and experimentation before we break up for Christmas.
  • Make sure you return in January 7 with at least 3-4 new shoots and sets of images.

WED 11 Dec: Contextual Studies
Photography Decoded

Go to Blogpost here for more details

FRI 13 Dec: Essay introduction

In this lesson you will write a draft essay introduction following these steps:

  1. Open a new Word document > SAVE AS: Essay draft
  2. Copy essay question into Essay titleHypothesis > if you don’t have one yet, make one!
  3. Copy your essay introduction (from Essay Plan) which will give you a framework to build upon
  4. Identify 2 quotes from sources identified in an earlier task using Harvard System of Referencing.
  5. Use one quote as an opening quote: Choose a quote from either one of your photographers or critics. It has to be something that relates to your investigation.
  6. Add sources to Bibliograpphy > if by now you don’t have any sources, use  S. Sontag. On Photography Ch1
  7. Begin to write a paragraph (250-500 words) answering the following questions:
  8. Look at an opening sentence.
  9. You got 45 mins to write and upload to the blog!
  • Think about an opening that will draw your reader in e.g. you can use an opening quote that sets the scene. Or think more philosophically about the nature of photography and and feeble relationship with reality.
  • You should include in your introduction an outline of your intention of your study e.g.
  • What are you going to investigate.
  • How does this area/ work interest you?
  • What are you trying to prove/challenge, argument/ counter-argument?
  • Whose work (artists/photographers) are you analysing and why?
  • What historical or theoretical context is the work situated within. Include 1 or 2 quotes for or against.
  • What links are there with your previous studies?
  • What have you explored so far in your Coursework or what are you going to photograph?
  • How did or will your work develop.
  • What camera skills, techniques or digital processes in Photoshop have or are you going to experiment with?

WEEK 15: PRESENTATIONWork-in-Progress

Prepare a 3-5 mins presentation on something that you are working on right now in your project. For example:

An idea
An image
A photo-shoot
An experiment
An inspiration
New research
New development

Use blog posts to present in class. As a class we will give constructive feedback on how each student can develop their work and project

Wed 18 Dec:
Leah Bohea
Eleanor Gilson
Talal Bayat
Charlie Dixon-Smith

Gabbi Bassford
Daniel Butt
Emily Cooper
Niah Da Costa

Kristiana Ambrasa
Jade Bell
Kristin Falle
Nathan Healey

Thurs 19 Dec:
Andreia Da Silva
Jazmin Gulley
Nelista Gallichan
Eren Gow

Francesca Hogan
Yordi Hogetoorn
Gabrielle Le Clezio
Lucy Lemos

Max Kucza
Leah Looby-Razzell
Aimee Low

Fri 20 Dec:
Jasmine Latimer
Kimberley Noel
Alexander Phillips
Ceira Walsh

Will Masterman
Filipe Pereira
Emelia Sargeant
Filip Spasow
Francesca Stubbings

Lillie Makestaad
Krystian Skarbek
Jack Tidy

Zine lab: Portraits and objects

Your second zine must be a combination of portraits and objects that either convey a sense of a story, or absence of a narrative. Your sequencing and juxtaposition of images require careful consideration of the relationship between forms, shapes, colour, meaning (symbolic, political, social, cultural.)

For your second zine try out a different design. Below are 10 different zine design. See also Zine Guide by Lewis Bush for more instructions about how to make your zine

Zine 1: Beak
The beak structure is a super simple zine structure which is made from a single sheet of paper, it forms a small booklet but the neat part is the way the structure can be opened up to reveal a single large image. This one consists of a series of digital manipulations of Donald Trump’s super weird official presidential portrait, but then also opens out to form a large poster.

Zine 2: Accordion
The accordion structure is also one you can make from a single sheet of paper, and it unfolds in a slightly unpredictable way which makes it a nice structure for zines with narratives about journeys, mazes, and so on. This one uses a series of photographs taken in a gothic Victorian cemetery which unfurls into a narrative about walking surrounded by symbols of death.

Zine 3: Spring 
Another one that can be made from just a single sheet is the spring structure. It’s a more complex form of accordion structure, but one which also has some interesting internal spaces for images or text which are a little more hidden. You can also paste several together to make longer versions. In this case I used the structure with some photographs taken as part of a documentary project on Canvey Island, a very flat place with enormous skies, it made sense to use a panoramic concertina like this to show them off.

Zine 4: Single section
The single section zine, pretty widely known as it’s basically the same as a booklet. The structure is widely producible but has a lot of possibilities. In this case I used it for a publication consisting of satellite images of major sites and industries which were once publicly owned but have since been sold off and privatised. Opening to A3 size it really lets the detail in the images shine.

Zine 5: Fold-out
The fold out zine combines the possibilities of a single section zine with a nice surprise in the middle in the form of a large fold out. In this case I used it to contain a small project made using FSA photographs ‘killed’ by Roy Stryker, the FSA’s director, who went through a phase of hole punching photographs he didn’t like. To match the subject matter better I’ve also done a hand cut out on the front cover.

Zine 6: Dos a Dos
The dos a dos zine contains two single section zines within one cover, facing them in opposite directions, it’s a neat structure for combining two sets of material which you really want a viewer to experience separately, rather than in a sequence where one follows another. For this one I’ve combined two very different sets of imagery about my native London, one about the city’s history, and the other about it’s possible future.

