All posts by Walker



statement of intent

Statement of Intent 

I am producing three tick tock videos and three posters to promote a rom- com film called “The cut off” that is being shown at film festivals (brief 3) 

I have chosen this because I love the idea of using social media to promote new ideas as it’s a positive way of influencing and informing people of new ideas and markets. I love using, viewing and scrolling on social media and therefore I would like to use this method as I feel it will create the most awareness as it can easily be shared to friends with the click of a button. Social media has never been so popular and therefore i will create the most awareness for my low budgeting film by using social media such as tik Tok to promote the film because it is the best way to maximise my intended audience. I am going to make my poster bold and easy to read as it will highlight the main ideas for my film.  

My products will target teens through the use of merchandise and exciting tailors because the new rom com “anyone but you” has been so popular through the success of selling merchandise and it helped spread awareness for the new release. I will also be using social media advertisement such as hashtags as it is going to maximise my audience because my advertisement can quickly be found and shared through hashtags. My TikTok’s are going to include a behind the set get ready with me from the main character so the audience get to know the movie stars before the movie, to excite them about what they are going to be watching, as well as a behind the set photography clip to showcase the exciting scenes and events of the film. I’m doing this to intrigue my audience as to what the film will showcase.  

I’m showcasing my rom- com as a heterosexual relationship to minimize risk and maximise my profits as audiences are familiar with heterosexual couples as it is deemed social acceptable. I’m using a heterosexual couple as i know that my film will be less at risk of not being successful as rom coms that have used a male and female relationship have been successful and therefore i know that my intended audience won’t have an argument against a same sex couple as some people have strong pejorative views on my movie and therefore it is safer.  

I will exploit the opportunities for digital convergence between the products by doing print copies of the posters as well as using it on social media on multiple platforms as due to digital convergence people are able to access different social media platforms on one device.