All posts by Big Thian




Media texts should be recognizable and use familiar codes and conventions. Steve Neale is a key genre theorist who argues that genre-based categories are not fixed commodities. Factors used to diagnose the genre of a product include levels of verisimilitude, narrative similarities, character-driven motifs, iconography, and audience targeting. Familiarity in media is essential to sell something too left field.

Steve Neale – similarities and differences/predictability and innovation

Levels of verisimilitude – to what extent real world is referenced in products.

Narrative similarities – identification of defined story structures or formulaic narrative devices.

Character driven motifs – lead characters might have defined attributes or narrative arcs.

Iconography – mise en scene expectations + camera or editing styles

Audience targeting – genres crafted to appeal to audiences.

Repetition and audience pleasure – audiences are appealed to with the use of repeated motifs, themes, or stylistic devices.

Genre subversion – all genres are subject to evolve or change common expectations based on audience needs, contextual influences or economic influences.

Genre hybridity – A combination or intertwining of several genres.

Auteur effects – The input and influence specific individuals have on media products.

Statement of intent.

The demographic for my 4 media products is both male and females ranging from mid-teens to late twenties who have an interest in the music scene, particularly the genre of modern indie rock.  

The psychographics of my audience could be categorized as laid back. This group is very easy-going, and commonly express themselves through the music they listen to. They are a new-age group of young adults with a passion for what they believe in and their interests. They also may be open to explore and discover new interests like different music genres and styles. 

My intent for my media product is to showcase the young talent that is hitting the music scene. My main product will be a 3-minute music video that will promote the music of a young artist from a small island. I will be using visual codes that will show that you can still be in education and young but still make a name for yourself in terms of music production. The video will be filmed in various locations, and this will represent the diversity of the music scene. The music video will also include a montage of pictures of the artist to allow the view to gain a different view and understanding of what i am trying to represent.  

My subsidiary products will be 3 products intended for a music magazine, the first of these products will be a front cover that will be very simplistic and will allow who ever views it to be left in a sense of mystery and that is because it is also representing towards the music genre, it often leaves people confused and forged to gain their own understanding of the music. The second of the three subsidiary products will be a two-page spread and an interview with the artist will be documented. The page will have a central image of the artist and on either side will be the interview, in total adding up to around 800 words, there will also be some images of the artists family alongside of the text as it represents how he started and how he got there. My final product of the three will be a promotion for a music festival for up-and-coming indie rock bands and a special guest of an established band. The product will be full of color and life while also being simplistic, yet again relating to the music genre having a mysterious theme behind it. 

NEA Planner.

WEDNESDAYMake plan and finish statement of intent. Complete statement of intent.
THURSDAYStart second statement of intent.Finish both statements of intents.
FRIDAYSubmit first draft of statement of intent.
MONDAYTake and edit photos.Take and edit photos.
TUESDAYTake and edit photos.Take and edit photos.
WEDNESDAYTake and edit photos.
Submit the second product.
THURSDAYTake and edit photos. Edit photos
FRIDAYSubmit all media products. (all in appropriate media form).
WEEK 1Feedback . Redo statement of intent, get feedback and redo. Finish SOI DR M away.Inset day.
WEEK 4Sports day. Dr M away.Dr M away Dr M away.
WEEK 7 Print work that needs to be printed. Final submission.


I intend to create two movie posters that will highlight two different lives that the protagonist. I will also create a series of three Instagram posts alongside my two movie posters to promote the movie and make it be able to reach a wider audience. 

The target demographic for my media products is both males and females, however dominantly males, in their mid-late teens and early twenties. This is because the movie is inspired by the music of Santan Dave, who is popular amongst these demographics. They also would relate to the age of the protagonists as he is in his late teens in the setting of the movie. These two factors will help attract these two demographics which it is intended to do.  

My target audience appreciate the music of Santan Dave and his urban style. There is also a secondary audience of an older generation of both men and females but still targeted at men who appreciate the music of Santan Dave but also, they may have similar experiences to the main protagonists in their past. Due to having two different demographics my movie posters will differ in style to accommodate for the varying demographic.  

The title of my movie “split decision” is a powerful yet simple representation of my film as it describes the protagonist decisions as he is being told to do one thing by his parents but wants to do another which is why his decisions are split. The title also relates to the artist of Santan Dave, whom this movie is inspired by because he is the title “Split Decision” is also an EP made by Dave in 2023. The title is a simple title, but this is key as the target demographic is known for having a shorter attention spam, so a short title will help to entice the audience. 

My first movie poster will be a two-tone poster, one side of the poster will be a pink background with swirls that will fade into a deep pink/grey side. I will use two original photos that are combined with half and half with the protagonists wearing two different outfits to represent the two different lives he lives in the film. This poster will be interesting and will entice the main demographic. My seconds poster will be a plain solid colour background with a dominant signifier of the main character in the middle. In this image the character will be wearing formal attire layered by streetwear to highlight that he has different identities that he may often have to mask. This poster being plane will target the secondary demographic due to its plane nature that will simple and easy to understand for this demographic. 

The theory of two-step will be implemented as the movie posters will also be shared with music artist who have featured in songs with Dave, this is useful because they often influence the demographic of my media products, so this will ensure they are able to be widespread and receive traction.