Zine 7: Multi-section
The multi-section zine is somewhere between the dos a dos zine and a t blown book. A couple of folds in the cover allow you to bind in three (or potentially even more) clusters of pages, which can function nicely as distinct chapters. In this case I’ve used the three different types of imagery featured in my project Shadows of the State, which documents spy radio stations.

Zine 8: Zine in a Zine
A zine in a zine is basically a single section zine combining different paper sizes, which can be distributed in a variety of ways, either creating a smaller publication within a bigger one, or creating hidden flaps which is what I’ve done in this case. These are a series of photographs taken during walks in mid-Wales, the wider images contain smaller flaps which open to reveal closer details.

Zine 9. Flag
The flag book is a creation of book artist Heidi Kyle. It’s one of the most complex in the guide but can lead to some remarkable results. It uses a series of small flaps to create a sort of cascading wall of paper, great for making otherwise perhaps rather dull images more surprising. For this one I’ve used a series of composite portraits created from thousands of corporate portraits. The flag book structure seemed to add something to the already slightly shimmering, edgeless quality of the composite images.

Zine 10: Fishbone
The fishbone folder is another Heidi Kyle invention, it’s structure looks something like a fish skeleton with a series of pages getting smaller and smaller towards the middle of the zine. For this attempt I’ve used a single large macro image taken of an old lens, the folds break up the image in a way which makes it less immediately obvious what it is, so I’ve added an image of the side of the lens as a sort of cover and clue to the contents.

Week 8: 21 Oct – 4 Nov (incl H-Term)
Zine-lab: Portraits and Objects

Complete the following blog posts

1. RESEARCH: Zines and newspaper design made by artists and photographer that will provide visual stimulus for your page designs. 

  • Produce a mood board 

For inspiration see zines/ books by Lorenzo Vitturi (Dalston Anatomy), Sam Ivin (Lingering Ghosts) Rita Puig-Serra Costa (Where Mimosa Bloom)-, Laurence Aëgerter (Photographic Treatment), Batia Suter (Radical Grammar)

2. DESIGN: Plan how you want your zine to look and feel, in terms of 

  • Format, size and orientation
  • Design and layout
  • Rhythm and sequencing
  • Narrative and visual concept 
  • Title and cover
  • Images and text
  • Use of other design elements or inserts: archives, montages, graphics, typography

3. EXPERIMENTING: Show variation of designs

  • Create 3 examples of alternative layouts for your zine using Adobe InDesign and complete a visual blog post that clearly shows your decision making and design process using print-screens or save each page-spread as a  JPEG.
  • Make sure you annotate!

4. PRESENTING: Print, fold and bind final zine and hand in for assessment.

All Blogposts by Mon 4 Nov (first day after H-Term)

Still-life studio shoot – INSTRUCTIONS


  • Each student must have been in the studio at least once experimenting with coloured backdrops.
  • Show experimentation with the above images using cutout figures from archive photographs as a response to Rafal Milach work: The First March of Gentlemen – see this blog post here under week 6
  • Have a folder with 10-12 images of both PORTAITS and OBJECTS (including any montages – if relevant) in high-res TIFF files (4000 pixels on long edge) ready for zine design and layout first lesson Mon 21 Oct.
  • Select 2 montages as final prints and save in the folder below. You can choose any montages that you have made from LANDSCAPE, PORTRAIT or OBJECTS modules. If you have a paper collage, then photograph it in the studio to make it digital. All image files saved as high-res TIFF (4000 pixels)

M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Image Transfer\PRINTING\A2\A3 Montages

Still-life Studio Shoot:

Each group of two students work on one station each ie. Continuous Light and Flash Lights and swap halfway through

It takes more time to work with Continuous lights so it may be that each group needs to visit studio twice – which is okay as the studio is booked every lesson the erst of this week and next week too.

You can choose to photograph each object individually or group together several objects for a more complex still life arrangements.

Technical stuff – just in case someone has changes the settings.

Continuous Lights – photograph objects three dimensionally

Camera setting: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
White Balance: Daylight
Aperture: F/16
Shutter: 0.5 sec to 0.8 sec (depending on reflection of each object)
Lights in room must be switched off to avoid relfections

Flash Lights – photograph images, documents, books, newspapers, etc

Camera setting: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
White Balance: Daylight
Aperture: F/16
Shutter: 1/125-1/200 (depending on reflection of each object)
Flash heads set to power output: 2.0
Use pilot light for focusing

NB: At the end of the day – or if someone from media has booked the studio in between lessons – move still-life table away from backdrop and set up again for next lesson.

Uploading images from shoot:

Students can decide to use their own card in camera or use shared card – 10 mins before lessons ends take card out and upload images in folder on computer.

You must take an image of how the lights was set up and annotate, key light / fill light / back light (if used)

Those students who are not in the studio work independently in class editing images from shoot and produce blog posts as per instructions here:

3. EDITING: Upload and process images from photo-shoot using Lightroom and make a rough edit of 8–10 images 

4. EXPERIMENTING: Show experimentation with different adjustments/ techniques/ processes in Lightroom/ Photoshop appropriate to intentions. Produce at least 3 different variations of the same still-life with 3 different images.

Objects Planner

For the remaining 4 weeks before half-term we will be photographing everyday objects from the years of Occupation in Jersey in 1940-45 held in the Jersey Heritage collection. This practical task will help you develop lighting and camera skills in the studio.

Here is a PLANNER for a full overview of what you are required to do in the next 4 weeks. You are required to self-monitor your progress and will be asked to upload Tracking-Sheet with an update on a weekly basis to your blog.

