All posts by t dog



statement of intent

Statement of intent

I plan to create two movie posters and three Instagram posts to promote coming of age film, which is called Full Out. This film is about a poor teenage girl fulfilling her dream in becoming a boxing champion. This is going to be posted in the magazine Gentle Women, as their primary audience is young women. Many upper-class women also read this magazine which draws attraction to them as they may feel empathy and sadness for the poor girl.

The poster uses action photos to emphasise the power that women have. This creates an image to young women that they can achieve any goal or dream when they put their mind to it. This inspires young girls to not let anything get in their way, which promotes confidence and courage. In addition, this not only attracts young females but also attracts the lower class as they may relate to her struggles that she faces along the way. My target audience is teenagers/young adults as my protagonist in my film is also a similar age which helps many people relate to the character.

I plan to create a poster which challenges stereotypes as this will cause controversy and bring attention to the new movie. At the bottom of my Instagram posts I will create a new hashtag (#girlsdoitbest). This will empower young girls and motivate them to achieve any dream they have. In addition, it will promote my movie and expand a wider audience. I have chosen to promote my movie on social media as this is where my target audience will see it.

My first movie poster is showing the main protagonist in a surprising stance. This will intrigue people to watch the movie and figure out why she may be in that position. I will use a red bold font which makes it stand out of a grey background. This also represents the struggles that she faces along her journey. I will add a quote from the feedback that I have, which will entice viewers to watch the movie as they trust the feedback. I will add the date of the movie on the poster to make sure people know when to expect the release. This will also build up a wider audience as people will be excited to watch the film.

My second movie poster also shows the main protagonist in a suspicious stance. I will make the background with the main colours of black, white and red which will stand out. The font of the movie title will have a bulge affect which is different compared to many posters. I will include star ratings and quotes on the poster. Finally, the poster will also include the main protagonists name as this may bring attraction to the film if the star has been in other movies too.

My first Instagram post shows one of the main characters looking angry, this entails a look into the movie and tells a lot about the character. I will choose to highlight the colour red again which shows importance, struggle and bold. I have also decided to make the text wrap around the protagonist’s face which shows a forward and bright statement. My second Instagram post shows both protagonists which creates added drama and suspicion. I will also have the movie title name repeated down the post to create a sense of importance. Finally, my last Instagram post has one character in a handstand position holding the winning champion belt which shows a big clue and insight into the movie. Also, I will include the stars name which will draw attraction.




Reductions in taxes and stamp duty allow the Manchester Guardian to publish twice-weekly; it begins to appear on Wednesdays as well as Saturdays.


On 24 August the newspaper changes its title from the Manchester Guardian to the Guardian, to reflect the growing importance of national and international affairs in the newspaper.


The name of the company is changed to The Guardian and Manchester Evening News Ltd (GMEN).


The Guardian has a radical redesign, splitting the newspaper into two sections and introducing a new masthead. An international edition is launched in Europe.


The Guardian’s investigation into Conservative MP Neil Hamilton wins the Team Reporting Award at the British Press Awards and the Guardian is named Newspaper of the Year by What the Papers Say – an award it also wins in 1998 and 1999.

The Guardian is the first national newspaper to appoint a readers’ editor and publish a daily Corrections and Clarifications column.

The Guardian and Observer election website goes live in February and launches in August.

Guardian Politics summary:

The newspaper is considered as part of a group called the “quality press”. This is a group of national papers that focus on hard news rather than journalism. Its “analysis” promotes the ideologies of British politics. The paper declared support for the Liberal Democrats in the 2010 election. It then switches back to the Labour Party for the 2015 election.