Category Archives: Institution



The Culture Industry

David Hesmondhalgh and other critical voices

David Hesmondhalgh is among a range of academics who critically analyse the relationship between media work and the media industry. In his seminal book, The Culture Industries (Sage, 2019) he suggest that:

the distinctive organisational form of the cultural industries has considerable implications for the conditions under which symbolic creativity is carried out’

The Culture Industries (Sage, 2019, p.99)

Define the following terms and answer question 05.1

Key words:

  1. Cultural industries  
  2. Production
  3. Distribution
  4. Exhibition / Consumption
  5. Media concentration
  6. Conglomerates
  7. Globalisation (in terms of media ownership)
  8. Cultural imperialism
  9. Vertical Integration
  10. Horizontal Integration
  11. Mergers
  12. Monopolies
  13. Gatekeepers
  14. Regulation
  15. Deregulation
  16. Free market
  17. Commodification  
  18. Convergence  
  19. Diversity   
  20. Innovation