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2Take photos after school for front cover and contents page or double. Try and edit photosEdit photos taken to make it look like game characterAdd photos to magazine and try complete contents pageWork on front cover


Repetition and Difference

Keywords: Levels of verisimilitude – what degree a product references real life, Narrative similarities – structures are usually followed in products, newspapers follow presenting , Character-driven motifs, Iconography, Audience targeting, Representational effects

Genre subversion: Audience needs, contextual influences and Economic influences

What is Genre

Genre is ‘a style or category of art, music, or literature.’ The main theorist is called Steven Neale, his theory is that all genres have their similarities and repetitions but what separates them is their differences. Neale sees genre as something that evolves over time, not just a set of fixed categories that use the same repertoire of elements. He believes that genre is a historic specificity, which means that different genres change over time. For instance, a sci-fi movie in the 1950s has changed drastically in comparison to modern day sci-fi movies. As genres are changing and as new additions are added to the body of similar texts, Neale refers to as the corpus. A hybridisation is when two genres are combined. For example, a rom-com or a sci-fi/western film.


Steve Neale- theorist


A genre is a category based on similarities in either the emotional response to the film (horror, tragic, comic, etc.) or the narrative elements. Steve Neale believes that films should include features that are similar, so the audience know it is a horror film or romance, but also include features that are different, to keep an audience interested. This is his theory of repetition and difference. Neale states that all genres contain instances of repetition and difference, difference is essential to the to the economy of the genre.


All genres contain subgenres which further define and categorise the media text. An example of this is a psychological thriller- psychological is a sub genre.

Hybrid genre:

Some media texts are hybrid genres, which means they share the conventions of more than one genre. An example of this is a rom-com (romance/comedy). The Twilight films are a hybrid genre, combining horror, fantasy, teen and romance.


Genres evolve continually. Repertoire of elements that make up a genre

Genre theory

Genre is defined by different codes and convections

you can also combine genres to create hybrid genres such as comedy drama which is a mix of comedy and drama

Steve Neale said genre is based on repetition and differences as genres have motifs which are repeated to depict the genre, but also differences so all media which covers the genre is not the same.

Statement of Intent 

I have chosen brief 3 where I will be creating three movie posters to advertise a ‘coming of age’ themed film that is being presented at a film festival. In my first poster I will be showing the women who I have chosen for my film that is in a relationship and throughout the posters it demonstrates her changes through a breakup and how she changes for the better. Brief 3 really caught my interest as I believe it will be enjoyable to create three videos to promote a film with my friends and create a story line throughout the three videos. I would also like to expand my knowledge about editing and film making as it interests me a lot as I have not had the opportunity to create something like this before and have not had the experience.  

In poster one I will be showing the women that she used to be before the break up and how she used to act and how she comes across to people. The women is in a dress dress in red lighting as she was very in love at first and her relationship was going well and she was very beautiful and sexy and it shows how she changes throughout the film. I have named this piece ‘The women in shadow’ as it demonstrates the new women that she becomes which is in her shadow throughout the film and what she will turn into after her break up. Media language is the different aspects in a media product that communicates meanings to the audience. I have included a dominant signifier that is the women that is presented throughout as she is the main part in the film and the most important which shows meaning to the audience.  

In Poster 2 I have included the male who she is dating and presenting him in which a way of him walking away into the distance after disappearing into the night after ending the relationship. My posters demonstrate the scenes that occur in the film as a way of showing what may happen throughout.

Poster 3 is a picture of the new women grown up and how she has changed after a heartbreak and demonstrates that even if something bad happens it doesn’t always mean it will be bad forever as you can see she changes and matures throughout and changes in her physical features which shows that changing the way you may look or doing something different can feel relieving from the past. The theme is coming of age as it shows her changing and growing however it is also a bit of rom com that is involved as I want to incorporate more than one theme as it makes the story line a lot clearer and more interesting.

My aim for these videos is to promote and capture a more mainstream audience and capture audience attention. I will also be creating 3 other posters to represent and promote the film I have chosen.  

I will be using different camera angles and vibrant colours during the video to capture attention from audience which proves I have read through the brief and analyses it well and gone through the requirements I need.  

The videos will be available on all platforms to enable and get the most out of creating it to get it out to as many people and audience possible to attract lots of people to watch the film. It will include catchy songs and dances that make people more aware and as something specific they remember from the film. I will promote the TikTok’s on my Instagram story and create posts promoting them as we need as wide as an audience possible. 

Media language is the different aspects in a media product that communicates meanings to the audience. I have included a dominant signifier that is the women that is presented throughout as she is the main part in the film and the most important which shows meaning to the audience.  


  1. hybridisation: mix of two genres, e.g. rom-com
  2. sub-genre: subdivision of a larger genre, e.g. psychological thriller
  3. corpus: repertoire of elements that make up a genre
  4. repetition and sameness VS variation and change:
    • repeating same formulas with only minor variations but still sufficient variations, with familiarity, to make the audience feel that the product they are consuming is still fresh


Genre is the classification of something in order to create a group of different corpuses where there is repetition and difference. Genre has expectations especially towards audiences. The way they prevent audience from being bored is evolving, burrowing and adapting Genres. This is called historic specificity.

statement of intent

For my brief I am producing three 45 to 60 seconds TikTok videos promoting my new coming of age film that is going to be shown in theatres, as well as three fil posters that will utilize colours upbeat music and scenes that evoke a sense of freedom and self-discovery. For example using warm tones to symbols the carefree nature of summer and growth. Introducing a soundtrack with nostalgic or coming of age themes can enhance the emotional connection with my audience while using wide shots of natural landscapes or bustling summer settings can convey the feeling of adventure and effectively communicate the essence of a coming of age story set during the summer.

For my intended audience, I have aimed for this product to reach the teenage generation. I want this product to represent innovation or for people to find personal development, by having this aim it helps provide an integrated way into the product as a tool that helps the main characters navigate their journey of self realization during the summer, by incorporating this into my product in a meaningful and reliable way to the teenage audiences’ own coming of age experiences I can create a connection that resonates with them and adds depth to the story line. One way I hope to innovate and engage my audience is by incorporating relatable themes  such as the big summer holiday that all teens look forward to when school has finished for the term. I aim to incorporate current popular themes that teenagers take part in during summer holidays as such experiences as going to festivals or holidays with their friends. I want  to effectively convey the emotions and experiences of my characters to try resonate with my audience. Additionally considering the influence of my products in the film that can further connect with the teenage audience. By showcasing my products that are popular or aspirational to teenagers by enhancing the realism and relatability of the story. This integration can subtly influence the audiences perception and embrace the overall viewing experience. By staying attuned to what resonates with teenagers in the present day, I can create a film that feels authentic and relatable to my targeted audience, exploring how product placement and brand partnerships can align with the interest and preferences of  teens.

I can leverage digital convergence by seamlessly integrating popular products and consider leveraging social media platforms to create buzz and engage with my teenage audience. I want to utilize platforms like Instagram TikTok and snapchat to showcase my posters in a creative and visually appealing way that resonates with the teenage demographic. I want to create a sense of community and interaction around my product and for my audience, witch could mean exploring partnerships with influencers or content creators who have a strong teenage following to amplify my reach and increase awareness of my coming of age film and poster products. By intergrading digital strategies effectively I can enhance the visibility and appeal of my products to my targeted audience