Here you can listen to the stories behind some of the objects presented by Ashlea Tracey from BBC Radio Jersey

However, before we begin this task we need to learn about how still-life emerged as an independent genre, in particularly during the early 1600s Dutch and Northern European paintings. Many of the objects depicted in these early works are symbolic of religion and morality reflecting on the increasing urbanization of Dutch and Flemish society, which brought with it an emphasis on the home and personal possessions, commerce and trade.
Paintings depicting burnt candles, human skulls, dying flowers, fruits and vegetables, broken chalices, jewelry, crowns, watches, mirrors, bottles, glasses, vases etc are symbolic of the transience and brevity of human life, power, beauty and wealth, as well as of the insignificance of all material things and achievements.

Read here for more details about the different categories within still-life paintings such as Fruits, Flowers, Breakfast pieces, Trompe L’Oeil and Vanitas.

Abraham van Beyeren (Dutch, The Hague 1620/21–1690 Overschie)
Brilliant surfaces of metalwork and glass reflect lush fruits and a lobster in this still life. Heavily laden tables like this one, boasting both foodstuffs and imported luxuries such as the blue-and-white porcelain bowl from China, typify Dutch still life in the second half of the seventeenth century. Such paintings represent a shift away from the reminders of immortality and vanity in earlier still lifes and toward a wholehearted embrace of earthly pleasures.

Week 5: 30 Sept – 6 Oct
Still-Life: Contextual Studies

Complete the following blog posts

1. Historical context: Describe origin and definition of still life as a genre in history of pictorial practice.

Read texts above and below to gain an overview of how still-life emerged.

2. Analysis: Select a key painting and comment on the religious, political and allegorical symbolism of food and objects in terms of wealth, status and power, or the lack of.

Lets take a closer look at the painting, Cookmaid with Still Life of Vegetables and Fruit by British painter Sir Nathaniel Bacon

Cookmaid with Still Life of Vegetables and Fruit c.1620-5 Sir Nathaniel Bacon 1585-1627 Purchased with assistance from the Art Fund 1995

Listen to curator Tim Batchelor discussing the painting

For further insights into the symbolic meaning of food and objects in still-life paintings, read this text Secret Symbols in Still-Life

3. Emile F. Guiton: Autochromes:The founding father of the Societe Jersiaise Photographic Archive was also a very accomplished photographer who experimented with early colour photography in the beginning of the 20th century. Read this essay by Archivist Patrick Cahill on Guiton’s still-life images of flowers in a vase and other domestic scenes using Autochrome – the first commercially available colour process. Produce a blog post that demonstrates your understanding autochrome and its colour process using Guiton’s images as illustrations.

National Science and Media Museum: History of the Autochrome: the Dawn of Colour Photography

4. Contemporary practice: Complete at least one artist reference on how contemporary photographers explore still life and objects in their work. What meaning can we attribute to images of food and everyday objects – consider social, economical and cultural references.

Read and study this article with examples of contemporary interpretations of still life photography

Klaus Pichler: One Third
According to a UN study, one third of the world’s food goes to waste – the largest part thereof in the industrialized nations of the global north. Equally, 925 million people around the world are threatened by starvation. The series ‚One Third‘ describes the connection between individual wastage of food and globalized food production. Rotting food, arranged into elaborate still lives, portrays an abstract picture of the wastage of food whilst the accompanying texts take a more in depth look at the roots of this issue. ‚One Third‘ goes past the sell by date in order to document the full dimensions of the global food waste.

Week 6: 7 – 13 Oct
Occupation Objects: Studio-shoots

Complete the following blog posts

1. LIGHTING: Experiment with different lighting set-ups, both continuous lighting (tungsten) and flash lights. Be creative and use special still-life table and its translucent backdrop.

2. RECORDING: Explore different angles, both from above, side and front.

3. EDITING: Upload and process images from photo-shoot using Lightroom and make a rough edit of 8–10 images 

4. EXPERIMENTING: Show experimentation with different adjustments/ techniques/ processes in Lightroom/ Photoshop appropriate to intentions. Produce at least 3 different variations of the same still-life with 3 different images.

Extension – Montage experiment: Create a set of 3 montages using your images of objects and combine with cut out figures from the Occupation archives.

For inspiration Look at the images and photobook; The First March of Gentlemen by Polish photographer, Rafal Milach. This body of work is a fictitious narration composed of authentic stories. Historical events related to the town of Września in Poland came to be the starting point for reflection on the protest and disciplinary mechanisms experienced under Communist rule. In the series of collages, the reality of the 1950s Poland ruled by the communists blends with the memory of the Września children strike from the beginning of the 20th century. This shift in time is not just a coincidence, as the problems which the project touches upon are universal, and may be seen as a metaphor for the contemporary social tensions and politics currently playing out in Poland . The project includes archive photos by Września photographer Ryszard Szczepaniak> Read more here

5. EVALUATE: Photo-shoot and experiments. Select at least 2 key images and analyse in depth using this methodology: TECHNICAL > VISUAL > CONTEXTUAL > CONCEPTUAL. Compare with examples of artists references where appropriate.

Week 7: 14 – 20 Oct
Substitutes Assignment: Studio-shoots

Complete the following blog posts

EXTENSION TASK: (you can work in groups – max 3)
As you have learned from visiting Jersey War Tunnels and listening to islanders who experienced it first-hand there was a food shortage and rationing was introduced by the Nazi command during the Occupation. In the Spring of 1943 islanders received a few hundred Red Cross parcels.

