All posts by Lila Loveless



Paper 2 mock reflection

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1. 8/9– Application of knowledge and
understanding of the theoretical framework
– Good use of terminology
Use of structuralist ideasRevise the structuralist ideas
2. 19/25– Understanding of the theoretical framework
– Accurate application of knowledge
– Use of terminology
Understanding of regulation

Economic factors

Create a mind map
3. 21/25– Analysis of video games
– Application of knowledge
– Terminology
Knowledge of regulation and production Create flashcards
4. 19/25– Knowledge of newspapers
– Understanding of the theoretical
– Terminology
 Knowledge of regulation 

Overall mark= 73/84 = A

Target grade= B

I am very happy with this grade as I exceeded my target grade.

Paper 1 mock reflection

Monday 10th March

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1. 7/8Good analysis of product and use of the theoretical framework.Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific
terminology throughout.
2. 11/12Good understanding of the theoretical framework and understanding of contexts of media and their influence on media products. More detailed information  
3. 6/9Good understanding of the theoretical framework Analyse media product more, understanding of media language 
4. 15/20Good application of theory and understanding of music video.Understanding of genre theory
What does ‘genre as a cultural category’ actually mean?
5. 6/6Knowledge of theoretical framework, good example used   
6. 6/9Good understanding of the influences of social and cultural contexts on media productsUse of terminology and expand knowledge of theorists  
7. 6/20Good understanding of the theoretical framework and use of terminology. Knowledge of Blinded by the light and diversity and production

The significance of patterns of ownership and control, including conglomerate ownership, vertical integration and diversification

The significance of economic factors, including commercial and not-for-profit public funding, to media industries and their products

How media organisations maintain, including through marketing, varieties of audiences nationally and globally

The regulatory framework of contemporary media in the UK the impact of ‘new’ digital technologies on media regulation, including the role of individual producers

How processes of production, distribution and circulation shape media products.

Tuesday 11th March

Achieved target grade- B


To achieve the next grade boundary of an A, I would need to gain 4 more marks.

To secure a B overall, I will need to get 45 marks on paper 2.

To secure my target grade, I will need to improve in the 20 mark questions as I achieved 15/20 and 6/20.

Wednesday 12th March

Task 1:

Roland Barthes- SemioticsDavid Gauntlett- IdentityGeorge Gerbner- Cultivation theoryDavid Hesmondhalgh- Cultural industries
Levi Strauss- StructuralismJudith Butler- Gender performativityClay Shirky- End of audienceCurran & Seaton- Power & media
Todorov- NarratologyBell Hooks- IntersectionalityHenry Jenkins- FandomLivingstone & Lunt- Regulation
Steve Neale- Genre Paul Gilroy- Ethnicity & post-colonialAlbert Bandura- Media effects
Jean Baudrillard- Post- modernismVan Zoonen- Feminist theoryStuart Hall- Reception theory
Stuart Hall- Representation theory

New statement of intent

A-level Media Studies NEA Statement of Intent

I am producing 2 media products for set brief 5. I shall be creating three Tiktoks, one podcast and two online advertisements. In the UK, according to an NHS survey, a quarter of 11 to 15-year-olds have tried vaping and nearly 1 in 10 (9%) do it frequently (NHS England). Therefore, my aim for these media products is to raise awareness about social health issues, such as vaping as it has become very popular (almost a ‘trend’) for youths over the past few years. I wanted to take up this brief because I am very interested in the use of Tiktok to help spread social or political awareness and information. I also think that campaigns have been very useful for many years and are successful at circulating knowledge. The audience I am targeting will be teenagers aged 14-20 years old, as vaping is most popular at that age. In terms of Psychographic profiling (Rubicam and Young), I will be targeting the ‘strugglers’ and ‘explorers’. In terms of uses and gratifications (Katz), I am aiming to create products that provide information about the real world for my targeted audience. As such, I will interview my target audience to investigate some of the side effects that vaping is causing. My aim is to create three Tiktoks that young people find interesting and engaging. To do that I will use vibrant colours and the use of clear iconography, which can link to the theorist Roland Barthes as I will be using a pattern of iconography as well as the orders of signification (connotations) throughout my products. My Tiktoks will also aim to engage as short, appealing videos for younger ages, with a sense of informality. I will stick to these ideas and styles. Cross-media campaigns use different media forms as a way of spreading awareness. New media platforms, such as TikTok, have over one billion users globally, mostly teenagers/young adults ( As I often use Tiktok, I understand what the formality and themes are like: short-form videos, full of content and usually informal to gain audience’s attention. In addition, I shall create one podcast, and two online advertising materials. I have done some research to find a few professional products, which I will use as inspiration for my own products. I understand that campaigns and websites are a lot more formal than audio style media products, for example, campaigns and websites use short, declarative sentences so their audiences can become absorbed into their information. Whereas, audio style media products, like podcasts, use an organisation of themes for the episodes, as well as one main speaker, alongside a few additional speakers that use an optimistic tone of voice to portray an appealing persona. Therefore, I will ensure that the style, tone and register of my web pages will reflect these ideas. As I like listening to podcasts, and regularly listen to a podcast called ‘Saving Grace’ on Spotify, I understand that my podcast will need to include a theme, an audio logo and special guests in the same way that all podcasts do. My logo will be representing my campaign company ‘TheUglyTruth’. I want to connect both productions in terms of content and representation, so I will be using similar iconography for both the campaign and the Tiktok videos. This will include consistent iconography such as the logo that represents my campaign company, as well as connotations to vaping, like smoke or a picture of a vape, to ensure the theme of my brief is well produced and easy to understand for younger ages. To do this, I will ensure to use dominant signifiers such as text with a clear message, or an image of a vape throughout both products which will support the main message of the product, which is the awareness and danger of vaping, especially in younger ages as their brains haven’t fully developed yet.                                          


