All posts by Hannah



Summer Term Plan

Statement Of Intent- Coursework

For my coursework, I have decided to create film posters and TikTok videos to advertise a rom-com film produced by a low-budget independent film company. This brief appeals to me as I would like to gain experience in producing TikTok videos. I believe this is an important skill as advertising evolves, due to TikTok being a very popular platform which is used by many people. I believe that TikTok videos are an engaging and easily accessible format, which appeals to Gen-Z and younger people as many people do not have a large attention span. Therefore making TikTok an ideal modern advertisement platform. The creation of posters also appeals to me as I hope to improve my graphic design skills and believe I will enjoy creating an engaging poster for my product. I also think it is important to gain experience in creating traditional advertisements, to appeal to a diverse audience. 

I aim to create engaging advertising materials which audiences can identify with and will be intrigued by to encourage them to watch the film. I intend to make the advertisements for an LGBTQ rom-com to normalize this for a mainstream audience. I will ensure that my content avoids Mulvey’s male gaze by painting lesbian relationships in an authentic and respectful light. My project will also promote diverse gender roles which subvert stereotypes which link to Gauntlett’s theory that the media plays a significant role in shaping gender. 

My primary target audience would be younger women between the ages of 16-25 –particularly those in the LGBTQ community- who are seeking representation in the media. I also aim to make the movie appeal to those with interest in rom coms through engaging TikTok posts, which will follow stereotypical romantic comedy conventions using stock characters to make it appeal to a wider audience. This will also appeal to those who frequently use social media and like to follow trends. 

Within the TikTok videos, I intend to use bright colours and visuals to portray a lighthearted feel which suits a rom com’s tone. In my first TikTok, I would like to include snippets from the film in a trailer style which will have comedic aspects. I also intend to create a behind the scenes style video which will help to humanize the production and project transparency whilst also promoting the film creating excitement and star-power from the actors involved and building anticipation for the release of the film. Finally, I intend to produce a TikTok video which could become a trend. This will likely involve a snippet from the film where the characters are dancing, encouraging other creators/ social media users to make their own video or duet this one. This will create word of mouth promotion for the film. 

I aim to create film posters which are bright and consistent whilst each being unique. I will do this by using uniformity in the tones and characters featured in each poster. I will ensure that my posters use clear photographs to make the film look professional. The posters will advertise a Summer release as this is the most popular time to go and see new films in the cinema.  


In LessonOut Of Lesson
WedMake a plan and work on SOI.Continue SOI.
ThursComplete SOI.Look at examples of magazine interviews.
FriSubmit first draft (Statement of Intent).
SatN/A.Plan/write articles for magazine and find style models.
Two page interview.
SunN/A.Two Page Interview.
MonStart to create template for magazine. (Leave gaps for photos).Take pictures for magazine.
TueContinue magazine and edit photographs.
Make front cover.
WedContinue magazine.Continue magazine.
ThursContinue magazine.Continue magazine.
FriFinal edits.Submit production one in appropriate media form.

Statement Of Intent

Here Comes The Sun

This project is going to be a digital campaign that includes 2 film posters and 3 Instagram posts. The target audience will be people born in the 60s/70s as it features nostalgia about the Beatles and listening to records. It is more targeted towards a female audience as the film has female main characters. However, as it is a feel-good movie it will appeal to a wide audience and could be suitable for families. It would suit to the Constrainers consumer group as they like to hold on to the familiar and the past. The posters and Instagram posts use inspiration from media theorists such as Roland Barthes and David Hesmondhalgh to ensure that it minimizes risk and maximizes profit. 

The posters will promote a feel-good movie about a friendship built on the foundations of Beatles music, and how it can bring people together. One image will depict 4 women on a zebra crossing, as a reference to the ‘Abbey Road’ album by the Beatles. It will feature a bright red title, which will be prominent at the top of the poster to ensure it stands out. It will also be written in a font associated with the Beatles as a band. The other poster will feature 2 girls talking against a bright blue wall. The use of bright blue will make the poster stand out. It’s title will also be featured prominently at the top of the poster. Behind the title, a yellow submarine will be depicted which is a ‘cultural code’ to The Beatles music, and Liverpool city. The ‘paradigm’ of signs in the posters will make them attractive to Beatles fans. The Instagram posts will all feature bright borders and be highly saturated. This will create a feel-good and nostalgic vibe. On the first Instagram post, the same picture from the first poster will be used. This will ‘take advantage of different media platforms to promote the film.’ The Instagram post will also feature a review from ‘Rolling Stone’ which is a well-known media coverage platform. They are a trusted company so their reviews will encourage audiences to watch the film. Another Instagram post will feature a Beatles vinyl. This is nostalgic to people who grew up listening to music on vinyl. The post will also use ‘star-power’ as it will state that the film was made by the same director as Barbie. This creates a pre-established audience as fans of this director or film will be encouraged to watch Here Comes The Sun. The final Instagram post is going to show a picture of the ’Abbey Road’ sign. This is also a cultural code for Beatles fans. This Instagram post will have quite an artsy feel, which will draw in wider audiences. Finally, along with each Instagram post there will be hashtags which help to create publicity. The captions will also use direct address to make the posts feel personal to audiences, and Beatles songs will be added to further entice fans of the Beatles, rock, and 70s/80s music. Finally, the characters in the poster can be ‘identified’ with by Beatles fans, particularly women.