Category Archives: NEA



Statement of intent

I chose to do brief four as I want to create a music video which highlights mental health and the importance of friendships. I have always wanted to create a music video as I enjoy the creative freedom they contain. I also want to improve my editing skills on premier pro and photoshop so editing the music video and creating the magazine cover on photoshop will help me practice and improve these skills. I am also exited with the idea of producing and directing a music video.

In the music video I want my music video so to start with a disequilibrium and move into a new equilibrium (Todorov’s theory). In my magazine I want to use codes and conventions to help my magazine appear to my target audience such as by creating a bold and exiting logo for my magazine as well as using loads of colour to make my magazine exiting and appealing like mainstream music. I also want to include difference by including a side featuring the current top 10 trending songs as it would appeal to my target audience and be a great feature in a mainstream music magazine to display the current trending songs. Magazines commonly contain an advertisement on the back cover, so to continue the theme of my magazine I am going to create an exiting colourful music festival poster to display on the back of my magazine.

In terms of psychographics I want my media products to target Seekers and Achievers as the music video will include self-discovery of how the power of friendship can lead to finding your true self and the sociability of friendship. To do this in the magazine I could interview the artist about their career in music. In terms of achievers I want in the music video to show the success of friendship and the influence of a good friend which I am going to try and show in my music video by having a good friend helping someone who is lonely and in need. For the magazine I could make it appeal to achievers by interviewing the music artist on their success in the industry and hope the magazine can influence others who are seeking success in the industry. However my target audience is anyone between 16-25 who like listening to music and watching music videos and reading magazines as I want my message of the Importance of friendship and mental health to be seen by these groups of people.

I often watch linear music TV channels such as The Box (soon to be defunct) and MTV Live which focuses on mainstream music content as well as new and upcoming music. So, I would like for my magazine to talk about mainstream music channels on one of the pages, because they have a similar target audience as my magazine.

Some opportunities for digital convergence I will include the same people in my music video and magazine as well as include references from the music video in the magazine interview for example asking the artist in the interview about the music video.  I also want the footwear promotion to not only appear in the video but also as an ad in the magazine as magazines commonly contain advertisements as a way to make money without charging higher prices for the magazine.

Style Models


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Summer Term Planner

Week 1FeedbackPlan Front Cover Plan Contents Page + Double Page SpreadDr M awayInset Day
Week 2 Finish Planning Begin working on contents pageContinue contents page, begin front coverContinue front coverBegin writing DP articleTake photos
Week 3 Continue DP articleFinish DP Article + Continue front coverContinue front coverContinue front coverBegin editing DP SpreadTake photos
Week 4 Sports DayContinue any unfinished work (all week) Dr M awayDr M awayDr M away
Week 5Continue unfinished workContinue unfinished workContinue unfinished workContinue unfinished workContinue unfinished work
Week 6 Continue unfinished workContinue unfinished workContinue unfinished workContinue unfinished workContinue unfinished work
Week 7PrintingFinalise Products, PrintingFinalise Products, PrintingFinalise Products, PrintingFinal Submission



In LessonOut of Lesson
WEDMake a plan and finish SOIComplete SOI
THURWork on SOI if not finished, research gaming magazines, plan adverts.Research gaming magazines, take advert images
FRISubmit 1st Draft of SOITake advert images
SUNTake advert images
MONBegin editing advert 1 Continue editing advert 1
TUESMs Magowan SOI lessonFinish advert 1 and begin editing advert 2
WEDContinue editing advert 2 Begin editing advert 3
THURContinue editing advert 3Continue editing advert 3
FRISubmit Production 1 (all products in appropriate media form) Finalise adverts for submission

Magazine Cover Statement of Intent

I intend to produce a cover for an independent arts and entertainment magazine, while also taking inspiration from mainstream magazines like GQ and Entertainment Weekly, titled ‘Unwrapped’ aimed at a mixed gender audience ranging from the ages of 16-30.  