Your task is to select one substitute from the list below and use the ingredients in the studio to make a set of still-life images.

Read more here

TeaParsnip, sugar beet, green pea pods, camellia leaves, blackberry leaves, lime blossoms and carrots (shredded and baked)
CoffeeParsnip, sugar beet, acorns, chicory, barley, wheatm beans, lupin seeds (roasted and ground)
TobaccoCherry leaves, sweet chestnut leaves, rose petals, sweet scented butterburr, coltsfoot and clover
Sultanas and currantsSugar beet, cut small and dried, elderberries dried, and dried grapes
GelatineCarrageen moss (seaweed)
Bicycle tyresRubber garden hose, with rope inside. Rope. Many cyclists rode on the rims without any tyres
SaltSea water
ClothingCurtains made into garments; blankets and rugs into coats
Boots and shoesClogs (manufactured locally) and the ‘Jersey boot’ with leather tops and local beechwood soles
FlourPotato flour, used for puddings and gruel. Used also for thickening stews, gravies etc
SoapThe ration was increased by boiling ivy leaves till quite soft and adding one half packet of soap powder and one tablet of soap
Cod fishMacaroni boiled stiff, with half a spoonful of anchovy sauce added, and cut up when cold and fried
Brooms & brushesCane or rope to replace bristles. Stable brooms of wire bristles

From Substitutes Assignment complete the following and publish on blog:

  1. EDITING: Upload and process images from each photo-shoot using Lightroom. Make a rough edit of 8–10 images and evaluate. 
  2. EXPERIMENTING: Show experimentation with different adjustments/ techniques/ processes in Lightroom/ Photoshop appropriate to intentions.
  3. EVALUATE: Photo-shoot and experiments. Select at least 2 key images and analyse in depth using this methodology: TECHNICAL > VISUAL > CONTEXTUAL > CONCEPTUAL. Compare with examples of artists references where appropriate.

Week 8: 21 Oct – 4 Nov (incl H-Term)
Zine-lab: Portraits and Objects

Complete the following blog posts

Your second zine must be a combination of portraits and objects that either convey a sense of a story, or absence of a narrative. Your sequencing and juxtaposition of images require careful consideration of the relationship between forms, shapes, colour, meaning (symbolic, political, social, cultural.)

For inspiration see zines/ books by Sam Irwin, Rita Puig-, Lorenzo Vitturi (Dalston Anatomy), Photographic Treatment, Beate Suker,

1. RESEARCH: Zines and newspaper design made by artists and photographer that will provide visual stimulus for your page designs.

  • Produce a mood board 

2. DESIGN: Plan how you want your zine to look and feel, in terms of

  • Format, size and orientation
  • Design and layout
  • Rhythm and sequencing
  • Narrative and visual concept 
  • Title and cover
  • Images and text
  • Use of other design elements or inserts: archives, montages, graphics, typography

3. EXPERIMENTING: Show variation of designs

  • Create 3 examples of alternative layouts for your zine using Adobe InDesign and complete a visual blog post that clearly shows your decision making and design process using print-screens or save each page-spread as a  JPEG.
  • Make sure you annotate!

4. PRESENTING: Print, fold and bind final zine and hand in for assessment.

All Blogposts by Mon 4 Nov (first day after H-Term)

Photo-Assignment: Home Sweet Home

During the autumn term we will set you a weekly photo-assignment which compliments the other work we are doing in class. More importantly these assignments are designed to improve your photographic skills, allow you to be creative with a camera and bulk up your image archive which will help you build a coherent body of work from which you can develop personal stories, interesting visual narratives and refine different outcomes such as designing zines, photobooks and presenting final prints.

In these tasks you will be assessed on effort, camera skills, creativity and overall aesthetic quality of your photographs. You are required to make a self-assessment of each of your shoots using mark sheet at the end of the post.

Environmental Portrait – RULE: Use tripod
Candid portrait
DEADLINE: Wed 25 Sept

ENVIRONMENTAL PORTRAIT: A formal portrait with emphasis on environment and setting of the model that may suggest the person’s social, economic, cultural background.

Larry Sultan: Pictures from Home

Alec Soth from I Know How Furiously Your Heart is Beating

Recent interview in New York Times with Alec Soth about his new book I Know How Furiously Your Heart is Beating and a review by Sean O’Hagan in The Guardian.

Portrait from the Free Photographic Omnibus: Southampton. Sisters: Lyn & Stella Brasher, 1974

Daniel Meadows: Middle England, 1973-79

Read Fieldwork a study on Daniel Meadows by curator and academic Val Williams

CANDID PORTRAIT: An informal portrait that presents a ‘natural’ look and capturing a moment, seemingly without artifice.

Richard Billingham, Ray’s A Laugh

Richard Billingham: Ray’s A Laugh
Read article in The Guardian by Tim Adams

Sam Harris, The Middle of Somewhere

Anthony Haughey: Home, 1989-1990

Establishing shot — RULE: Use tripod
Detail shot

ESTABLISHING SHOT: a group portrait of two or more members of the family where you are constructing an image that tells a story. This image can be naturally observed or staged. The main focus is conveying a sense of narrative.

Alan Craddock with his wife Joan and their daughters (left to right) Jacqueline, Barbara and Kim (standing). Residents of June Street, Salford, 1973.

