Category Archives: Personal Study



Draft Personal Study (Mass Surveillance)

Looking at the work of Sophie Calle and Thomas Ruff: How does mass surveillance and the ‘big brother theory’ cause a common paranoia and feeling of insecurity within the general public?

”The notion that “Big Brother Is Watching” has been around for decades, it is an often-used catchphrase to describe surveillance or privacy infringements. The evolution of the Internet, cellular networks and the growth of high speed connections worldwide has allowed an endless supply of devices to connect to this global network and produce an infinite supply of very specific, personal data.” [2]


Mass surveillance has become an overruling and unavoidable force of governmental power, which puts the general public in a state of unease and discomfort, sometimes even as far as paranoia. There are many theories and ideas behind the subject of mass surveillance and what exactly it consists of. So what does it directly consist of? The idea of ‘The big brother’ is something that has remained apparent for several years now, becoming very relevant since the publication of the dystopian novel ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ by English author, George Orwell, in 1949. In this novel Orwell looked at the way in which he believed in the soon future, the population of the world would become victims of boundless mass surveillance by the governments around the world. It seems that since this publication was made that somewhat, if not completely, this has become the harsh truth which we are faced with in this day and age. Being surrounded by different forms of visual surveillance such as CCTV cameras and cameras on our own personal technology is just one of many ways in which we are watched and kept track of by large corporations and the government. Among various other techniques of surveillance such as audio, data and location surveillance. In this personal study I will be looking into the different ways in which two photographers, Sophie Calle and Thomas Ruff, explore these themes of surveillance in their work. I will look at the ways that their work intends to make comments on this subject matter and how visually responsive I have and will be in developing my own work on this controversial topic.

Sophie Calle:

Sophie Calle is a French photographer, writer and artist born in 1953. She explores the concept of what it is to be an observer and to be observed by others. In one of her most notorious works ‘Suite Venitienne’ Calle investigates the theme of surveillance in a physical form as stalking. It began when she met a man at a party who said he was moving to Venice, she then moved to Venice herself, and there began to follow this man named as Henri B. Calle documented her attempts at following the man. She went to great lengths in order to keep on-tail of the man that she was following; going as far as phoning hundreds of hotels and visiting a police station in order to find out where it was that he was staying. She even went as far as persuading a woman who lived opposite to let her photograph the man from her window. A section of text from Calle’s Suite Venitienne book explains how she went about all of this in her own words, she said…

‘’For months I followed strangers on the street. For the pleasure of following them, not because they particularly interested me. I photographed them without their know-ledge, took note of their movements, then finally lost sight of them and forgot them. At the end of January 1980, on the streets of Paris, I followed a man whom I lost sight of a few minutes later in the crowd. That very evening, quite by chance, he was introduced to me at an opening. During the course of our conversation, he told me he was planning an imminent trip to Venice. I decided to follow him.’’ [3]

Images from Sophie Calle’s book “Suite Venitienne,” (1979)

The photographs that she produced as part of this project show the back the coated man, Henri B, whilst he walks around Venice, the city making for a beautiful aesthetic backdrop to her unusual internalised mission. Looking at her Suite Venitienne project, it is clear that Calle produces her work with the obvious intention of exploring concepts surrounding surveillance, as I said before in a physical from of stalking. This theme of stalking is very relevant in comparison to modern forms of mass surveillance, as Calle intimately follows her subject without him knowing, which I believe closely relates to the ways in which people in the modern world are being followed at all times without even being completely aware of it. Going back to Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four, it is that concept of the ‘Big-Brother’ watching you at all times creating a feeling of restlessness among those in question, which I believe is definitely somewhat portrayed in Calle’s Suite Venitienne, as the photographs definitely have a sense of discomfort and tenseness by the way they are not set up and framed to perfection. However this is not to say that the photographs aren’t perfect for what Calle is trying to portray.

Thomas Ruff:

Thomas Ruff is a German photographer born in 1958 (5 years after Calle), he is an considerably conceptual individual of his craft and has been described as “a master of edited and reimagined images” [4]. In his ‘Nacht’ series which he produced over 4 years from 1992 to 1996, Ruff blatantly explored the subject matter of surveillance, stating himself that these were his intentions of the project. In this series of photographs Ruff used his camera as tool of observation and documentation of night-time scenes of suburban and industrial areas in his home city of Dusseldorf.

