All posts by t dog



Statement of Intent

I am going to produce two media products from Set 3 brief: a Tik Tok video and three movie posters, both aimed at promoting a coming-of-age movie. The movie I am referring to is “After”, which has similar aspects of the movie I have created. I have chosen Set 3 brief because of my interest in social media and my experience in creating engaging TikTok content. Additionally, I have never created this type of media work, so I am excited to challenge myself and increase my knowledge and understanding.

My interest in social media and experience with TikTok were significant when I chose this brief. Tik Tok is a new way to promote media products especially reaching a younger audience which my movie is aimed towards. This brief includes digital and traditional media, allowing me to use my strengths and learn new things. It also helps me understand more about media theories and how to apply them in my products.

The TikTok videos will be fun and engaging for the audience, as many people on TikTok have a low attention span so it is crucial that I engage the audience early. The TikTok will capture behind the scenes of the movie and some additional clips and scenes. By using relatable humour and eye-catching scenes the video will appeal to what the audience likes and cares about. I will use TikTok’s interactive features, like hashtags to get the audience involved and spread my media product further.

The three movie posters will relate with my TikTok video creating an attractive media campaign. Each poster will highlight different parts of the movie, from its emotional moments to its exciting moments. I’ll use the same colour themes and movie title to show that they are campaigning the same movie. The posters will be designed to attract the target audience, using images that reflect the movie’s key scenes and themes.

Each poster will focus on a different part of the movie, for instance one poster might show the main character’s journey, and the other might highlight an important relationship, and the third might capture a key moment in the story. This way, the posters together will give a full picture of the movies themes and attract a wide audience.

To help develop my project, I’ll explore Todorov’s narrative theory. Todorov’s idea of narrative structure – equilibrium, disruption, new equilibrium – will help both my TikTok video and the movie posters. I will also use C.S. Pierce’s theory of signs, focusing on indexical signs to intrigue consumers to my movie poster. By using lots of small symbols in my media products it will make the audience curious and get them interested in my movie. This approach will not only make visually appealing posters but also grow a stronger connection with the audience to the movies story.

My target audience for my project is teenagers and young adults aged 12-20. This age group really connects with a coming-of-age movie because they can reflect their own experiences and challenges. Even though “After” has a female lead, I wanted to create a media content that appeals to both genders. By focusing on themes like finding themselves and growing as a person through challenges along the way. This age group is also very active on social media, especially TikTok, so this is a great platform to reach them on so they can engage, interact and find out more about my media products.

I have been inspired by several different coming of age movies on Netflix, especially ‘Mean girls’ and ‘To All the Boys I have Loved Before’. Mean girls stood out to me because its about personal growth and realising there is more to life than being ‘popular’. This movie is a great example of how I want my project to have a positive message and to inspire my young target audience. Although, I did enjoy ‘To all the boys I loved before’ it focuses on romance and finding your other half, where as my movie aims to focus more on finding your true self before you love somebody else.

What is Genre

Genre is ‘a style or category of art, music, or literature.’ The main theorist is called Steven Neale, his theory is that all genres have their similarities and repetitions but what separates them is their differences. Neale sees genre as something that evolves over time, not just a set of fixed categories that use the same repertoire of elements. He believes that genre is a historic specificity, which means that different genres change over time. For instance, a sci-fi movie in the 1950s has changed drastically in comparison to modern day sci-fi movies. As genres are changing and as new additions are added to the body of similar texts, Neale refers to as the corpus. A hybridisation is when two genres are combined. For example, a rom-com or a sci-fi/western film.

Statement of intent

I am going to produce 2 media products from set 3 brief. My aim is to create a TikTok which promotes a coming-of-age movie, for instance a movie such as gossip girl. I have chosen set brief 3 as I have an interest in social media and have experience in making TikTok’s, I have been thinking of becoming an influencer when I leave school. What drew me to this brief was the making of movie posters as I believe I have a strong point in this area. I have also chosen this brief to better my knowledge and understanding. Secondly, I will produce 3 movie posters to advertise my movie, these posters will also relate to my TikTok’s. I’m going to explore Todorov’s narrative theory as I believe it relates to my media products and it will help me develop my understanding and learn more about it. The target audience I believe my NEA would apply to the best is teenagers and young adults, particularly between 14-20. I believe this would be the best age category for my products as it relates to the target audience. This is because they have either been through or going through a similar experience too, both media products are also aimed towards both genders. This is because although stereotypically a coming-of-age story with the main protagonist being a girl is mostly targeted at girls, I want to create a piece that will entice both audiences. Recently, I have watched some coming-of-age movies on Netflix and the film that particularly stood out to me was Mean Girls. The main story line of this movie was how they realised there is more to life then being nasty. This movie is a perfect example of how I want my product to have a good meaning and to inspire people. I also watched to all the boys I’ve loved before; I really enjoyed this movie however I don’t think this movie relates to my product as much since its more about finding love rather than finding yourself. My products will be linked with each other as they will have similar signs and styles. The main factor will be the colour theme and the same name. This will connect both products, but they will still differ from each other. C.S Pierce talks about indexical signs, which I will be focusing on in my products. For instance, I will be using symbols in my movie poster to intrigue the audience of what’s going to happen.

Genre is ‘a style or category of art, music, or literature.’ The main theorist is called Steven Neale, his theory is that all genres have their similarities and repetitions but what separates them is their differences. Neale sees genre as something that evolves over time, not just a set of fixed categories that use the same repertoire of elements. He believes that genre is a historic specificity, which means that different genres change over time. For instance, a sci-fi movie in the 1950s has changed drastically in comparison to modern day sci-fi movies. As genres are changing and as new additions are added to the body of similar texts, Neale refers to as the corpus. A hybridisation is when two genres are combined. For example, a rom-com or a sci-fi/western film.


WEDMake plan for SOISOI
THUSOIplan movie poster
FRIstart first movie posterSubmit 1st draft of SOI
MONfirst movie posterfirst movie poster
TUEfist movie postersecond movie poster
WEDsecond movie postersecond movie poster
THUthird movie posterthird movie poster
FRIgo over productionSubmit production 1
(all product in appropriate media)

TASK 2 – video games

1)Why, according to the news report do investors like the Video Games Industry so much? 

Investors are highly interested in the video game industry due to its strong market performance and significant growth potential. The industry has a large and dedicated consumer base, making it an attractive investment opportunity.

2) What are E sports? 

It is a competitive video game tournament where pro players and teams play out different sports.

3) How is new digital media technology changing the way that video games are accessed by consumers? 

Digital media tech is changing how we access games. Downloading, streaming, and VR making gaming more accessible and immersive.

4) What does FPS and MMORP stand for? 

FPS = First person shooter

MMOPR = Massively Multiplayer Online Role

Video Games task 1

According to Bandura’s hypothesis, people pick up new skills by watching others, copying their behaviours, and getting rewarded or punished. Considering, media audiences in this context, he thinks that offering audiences role models to follow, media portrayals might affect the audiences behaviour. Bandura’s theory of media audiences differs from Shirky and Jenkin’s view as their perspective is that media audiences actively share and remix the media they consume. In summary, all of them acknowledge the active role that viewers play in interacting with media, although they all do it in different ways.