Steve Neale- theorist


A genre is a category based on similarities in either the emotional response to the film (horror, tragic, comic, etc.) or the narrative elements. Steve Neale believes that films should include features that are similar, so the audience know it is a horror film or romance, but also include features that are different, to keep an audience interested. This is his theory of repetition and difference. Neale states that all genres contain instances of repetition and difference, difference is essential to the to the economy of the genre.


All genres contain subgenres which further define and categorise the media text. An example of this is a psychological thriller- psychological is a sub genre.

Hybrid genre:

Some media texts are hybrid genres, which means they share the conventions of more than one genre. An example of this is a rom-com (romance/comedy). The Twilight films are a hybrid genre, combining horror, fantasy, teen and romance.


Genres evolve continually. Repertoire of elements that make up a genre

Statement of Intent- NEA

I am producing 2 media products for set brief 5. In the Uk, according to a NHS survey, a quarter of 11 to 15-year-olds have tried vaping and nearly 1 in 10 (9%) do it frequently (NHS England). I will be creating three Tiktoks, as Tiktok is a large platform that is mainly used to share information. I will also create one podcast and two online advertisements. My aim for these media products is to raise awareness about social health issues, such as vaping as it has become very popular (almost a ‘trend’) for youths over the past few years. I wanted to take up this brief because I am very interested in the use of Tiktok to help spread social or political awareness and information. I also think that campaigns have been very useful for many years and are successful at circulating knowledge.

The audience I am targeting will be teenagers as vaping is most popular around that age, essentially, they will be 14-18 years old. In terms of Psychographic profiling (Rubicam and Young), I will be targeting the ‘strugglers’ and ‘explorers. In terms of uses and gratifications, I am aiming to create products that provide information about the real world, for example I will be interviewing some younger ages and finding out the side effects it is causing them. Therefore, my aim is to create products that young people and teenagers find entertaining and will keep them engaged. To do that I will use vibrant colours, and the use of imagery as dominant signifiers to make sure it is engaging. I have decided to make three Tiktoks as a way of spreading awareness, as I understand that it is a huge media platform that over 1 billion people use, mostly teenagers/young adults. As I often use Tiktok, I understand what the formality and themes are like, which are short, appealing videos for younger ages, with a sense of informality, so I will stick to these ideas and styles.

In addition, I shall create one podcast, and two online advertising materials. I have done some research to find a few professional products, which I will use as inspiration for my own products. I understand that campaigns and websites are a lot more formal than audio style media products, for example, campaigns and websites use short, declarative sentences so their audiences can become absorbed into their information. Whereas, audio style media products, like podcasts, use a speaker with an upbeat tone, which isn’t boring to listen to, as well as an organisation of themes for the episodes. Therefore, I will ensure that the style, tone and register of my web pages will reflect these ideas. As I like listening to podcasts and regularly listen to a podcast called ‘Saving Grace’ on Spotify, I understand that my podcast will need to include a theme, an audio logo and special guests in the same way that all podcasts do.

I want to connect both productions in terms of content and representation, so I will be using the same participants for both the photos for the campaign and the Tiktok videos. I will also include consistent iconography such as the logo that represents my campaign company, as well as connotations to vaping, like smoke or a picture of a vape, to ensure the theme of my brief is well produced and easy to understand for younger ages. To do this, I will ensure to use dominant signifiers such as text with a clear message, or an image of a vape throughout both products which will support the main message of the product which is the awareness and danger of vaping, especially in younger ages as their brains haven’t fully developed yet.