Photographs from Nacht – Thomas Ruff (1992-1996)

But he did not just do this in and ordinary manner; he produced the images with the aesthetic qualities of a long-lens night-vision CCTV surveillance camera. This unusual nocturnal abstraction which Ruff has managed to create in this series is something which I believe does not just make these photographs but also artworks of their own right. Something which Ruff has explained about his work himself, as he states “Photography lies because it purports to represent reality; but a photograph remains a picture, and photography is merely a technique for the creation of pictures, just like painting” [5]. This particular project created by Ruff shows a clear message and link to government surveillance and how what cannot be seen at night by the every-day person’s naked eye can be witnessed by those with authority and higher power. This being part of the reason as to why citizen paranoia caused by the concept of ‘the big brother’ is becoming more and more common. In my personal opinion I believe that Ruff’s work, from this series especially, is amazing at making social comments in a subtle way but which after thinking about become very apparent to the viewer. This is something which I try to, and wish to continue developing in my own photographic work.

Comparing Sophie Calle and Thomas Ruff’s work:

There is one photo in particular from Calle’s ‘Suite Venitienne’ that stands out to me; this photograph unlike the rest of Suite Venitienne has other main subjects which distract from the man she was stalking, supposedly the main focus of the project.

Suite Venitienne – Sophie Calle (1979)

The lighting used for this photograph is natural daylight as the photo does not seem to be staged despite the unusual occurrences within the image. The image was most likely taken in the aside of it being midday as the light is not overpowering, and the exposure used for the image seems to be fairly balanced as the lighter tones such as the edges of the steps are balanced and contrast with the darker tones in the image such as the door and the coated man by the camera. The photograph has various visual aspects starting with the composition; the viewer is immediately drawn to the dark figure in the forefront of the frame as the figure takes up a considerable bit of space and catches your eye straight away. The eye of the viewer is likely to go from their backwards through the image passing from the stairs to the two other people, to the door and then to the background of the image where the buildings overlook the Venetian canals. As you can see the image is in black and white, most likely due to the traditional and dated aesthetic that Calle wanted to put across, somewhat like that of an old European film. However this may have been done as a means of creating a mysterious or eerie feel to the photographs as the idea of following a stranger around reflects this. The concept behind this photograph, as a part of project consisting of similar images, is that it is a single snapshot of the documenting process of Calle stalking her subject around Venice. This photograph however focuses on multiple human subjects despite the main body of the project consisting of the man in question being the main subject within the images.

There was also one photograph that stood out to me from Ruff’s ‘Nacht.’ This was the first photograph in the series of others similar, titled ‘Nacht 1 I,’ this of all the photographs consisted of certain visual elements that others didn’t, which drew me in as a viewer.

Thomas Ruff – Nacht 1 I (1993)

The first part of this photograph which your eyes are drawn to as a viewer is the light shining from a third storey window which appears to be part of a residential building. This is because the bright white tones completely contrast with the dark black and green tones of the rest of the image. This use of light is something that is a repeated visual element within the ‘Nacht’ series, which could be done purposefully by Ruff or could just be due to the fact that at night any source of light becomes aesthetically prominent. The photographs that the series consisted of were ‘’shot at night using a 35mm camera and a Zeiss equipment with the ability to amplify available light’’ [6]. Which has assisted Ruff in replicating CCTV surveillance footage with a night-vision smoky green aesthetic. It is evident that Ruff is not bothered by and infact embraces the low resolution quality of his images. For this project in particular this is very fitting, since genuine footage from surveillance cameras tend to be of a low resolution and use a green tinted night-vision light after they are unable to capture footage using natural daylight. I believe that this photograph as well as the others which make up the series, show how surveillance can be used at all times and in fact in some ways is unavoidable.

