All posts by Ellie Sousa



week 1feedback
and take photots
make 3 poster Dr M awayinset day
week 2potserposterposterposterposterp
week 3tik toktik toktik toktik toktik toktt
week 4sports daytik tokDr m he tripDr M He tripDr M HE triptt
week 5tik toktik toktik toktik toktik toktt
week 6tik toktik toktik toktik toktik toktt soi
week 7tik tok if not done and statement of intentstatement of intent statement of intent statement of intent HAND IN ALL WORK

Statement of intent

Coming-of-age films focus on the psychological and moral growth or transition of a protagonist from youth to adulthood. . My intention is to explore how these narratives often reflect the complexities of female relationships, particularly through themes of conflict, rivalry, and ultimately, Coming-of-age films serve as a mirror for adolescents navigating the tumultuous journey of growing up. They show self-discovery. I want to document girlhood, emphasizing how conflicts and arguments among female characters can act as catalysts for personal growth. My aim for this brief cross media-production (NEA), I am going to produce three 45-60 seconds TIKTOK video clip, to show behind the scenes of the film and a trailer with an interview related to the flim with girl drama and cheating. As well as a film poster to also promote and highlight the coming-of-age film, specifically target at teens, I want to relate/reference my ideas for project based on film posters targeted at teens and TikTok’s also targeted coming up as adds on their TikTok with songs playing that would attract the female teens, as movies this like peak my interest and would draw me in as I am also a teenager with idea like this – my peers also agree with this.

The film is going to be based a low-budget independent film, including specific clips from the film with a range of camera shots, angles, and movement, to establish the locations and representations. I will apply media language and knowledge by conveying meaning through signs and symbols suggested a scene is set up and filmed. Signs and symbols in media texts are polysemic which means they are open to many interpretations, Visual (things we can see), things we can hear Verbal (spoken language) Non-verbal (gestures, facial expressions, body language). Cspesis uses different sighs and semiotics – indelutcive signs that we create for media to see how we can alter media and how we can change the perspective of it which is why I have chosen to base my theme around him. Roland Barthes’ theory, particularly his concept of “The Death of the Author,” emphasizes that a text’s meaning is created by the audience rather than determined solely by the creator’s intentions. This idea is highly relevant to my TikTok movie about a romcom featuring girl drama and cheating because its encouraging viewers to interpret the characters’ conflicts and growth independently for example, the arguments and rivalries among female characters can symbolize themes of identity and empowerment, allowing audiences to connect personally with the narrative.

My products will have a target audience of teens and older females, this is because of coming-of-age films show us the growing pains of entering adulthood and womanhood (girlhood) because of how hard it can be. Teens (age 16-20) should be interested or drawn to films such as mean girls or clueless as it can relate to them within the gossip, how they dress and talk and act, therefore it will target them as coming of age films are usually centred around the themes of youth, growing up, and maturation and how they live in their day-to-day life. The NEA project will be based on coming-of-age movies, such as mean girls. A gossip movie with teenage girls, lots of drama and ‘lip-gloss’ and drama with boys. It will relate to our society today and how teens may act and be influenced by people. Coming of age movies hold a significant impact on both individual viewers and the broader culture, especially on teens and younger females as they could feel as if they relate , whatever that means good or bad, teens may feel the same way which is why I am choosing a coming of age film as I am really interested in making everyone aware of the problems women go through and how different perspectives even such as films could change that.

In my analysis, I will focus on key films that exemplify this theme, examining how the portrayal of girl fights and arguments contributes to the protagonists’ journeys. I will analyze the motivations behind these conflicts, Furthermore, I will explore the resolutions of these conflicts and how they signify a transition from naivety to a more nuanced understanding of relationships and self-identity.

Ultimately, my goal is to highlight the importance of these narratives in validating the experiences of young women and illustrating the complexities of their emotional landscapes. Through this exploration, I hope to contribute to a greater understanding of the coming-of-age genre and its powerful representation of female growth and resilience.


In lessonOut of lesson
Wednesdaymake plan and finish statement of intent.complete statement of intent.
Thursdayrevisit this planning document.
FridaySubmit first draft statement of intent.
FridaySubmit production 1, all products in the appropriate media form.


Active Audience Theory argues that media audiences do not just receive information passively but are actively involved, often unconsciously, in making sense of the message within their personal and social contexts.

passive-An audience that is exposed to media/marketing material but doesn’t actively engage with the content or messaging.

What is CPS in video games?

The CP System (CPシステム, shīpī shisutemu, CPS for short and retroactively known as CPS-1) is an arcade system board developed by Capcom that ran game software stored on removable daughterboards.

Task 2

  1. The video game industry is continuing to grow and grow due to high engagement, leading to large financial returns for investors (this can be seen with the developer Take-Two having a 60% share price increase in 12 months).

2. Esports is the phrase used for competitions based around video games, usually multiplayer ones. They offer monetary prizes for those that win against other teams. The competitions themselves pull in higher numbers of viewers than some mainstream sport events.

3. New technological developments have meant that consumers can get games through digital stores and can play games on their mobile phones as opposed to buying a console. Additionally, cloud gaming allows consumers to play games without actually downloading anything, through the form of streaming.

4. FPS = First Person Shooter (a game centred on gun combat where the players see things from the POV of the characters) MMORPG = massively multiplayer online role-playing game (any story-driven online video game in which a player, taking on the persona of a character in a virtual or fantasy world, interacts with other players)

video games

Bandura’s theory suggests that individuals learn by observing other, imitating behaviours , more likely to be infecund by a male. Putting this is the context of media audiences, he believes that media portrayals can influence the audience’s behaviour by providing them with models to imitate. Bandura’s view is different from Shirky and Jenkins view of media audiences because Shirky and Jenkins argue that media audiences don’t just passively absorb the media they are consuming but they rather actively share and remix it in complex ways. 

video games

Active Audience – Engages, interprets and responds to a media text in different ways and is capable of challenging the ideas encoded in it. 

Passive Audience – More likely to accept the messages encoded in a media text without challenge and are therefore more likely to be directly affected by the messages. 

Extension: Explain the ways in which media products are thought to impact on audiences cognitively, affectively and behaviourally? 

Media products can impact audiences because they can provide them with dramaticised information that they believe is factual and real.