NEA plan

Week of 13th May:In lessonOut of lesson
WedMake plan and do statement of intentComplete statement of intent
Thurevisit planning document
take photos for campaign
Complete statement of intent
FriStart banner and take photosSubmit 1st draft of statement of intent
MonFinish banner and start advertTake photos
TueMs Magowan SoI lesson Take photos
WedFinish advert and start planning podcastNothing
ThuFinal edits of banner and advert
FriRecord podcast and final edits of productsSubmit production 1 (all products in appropriate media form)
Week 1FeedbackStart planning tiktok 1Continue planningDr MM awayFilm tiktok 1Continue filming
Week 2Dr MM not inFill out planning grid
Week 3Mums bdayNothing
Week 5Photography mockPhotography mockPhotography mock
Week 6
Week 7(Try submit today)FINAL SUBMISSION!!!!!!!!!!


Active audience= Active audiences are when an audience is engaging, interpreting, and responding to media messages. They are more likely to develop their own interpretation of a media text based on their beliefs and social context. 

Passive audience= Passive audiences are directly influenced by the messages encoded in media texts because they do not question or challenge those meanings. 

Extension task= Explain the ways in which media products are thought to impact on audiences cognitively, affectively and behaviourally.

I think media products, like video games, are thought to expand people’s knowledge and influence minds in both positive and negative ways. There is an increased belief of potential violence in the real world from watching violent media content leading to anxiety about personal safety.

Task 1:

Explain how Bandura’s view of media audiences is essentially different to that held by Shirky and Jenkins.

Albert Bandura is a psychologist who focuses on people’s behaviours and emphasises the importance of observing, modelling and imitating behaviours/attitudes and emotional reactions of others. His theory considers how both environmental and cognitive factors interact to influence human learning and behaviour. Bandura believes that children observe and learn from the people around them behaving in various ways. Therefore, this links to media audiences as he believes the media can directly ‘implant’ ideas into the mind of audiences. This is different to Shirky and Jenkins view of media audiences.

In contrast, Henry Jenkins believes that the media is one-way communication. This means that the flow of communication was from the media producers (Radio, Newspapers and Magazines for example) to the audiences or receivers. He believes that: ‘Fans produce meanings and interpretations; fans produce artworks; fans produce alternative identities’. In each case, fans are drawing on materials from the dominant media and employing them in ways that serve their own interests and facilitate their own pleasures.

Similarly, Clay Shirky focuses on the death of the mass media and the rising usefulness of networks. He argues that with the advent of digital and social media, audiences no longer play a passive receiving role; they become active participants and content creators. This means that the media is growing and becoming more interactive for audiences.

Task 2:

1. Why, according to the news report, do investors like the Video Games Industry so much?

Investors like the Video games Industry so much because the engagement continues to grow and that could mean big returns for investors interested in the space. It is also one of the fastest growing markets ever.

2. What are e-sports?

E-sports is where people play competitively on a multiplayer game for spectators, and competitions can be held. Usually, these are videoed or live streamed and millions of people enjoy watching.

3. How is new digital media technology changing the way that video games are accessed by consumers? 

Traditionally, consumers used to play on consoles or PCs, but now, the percentage of time spent gaming on mobile devices has increased rather than consoles. Mobiles and tablets have influenced the structure of many industries, and 50% of gaming will be conducted on mobile and tablet devices.

4. What does FPS and MMORP stand for? 

FPS – First Person Shooter. – A game that puts the player in first person whilst containing guns. 

MMORP – Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing game.  

Statement of intent for my magazine

The demographic for my media product is females in the late teens and twenties.

My magazine front cover will promote the love and interest for ‘comfy’ fashion to the public, whilst still following the latest trends. The cover will include a photo of a confident, young boy wearing a tracksuit from the brand ‘Nike’. He is going to pose in a cool and quirky way to bring attention to his clothing. My model in the photo will also be making direct eye contact with the camera to assert dominance and masculinity, and the camera angle will be from below, which will showcase the model looking down on the camera which suggests importance. I will use a cool-tone, blue background behind the model so that it will be eye-catching and stand out to the audience.

In terms of psychographics, my target audience is young male adults/late teens that like fashion with comfort, but also want to delve beneath the superficial, fake filters and the representation of the social media generation. I will include a teenage boy as my model, so people can feel more comfortable when reading and it indirectly shows the target age group. I think by promoting the brand Nike, this will attract young male adults/ teens and appeal to young readers.

There is also the secondary audience of females and a similar age range to the main audience.

This group altogether are very lively and like having fun with their lives, and they like to use fashion as ways to express themselves. They are a new-age group of young adults with strong views about fashion and a passion for what they believe in and their interests. They also may be open to explore and discover new interests like different styles of clothing that isn’t athletic.

The overall aesthetic of the magazine front cover is to interest people at a young age to influence them into being fascinated by fashion, so they can feel more confident and fit in with their surroundings whilst growing up. Throughout my magazine, I will also include beauty trends and makeup as my secondary target audience also follow these trends, and this will engage and interest more young females.