It is clear the Sophie Calle and Thomas Ruff go about exploring the subject matter of surveillance in two very alternative ways. Their work has obvious visual differences such as Ruff’s use of colour opposing to Calle’s monochromatic style, and also their composition as Ruff uses a square format with a centrally focussed image whereas Calle uses landscape and portrait formats in which her photographs tend to fill the whole frame. Also the other main difference between these two photographers’ approaches is what they are trying to convey and explore with their work as Calle investigates surveillance in a more subtle and less direct manner whereas Ruff clearly makes it blatant from his work that he is directly producing a response to existent means of surveillance used in the modern world. However despite these dissimilarities, I believe that from looking into their work they do share some common intentions. I believe that both photographers produce work that makes people question their personal security as they become aware of how easy it is to be watched at all times; because if it is possible for photographers to replicate these forms of surveillance, then it is certain that it will be made much easier for specialists within the field of surveillance and the government.


Overall I have come to understand different ways in which the subject matter of mass surveillance can and has been explored in photography. The work of Sophie Calle and Thomas Ruff has backed up my initial ideas and strengthened how I feel about surveillance in general and also how I can put across these thought in my own work. My initial thoughts on the subject matter is that some people are not as aware of the circumstances involving mass surveillance as I believe they should be, however it seems that as time goes on more and more of the public are becoming aware of the problems and consequences of mass surveillance in the modern world. The modern world is a consistently developing place, and therefore surveillance is just becoming more and more common, and also more advanced as well as personal. This ubiquitous increase in surveillance is something which is slowly causing more and more people to become paranoid and feel like they are being controlled and watched at all times; again a concept which is covered within George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four novel, that is worryingly becoming more realistic by the day. As I said these thoughts are ones which I now feel even stronger about due to investigating the topic in more depth in terms of how it can be photographically interpreted.


(Inside Photo-Book) George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty Four, Part 3, Chapter 4, Pg 37 [1]

Robert McMahon – Quoted from ‘surveillance and privacy in the digital age: a primer for public relations’ Page 1 [2] [3]

“Thomas Ruff’s manipulative photography”. The Economist. 30 September 2017. [4] [5] & [6]


Work to be completed before XMAS break:

1.POLITICAL LANDSCAPES: A blog post with a detailed plan for 3 photo-shoots to be completed during Christmas/ New Year period.

PHOTOGRAPH: It is essential that you return to school on Tue 8 Jan 2019 with new images. The Sprint Term is only 5 weeks and we will begin to work on your photobook design and layout in the second week of January

2. ESSAY: You must publish your draft introduction including possible essay questions before last lesson Wed 19 Dec.

READ: Begin to do in-depth research and read texts from a variety of academic sources; books, online articles, Youtube etc (you must gain knowledge and understanding from at least 3 different sources), make notes and identify relevant quotes that you can use in your essay.

WRITE: Ideally you should try and complete a draft essay over Xmas holidays. This would allow you time to refine and make minor corrections on your return in January.

See here for more help and guidance on essay writing:

Download Personal Study Planner-Tracker 2018-19 and monitor and track on a weekly basis.

What is a Personal Study?

The aim of this unit is to critically investigate, question and challenge a particular style, area or work by artists/ photographer(s) which will inform and develop your own emerging practice as a student of photography. The unit is designed to be an extension of your practical work in your Personal Investigation module where the practical informs and develops the theoretical elements and vice versa of your ongoing project.

Your Personal Study is a written and illustrated dissertation, including a written essay (1000-3000 words) and a photographic body of work (250- 500 photos) with a number of final outcomes produced from your Personal Investigation unit.

link to a previous essay: How-and-why-do-photographers-use-the-human-body-to-physically-express-hidden-emotions (1)

This year you have to make a photo book, either online using Blurb or by hand using traditional book binding techniques, which you design to include both your essay and a final selection and sequence of your photographs produced as a response to your chosen theme of POLITICAL LANDSCAPE

In addition, we are also expecting that those of you who want to go above and beyond to achieve top grades will produce a mini film/ pod cast with sound and images based on the same narrative as above

All your usual research, analysis, planning, recording, experimentation and evaluation will be posted onto your BLOG

What it says in the syllabus (Edexcel)

  • Essential that students build on their prior knowledge and experience developed during the course.
  • Select artists work, methods and art movements appropriate to your previous coursework work as a suitable basis for your study.
  • Investigate a wide range of work and sources.
  • Develop your written dissertation in the light of your chosen focus from the practical part of previous coursework and projects.
  • Establish coherent and sustainable links between your own practical work with that of historical and contemporary reference.
  • Be aware of some of the methods employed by critics and historians within the history of art and photography.
  • Demonstrate a sound understanding of your chosen area of study with appropriate use of critical vocabulary.
  • Show evidence for an ongoing critical and analytical review of your investigation – both your written essay and own practical work in response to research and analysis.
  • Develop a personal and critical enquiry.
  • Culminate in an illustrated written presentation.

