All posts by Sohna


 QuestionsWhat went well? What could be improved? What I am going to do to make the improvements
1 good use of deconstruction and cultural codes as well as implementing theorists  go into more depth on the ideas of more research to get a a better understanding on theory’s 
2 good use of information on csp statsknowledge on lupin and responder   use the blog to gain a better understanding on csp and re watch shoes
3 good explanation on videogames and linking the question and theorists go in to more detail on linking back to the question  do more practice question that are similar  
4 good use of information from magazinesprovide more key words and media terminology  use the blog to go over magazine articles and language used to describe and annotate  

Q2 Paper 2

Guidelines for mass media use may differ across the world. The public goods theory purports to show why goods with defined characteristics of publicness cannot be produced efficiently by the private sector of the economy , The media, which people are exposed to significantly shapes their beliefs, opinions, and actions, substantially impacting their comprehension of altruism-related issues, an individual’s perceptions can be influenced by the extent of their exposure to a particular subject. This suggest conflict as media companies want to produce popular content regardless if its hurting or infliction on members of the public, anything to keep viewers interested.

The popular show Lupin became popular during the global pandemic , produced by Netflix, made 2.45 million being the first French series to reach Netflix’s top 10 in the US. Within the program, the use of popular music makes it contemporary fresh original and innovative, the choice of casting reflects a diverse blend on French acting talent (a black actor). The development in the shoes narrative shoes an elaborate sense of pleasure (puzzle narrative), when looking at a postmodern approach, Lupin shows a feel of culture with use of a black man as the main protagonist whilst the text and reference provides a series on nouns providing the audience with strength and connections with friends and shapes experiences bringing people together.

Q1: the signs that constitute the Father Christmas, the signs that combine as

words to provide anchorage and the signs that draw significance from this

anchored context.

• The Father Christmas is fairly crudely constituted being iconic with low

motivation by colour, styling, positioning to offer instant recognition,

reassurance, benevolence, a warm welcome and a clear focus.

• Here is signification at four levels, reference (denotation), association

(connotation), myth and ideology.

• The setting suggests an urban, business-oriented, consumerist Christmas.

There is warmth here but nothing particularly spiritual unless the audience

identifies a star in the east among the white spots in the sky (which may be

stars or snow and add either way to the manufactured ‘magic’).

• The words provide anchorage through a tag-line “when it comes to

Christmas, there’s no place like Manchester”.

• This stating of Christmas then sharpens up the snow-covered iconic

buildings which add relevance and a familiar Christmas aesthetic.

• It also draws focus to the pretty lights which draw attention to what most will

recognise as a German or continental or merely generic Christmas market.

• There is a semiotic vocabulary for those who want to use it: paradigm,

syntagm, icon/index/symbol, denotation/connotation/myth/ideology.

Equally it is appropriate to respond out of the language of composition and

framing size of shot, camera angle.

Q2 • the effect of economic and political contexts on representations

• the way events, issues, individuals (including self-representation) and

social groups (including social identity) are represented through processes

of selection and combination

• the processes through which meanings are established through


Economic and political contexts:

• media products and the representations in them can be seen as a product

of the economic and political contexts in which they are created

• issues such as censorship and stereotyping may impact on the creation of

products and the way in which representations of power are created and


• products must reflect the cultural values of their target audiences in order to

be successful but these may be diverse and can explain the differences in


• products may take up particular economic and political standpoints from

which to address their intended audiences and ‘the world.

Ghost Town:  this is more overtly political, a conscious reproach to Thatcher’s Britain

