All posts by natedog



Media Syllabus Key Terms

Anchorage- helping people understand something by adding words or explanations.

Diegesis- everything that happens within the story world. eg place, sounds, events, characters

Narrative Structure- the way in which the story is being told and organised, how the plot is developed.

Genres of order and integration- types of stories and media that focuses on creating harmony and revolving chaos. – things are brought into balance (crime stories are resolved by the end) and focuses on bringing different elements or characters together

‘Genre as cultural category’.- means that the type of stories (genres) we see in movies, tv etc are influenced by the culture they come from.

Pastiche- imitating, referencing styles or works from the past, often as a tribute or homepage. its like copying elements from others works – celebrate or honour them.

Bricolage- creatively mixing different elements from various sources to create something new. often in an experimental way

Simulacra- refers to copies or representations of things no longer have an original or real version. when something is made to look like the real thing, but is just an imitation.

Hegemony- the dominance and or control of one group of ideas, values or culture over others. beliefs or power groups are seen as ‘normal’ or ‘right’ way of thinking.

Constructed reality- what we seen in media is not exact reflection of real life.

Countertypes- are characters or images that challenge or go against the usual stereotype.

Mass amateurisation- refers to the process where ordinary people can create and share media content widely, not just professionals or influences.

Cognitive surplus- the free time and mental energy that people have which can be used to create or share content. ability to be productive in your spare time.

Prosumer- is someone who both produces and consumes media content. people who create YouTube videos and also watch videos.

Encoding/decoding- refers to how message in media are created by producers and then understood by the audience.

Enculturation-the process by which people learn and adopt the values, beliefs and behaviours of their culture through media and other influences.

Cumulation- the idea that media messages build up over time, repeating certain themes or ideas which can influence people’s thoughts and beliefs.

Commodification- the process of turning something into a product that can be brought or sold. eg a movie selling merchandise, t-shirts, or toys to make a profit.

ISM notes

Capitalism– Capitalism is an economic and political system where the country’s businesses and industries are owned by private individuals or companies, rather than the government, with the goal of making a profit. Relates to Lupin

Populism– it refers to the way media portrays and appeals to concerns, needs and emotions of ordinary people. Simplifying complex issues to make them more relatable. Can be applied to Ghost Town

Consumerism– refers to the idea of promoting and encourage people to buy goods and services. Applied to Score hair cream where they are promoting 1 specific product to entice consumers.

Globalisation– the process of ideas, information and media content being shared and spread across the world. Connecting countries and cultures, more interconnected world. This can be applied to Blinded By The Light

Patriarchy– where men hold more power and influence women in society, the imbalance often reflects in the media. The men is shown in dominant roles. How media reinforces traditional gender roles, males are prioritised. This is shown in Score hair cream where the product is advertised to men and the women are the main eye objective.

Feminism– refers to how the media represent women and gender issues. Focuses on challenging stereotypes, promoting gender equality, and giving a voice to women. can be applied to Horizon Forbidden West as the women is the main protagonist.

Individualism– focus on personal freedom, independence and the idea that people should prioritise their own goals over a group of peoples needs. Media portrays individualism by celebrating peoples success stories. This can influence how people view their role in society and importance of personal identity. The Guardian and Daily Mail.

Self-managerialism – the idea of individuals taking responsibility for managing and promoting their own careers or work. Emphasises personal accountability, in media people expect to ‘manage’ own brand, reputation and success’s. Think for themselves. The Guardian is regulated on its own.

Neoliberalism– the economic and political philosophy that promotes free markets, reduces government intervention. Emphasises individuals responsibility over collective welfare. Media should run like a business, driven by profit rather than public service. Lead to content that prioritises profit driven goals over diverse, public interest programming.

Imperialism– the powerful countries or culture dominate and influence less powerful ones through media. Eg US, or Europe, often spread their values, ideologies, resulting in a one-sided view of the world, where the perspectives of powerful nations are prioritised.