How to get started: Link your essay question and chosen area of study to your previous work, knowledge and understanding based upon the theme of POLITICAL LANDSCAPE

ESSAY: We will be spending 1 lesson a week on CONTEXTUAL STUDIES where you will be learning about critical theory, photo history and contemporary practice as well as developing academic study skills to help you writing your essay.

Deadline: Essay draft MUST be handed in Mon 17 Dec 2018.

POLITICAL LANDSCAPE: The other lessons are used to continue to explore and develop yo ur project based around the theme of  Political Landscape that you have already started in your Personal Investigation module.

You have 6 weeks in lessons  and over 2 weeks at Christmas to complete any shoots and make new images. This include all relevant blog posts demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of RESEARCH, ANALYSIS, PLANNING, RECORDING, EXPERIMENTATION, PRESENTATION and EVALUATION.

Deadline: MUST complete 4-5 new photo-shoots this term that must be published on the blog by Tuesday 8 January 2019.

For further inspirations and starting points see blog post Past Personal Studies from previous students,, including links to photo books and essays.

Here is a link to a range of photo essays by MA Photography students featuring on the BBC Website currently…

All other resources, PPTs, Essay tools etc go to:
M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Resources\Personal Study

Week 11: 19 – 26 Nov

Mon 19 Nov – Introduction to Personal Study:

Lesson task: Choose one Personal Study from past students, either from blog post above or photobooks in class. Look through sequence of images carefully and read the essay. Present the study in class and comment on the book’s, concept, design and narrative. Review the essay and comment on its use of critical/ contextual/ historical references, use of direct quotes to form an argument and specialist vocabulary relating to art and photography. Make an assessment using the mark sheet and calculate a grade.

Tue 20 Nov (13C)
Wed 21 Nov (13 A & 13D)

Lesson 1 – Reviewing and reflecting:

 Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Essential that students build on their prior knowledge and experience developed during the course.

From your Personal Investigation write an overview of what you learned and how you intend to develop your Personal Study essay.

Describe which themes, artists, approaches, skills and photographic processes/ techniques inspired you the most and why.

Include examples of current experiments to illustrate your thinking.

Lesson 2 – Contextual Study:

Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Select artists work, methods and art movements appropriate to your previous coursework work as a suitable basis for your study.
  • Investigate a wide range of work and sources

Research artists/photographers, methods, art movements and historical context appropriate to your Personal Study essay

Lesson 3 – Academic Sources:

  • Research and identify 3-5 literary sources from a variety of media such as books, journal/magazines, internet, Youtube/video .
  • Begin to read essay, texts and interviews with your chosen artists as well as commentary from critics, historians and others.
  • It’s important that you show evidence of reading and draw upon different pints of view – not only your own.
  • Take notes when you’re reading…key words, concepts, passages
  • Write down page number, author, year, title, publisher, place of publication so you can list source in a bibliography

Quotation and Referencing:

  • Use quotes to support or disprove your argument
  • Use quotes to show evidence of reading
  • Use Harvard System of Referencing…see Powerpoint: harvard system of referencing for further details on how to use it.

Lesson 4 – Essay Question:

Think of a hypothesis and list possible essay questions

Here is a list of  possible questions to investigate that may help you.

Lesson 5 – Essay Plan:

Make a plan that lists what you are going to write about in each paragraph – essay structure.