Daniel Meadows: June Street Salford, Manchester, 1973

Sian Davey, Martha
Read interview here in The Guardian

Alain Laboile, La Familie

Masahisa Fukase: Family
My entire family, whose image I see inverted in the frosted glass, will die one day. This camera, which reflects and freezes their images, is actually a device for archiving death. – Masahisa Fukase

For three generations the Fukase family ran a photography studio in Bifuka, a small provincial town in the northern Japanese province of Hokkaido. In August 1971, at the age of 35, Masahisa Fukase returned home from Tokyo, where he had moved in the 1950s. He realised that the Fukase Photographic Studio, which his younger brother managed, combined with the growing family members, constituted the perfect subject for a series of portraits. Between 1971 and 1989, he returned regularly and used the family studio, the large-format Anthony view camera and the changing family line-up as the basis for the series. True to his style, Fukase often introduced third-party models and humorous elements to juxtapose the ineluctable reality of time passing and the dwindling family group. He continued the series through his father’s death in 1987, up until the closure of the Fukase studio due to bankruptcy in 1989, and the consequential dispersion of the family.

DETAIL SHOT Focus on a detail of a person or close up of something that conveys something about the individual character or identity eg. age, race, gender, sexuality, fashion, hobby, lifestyle etc.

GB. England. Dorset. From ‘West Bay’ and From ‘Common Sense’. 1996.

Martin Parr: Common Sense

David Moore: Pictures from the Real World, 1987-1988

Natasha Caruana: The Other Woman, 2005

Sarker Protick: What Remains

Interior — RULE: Use tripod
DEADLINE: Wed 22 Oct

INTERIOR: Photograph your home with no people in it. Choose the locations where you shot your portraits. Make sure to consider rooms with interest, eg. space, decor, furniture, objects on display etc.

Laura Blight : House Clearances 2010
Jimmy Dodds (Byker) 1980, printed 2012 Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen born 1948 Purchased 2015

Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen: Byker, 1975-1980

Anna Fox: Mum in a Million, 2007

EXTERIOR: Photograph your home from the outside, using different points of view from the garden, road. Consider different angles, details as well as deadpan approach. Include fences, hedges. Produce a typologies of every house on your street photographed from the roadside.

Stephen McCoy: Housing Estates Box Set, 1985

Robert Adams: New West

Robert Adams: Summer Nights

For further inspirations: See exhibition Home Sweet Home and book of the same name (see in class). Read feature here on Lensculture

Consider the following

  • LOCATION: at home in the living room, kitchen or bedroom, consider natural light (window light) and backdrop. Location can also be outside of the house during daylight
  • MODEL: family members, parents, brother, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends.
  • POSING: ask model to try out different poses and control how you set up the people you are photographing choosing appropriate location and backdrop.
  • FRAMING: full-body, half-body and head-shots, experiment with different angles and use appropriate focal lenght (ie. wide-angle lens 18-35mm, standard lens 50mm, telephoto lens 70-300mm).
  • LIGHTING: consider source and direction of lighting
  • INSIDE: use natural light through window as side light
  • OUTSIDE: Avoid direct sunlight or dull grey overcast light in the middle of the day. Choose softer light, early morning/ late afternoon, sunlight diffused by clouds etc.

From each assignment complete the following and publish on blog:

  • EDITING: Upload and process images from each photo-shoot using Lightroom. Make a rough edit of 8–10 images and evaluate. 
  • EXPERIMENTING: Show experimentation with different adjustments/ techniques/ processes in Lightroom/ Photoshop appropriate to intentions.
  • ANALYSIS: Select at least 2 key images and analyse in depth using this methodology: TECHNICAL > VISUAL > CONTEXTUAL > CONCEPTUAL. Compare with examples of artists references where appropriate.
  • EVALUATION: Evaluate your assignment and make a self assessment based on the criteria, EFFORT, SKILL, CREATIVITY and AESTETHIC using this mark sheet and post on the blog.

Portrait Planner

Welcome back after Summer break!

This autumn term we will be continuing to explore the Occupation of Jersey with a focus on personal stories through either family connections or islanders who experienced the German occupation up close.


The first three weeks will be based around PORTRAITURE and improving our skills to photograph people, including working with studio-lighting. We will be photographing islanders who lived through the German occupation in the studio and listen to them telling personal stories and recounting memories from both the occupation and liberation of Jersey.

Each person will be recorded using photography, video and sound.

Jersey Archive: To support our understanding we will begin by visiting Jersey Archive where German Occupation Registration Cards are kept. They are a set of unique documents that show the faces, backgrounds and communities of people of Jersey who lived under the German Occupation. We will also be looking at private collections from Jersey residents.

German Registration Cards: Wishing to control the movements of the civil population, the German authorities made it compulsory for everybody to be registered under the Registration and Identification of Persons (Jersey) Order, 1940. This registration process required the collation of personal details concerning everyone within the island. Every islander was then issued with his or her identity card whilst the German authorities kept an official set which is now at Jersey Archive. The specific information collected includes name, maiden name, address, date and place of birth, occupation, any militia experience and distinguishing features. Children under the age of fourteen were recorded on the back of their father’s card. As a result a set of cards was created which recited a great deal of personal information together with a photograph of each adult. They were updated regularly with details added if people moved or had more children and as soon as children reached the age of fourteen they were issued with their own card.

During the occupation it was forbidden to photograph and any islanders caught with a camera would be arrested. The German forces used their own army photographers to record their time spend in Jersey. The Bundes Arkiv is the depository of these images which we looked at the Societe Jersiaise Photo-Archive in June.

