NEA – 43/60 (B)
Paper 1 – 70/84 (A*)
Paper 2 – 76/84 (A*)
= 189/228 (A)

NEA – 43/60 (B)
Paper 1 – 70/84 (A*)
Paper 2 – 76/84 (A*)
= 189/228 (A)
Questions | What went well? | What could be improved? | What I am going to do to make the improvements |
1 | All Of It | Paragraphing | Paragraphing |
2 | Good Structure | More Theory | Practise Questions |
3 | Good Knowledge | Better Structure | Re-Revise Games |
4 | Good Examples | Spelling | Learn How To Spell |
Media Language Barthes- Semiotics Strauss- Structuralism Todorv- Narratology Neale- Genre Baudrillard- Post-Modernism | Media Representation’s Gauntlett- Identity Butler- Gender Performativity Hooks- Intersectionality Gilroy- Ethnicity & Post-Colonial Van Zoonen- Feminist Hall- Representation |
Media Audiences Gerbner- Cultivation Hall–Reception Shirky- End Of Audience Jenkins- Fandom Bandura- Media Effects | Media Industries Hesmondhalgh- Cultural Industries Curran & Seaton- Power & Media Livingstone & Lunt- Regulation |
Explain how economic and political contexts influence the ways in which media products represent reality.
You should refer to the Close Study product Ghost Town ands Figure 1 to support your answer.
The music video Ghost town was created in a time of depression, where Margret thatcher caused many young men to loose their jobs, therefore resulting in street riots around London. This is portrayed through Ghost Town, within the scenes where the men are being thrown around the car but keeping a clear gaze of confusion, we can analyse this through our own ideologies of Barthes theory of semiotics. Whether we feel that they’re are confused due to the lack of jobs or weather we think that they are confused due to anger. The same analysis can be used when looking at figure one, analyse the connotations of Christmas through our own personal thoughts and feelings on the holiday. When looking at the snow falling from the sky we can either connotate that with the excitement of Christmas or battle it with the anger of the cold weather. We associate the throwing around the car as the men spiralling. These clear signs gives an audience there own take, allowing them to fill in the gaps between with there own ideology’s, asking why the town has become a Ghost Town and if we feel that Manchester is the place of Christmas. This is through Henry Jenkins theory of fandom, being an active audience. There are white and black men within the Ghost Town music video, which may be seen as a response to the new stop and search las, in which many black people were racially targeted. This can be seen as a countertype, as wanting the video to promote diversity, we can also see a stereotype within Figure 1, being a figure of ‘father Christmas’, this may be controversial as people within different religion’s do not believe in him. The beat of Ghost Town consists of a British punk rock mixed with a new style Jamaican beat, this can be seen as a blend of binary opposites, opposing ideologies about white and b lack not mixing. We also see a blend of binary opposites within Figure 1, where the Ferris wheel is normally seen as a summer activity but it is show within the snow. The end scene of Ghost Town consists of men throwing rocks into the water, which may reflect how the ‘boomtown’ era is over, and that these men are not violent but instead frustrated, and just want their jobs back.
Exam Reflection:
Questions | What went well? | What could be improved? | What I am going to do to make the improvements |
1 | Clear and good structure of theoretical framework. | Have a more consistent specific approach. | Reinforce ideas. |
2 | Good memory of ghost town. | Should have read the question better. | Take more time reading questions. |
3 | Good theory. | Better conclusion. | Practise questions. |
4 | Clear structure of multiple theory’s. | More terminology. | Revise key terms. |
5 | Clear and consistent. | Postmodernism. | Go over postmodernism terms. |
6 | Very clear and consistent. | Neaten my writing. | Keep revising newspapers. |
7 | Good understanding. | More key terms. | Look over key terms. |
Steve Neale
I am producing 2 media products for set brief 4. This is because I am very interested in the music video industry, and how they can include advertisements and how these appeal to their target audience. I wanted to take up this brief because I am very interested in the narrative theory especially Todorov, his theory that a character will go through five stages, being equilibrium, disruption, recognition, repair and then a new equilibrium. I am especially interested in this theory when it comes to music videos due to lil Nas x and old town road, you can see within that music video that this theory can be applied, and I want to use his music video as inspiration to create my own that can be enrolled with Todorov’s theory.
Within music videos, it is very important to have a target audience in mind, so the audience I am targeting will be teenagers who are just emerging into their own narrative of becoming a young adult. Essentially, they will be 16-20, struggling to find themselves, and looking for ways of expression. In terms of Psychographic profiling (Rubicam & Young), I am targeting ‘The Struggler; and ‘The Explorer’. Within terms of the uses and gratifications theory (Blumer & Katz), I am targeting people who want to escape their real lives and imagine themselves in the situations shown on screen (Escapism), but also on the contradictory people who want to recognize a personality that mimics one of their own characteristics (Personal Identity). Therefore, my main aim is to recreate media with a new form aimed at younger people searching for themselves rather than plain media that is informative. As I often watch music videos produced by Vevo, I will ensure to incorporate that style, tone and register, and my music videos narrative and imagery will reflect this professional product. For example, Vevo’s music videos use a lot of narrative based videos, which often tailgate old genres such as spaghetti westerns, I will base my music video on a specific genre and use my narrative to follow that. In terms of the magazine production, I always read kmag, so again my media product will reflect the informal tone of this publishing industry.
I want to make both productions connected in terms of content and representation, so my imagery within the magazine will actually be from one of the scenes within my music video and will include the actual actors I have used within the video. I will also use consistent branding and iconography, such as the magazines heading and internal context pages to ensure iconic and indexical signs (C S Pierce) are consistent. As with the written articles on the blog, I will yet again use an informal register of language, in order to reel in my target audience who are outside of the box, and wanting to see something less formal than mainstream media and rather an informal product they can relate too but also use to create a new identity for themselves as an escape.
Days | In Lesson | Out Of Lesson |
Wed | Make Plan And Finish Statement Of Intent | Choose Song For Video |
Thru | Revisit Planning Document Plan what photos to take | Complete Statement Of Intent Take Photos |
Fri | Edit Photos | Submit First Draft Statement Of Intent |
Sat | N/A | Take some more photos |
Sun | N/A | Review Photos maybe panic take some more |
Mon | Write Up Rough Plan | Create Front Cover |
Tue | Create Rough Interview Miss coming in | Create Front Cover |
Wed | Work On Interview | Work On Inner Pages |
Thru | Work on pages | Work On Pages |
Fri | Work On Pages | Submit Production One (All Products In Appropriate Media Form) |
Mon | Tues | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
Week 1 | Feedback | Create Video Plan | Create Magazine Plan | Cover Teacher | Inset Day | Start Filming | Filming |
Week 2 | (Cover teacher) | Genre | Magazine Plan | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Filming | Filming |
Week 3 | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Filming | Filming |
Week 4 | Sports Day | Evaluate Filming | Dr MM Away SOI Work | Dr MM Away SOI Work | Dr MM Away SOI Work | Filming | Filming |
Week 5 | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Magazine Work | Hand In Final Magazine | Filming | Filming |
Week 6 | SOI Work | SOI Work | Hand IIn SOI | Editing Video | Editing Video | Filming | Filming |
Week 7 | Editing Video | Editing Video | Editing Video | Editing Video | Final Submission |