All posts by Hannah Bridle



statement of intent

You must complete a Statement of Intent that 

WHY rather than WHAT

For my two media products I am planning on doing brief 3 where I need to create 3, 45-60 second tiktoks then 3 movie posters for my rom-com.

I have chosen to do this brief as I have an interest in movies, (ILLUSRATE)

Creating posters will help me gain stronger skills when it comes to making promotional products because SOME CAREER THING.

I want to create eye catching and informative poster HOW ARE YOU GOING TO DO THAT? so I can ensure better coverage/promotion for this movie so that it is able to reach a wider audience.

I will be trying to focus on using semiotics when creating these videos and posters – WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? USING SIGNS AND SIGNIFIERS ???

I would like them so tell a story so I intend to make sure the posters have the equilibrium distribution and new equilibrium just like any film would have in order to create a story. ILLUSTRATE . . .

The videos will be a lot more successful with a flowing story (equilibrium distribution and new equilibrium)with the as they will entice the viewers more and create a better and easier to understand concept/story. I also think it would be useful to try and use some signs and signifiers in the posters as in a poster it is obviously harder to tell a story but by using signs.

For my media product I will be targeting a younger audience. Teenagers most likely aged 13-18 however i do believe it would interest most of gen-z as my movie is going to be centred around teenagers probably aged around 16-17 as it’s a coming of age movie so it’s going to focus on these two teenage girls who are currently in school.

However because this does focus on teenage girls the target demographic is going to be girls as they are more likely going to be able to relate to things in the movie compared to most teenage guys. Also the subject of LGBT relationships is quite a will most likely attract that community because it gives that community representation which they often lack. PSYCHOGRAPHIC PROFILES, GAUNTLET (REPRESENTATION), BUTLER (GENDER AS PERFORMANCE)

My product will be defying social norms as it is going to be showing a lesbian couple which is a lot more accepted now compared to even 20 years ago however it’s still not completely accepted by many people. So I will be taking risks in terms of marketing as using a heterosexual couple would eliminate more risks and maximise profits as its a lot more socially accepted.

statement of intent

I will be creating some film posters and Instagram posts with the idea of promoting this new coming-of-age movie about what it is realistically like for young LGBTQ, people and everyday British school life. I will create two movie posters and three Instagram posts all with the idea of lighthearted, innocent romance. I would advertise my posters in The Gentlewoman magazine as I believe it would best match my target demographic as usually, the Gentlewomen have more of a female audience aged in their late teens to women in their 50s.

For my posters, I would like to have lots of references to my director, screenplay writer, and actors due to the idea of star power. Having famous well-known names can draw more people Into the film as they may be a fan of that certain director or actor so making sure their names are big bold and obvious is kind of a way of highlighting that and making it well-known to my audience.

My target audience for my movie would most likely be teenage girls as they are going to be able to relate a lot to the main character as she is also an average teenage girl. Still, it would also likely attract anyone from the LGBTQ community as it will be an openly gay movie. However, this movie will also be well suited for people of any age demographic as it will also use lots of nostalgic aspects which would attract an older audience. I think this film will be well suited to the ages 14-20 due to the fact people within this age range are Gen Z and they appear to be one of the most progressive and have more left-wing political and social views.

In my posters i am going to try and include lots of warm colours because i want to try and illustrate and hint the idea of this warm and innocent relationship between these two girls. 

In terms of some of the darker colours, they can affect the audience by creating this memory of how school actually was for most people and how it wasn’t this happy time for most people unlike what they show in most movies. The aesthetic of the warmth in some of the posters can highlight the  feeling of cozines and closeness between those two people and it can give off the idea of them being bonded.

In my posters i plan on having my models look very happy and genuine so having some more candid shots where the subject are having fun and laughing which i think comes off to the audience better as you can see the chemistry, the connect and the pure enjoyment they have between the actors.

When thinking about VALS i would say the people most likely to be interested in my film i would say would be people under the “explorer” category as they are the type of people to be interested in new experiences and they seek discovery which is very similar to the what the the film and the characters are like.