German Officer from the Bundes Arkiv

Here is a link to folder with images: M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Occupation of Jersey\SJ Photo Archive\Bundes Arkiv


Here is a PLANNER for a full overview of what you are required to do in the next 4 weeks. You are required to self-monitor your progress and will be asked to upload Tracking-Sheet with an update on a weekly basis to your blog.


This unit requires you to produce an appropriate number of blog posts which charts you project from start to finish including research, planning, analysis, recording, experimentation, evaluation, and presentation of creative outcomes.

Week 1: 5 – 8 Sept 
Artists References

Complete the following blog posts

ARTISTS – REFERENCES: In preparation for next week’s portrait studio shoot, choose two portrait photographers, one from Societe Jersiaise Photo-Archive and one contemporary from the Archisle Contemporary Programme. Explore discuss, describe and explain key examples from their work on portraiture done in Jersey.

Compare and contrast their approaches , outcomes and follow these steps:

1. Produce a mood board with a selection of images and write an overview of their work, style and approach to portraiture.

2. Select at least one image from each photographer and analyse in depth using methodology of TECHNICAL>VISUAL>CONTEXTUAL>CONCEPTUAL

3. Incorporate quotes and comments from artist themselves or others (art critics, art historians, curators, writers, journalists etc) using a variety of sources such as Youtube, online articles, reviews, text, books etc.

4. Make sure you reference sources and embed links to the above sources in your blog post.

SJ Photo-Archivehistorical context
Henry Mullins
Clarence P Ouless
Ernest Baudoux
Francis Foot
William Collie

Archislecontemporary approach
Michelle Sank: Insula
Martin Parr: Liberation
Yury Toroptsov: Fairyland
Martin Toft: Atlantus, Masterplan and Becque a Barbe

Martin Toft: Becque a Barbe / Face to Face

Week 2: 9 – 15 Sept 
Jersey Archive + Jersey War Tunnels

Complete the following blog posts

Site visit:  Jersey Archive – Mon 9 Sept

1.Explain the role and purpose of Jersey Archive as custodians of the island’s public record.

2. Explore the background to German Registration Cards select one person from German ID Cards and produce a blogpost based on his/her story.

3. Explore family relatives if possible and research personal story.

4. Editing: Upload and process images from photo-shoot at Jersey War Tunnels using Lightroom and make a rough edit of 8–10 images.

Environmental Portrait
Candid portrait
DEADLINE: Wed 25 Sept

Week 3: 16 –  22 Sept 
Photoshoot of Occupation Survivors 

Complete the following blog posts

From notes and testimony, produce a blog post based on survivors’ personal story, recollection and memory – illustrate with images.

Extension: Explore family relatives if possible and research personal story linked to the German occupation of Jersey or World War II, in general, if not Jersey born.

Here is a link to video interviews with islanders recounting memories and experience from German Occupation from Jersey Archive website

Photoshoot: Studio Portraiture – Mon 16 Sept

1. Lighting: Different lighting set-ups

2. Recording: Headshots, half-body, full-body

3. Moods: Explore different moods, expressions, angles, framing

4. Editing: Upload and process images from photo-shoot using Lightroom and make a rough edit of 8–10 images 

Establishing shot
Detail shot

Week 4: 30 Sept – 6 Oct
Developing and Experimenting

Complete the following blog posts


  1. Experiment with your edited images adjusting colour/ B&W/ cropping/ collaging / composite / incorporate archival images/ ephemera / found material etc.
  2. Produce at least 3 different variations of the same portrait with 3 different images.
  3. Evaluate your photo-shoot / portrait experiments.
  4. Complete all outstanding blog posts up until now.

DEADLINE: Wed 22 Oct

Photo Lab: Zine-making

Week 5, 6 & 7 : 3 – 17 July
Complete a 16 page zine

Deadline: Final zine needs to be printed on both sides and bound on WED 17 July.

Photo-zine: For the next 3 weeks we will be working towards producing a 16 page zine using InDesign and learn about narrative and sequencing.

All the zines will be assessed as part of your first coursework that is part of Personal Investigation unit.

Use PLANNING-TRACKING-PERSONAL INVESTIGATION-AUTUMN-TERM-2018 for a full overview of what you are required to do in the next 3 weeks.

You are required to self-monitor your progress and will be asked to upload Tracking-Sheet with an update on a weekly basis to your blog.

TASKS > produce a number of appropriate blog posts

Week 5: 1 – 7 July
Research and Narrative
Complete the following blog posts

Research zines and newspaper design made by artists and photographer that will provide visual stimulus for your page designs. Produce a mood board and consider the following in your analysis:

  • Format, size and orientation
  • Design and layout
  • Rhythm and sequencing
  • Narrative and visual concept
  • Title and cover
  • Images and text
  • Use of other design elements or inserts: archives, montages, graphics, typography

Café Royal Books is a small independent publisher of photography photobooks or zines, and sometimes drawing, solely run by Craig Atkinson and based in Southport, England. Café Royal Books produces small-run publications predominantly documenting social, historical and architectural change, often in Britain, using both new work and photographs from archives. It has been operating since 2005 and by mid 2014 had published about 200 books and zines and they are held in major public collections

Editions Bessard is a paris-based independent publishing house created by pierre bessard in 2011. Focusing on working with artists, writers and curators to realise intellectually challenging projects in book form.

Something to read:

Select at least one zine and analyse the photographer who made it, considering their work in more detail.

Follow these steps to success!

