All posts by Rosie



Video Games Part 1

Active Audience- when an audience is engaging, interpreting, and responding to media messages and are able to question the message.

  • EXAMPLE:  when you walk out of a film and say “Wow, the action was great in that film!” An active audience will look deeper into how the film is constructed.

Passive Audience- An audience that is exposed to media/marketing material but doesn’t actively engage with the content or messaging.

  • EXAMPLE: They’re just observing. They’re surfing the Internet, scrolling along until something catches their attention. 

Explain how Bandura’s view of media audiences is essentially different to that held by Shirky and Jenkins.

Shirky argues that audiences are no longer passive due to the way social media operates. Technology has changed our behaviour; instead of just consuming media passively, we also contribute to it. In his argument, no audience is passive.  He created the ‘Media Effects’ theory which focuses on the idea that the media can directly ‘implant’ ideas into the mind of audiences. He also believed that audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and new styles of conduct through modelling.

Why, According to the news report do investors like the Video Games Industry so much?

The gaming industry is one of the most exciting industries in tech because of its importance to culture, entertainment and technological advancement

What are E Sports?

A multiplayer video game played competitively for spectators, typically by professional gamers. E sports, short for electronic sports, is a specialized subset of gaming that centres around organized, competitive gameplay. It’s more than just playing games; it’s about mastery and competition.

How is new digital media technology changing the way that video games are accessed by consumers?

Traditionally, consumers have played on consoles or PCs, but now, the percentage of time spent gaming on mobile devices has eclipsed these more traditional gaming platforms according to our survey. Overall, the shifts in video gaming by platform indicate that more time is being spent gaming.

What does FPS and MMORP stand for?

MMPORP- massively multiplayer online role-playing game.

FPS-  Frames Per Second, is a measure of the rate at which a computer video game can produce and render frames.

Stanley Cohen coined the original term Moral Panic in his book “Folk Devils and Moral Panics”.

The term refers to Goode and Nehuda (1994) Identify 5 key features of a moral panic:






In “Moral Panics: The Social Construction of Deviance” (2009), Goode and Nehuda suggested moral panics are defined by at least five crucial elements:

Apply the above to any of the video game case studies featured.

In “Moral Panics: The Social Construction of Deviance” (2009), Goode and Nehuda suggested moral panics are defined by at least five crucial elements:

Lanza’s descent to madness and murder: Sandy Hook shooter notched up 83,000 online kills including 22,000 ‘head shots’ using violent games to train himself for his massacre

This is implying that violent video games, influences human minds to have violent and unethical thoughts and desires towards society.

How does the work of the Video Standards Council (explained above) connect with the Ideas of Livingstone and Lunt on the need for Media Regulation?

Statement of Intent.

I am going to produce a media product for set brief 1. This is because I particularly take an interest in game shows and competitions. I enjoy shows with an interactive nature and I also have a fascination for television that motivates an active audience. My aim is also to offer an escape from reality, through a cooking show where young chefs show their skills and passion whilst competing in different rounds. with a comforting home viewing feel, that viewers can casually watch and become invested in. I would also like my cooking competition to portray as an opportunity for aspiring chefs to become successful and given an opportunity to show their skills. I will also have clear identification of genre codes and conventions when it comes to a fast-paced but entertaining show go all ages.  I would apply Roland Barthes theory of ‘an active audience’. I find this theory very interesting and would like to further explore how Barthes considered the meaning of the finished text e.g. song, film or advert and how it is to be created by the audience therefore a text always remains open. I would like to focus on this and further explore how a family or youth at home can interact and become an active participant whilst watching the show from home. I would also like to explore how tv can display light-hearted content, whilst also being inclusive, diverse and engaging. This could be done through work such as semiotics and narrative theory. The audience I am targeting will be teenagers. By creating a competitive, witty and a lad back series. I can target young teens by easily accessing their screens, with a skills-based competition that can be viewed globally and at any time. I want to connect both productions in terms of content and representation. For this, I will use similar settings, colour schemes and participants throughout the opening credits and will include multiple camera and film shots to be compiled together. I will also use consistent iconography to ensure the theme of my brief is still abided. I hope for my camera shots to look professional and high quality, with appropriate framing of shots and editing.