• a booming City and South East juxtaposed with the post-industrial collapse

of the economy everywhere else drew up lines of opposition across the


• the video provides a guided tour of deprivation anchored by a literate

protest lyric

• there is also a political message in the multi-racial composition of the band

in a Britain beset by the mobilisation of the hard right

• punk had provided access to expression to the disenfranchised and

prompted a new kind of political pop that was articulate and working class

Q7 • how media organisations maintain, including through marketing, varieties of

audiences nationally and globally

• processes of production, distribution and circulation by organisations,

groups and individuals in a global context

• the relationship of recent technological change and media production,

distribution and circulation

• the significance of economic factors, including commercial and not-for-profit

public funding, to media industries and their products

• the impact of ‘new’ digital technologies on media regulation, including the

role of individual producers

• how processes of production, distribution and circulation shape media


• cultural industries as summarised by Hesmondhalgh

Responses are required to consider the extent to which contemporary

debates around diversity are reflected in the kinds of films being produced

and of the CSP being a significant case study in this respect

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1Analysis of content within the photoLink to theory’s and use better terminology Cover areas of relevant theory’s for signs/semiotics
2Provided knowledge on linking close study product to question Reading questions properly to ensure I have covered all aspects of what it’s asking to do Carefully read the question and provide more use of theorists 
3Good use of context and theorists to follow up my points Introducing more theorists to give another  perspective and show knowledge of other areas Look into more information on the score advertising 
4Gave a detailed explanation linking CSP to given theorist examples of theorists ideas and concepts Give more information on more theory’s and go into more depth when talking about them and linking to CSPSupport my points with more knowledge of theorists and different approaches 
5Able to associate key terms to postmodernism Give a better explanation of given theory Research hypodermic needle theory 
6Good use of examples of newspaper context Provide more cultural knowledge within the newspaper Research more into the beliefs of the newspapers getting to know their values and how to provide content to them 
7Good understanding of theoretical concepts and use of language Give more information and context towards theorists linking to CSP Search online to get a better understanding of distribution 

statement of intent

For my brief I am producing three 45 to 60 seconds TikTok videos promoting my new coming of age film that is going to be shown in theatres, as well as three fil posters that will utilize colours upbeat music and scenes that evoke a sense of freedom and self-discovery. For example using warm tones to symbols the carefree nature of summer and growth. Introducing a soundtrack with nostalgic or coming of age themes can enhance the emotional connection with my audience while using wide shots of natural landscapes or bustling summer settings can convey the feeling of adventure and effectively communicate the essence of a coming of age story set during the summer.

For my intended audience, I have aimed for this product to reach the teenage generation. I want this product to represent innovation or for people to find personal development, by having this aim it helps provide an integrated way into the product as a tool that helps the main characters navigate their journey of self realization during the summer, by incorporating this into my product in a meaningful and reliable way to the teenage audiences’ own coming of age experiences I can create a connection that resonates with them and adds depth to the story line. One way I hope to innovate and engage my audience is by incorporating relatable themes  such as the big summer holiday that all teens look forward to when school has finished for the term. I aim to incorporate current popular themes that teenagers take part in during summer holidays as such experiences as going to festivals or holidays with their friends. I want  to effectively convey the emotions and experiences of my characters to try resonate with my audience. Additionally considering the influence of my products in the film that can further connect with the teenage audience. By showcasing my products that are popular or aspirational to teenagers by enhancing the realism and relatability of the story. This integration can subtly influence the audiences perception and embrace the overall viewing experience. By staying attuned to what resonates with teenagers in the present day, I can create a film that feels authentic and relatable to my targeted audience, exploring how product placement and brand partnerships can align with the interest and preferences of  teens.

I can leverage digital convergence by seamlessly integrating popular products and consider leveraging social media platforms to create buzz and engage with my teenage audience. I want to utilize platforms like Instagram TikTok and snapchat to showcase my posters in a creative and visually appealing way that resonates with the teenage demographic. I want to create a sense of community and interaction around my product and for my audience, witch could mean exploring partnerships with influencers or content creators who have a strong teenage following to amplify my reach and increase awareness of my coming of age film and poster products. By intergrading digital strategies effectively I can enhance the visibility and appeal of my products to my targeted audience


I am producing a three minute opening scene of a tv reality show, the show will be available on  a new streaming service similar to Netflix with a PG maturity rating. I will be creating a show with a similar concept to The Great British Bake Off and The sewing bee. I took up this brief because I know social media is one of the best ways to promote any new ideas, projects and businesses. By using social media it allows me to reach a large audience, engage with people directly and easily share my content  as well as it being very cost effective. The audience I am targeting is a board mainstream youth audience, specifically a a makeup lover or anyone with  a passion for creativity and self expression. My Tv show will be the ultimate platform for young artists. My makeup competition is all about showcasing your unique style and skill, it’s a chance to let creativity shine. If you are makeup obsessed looking for a platform to show off your talent this will be a perfect TV show. as far as the industry my goal is to help young artist learn and grow thought many ways of makeup