  • Essay question:
  • Opening quote
  • Introduction (250-500 words): What is your area study? Which artists will you be analysing and why? How will you be responding to their work and essay question?
  • Pg 1 (500 words): Historical/ theoretical context within art, photography and visual culture relevant to your area of study. Make links to art movements/ isms and some of the methods employed by critics and historian. Link to powerpoints about isms andmovements M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Resources\Personal Study
  • Pg 2 (500 words): Analyse first artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
  • Pg 3 (500 words): Analyse second artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
  • Conclusion (250-500 words): Draw parallels, explore differences/ similarities between artists/photographers and that of your own work that you have produced
  • Bibliography: List all relevant sources used

Homework – Independent Study

Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Develop your written dissertation in the light of your chosen focus from the practical part of previous coursework and projects.
  • Establish coherent and sustainable links between your own practical work with that of historical and contemporary reference.

Essay Introduction:

  • Begin to read, make notes, identity quotes and comment to construct an argument for/against.
  • Explain how you intend to respond creatively to your artists references and further experimentation and development of your photographic work as part of your POLITICAL LANDSCAPE project.
  • Complete a draft version of your introduction 250-500 words) and upload to the blog by Mon 26 Nov.

Think about an opening that will draw your reader in e.g. you can use an opening quote that sets the scene. You should include in your introduction an outline of your intention of your study e.g. what and who are you going to investigate. How does this area/ work interest you? What are you trying to prove/challenge, argument/ counter-argument? Include 1 or 2 quotes for or against. What links are there with your previous studies? What have you explored so far in your Personal Investigation, or what are you going to photograph? How did or will your work develop. What camera skills, techniques or digital processes in Photoshop have or are you going to experiment with?

Thurs 22 Nov and Fri 23 Nov:

Objective: Criteria from the Syllabus

  • Show evidence for an on-going critical and analytical review of your investigation – both your written essay and own practical work in response to research and analysis.

Political Landscape: Produce a detailed plan of  at least 3-5 photoshoots that you intend on doing in the next 4 weeks including Christmas holidays. Produce a photographic response to your investigation in Personal Study.  For example, explore your ideas, plans, narrative and experiment with story-telling approaches, subject-matter, style, form (lighting, composition) or specific skills, techniques, methods influenced by artist-references.

Continue to work with images Lightroom, photographic experimentation and evaluate – see notes below for more details!

Week 12 – 13 -14 -1526 Nov – 19 Dec

Political Landscape: Lesson time (Mon, Tue, Thurs & Fri
Bring images from new photo-shoots to lessons and follow these instructions

  • Save shoots in folder and import into Lightroom
  • Organisation: Create a new  Collection from each new shoot inside Collection Set: Political Landscape
  • Editing: select 8-12 images from each shoot.
  • Experimenting: Adjust images in Develop, both as Colour and B&W images appropriate to your intentions
  • Export images as JPGS (1000 pixels) and save in a folder: BLOG
  • Create a Blogpost with edited images and an evaluation; explaining what you focused on in each shoot and how you intend to develop your next photoshoot.
  • Make references to artists references, previous work, experiments, inspiration etc.

Further experimentation:

  • Export same set of images from Lightroom as TIFF (4000 pixels)
  • Experimentation: demonstrate further creativity using Photoshop to make composite/ montage/ typology/ grids/ diptych/triptych, text/ typology etc appropriate to your intentions
  • Design: Begin to explore different layout options using Indesign and make a new zine/book. Set up new document as A5 page sizes.
  • Make sure you annotate process and techniques used and evaluate each experiment
Contextual Study

Wed 28 Nov: Essay writing
Complete writing Introduction in your essay

Think about an opening that will draw your reader in e.g. you can use an opening quote that sets the scene. You should include in your introduction an outline of your intention of your study e.g. what and who are you going to investigate. How does this area/ work interest you? What are you trying to prove/challenge, argument/ counter-argument? Include 1 or 2 quotes for or against. What links are there with your previous studies? What have you explored so far in your Personal Investigation, or what are you going to photograph? How did or will your work develop. What camera skills, techniques or digital processes in Photoshop have or are you going to experiment with?

Include relevant examples, illustrations, details, quotations, and references showing evidence of reading, knowledge and understanding of history, theory and context!

Harvard System of Referencing: When you use quotes from different texts remember to write down, page number, author, title, year and place of publication and publisher to include in your bibliography.

