All posts by mariia




  1. hybridisation: mix of two genres, e.g. rom-com
  2. sub-genre: subdivision of a larger genre, e.g. psychological thriller
  3. corpus: repertoire of elements that make up a genre
  4. repetition and sameness VS variation and change:
    • repeating same formulas with only minor variations but still sufficient variations, with familiarity, to make the audience feel that the product they are consuming is still fresh

Statement of Intent draft

I want to create a video where I will introduce the first episode of a new baking series. This will include things like a montage, introduction of the host/s and a cool way to display the main title of the show. I also aspire to create a web page. This will consist of things such as the main concept of my baking series (competition), the logo I will create for the series and links to the social media platforms linked to my series. I also plan on creating 3 Instagram posts which will display behind the scenes, action shots of the bakers and the winner of the show. 

I’m interested in narrative structure and how things are created and put together to make a story. I find this interesting as I love to see the different ways in which stories are created and the techniques used to produce meaning. Narrative theorists (such as Todorov on equilibrium, Claude Levi Strauss on binary opposition and Vladimir Propp on stock characters) also pique my interest. I am also interested in semiotics which I aspire to explore in my products. Semiotic theories, such as Ferdinand Saussure theory , interest me and I’d like to use this denotation, connotation and myth in my products.  

I want this to be aimed at almost everyone, mainly people aged 10 plus and both genders. In terms of Psychographic profiling, such as Rubicam’s profiles, I am targeting aspirers, succeeders and explorers. These types of roles and audience all have common characteristics that will mean they will be interested in my baking show. They all want to succeed and always aim for the highest possible results when doing things. In terms of uses and gratification, I am aiming to create products that provide a sense of belonging and excitement within bakers or aspiring bakers, as ai believe my products will bring this community together.  

The Great British Bake off will be my main inspiration when I will create my media products, meaning that the tone, pace and style of this show will be transferred onto my products to ensure I will create them on a professional scale. For example, the Great British Bake off uses a lot of close ups as well as montages in their show, in terms of their Instagram, they create a personal connection with the audience due to the captions they use and the people they feature on their page. I aspire to do the same, to create a closer relationship with my audience and to allow me to create a professional snippet of my show.

I will create a short 3-minute video that will introduce the concept of my baking show. This idea will be carried on to my instagram posts as I will create a post on ‘how to have your cookies’ which is a direct link to the britishbakeoff Instagram posts. I will also use consistent branding and iconography, such as the title and strapline to ensure iconic and indexical signs, which links in to the theory of C S Pierce. I would also like to include sections on my website that will feature the contestants of my show, these contestants will also be seen in the video as well as the three Instagram posts. 


WEDMake plan and finish SoIProperly start SoI
THUFinish SoIMake plan for IG posts
FRISubmit 1st draft of SoITake pictures for IG posts
MONStart IG post 1Create plan for post 2
TUEMiss G coming in for SoISubmit post 1
WEDFinish post 2Submit post 2
Plan post 3
THUStart post 3Complete post 3
FRIComplete 3rd AdSubmit production 1
(all products in appropriate media)
WEEK 1Feedback sessionWebsite startwebsitewebsitetake pictures for website

Task 3

Goode and Nehuda’s 5 key features of moral panic: 

Concern: make (someone) anxious or worried. 

Hostility: hostile behaviour; unfriendliness or opposition. 

Consensus: a general agreement. 

Disproportionality: unequal or out of proportion. 

Volatility: liability to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. 

Moral panic on case study 2: 




Disproportionality- The statistics used here are intended to shock readers, due to the high amount of time spent and kills achieved on ‘Combat Arms.’ However, it may be argued that E-Sports competitors would spend similar amounts of time on video games, and that does not instantly determine that they too will go out and murder people. 


Video games: Task 2

  1. Why, according to the news report do investors like the video games industry so much? 

investors like the video game industry so much because the constant increase that this entertainment industry has had over the years, has earned it a great deal of ground in the financial market as an option with a positive projection. 