Mock Review

Mock Paper 1

Questions  What went well? What could be improved? What I’m going to do to make improvements  
Good use of the specific terms  Be more specific  Better understanding  
Understood small parts of the music video Clear understanding of csp and clear wording Make specific notes for each csp  
Good use of the theorists  Revisit the advert Clearer notes regarding the advert 
Choice of theorist was good  Better understanding of the music video Re watch and make notes, include theorists 
Understood the terminology a fair amount  Key words and models Look over specific models used 
Fairley good understanding of the Daily mail  Understand specific theorists  Go through topics and link with theorists 
Good understanding of how bbl was produced  More terminology Go over key terms  

Mock Paper 2

QuestionWhat went well?What could be improved ?What I’m going to do to make improvements  
1Understood the definition of the key words and was able to put them to use in the answeradd more theorists ,more descriptive and specific on structuralism Revisit structuralism theory and theorist behind the theory
2Good use of theorists More understanding of Lupin and The ResponderGo over the csp’s and make important notes for each topic
3Apply more knowledge and understanding of what I am writing Revisit Horizon and Sims free play 
4Not enough evidence to support my argument 
write more
Past papers and specific past questions on each topic 

Paper 1 – 4 marks for target grade Paper 2 – 2 marks for target grade

Media Language
Barthes- Semiotics
Todorv- Narratology
Strauss- Structuralism
Neale- Genre
Baudrillard- Post-Modernism
Media Representation’s
Gauntlett- Identity
Van Zoonen- Feminist
Hooks- Intersectionality
Butler- Gender Performativity
Gilroy- Ethnicity & Post-Colonial
Hall- Representation
Media Audiences
Shirky- End Of Audience
Jenkins- Fandom
Gerbner- Cultivation
Bandura- Media Effects
Media Industries
Hesmondhalgh- Cultural Industries
Livingstone & Lunt- Regulation
Curran & Seaton- Power & Media

Statement of Intent 

I’ve chosen Brief 3 to create two media products: three movie posters and three TikTok promotions for a ‘coming of age’ theme like Mean Girls. This brief piqued my interest because it combines poster designs and video editing, allowing me to explore both traditional and digital marketing techniques. It also offers a chance to learn more about filmmaking while reflecting how the film industry adapts to modern consumer trends. This dual approach allows me to explore how the film industry is adapting to modern trends and the evolving needs of consumers, particularly through digital platforms. 

The focus centres around a woman in a relationship, showcasing her emotions and transformation following a breakup. The media language used in the products will reflect these emotional shifts and connect with the viewers on a personal level, drawing on both visual and sounds to represent the protagonist’s journey. This will resonate with my target demographic 18-30 years old who are drawn to coming-of-age stories. To boost engagement, I’ll add third-party reviews and a star rating on the posters for credibility and curiosity. 

In the first poster, I will introduce the woman as confident, beautiful, dressed in a striking red dress, illuminated by red lighting to symbolise her passion and love. This powerful imagery reflects her emotional connection with her partner. 

The second poster shifts focus to the male character, showing him walking away into the distance. This image symbolises his decision to let go of the relationship, marking a significant turning point in the narrative. The poster signals a key change in the storyline and hinting at what’s to come. Additional cues, such as the film’s release date and awards, will provide context and build anticipation. 

The final poster highlights the protagonist’s transformation after the breakup, showing her as stronger and more mature. This poster emphasises her personal growth and newfound confidence, illustrating her healing process. Her evolved physical appearance symbolises the empowerment that comes with overcoming heartbreak. The coming-of-age theme is central here, as the story explores her journey of self-discovery and emotional growth. 

In addition to the posters, I will create TikTok videos designed to maximise reach and engagement across social media platforms. These videos will follow Todorov’s narrative theory, which outlines equilibrium, disruption, and a new equilibrium. By applying this structure, I will ensure my content has a clear and engaging storyline that resonates with viewers. To further enhance emotional impact, I will apply C.S. Peirce’s semiotic theory, using symbolic imagery, colour, and lighting to reflect different emotional states. For example, dark and muted tones will signify sadness, while brighter colours will symbolise hope and empowerment. The project’s title, The Woman in Shadow, highlights her transition from emotional vulnerability to newfound strength. 

Ultimately, the combination of posters and digital advertising will appeal to a wide audience, with social media playing a crucial role in engaging viewers and building connections. Through a blend of traditional and modern marketing techniques, I aim to create a memorable and impactful promotional campaign for the film.  

