Sam Harris:

I have chosen an artist from the Guernsey Photography Festival, from 2014. This is the link to the website:

Sam Harris is a self-taught, London born photographer. Harris has a very precise style of working.  He photographs in a documentary style and captures every-day moments, sort of like a diary.

Here’s a link to his website:

Before, Sam produced portraits and sleeve art for various companies in the music world. However, he soon came to realize that he wanted to start something different and new. His desire to photograph his family began on a family trip. Instead of photographing exterior subjects, Harris began to document his close family. With this, he learnt a lot about himself and found his calling.

The way that he forms the pictures is amazing. The images almost have an artistic quality to them. Here’s a very famous example:

Sam Harris
Sam Harris

It almost looks as if this picture was produced in a professional studio. The rule of thirds is aligned adequately as his daughters eyes and hand are positioned against the hot-spots of the grid. The orangery-red background gives the frame warmth and interest. There’s also a lot of depth here. The girl in foreground contrasts with the bright green bird in the middle-ground. In effect, the picture has a sort of three-dimensional essence to it. The focus is mostly placed on the right hand side, leaving the girls face a bit blurry. This is probably because Harris doesn’t believe in ‘over-exposing’ his children to the world.

Here’s some examples of four of his photograph’s from the collection ‘The Middle Of Somewhere’:

Sam Harris – The Middle Of Somewhere

Harris said that this image was taken because of pure chance. He was cooking one night and the window steamed up. His daughter then began drawing on the glass and creating amazing shapes. Harris took the opportunity to capture this moment with a single shot. It has a very magical essence to me and I think that it looks very mysterious.

Sam Harris – The Middle Of Somewhere

This picture is great in my opinion. I think that Harris has framed this image very well. The dark blue material around the rabbit cage restricts me to look directly in the center of the picture, where the brightest light is shown. I also believe that the angle that he used is effective. It creates interest and gives us a similar view to what the little girl might be seeing. Also, the dark shadows, caused from the blockage of light, give the rabbits a black outline. Again, this picture is quite mysterious because you can’t really see any fine details, all you see is shapes. Additionally, the girl looks very mesmerized by what she’s seeing. She looks relaxed and eager to learn.

Sam Harris – The Middle Of Somewhere

This picture captures Harris’s daughter and wife trying to get the water off the plastic roof with brooms. In my view, this picture is quite amateur and doesn’t really follow any compositional rules, however it works. The yellow hints and hue’s in the background add a golden and warm feeling to it. The color yellow is significant of hope and happiness. I think that the contrast between the yellow light translucently shining on the ground and the water is great. There’s an aspect of freshness to it, the bright colors throughout exude positive vibes. You can tell the sheer energy and probably excitement that they are feeling whilst pushing the roof up. It seems as if they are having lots of fun as they’re both smiling and their body languages show signs of joy. Likewise, the green and calm field in the background adds serenity. Green is significant of power and growth. You can also see a bit of a blur in between the girl and the mother’s bodies that was created through their movement. On the whole, this image has a summer feel to it and is great in capturing a fun family moment.

Sam Harris – The Middle Of Somewhere

Lastly, here’s a picture of Harris’s wife doing the laundry. Sam says that she hates taking pictures, so she always try’s to get her face covered in some way or another. You can see that her arm is up in an unnatural manner. It’s these moments that make the picture so intriguing. I’d like to find out more about this scene. Like the previous image, this is cropped in a rather different matter. I think that the tree on the left takes my focus to the left side, whilst the leaves on the right also divert my attention. This is because there is not much alignment or hot-spots from the rule of thirds. Nevertheless, I think that the sense of surprise and ambiguity is greater than if the shot is perfectly framed or not. I like how it’s been taken in such a way, that it doesn’t follow the perfect compositional rules or techniques. It’s just simple, refreshing and shows an engaging moment in family life.

5 Week plan

Week of the 12th OctRECORD: This weekend I am going to record images of myself that replicate the photographs of my mum from her wedding day. I will get these photographs developed on Monday and hopefully have them to present on Tuesday.