  1. What is e-sports? 

e sports are a multiplayer video game played competitively for spectators, typically by professional gamers. 

  1. How is new digital media technology changing the way that video games are accessed by consumers? 

From 2016 to now, the global mobile app gaming market grew more than any other gaming type with an expected value of $72.3 billion in 20201. Mobiles and tablets have influenced the structure of many industries, from retail to hospitality, and gaming technology is no different. 50% of gaming will be conducted on mobile and tablet devices1, but with so many people able to play from the comfort of their own home. 

  1. What does FPS and MMORP stand for? 

FPS= frames per second 

MMORP= massively multiplayer online role-playing game 

Video games: Task 1

With one difference being between their views on active and passive audiences. 

Bandura created the ‘Media Effects’ theory which focuses on the idea that the media can directly ‘implant’ ideas into the mind of audiences. He also believed that audiences acquire attitudes, emotional responses and new styles of conduct through modelling.   

Shirky and Jenkins argued that audience behaviour has progressed from the passive consumption of media texts to a much more interactive experience with the products and each other. 

video games: starter

A passive audience is one that enters a film and simply seeks out the film for entertainment. They see no deeper meaning or intended meaning from the director, with regards to the text. The film literally washes over them. For example, when you walk out of a film and say “Wow, the action was great in that film!”  

An active audience will look deeper into how the film is constructed. They will most likely know a substantial amount about how the film was made, other films in the franchise, the director’s previous work, the genre to which the film belongs to. They will look more at socio/political and historical contexts of the film and not simply see the film as a product made for mass consumption. For example, “Did you notice the homages made to previous films in Jurassic World? I like how the film made reference to the previous films in the genre, yet stayed original”. 

Explain the ways in which media products are thought to impact on audiences cognitively, affectively and behaviourally?  

the actual force exerted by a media message, resulting in either a change or reinforcement in audience or individual beliefs. 

magazine statement of intent

I want to create a magazine cover that follows the layout of the Gentlewoman. I want this to feature Amelie Fitzpatrick. She is an aspiring fashion designer that is determined to change societies perspectives towards ways in which women must present themselves. The issue I have chosen to address is the dehumanisation of women to mere objects with the only purpose is to look a certain way to portray themselves sexually towards men and other active lookers.  

I have chosen to use Amelie Fitzpatrick on the front cover of my magazine as this is a topic she, as well as I, feel extremely passionate towards. This feature will be evident as I will include her full name, as a model credit, in a white and sharp font underneath the main image. I have decided to portray Amelie Fitzpatrick as a person which challenges societies norms and expectations of women to put our views, that gender is fluid and experimentative, across to my audience. In doing so, I will have her wear a suit, have her hair in a low bun and have he wearing no makeup. This representation goes against what other perceive as feminine as this will portray her in a more masculine light. This sort of challenging topic and representation of my magazine cover closely follows the style of The Gentlewoman. This front cover will not only be used to promote my work but also help to promote this ongoing social issue.  

The overall aesthetic of the magazine cover will provide a variety of opportunities for audience engagement, as described by the ‘Uses and Gratification’ theory. My target audience is primarily women who are experimentative with their femininity and that are innovative and open minded. However, this promotional style can be directed to all people of any gender, sexual orientation, and age. This is because, even though my issue will focus more on women representations, it can encourage all sorts of people to venture outside societies ‘norms.’  The challenging and dark atmosphere will offer people opportunities for diversity. At the same time, it will allow my viewers to pave their ways to self-identity, for example, the willingness for them to experiment with their style as well as realising that gender is fluid. This links to Laura Mulvey’s theory that gender is subject to change, and I would like my magazine cover to influence people in helping them find their true selves. My target audience will lean toward reformer personality type however it could also appeal to succeeder personality type.  

My mode of address will be kept quite formal I have decided to do this to keep a more serious tone to my magazine cover. This is to address the serious topic that I have chosen to represent in my cover- female self-discovery and freedom. I want to have my photograph in black and white. This creates a more formal register towards my audience. This formal register and more serious tone will appeal to my target audience.