In Lesson Out of lesson
WedMake plan + finish Statement of IntentComplete Statement of Intent
ThursPlan ideas + research opening titles.
FriSubmit 1st Statement of Intent
FriSubmit a production 1 (all products in appropriate media form)

Fashion Magazine Cover.

Statement of Intent.

The style of magazine I have chosen is fashion, I chose this specific genre of media because it is a multi-billion industry with worldwide popularity with a wide range of opportunities. I wanted the front cover to be feminine, minimalistic and to the point. I also chose for it to be black and white; this is so that it would stand out with a sense of uniqueness from other bright and eye-catching magazines and interest the viewer to want to read it. My magazine ‘Chic’ will be both a paper magazine and a digitalized version on the website. This is so that my brand can keep up with the modern technology that some people prefer to use when reading. Having a digital magazine will also ensure that people can access it worldwide at any time, which will help achieve greater accessibility, interactivity, and cost efficiency. 

My target audience is women and girls from ages 15-30. This is the age span of young adulthood, which will be what most of the topics in my magazine would be aimed at. I chose for my front cover to include a person of this age group, in order to indirectly show the target age group. My front cover is promoting womanhood and the latest trends and clothing that help woman feel their most confident and expressive. ‘Chic’ will also provide advice on beginning a career in fashion and styling with accessible links, on the digital version, to agencies, blogs on where to begin and job opportunities for all areas of fashion inside, this is shown by small indications on the cover such as ‘Fashion Tips- outfit styling’ and ‘Modelling- catwalk nightmares’ this will lure in the viewer to want to read on in order to keep up with up- to- date brands and celebrities by turning the page or within a click of a button.  

I aim to include different cultural, geographical and fashion style tips, tricks and trends in my magazine to attempt to tie in different beliefs and personalities. Some fashion styles I would include casual, streetwear, business wear, sporty, ethnic and gothic, to reach diverse social groups, this is shown in my front cover by my model wearing trendy clothing within her age group.  My front cover focuses mainly on the ‘Female Gaze’ and provide women and girls with the ability to empathize rather than objectify and to show emotion and intimacy, while also showing respect throughout. This is included on the front cover and within the magazine and shown artistically, through modelling and fashion. My model in the front cover is shown to be embracing her natural identity instead of constricting how women define themselves and diminishing their purposes through objectifying contexts. 

I want my marketing strategy to be embracing social media and sharing small spoilers, teasers, highlights, celebrity features and product releases through the front cover of the magazines on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. This will attract new customers who often use social media and will want to read more, leading them to the official website. I think this is a perfect way to reach out and gain attraction from brands and celebrities to promote collaborations and partnerships to contribute to the brands, celebrities and magazines. 

Explain Uses And Gratification Theory

This theory assumes that the audience chooses what it wants to watch for 5 different reasons.

  • Information and and Education
  • Entertainment
  • Personal Identity
  • Integration and Social interaction
  • Escapism

Understanding why people use certain types of media and what needs do they use, and what gratifications they get from using them.

The strengths of the uses and gratifications theory include its focus on individual motivations and its ability to explain media consumption. Weaknesses include its reliance on self-report data and its limited ability to predict behaviour.


Rosie Shaw


Charles Prestwich Scott, a liberal thinker with strong principles, becomes editor of the Guardian – a post he holds for 57 years.


CP Scott’s death in January is followed swiftly by that of his younger son; Ted Scott is killed in a tragic boating accident in April. William Percival Crozier is appointed as editor.


John Scott dies and his son Laurence Prestwich Scott becomes chairman and managing director of the company.


On 24 August the newspaper changes its title from the Manchester Guardian to the Guardian, to reflect the growing importance of national and international affairs in the newspaper.


Guardian Newspapers Ltd and The Manchester Evening News Ltd are formed as wholly owned subsidiary companies of The Manchester Guardian and Evening News Ltd, each with their own board of directors.