  • Produce a mood board with a selection of images.
  • Provide analysis of their work and explain why you have chosen them and how it relates to your current project
  • Select at least 2 key images and analyse in depth using this methodology: TECHNICAL > VISUAL > CONTEXTUAL > CONCEPTUAL
  • Incorporate quotes and comments from artist themselves or others (art critics, art historians, curators, writers, journalists etc) using a variety of sources such as Youtube, online articles, reviews, text, books etc.
  • Make sure you reference sources and embed links to the above sources in your blog post

Write a specification and describe in detail what your ZINE will be about in terms of narrative, concept and design.  Produce a mood-board of design ideas and consider the following:

Narrative: What is your story?
Describe in:

  • 3 words
  • A sentence
  • A paragraph

Sequencing: The order of your images

  • Produce a blog post where you evaluate your first sequence of images, reflect on what story you are trying to communicate and how you can improve and develop your narrative.
  • Edit 20-30 images down to an ordered series of 10-15 images.
  • Think about start, middle and end images.
  • Think about your theme or subject.
  • Think about visual relationship between images and their juxtaposition e.g colour, shapes, subject, repetition, landscape, portrait, object etc.
  • What happens or changes over the series of images?
  • Are you using your best images?

Week 6: 8 – 14 July
Design and Layout

Complete the following blog posts


Design: How you want your zine to look and feel, in terms of :

  • Format, size and orientation
  • Design and layout
  • Rhythm and sequencing
  • Narrative and visual concept
  • Title and cover
  • Images and text
  • Use of other design elements or inserts: archives, montages, graphics, typography

Experimenting: Show variation of designs

  • Create 3 examples of alternative layouts for your zine using Adobe InDesign and complete a visual blog post that clearly shows your decision making and design process using print-screens or save each page-spread as a  JPEG.
  • Make sure you annotate!

Week 7: 15 – 17 July
Print and Present

Complete the following blog posts


Presentation: Print, fold and bind final zine and hand in for assessment.

Write an overall final evaluation (250-500 words) that explain in some detail how successfully you explored the Bunker Archaeology project. Considerthe following:

  • Did you realise your intentions?
  • What did you learn?
  • Zine; including any contextual references, links and inspiration between your final design and theme, incl artists references.

DEADLINE: Wed 17 July

You should return to your bunker area or choose other locations with remnants of German fortifications in the Jersey landscape. See our book in class: Jersey War Walks with details of suggested areas in each Parish of the island.

  • Produce at least one if not two photo-shoots!
  • Review and evaluate your shoot, identity weaknesses and strength Plan and re-visit for a new shoot that adds value to what you already have.

Link to map of bunkers in Jersey

Jersey War Tours

You have to ask yourself:
Am I satisfied that I have enough images/ material?
What are you going to do differently on next shoot? 
How are you going to develop your ideas?

Your photo-zine is a final outcome that will be assessed as part of your Personal Investigation (coursework) giving you marks based on skills, knowledge and understanding of photography as a tool for communication in narrative, sequence and design


1. Explore your own family/ personal archives over and make a blog post with some of the material and describe how it will inform and develop your Personal Investigation.  Ask parents, grand-parents and other family members to look through photo-albums, letters, boxes etc.

2. Plan at least one photo-shoot and make a set of images that respond to your research above and/ or Personal Investigation on the Occupation of Jersey.

Deadline: Bring your new set of images and any research material from exploring family archives into class on Wed 4 Sept.

Lightroom introduction

Week 2-3: 12 -23 June
Editing: Introduction to Lightroom

Complete the following blog posts

– Import images from folder on M:drive into Lightroom
– Create Collection Set: Bunker Archaeology
– Create Collection: Bunker Shoot 1 under the above
Collection Set
– 1st Edit using selection tools such as Pick (P) and Reject (X) – 100-50 image
– 2nd Edit using 3-5 stars rating – 50-60 images
– 3rd Edit using Colours, Yellow and Green for a final 20-30 images
– Use Compare and Survey View for selecting best images
– Produce print screens from each stage of editing and produce a blog post with annotation
•Basic adjustment in COLOUR using White Balance / Exposure / Levels / Brightness /Contrasts / Highlights /Whites/ Blacks
•Advanced adjustment: Cropping/ Spot Removal/ Graduate Filter / Adjustment Brush/ Lens Correction/ Transform / Vignetting
•Export to EDIT folder: Set of colour images in high-res as tiffs (4000 pixels on long edge) for further experimentation in Photoshop
•Export to BLOG folder: same set of colour images as above in low-res jpgs (1000 pixels) to upload to blog post with annotation
•REPEAT same procedure as above in BLACK & WHITE and export both a set of high-res (4000 pix) and low-res (1000 pix)
•In Photoshop open up high-res tiff files
•Using cropping tool only begin to make some radical changes by selecting areas of your images for a different visual impact.
•Produce at least 3 different crops for 6 images.
•Export to BLOG folder: same set of colour images as above in low-res jpgs (1000 pixels) to upload to blog post with annotation
•REPEAT same procedure as above and export both a set of high-res (4000 pix) and low-res (1000 pix)
•Use tools such as White Balance / Exposure / Levels / Curves / Brightness /Contrasts / Colour Balance / Hue / Saturation / Colour overlay and make radical changes to the overall aesthetic of the images. 
•Try and adjust images according to your visceral quality – relating to your deep inward feelings rather than how something looks!
•Produce 3 different adjustments with  images
•Export to BLOG folder: same set of colour images as above in low-res jpgs (1000 pixels) to upload to blog post with annotation
•REPEAT same procedure as above and export both a set of high-res (4000 pix) and low-res (1000 pix)

Essay: Private/Public Archives

What Are Archives?

