All posts by Heaths



Statement of Intent

For brief 4, I will create 2 products. I have an interest in how the music industry can advertise for different audiences and how they can portray meaning in music videos. By doing this brief, I will be able to help create my own narrative which would correlate with my chosen song. I also have been able to previously explore making magazines, which is a part of the products which I will be producing, this means I will be able to apply the knowledge which I already have onto this product. 

I wanted to do this brief because I would be able to explore more diverse ways media is portrayed. This could be done through work such as semiotics and narrative theory. Music videos can portray different signs and signifiers, which is the work of Saussure, this separates the sign and the meaning behind it. This could be displayed in my video as I can show different meanings to common things. It is also possible to show narrative theories in music videos, such as distinctive character types and equilibriums. Character types was a theory by Vladamir Propp, who distinguished how different characters bring structure to stories. Equilibriums are used in many different scenarios, the theory shows how everything has an equilibrium, disruption, and a new equilibrium, which I would be able to apply to my music video.  

I will make sure my products will be able to target my target audience which I am trying to have them be around 16-18, who are interested in different genres of music, as I will be trying to show how smaller artists are able to create and produce music. In terms of psychographic profiling, which is a theory made by Rubicam and Young, I am targeting the ‘reformers’ and the ‘explorers. I enjoy reading Music Week, which is a magazine which distributes a monthly magazine about the latest music news. This will help ensure that I will understand how to have the correct flow and language in my product. I like Music Week as I like how they set out the front covers, as they can include vast amounts of information without making it look too cluttered. As for my music video, i have been able to watch numerous different videos which have had big and small budgets, but I am influenced by music videos with smaller budgets as they are able to show a more realistic story, whereas bigger budget videos sometimes are more about having better visual shots.  

I need to make sure both of my products are connected in terms of content and representation. I will be able to do this by having similar visuals throughout my music video and on my video, also including context for branding being reinforced within the music video and parts of the magazine to include articles related to sponsorships. I need to ensure that my indexical signs, which is from the work of C S Pierce, are consistent and are providing the correct meaning which I want them to portray.


in lessonout of lesson
wedmake plan and finish statement of intentcomplete statement of intent
thursrevisit planning documentcomplete statement of intent
frimake rough plan of four pagessubmit first draft statement of intent
satn/atake photos to plan how i want them
monrough front cover plancomplete front cover first draft
tuesms magowon statement of intent lessoncomplete plan for interview and start the interview
wedcomplete first draft for interviewstart planning last page
thurscontinue planning first draft for last pagework on completing first draft of last pages
friwork on completing first draft of last pagessubmit production 1 (all products in appropriate media form)
week 1feedbackplan music video plan music videocover teacherinset dayawayaway
week 2awayawayawaymagainzemagzinepicturespictures
week 3magaiznemagazinemagazinemagazinemagazinerecordrecord
week 4sports daydr mm awaydr mm awaydr mm awayrecordrecord
week 5awayawayaway
week 6awayawayawaypicturespictures
week 7final submission

Magazine Statement of Intent

The demographic of my magazine cover is for the male audience. I have chosen this to try and influence male fashion and how trends are able to vary in many magazines, this cover focusing on street fashion.  

In terms of psychographics, the audience for my magazine cover is seekers. This is because they want to be able to have individuality and show self-discovery, while actively seeking experimentation and self-gratification. This would apply to my magazine cover because I wanted to have my magazine cover help others try and experiment with their fashion and be able to express themselves through the fashion which could be shown on the cover. 

Another psychographic label for my audience would be fun seekers. In the terms of the Young Facts Study, this group of people are the type to ‘work hard, play hard and spend hard.’ This would be the correct labeling for my magazine as the focus is on male fashion, and this group have an intense sense of importance for their physical appearance and being trendy. This group of people consume media more than any other group, which would help them be a target audience for my magazine cover.  

The two-step flow theory can also be applied to my magazine cover. In this theory, it suggests that information curated from media products is from opinionated leaders who pass on interpretations of the message portrayed from the original media content to help spread it to a wider audience. This would apply to my magazine cover as the audience who will view my magazine will be able to spread word of my magazine to other people who have a similar interest in men’s fashion and how it is constantly changing with trends. 

Representation was particularly important in my media product. By using dominant signifiers in my magazine cover, such as various coverlines and the model, I can let my audience further understand what the magazine is about. I found that the model facing away from the cover helps draw attention to the magazine, allowing the audience to create a sense of mystery and grab their attention to draw them into the magazine.  

On the cover of my magazine, I had aimed to focus on street style. This was done by my model wearing more of a street styled outfit to help draw the audience’s attention to this. I had also added coverlines to be focused on how fashion is changing, about how modern fashion is being taken over by more current trends, such as street style. I had chosen to give the cover an orange tint over the image, this was to help draw attention to the magazine as it would be able to help it stand out if it were being displayed among many magazines.  

Movie posters + Instagram posts + statement of intent

Statement of Intent

The demographic which I have chosen for my media products is females who are in their teenage years, mainly focused on those who have an interest in motor racing.  

In psychographic terms, my audience would be seekers. This group is invested in finding self-discovery and action, while also seeking excitement and experimentation. They could be seen as a group of young adults who want to see change in certain elements of society, which would help them be a part of my audience as I wanted my media product to create a different perspective in certain areas of sports which are seen as male dominated.  

Another psychographic label which is from the Young and Rubicam’s cross-cultural consumer categorisations is the reformer. The reformer has a mindset of ‘Don’t tell me what to do or what to think’ and they value their own judgement. Often perceived as intellectuals, the reformer is very socially aware, priding themselves on their tolerance to society. They lead an edge to society, seeking out authenticity and their core need in life is enlightenment.  

Therefore, with my media product I have a dynamic audience. The genre of my film poster is motor sport and therefore the different audiences I am promoting to need to be a part of diverse social groups. However, the posters and Instagram posts will be distributed to a wide range of people to try and encourage a larger, more diverse audience for the media products.  

The two-step flow theory would help promote my media products because the audience will already have an interest in coming-of-age films as there is many examples of these films already produced and have a large popularity. The way which the actors had posed on my posters allow for an image to be created of the film, allowing to encourage young females to see how women can be portrayed differently for different forms of media.  

Representation is the most important aspect in my media product. This is because the film is aiming to have a positive outlook on women in motor sport and allowing for a wider range of people to have the opportunity to see the different choices they can take in life. By using a picture of a female on my posters and Instagram posts, it helps encourage the audience to understand how the main female lead will be represented in the film. The use of different aspects in my media product will help catch the audience’s attention and help draw them into the film, my posters and Instagram posts are unique and help the audience to understand how the film could be related to themselves.