All posts by Jessica Da Silva



Statement of intent- Film Poster

Jessica Da Silva- Statement of Intent

I intend to produce two movie posters and three social media posts to promote my melodramatic film “Polaroid”.  With a target audience of young woman aged 16-35. For viewers at this age, they are constructing ideas of future careers and encourages this niche audience to cultivate social connectiveness. My products will be promoted on Instagram and in the “Gentlewomen” magazine; represented by Rock Media who have promoted the magazine as a European fashion and luxury magazine. With readers labelled as “Modern, stylish women” therefore my audience is likely looking for a rich and complex visual and auditory experience 

The title “Polaroid” reinforces the retro aura of my product. The unique selling point (USP) will be the nostalgic essence of my posters that aim to connect the target audiences with ‘ fond memories. Which aims to revisit an old concept reintroducing it with a modern twist a new target audience who look at cultural references from the 90s onwards. This nostalgic direction offers an “escape’’ — to use Herzog’s term — from the uncertainties of the present.The film is set in London, which targets most young people from an urban area as well as appealing to this alternative audience by representations of the 90s era. 

On my movie poster a twisted aesthetic is incorporated contoured through the fashion, facial expressions and body language of the actors, with the intention to trigger nostalgic feelings. Close up shots taken on a vintage camera suggest intimacy providing a touching product that feels familiar to the intended audience. Reference of a former trend: vintage cameras; connects with those that lived through the trend connecting past media to my product. The secondary poster will also feature the tagline “A story told through photos” to generate the focus on the photographs captured on the poster alongside a red background reinforcing the edgy colour palate. Furthermore, the promotional posts will include “Coming soon” to create hype for the film.

Using original photographic images from different locations, I will concentrate on lighting, making sure they are mellow, connoting that intimate feeling my audience crave. I intend to edit my photos to create a grudge ambience. I will present them in a Polaroid style, assuring attention is paid to their presentation. The “Old-School” aesthetic of my product will be reinforced through a bold colour scheme, accented by splashes of monochrome pigmentations will give the magazine digital shelf appeal, with the photographs contrasting. Ensuring it appeals to the modern audience who will understand the retro indicatives.

Digital convergence is a way in which we consume and interact with different media products. I will also include in the captions of Instagram posts links to the official film website, and links to the production company; social media links to appeal to the younger audiences as well as opportunities to find other films made by the same production company that has the possibility to appeal to them.

490 words