In the course of daily life, individuals and organizations create and keep information about their personal and business activities. Archivists identify and preserve these documents of lasting value.

These records — and the places they are kept — are called “archives.” Archival records take many forms, including correspondence, diaries, financial and legal documents, photographs, and moving image and sound recordings. All state governments as well as many local governments, schools, businesses, libraries, and historical societies, maintain archives.


Using the Photographic Archive as a Resource for Research and Ideas

For your Personal Investigation you have to engage with a notion of an archive. Archives can  be a rich source for finding starting points on your creative journey. This will strengthen your research and lead towards discoveries about the past that will inform the way you interpret the present and anticipate the future.

Public archives in Jersey

Jersey Archives:  Since 1993 Jersey Archive has collected over 300,000 archival records and it is the island’s national repository holding archival material from public institutions as well as private businesses and individuals. To visit click here

Jersey Archive can offer guidance, information and documents that relate to all aspects of the Island’s History. It also holds the collections of the Channel Islands Family History Society.

Societe Jersiaise: Photographic archive of 80,000 images dating from the mid-1840s to the present day. 35,000 historical images in the Photographic Archive are searchable online here.

Societe Jersiaise also have an extensive library with access to may publications and records relating to the island’s history, identity and geography. Click here


Archisle: The Jersey Contemporary Photography Programme, hosted by the Société Jersiaise aims to promote contemporary photography through an ongoing programme of exhibitions, education and commissions.

The Archisle project connects photographic archives, contemporary practice and experiences of island cultures and geographies through the development of a space for creative discourse between Jersey and international practitioners.


Private archives:Family photo-albums, objects, letters, birth-certificates, legal documents etc.


Digital images stored on mobile phones, uploaded on social media etc.

Pictures appear on the smartphone photo sharing application Instagram on April 10, 2012 in Paris, one day after Facebook announced a billion-dollar-deal to buy the startup behind Instagram. The free mini-program lets people give classic looks to square photos using "filters" and then share them at Twitter, Facebook or other social networks. AFP PHOTO THOMAS COEX (Photo credit should read THOMAS COEX/AFP/GettyImages)


Write a 1000 word essay and answer this question: Whose Archive is it Anyway?

To answer this question you need to reflect on Photo-Archive’ talk by Patrick Cahill and Karen Biddlecoombe on Tue 4 June at the Société Jersiaise when we began the BUNKER ARCHAEOLOGY project. Here is a link to Intro to the Photo Archive

Research at least two photographers from the list below in the photo-archive and choose one photograph from each that illustrates the themes of Occupation or Liberation and include it in your essay

Read also the text by theorist David Batearchives-networks-and-narratives_low-res, make notes and reference it by incorporating quotes into your essay to widen different perspectives. Comment on quotes used to construct an argument that either support or disapprove your own point of view.

Watch the Youtube clips below and consider the following sub-questions:

How do archives function?
What are their purpose?
How do archives act as repositories of cultural memories of the past?
In what way does photography perform a double role within archives?
Reference some of the artists and photographers mentioned in the David Bate’s text and use as examples.
Imagine how you will look in your archive of adulthood and what type/style of pictures you want them to be?
How will looking at archival material enrich your personal study?
In what way has looking at archives been a resourceful exercise?
What have you learned?

DEADLINE: Publish blog posts by Wed 19 June

Choose at least one option

Explore public archives and find links to your research and project based around Political Landscapes. Make a blog post

1. Explore your own family/ personal archives over and make a blog post with some of the material and describe how it will inform and develop your Personal Investigation.  Ask parents, grand-parents and other family members to look through photo-albums, letters, boxes etc.

2. Plan at least one photo-shoot and make a set of images that respond to your research above and/ or Personal Investigation.

Extra research/ reading

Dr Gil Pasternak, Senior Research Fellow in the Photographic History Research Centre (De Montfort University, Leicester), will be part of a BBC documentary film exploring what family photographs say about Britain’s post-war social history.

Watch this Youtube clip where Dr Kelly Wilder, Director of Photographic History Research Centre, De Montfort University, Leicester delivers an academic paper,  ‘The View from Everywhere: Objectivity and the Photographic Archive’ at a symposium on Photographic Archives at the Getty Centre in Los Angeleswhere she talks about the notion of objectivity when it comes to the use of photographic images. Here is a  Review of symposium on Photo_Archives and Objectivity

Here is an essay example from previous A2 student, Rosanna Armstrong

Work by photographers in the collection at the Societe Jersiaise Photographic Archive. Use for further research

Badoux, Ernest
Dunham, Percy

Smith, Albert
Guiton, Emile F
Foot, Francis
William Collie
Laurens, Phillip Morel
Ouless, Clarence P
De Faye, Francis George
Dale, Edwin
Baudoux, Ernest
Martin Wyness
Charles Hugo
Claude Cahun
Martin Parr (Liberation)
Michelle Sank (Insula)
Yury Toroptsov (Fairyland)
Tom Pope ( I am not Tom Pope, You are all Tom Pope)
Jonny Briggs (Unpalatable Truths)
Tanja Deman (Sunken Garden)
Lewis Bush (Trading Zones)
Martin Toft (AtlantusMasterplanThe Seaflower Venture)

Critical image analysis

use Photo Literacy as a method of analysis: of TECHNICAL>VISUAL>CONTEXTUAL>CONCEPTUAL