Questions | What went well? | What could be improved? | What I am going to do to make the improvements |
1 | Application of knowledge in relation to question | Use more media language to back points made | Going over terminology and using it in questions |
2 | General understanding of csps and reegulation around them | More specific knowledge on the csps and regulation theories | Look more into the television csps and regulation theories |
3 | Understanding of the social and cultural contexts | Present the correlations of the video games to representing social and cultural contexts better | Go over csps looking into specifically social and cultural parts of it |
4 | General understaing of the magazines | More specific knowledge on the target audiences of the products and use theories in media audiences | Go over csps and media audience csp |
All posts by Megan
theory grid
Media language Barthes – Semiotics Strauss – Structuralism Todorv – Narratology Neale – Genre Baudrillard – Post-Modernism | Media representation Gauntlett – Identity Butler – Gender Performativity Hooks – Intersectionality Gilroy – Ethnicity & Post-Colonial Van Zoonen – Feminist Hall – Representation |
Media audience Gerbner – Cultivation Hall –Reception Shirky – End of Audience Jenkins – Fandom Bandura – Media Effects | Media industry Hesmondhalgh – Cultural Industries Curran & Seaton – Power & Media Livingstone & Lunt – Regulation |
paper one mock
Questions | What went well? | What could be improved | What I am going to do to make improvements |
1 | Analysis of product and how it represents meaning of Christmas | Using semiotic vocabulary | Semiotic theory and vocabulary |
2 | Understanding of theoretical framework, economic and political contexts | Analysis of source when referring to the question | Revise more on how economic and political contexts present reality |
3 | Analysis of product and how it refers to csp | Historical contexts, how media companies present constructed versions of reality, more on mulvery’s theory | Learn more context on csp and male gaze theory |
4 | Understanding of framework, genre theory and csp | ||
5 | Got one of the multiple choices | Better understand of theoretical framework, know what hypodermic needle theory is and terms associated with a postmodernist approach | Learn more theoretical terms, like the hypodermic needle theory and terms associated with a postmodernist approach. |
6 | Knowledge on the influences of social and cultural contexts on media products | Use more specific terminology throughout, more knowledge on daily mail and use more evidence | Research more on the daily mail, gather more statistics and further understand paper in general etc |
7 | Understanding of csp and distribution | Refer to Hesmondhalgh, how process of production, distribution and circulation shape media products | Further understanding on how media companies create diversity in production and distribution |
Music poster

Style model