Media Language | Media Representations |
1) Barthes, Semiotics 2) Strauss, Structuralism 8) Todorov, Narratology 9) Neale, Genre | 3) Gauntlett, Identity 4) Butler, Gender Peformativity 5) Hooks, Intersectionality 7) Gilroy, Ethnicity and Post colonial 9) Hall, Representations 14) Van Zoonen, Feminist, |
Media Audiences | Media Industries |
16) Clay Shirky, End of Audience 17) Jenkins, Fandom 6) Gerbener, Cultivation theory 15) Livingstone & Lunt, Regulation | 12) Hesmondhalgh, Cultural Industries 13) Curran and Seaton, Power + Media 15) Livingstone and Lunt, Regulation |
All posts by Jonny
Mock Exam Reflection
Questions | What went well? | What could be improved? | What I am going to do to make the improvements |
1 | Question 1 went well because I used ideas of theorists and analysed the product rather than describing it. | further detail, include more ideas of theorists | Question 1 is unseen so I cannot revise specific products, however I can Look back over theorists and their ideologies in high detail as well as do many past papers, as I would not have seen the product. |
2 | not much, had a alright introduction with a few statistics and details | More writing, more detail, more info and theorists need to be used as well as contexts | Revise more on contexts as im not to keen on this topic, revise theorists ideology and look over csp. |
3 | Analysation of score | more info about laura mulveys gaze and how it links to the csp | Revise this topic in specific as well as look over csps in high detail |
4 | Good detail about the CSP itself with stats | Link it to the question, more about neale and how the csp links to his genre theory | Look over key theorists |
5 | I knew all three terms and their meanings | Did not know the theory asked about | Look over every theory in high detail ensuring marks if it does come up in exam |
6 | Good knowledge about the newspapers themselves | Not enough about contexts and etc. | look over different contexts and how different media forms can impact or reflect them. |
7 | Not enough writing, write more about csp, more about industry | Look over both the csp and the film industry in general to gain high detail about it. |
Statement Of Intent
I intend on producing 2 media products for my set brief, one of which is a magazine two page spread as well as a front cover and a contents page, and the other media product being three full page print adverts for a magazine for gamers like PC Gamer or Play.
To create a strong gaming magazine front cover, contents page and three advertisements, I made sure to add a variety of media representations to portray a neat and marketed advertisement that is similar to products and marketing strategies from PC gamer. My magazines target audience is people who are interested in gaming and technological features aged around 15 to mid 30’s, the main gender my products and magazine is targeted for is male, however I also made it inclusive so that any gender would be invested in it.
My three products will follow different colour schemes inspired by PC Gamer and the design`s will also include high contrast colour schemes like neon blues, red`s and purple`s against dark backgrounds to enhance the features of my technological products, however I also want my products to be minimalistic. To make it stand out from other adverts and products. I intend on using bold, futuristic fonts for titles, subtitles and headlines to create a contemporary modern feel.
In my products I will include high resolution images of game characters and gaming accessories like controllers and keyboards. In my front cover I will use a high-resolution image of a game character which will dominate the cover and be taking up most of the area so that the character will be the dominant signifier. I will use action shots and dramatic poses to create an idea of movement and make the cover more intense which is appealing to the target audience. Cover lines will be used strategically to create visual balance and to make it clearer.
I will focus on the layout of my contents page, The contents page will be organized into clear sections, I will do this by using subheadings making it easy for readers to understand and maneuver the magazine. I will make sure there is a consistent grid layout and be certain that it has a professional appearance and looks like a real media product. The magazine will have content from Esports to casual gaming to attract a wide range of different gamers. My Esports content will include information about tournaments, player interviews and highlights of Esports. However, for casual gaming it will include things such as game reviews, tips and tricks and articles about gaming culture.
By using strong media language, different representations and targeted content. My products and magazine will not only meet the brief`s requirements but also stand out to its targeted audience and other diverse audiences. The Magazine will stand out in the media industry because it will bring visual appeal and the content which will reflect the world of gaming.
NEA Front Cover, Contents Page & Double Page Spread