I plan to do this by featuring a male cover star, but featuring cover lines that may interest a female audience too. My intention is to have one singular cover image of a teenage boy, who will be an up-and-coming actor and holding a prop in each hand, looking at one of them in the process. The lack of direct address in the image creates a distancing effect between the reader and the cover star. The props will suggest the different roles the actor may have played in the past, suggesting he may have a pre-established fanbase. In terms of clothes, he will wear everyday, casual clothing in order to link to the personal identity aspect of the Uses and Gratifications theory, as readers may see themselves in the cover star. For the background, he will be stood in front of an empty blue surrounding, as many magazine cover images have no imagery behind their cover star.  

The main cover line will refer to him as “leading the next generation of stars” reinforcing both his youth and profession. In terms of audience diversion, a cover line will feature a pull quote like “Exclusive first look” in relation to a new fictional film titled ‘Hidden’. This quote will be inside of a circle shape, to emphasise the point that the material can only be seen in that specific magazine. Another cover line will be about a celebrity answering questions asked by readers, connoting both personal relationships and surveillance (also suggested to audience by the title of the magazine implying there’s something more they haven’t seen). The themes of the cover lines will consist of films, music, and sports for the purpose of making the magazine as diverse as possible in relation to its subjects. Additionally, one of the cover topics will be a ‘disaster’ at an Awards Show. This cover line remains quite ambiguous and therefore could be interpreted as comedic or serious by readers.  

The fonts for the masthead and cover lines will be simplistic and bold, making them easy to read. The magazine will also include a dateline (detailing the month of publication), price (£3.99) and selling line (‘All You Need To Know’), as well as a standard bar code which appears on most print magazines. The title, dateline, price and selling line will be in grey as opposed to the cover lines being in black, to differentiate the two clearly without completely altering the appearance of the text. A wave effect will be added to the masthead so that it is distinct and identifiable. The simplistic overall look of the cover can maximise audiences, as it doesn’t come across as limited to one group of people.  

I intend to produce a cover for an independent arts and entertainment magazine, while also taking inspiration from mainstream magazines like GQ and Entertainment Weekly, titled ‘Unwrapped’ aimed at a mixed gender audience ranging from the ages of 16-30.  

I plan to do this by featuring a male cover star, but featuring cover lines that may interest a female audience too. My intention is to have one singular cover image of a teenage boy, who will be an up-and-coming actor and holding a prop in each hand, looking at one of them in the process. The lack of direct address in the image creates a distancing effect between the reader and the cover star. The props will suggest the different roles the actor may have played in the past, suggesting he may have a pre-established fanbase. In terms of clothes, he will wear everyday, casual clothing in order to link to the personal identity aspect of the Uses and Gratifications theory, as readers may see themselves in the cover star. For the background, he will be stood in front of an empty blue surrounding, as many magazine cover images have no imagery behind their cover star.  

The main cover line will refer to him as “leading the next generation of stars” reinforcing both his youth and profession. In terms of audience diversion, a cover line will feature a pull quote like “Exclusive first look” in relation to a new fictional film titled ‘Hidden’. This quote will be inside of a circle shape, to emphasise the point that the material can only be seen in that specific magazine. Another cover line will be about a celebrity answering questions asked by readers, connoting both personal relationships and surveillance (also suggested to audience by the title of the magazine implying there’s something more they haven’t seen). The themes of the cover lines will consist of films, music, and sports for the purpose of making the magazine as diverse as possible in relation to its subjects. Additionally, one of the cover topics will be a ‘disaster’ at an Awards Show. This cover line remains quite ambiguous and therefore could be interpreted as comedic or serious by readers.  

The fonts for the masthead and cover lines will be simplistic and bold, making them easy to read. The magazine will also include a dateline (detailing the month of publication), price (£3.99) and selling line (‘All You Need To Know’), as well as a standard bar code which appears on most print magazines. The title, dateline, price and selling line will be in grey as opposed to the cover lines being in black, to differentiate the two clearly without completely altering the appearance of the text. A wave effect will be added to the masthead so that it is distinct and identifiable. The simplistic overall look of the cover can maximise audiences, as it doesn’t come across as limited to one group of people.