Statement of intent

I have chosen brief 3 in which I’m going to create a short video of a trailer to the film Palm springs to promote a film that’s being presented at a film festival. I have watched this trailer and was really intrigued about the film. Brief 3 really caught my interest as I believe it will be fun and enjoyable to create three videos to promote a film with my friends as I would really enjoy it. I would also love to expand my knowledge about editing and film making as it interests me a lot. My aim for these videos is to promote and capture a more mainstream audience and capture audience attention. I will also be creating 3 other posters to represent and promote the film I have chosen.  

I will be using different camera angles and vibrant colours during the video to capture attention from audience which proves I have read through the brief and analyses it well and gone through the requirements I need.  

The videos will be available on all platforms to enable and get the most out of creating it to get it out to as many people and audience possible to attract lots of people to watch the film. It will include catchy songs and dances that make people more aware and as something specific they remember from the film. I will promote the TikTok’s on my Instagram story and create posts promoting them as we need as wide as an audience possible.  

Statement On Intent

Statement of Intent

The project we were given was to design 2 movie posters and 3 Instagram posts online marketing campaign that includes the theme of Coming Of Age and focusing on diversity and inclusivity and teenager who chases their dreams. The target audience for my posters are between 15-30 with it being targeted towards both genders however linking to the gentlewomen magazine article my movies main acter is a woman as this portrays the perspective we have on the world.

The story I’m creating tells the story of a young women who was forced into marriage and who was fighter through the years of marriage with this horrible man and she manages to excel and to prove her worth to her husband and to achieve her goals and dreams of becoming an artist. So she steals all of his money and runs away with it to open a gallery where she is able to sell all the paintings she has created after her husband had stolen them from her. This creates a sense of power towards younger women as it shows that you have the power towards people who have done you wrong in your life and shows that you should stick up for yourself and how you should be treated. It shows that as you get older you understand more about rights, and this will hopefully inspire younger women to know how they should be treated and to not give up if they want to pursue something.

I aim to make a movie that promotes self-worth and empowerment of women and aim to tell a message of how powerful women really are. This will bring attention towards women and how the stereotype of a women is very different to what we are like. Promoting this movie is important as I want to get a message across to as many people as I can possibly to expand the knowledge and attention of women and stereotypes I the world and to bring as much attention to it as possible.

In my first movie poster it identifies what women must go through and being trapped away and feeling isolated in a forced marriage that they are not opposed to. This creates questions and intrigues people to watch as they want to know why she is trapped in there and why she is feeling this way. I will also use black and white images for this poster as it promotes the emotions of the movie more as this signifies emotions of the woman’s feelings and focuses on how dark and miserable her life is. The date of the movie’s publishing date is advertised on the front of the poster in large bold letters to promote the movies released date so that people are aware of when its released, this makes it easier for people as they have important information that they need to know clear on the front. This builds up excitement and adrenaline of when the movie is being released.

In my second poster it will have more colourful and bright colours compared to the first poster as this poster will focus on the women getting revenge and having power over her husband. This is different compared to my first poster as this poster focuses more on women and how she is stealing from her husband and taking back what is hers from the start. There will be the date the film is coming out at the bottom of the poster, so it is clear to the readers when he movie is being released so they are aware. There are reviews from different magazine articles on the film as this may influence people to watch as they have clarification and reassurance from other people that the movie is good and is worth the watch.

In my first Instagram post it will have ‘keep an eye out’ throughout the post with a picture of the wife trapped in the box and the husband planning things. This creates suspense as to what is going to happen which may intrigue people to watch the film. The theme of this Instagram post is black and white showing how her life when she was trapped away and being forced to be someone who she isn’t. I will have a ‘in cinemas soon’ in red and bold at the top so that is clear to people and the viewers that the movie will be out soon and that the red is very bold and clear so there is no confusion.

In my second Instagram post I will have ‘TICKETS OUT NOW’ in big bold letters to signify that the movie tickets will be released soon and it lets viewers aware clearly that tickets are out. I will have a cut out photo of an image and made it fully black so you can see the outline of the wife being kidnapped and feeling trapped. The black identifies that she is feeling quite dark and low which is presented in the bold black outlined image. I have the title of the movie in the bottom half of the post in red and bloody text to signify what the movie is like and the effects.