NEA 3 Adverts

Days | In Lesson | Out Of Lesson |
WEDNESDAY | Make Plan & Finish Statement Of Intent | Complete Statement Of Intent |
THURSDAY | Research Gaming Magazine Products | |
FRIDAY | Submit First Draft (Statement Of Intent) | |
TUESDAY | Ms Magowan SOI lesson | |
FRIDAY | Submit Production One (All Products In Appropriate Media Forms) |
Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun | |
Week 1 | Feedback | Research Magazine Posters | DR m Away | Inset day | |||
Week 2 | |||||||
Week 3 | |||||||
Week 4 | Sports Day | DR m away | Dr M away | Dr m awayy | |||
Week 5 | |||||||
Week 6 | |||||||
Week 7 | Start Printing | FINAL SUBMISSION |
movie posters and instagram posts
I plan to produce two movie posters and three Instagram posts to promote my coming-of-age film “Different Path” the movie focuses on a teenager trapped in the arms of addiction as they go through their messy life and grow into a role model to others in the professional football world. The film includes the life-changing journey of our protagonist with a background of events and change showing perseverance and redemption in a tough situation. My goal is to use vivid storytelling and strong visuals to present the vision of “Different Path”
“Different Path” engages with a wide range of people that enjoy watching stories of perseverance and personal success. Aimed mostly at young adults and teenager’s audiences, the movie relates to people who are creating their own pathways with challenges in life. The teenage lead will appeal to teenagers who are struggling with peer pressure, discovery, and like to be rebellious through a character who encourages them to overcome difficulties and go for their goals. Athletes and sports fans of all ages will also be interested in watching the movie. The film’s themes of redemption, confidence, and second chances catch the attention of everyone looking for inspiration whilst dealing with life’s challenges, of any age.
‘Different Path’s’ first movie poster uses powerful photos to show both sides of the protagonist’s journey. The Themes of redemption and second chances are against an old and monochrome background of many ‘Wanted’ posters thrown in a random layout. The poster’s focus, an isolated teenager holding a football with solid determination, stands over these posters of previous sins. The title of the film is clearly presented at the top of the poster in blue with a shadowing on the letters so that the title is bold and stands out, In the poster there is also quotes which link with the movie, the release date and the team behind the movie. This poster aims to intrigue the audience, allowing them to go into the protagonist’s journey of discovering his best self.
The protagonist’s two separate worlds are powerfully juxtaposed in the second poster. The poster is Split into two sections, the left side shows the main character involved in the risky world of drug trafficking and illegal drugs. The right side, in contrast shows the main character on the football pitch with the ball in his hands with a face of determination. This poster has the film title towards the bottom of the poster in white with the team behind it on the top of the poster. This poster highlights the protagonist’s transformation and change and the theme of the film, the power of choice in creating your life.
Instagram posts, for the Instagram posts they will be done similarly to the posters however the posts are in a smaller format so everything in the instagram posts were the important details like, the title and the release date. The first Instagram post would have the caption “caught between the past and the future.” The second Instagram post`s caption would be “from the streets to the stadium.” and the last Instagram post having the caption “breaking free, finding hope”

Guardian time line

in my opinion the 5 significant events for the guardian are:
The Guardian unveils a new site for readers in the UK and across the world. (A US version launched in October 2014, Australia in November).
Katharine Viner is appointed Guardian editor-in-chief.
David Pemsel succeeds Andrew Miller as chief executive of GMG.
GU undergoes a redesign with interactive content, images, graphics and video given greater importance.
In October the Guardian launches, a new site designed to meet the needs of the paper’s growing US audience.
GMG sells 49.9% of Trader Media Group to Apax Partners in a deal that values TMG at £1.3 billion.
In March, digital editions of the papers launched, allowing access to articles, images and adverts as they appeared in print. In July the Soulmates dating service interactive website goes live. The paper also introduces a weekly tabloid edition aimed at students and distributed throughout UK university campuses.
The Guardian Unlimited (GU) network of websites is launched in January. It consists of News Unlimited, Football Unlimited, Cricket Unlimited and Jobs Unlimited. By March 2001 GU has over 2.4 million unique users, making it the most popular UK newspaper website. The first official ABCe statistics in October identify GU as having 10.2 million page impressions a month.
Guardian Newspapers Ltd and The Manchester Evening News Ltd are formed as wholly owned subsidiary companies of The Manchester Guardian and Evening News Ltd, each with their own board of directors.
Article On economy – Interest rates
Daily mail

The Guardian

My Political compass Results