Wed 5 Dec: Essay writing
Complete writing Paragraph 1 & 2 & 3 in your essay

Paragraph 1 Structure (500 words) : Use subheading. This paragraph covers the first thing you said in your introduction that you would address. The first sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph. Other sentences develop the subject of the paragraph.

Content: you could look at the followingexemplify your hypothesis and introduce your first photographer. Select key works, ideas or concepts and analyse in-depth using specific model of analysis (describe, interpret and evaluate) – refer to your hypothesis. Contextualise…what was going on in the world at the time; artistically, politically, socially, culturally. Other influences…artists, teachers, mentors etc. Personal situations or circumstances…describe key events in the artist’s life that may have influenced the work. Include examples of your own photographs, experiments or early responses and analyse, relate and link to the above. Set the scene for next paragraph.

See link to powerpoints: Pictorialism vs Realism and Modernism vs Postmodernism here M:\Departments\Photography\Students\Resources\Personal Study

Paragraph 2 Structure (500 words) : Use subheading. In the first sentence or opening sentences, link the paragraph to the previous paragraph, then introduce the main idea of the new paragraph. Other sentences develop the paragraphs subject (use relevant examples, quotations, visuals to illustrate your analysis, thoughts etc)

Content: you could look at the following…Introduce key works, ideas or concepts from your second photographer and analyse in-depth – refer to your hypothesis…Use questions in Pg 1 or add…What information has been selected by the photographer and what do you find interesting in the photograph? What do we know about the photograph’s subject? Does the photograph have an emotional or physical impact? What did the photographer intend? How has the image been used? What are the links or connections to the photographer in Pg 1? Include examples of your own photographs and experiments as your work develop in response to the above and analyse, compare, contrast etc. Set the scene for next paragraph.

Include relevant examples, illustrations, details, quotations, and references showing evidence of reading, knowledge and understanding of history, theory and context!

Paragraph 3 Structure (500 words) : Use subheading. In the first sentence or opening sentences, link the paragraph to the previous paragraph, then introduce the main idea of the new paragraph. Other sentences develop the paragraphs subject (use relevant examples, quotations, visuals to illustrate your analysis, thoughts etc)

Content: you could look at the following…Introduce key works, ideas or concepts from your third photographer and analyse in-depth – refer to your hypothesis…Use questions in pg 1 and pg 2 or add…How does the photograph compare or contrast with others made by the same photographer, or to other images made in the same period or of the same genre by other artists. How does the photograph relate to visual representation in general, and in particularly to the history and theory of photography, arts and culture. What are the links or connections to the photographers in pg 1 and 2? What are the similarities, differences or links and connections? How does this work compare to yours? Include examples of your own photographs and experiments as your work develop in response to the above and analyse, compare, contrast etc. If more paragraphs are required, set the scene for the next paragraph.

Include relevant examples, illustrations, details, quotations, and references showing evidence of reading, knowledge and understanding of history, theory and context!

Harvard System of Referencing: When you use quotes from different texts remember to write down, page number, author, title, year and place of publication and publisher to include in your bibliography.

Wed 12 Dec: Essay writing
Complete writing a Conclusion in your essay

Conclusion (500 words) : Write a conclusion of your essay that also includes an evaluation of your final photographic responses and experiments.List the key points from your investigation and analysis of the photographer(s) work – refer to your hypothesis. Can you prove or disprove your theory – include final quote(s). Has anything been left unanswered?  Do not make it a tribute! Do not introduce new material!

Summarise what you have learned. How have you been influenced? Show how you have selected your final outcomes including an evaluation and how your work changed and developed alongside your investigation.

Bibliography: List all the sources that you used and only those that you have cited in your text. Where there are two or more works by one author in the same year distinguish them as 1988a, 1988b etc. Arrange literature in alphabetical order by author, or where no author is named, by the name of the museum or other organisation which produced the text. Apart from listing literature you must also list all other sources in alphabetical order e.g. websites, exhibitions, Youtube/ DVD/TV/ Cinema.

DEADLINE: Hand in draft version of your essay no later than Mon 17  Dec.

We will begin work on editing and designing a photobook in the new  term in January.

If you don’t have any content i.e. text and images you can’t make a photo book!