1994 1

Week of the 19th Oct – Find photographs through old family albums and find images of me and my family. I want to try and replicate those photographs so I can present them from past tense to present tense and see the difference between them.


Week of the 26th Oct RECORD: I am going to Southampton for 2 days, in this time I am going to capture some images from around the town of different kinds of people. This will relate to the theme of community, showing the contrast between different classes of people and how they make up our community. This will be interesting as it will be in a different setting to Jersey which is what I want to do. I could then take photographs of our community, in Jersey, showing the contrast here and then compare the two places.

Week of the 2nd Nov – Research community photographers.

 Week of the 9th Nov –  RECORD: On the weekend its my Friends Birthday and she is having a party at one of the heritage sites in Jersey, L’etacquerel fort. The theme is glitter so I want to bring my disposable camera and take lots of pictures of my friends at the party and I especially think the glitter will look really effective in the photographs. This will relate to the theme of community as our friendship group is a big community, we are all basically like family so I am hoping to capture some images that reflect that.




Atlantus is a photography project which Mr Toft and Gareth Syvret have been working on it explores the historical links between Jersey and New Jersey using photographs from the archive as a vital point . The project was inspired by 350th anniversary of the naming of New Jersey in America after Jersey by Sir George Carteret. This project is very research based in order to find identities, historical and geographic links between the two places for example: the Jersey cow being shipped too New Jersey as a gift. The project includes a wide variety of photographic styles from documentary, portraits, landscapes, interior and set up photographs.

One of my favorite photographs from the project is one of an African American woman standing on Asbury Park beach because of the story behind it which made it more interesting, Mr Toft found a photograph in the archive from years ago of Asbury’s wealthy community on the beach with African American slaves, the wealthy community then left. Today there is a large African American in Asbury the photograph shows the link between this and shows how this community has now evolved.

I liked the layout and the way that Atlantus was displayed as the narrative and flow of the images were quite easy to understand. I think this format is a new and creative way of displaying projects. The newspaper is folded into four this allows the receiver of the project to experiment and makes the project more interactive. Finally, I think newspapers are an easier way of presenting and can be distributed quicker.

Tamika Tolliver, Beach, Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States, 1 August 2014
Tamika Tolliver, Beach, Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States, 1 August 2014
Jersey Calf, Goodlands, St Ouen, Jersey, Channel Islands, 27 May 2014
Jersey Calf, Goodlands, St Ouen, Jersey, Channel Islands, 27 May 2014
timthumb (2)
Steve Lemprière, Semi-retired Fisherman, Grève de Lecq, St Ouen, Jersey, Channel Islands, 27 May 2014


I went through my old family albums to see how my family took images when i was younger. Some of these images are from when i was little and some are from when my little sister was born. I think that it is interesting to have both of these types of these images in as they show how through time how my family changed taking there images, but also how some of the images are similar even though they are taken around 9 years apart. Most of these images are taken in different settings and some of the images are of better quality than others. I think that the images look really interesting when the quality of them is not that good, as it makes the images look more individual and different from other how other typical photographers take family photographs. These are just some of my family images that i have that show how my family life and how my family take portrait images of one another. IMG_4926 IMG_4930 IMG_4931 IMG_4936 IMG_4935 IMG_4934 IMG_4933 IMG_4938 IMG_4941 IMG_4942 IMG_4948 copy IMG_4947 copy IMG_4945 IMG_4944 IMG_4943 IMG_4952 copy IMG_4953 copy IMG_4954 IMG_4951 copy IMG_4960 IMG_4959 copy IMG_4958 IMG_4957

Work planner

Documentary photography- Family theme: 

  • Answer questions on the standards and ethics post, add them into current post. 
  • Photo-Assignment- produce a shoot of the ideas I have discussed in my planning posts. 
  • Produce contact sheet of the best images from my shoots. 
  • Evaluate and annotate responses. 
  • Presentation. 
  • Extend the view on Tom Pope’s exhibition. 

Documentary photography- Community theme: 

  • Review specification. 
  • Second photo-Assignment. 
  • Produce contact sheet of the best images from my shoots. 
  • Evaluate and annotate responses. 
  • Presentation.

