All posts by Evie Laurie



statement of intent

My aim is to create engaging behind the scenes footage of a new upcoming rom-com movie also including a few scenes from the movie in the three tiktok videos. The movie will be called ‘Except You.’ I intend to include dramatic scenes of the two lovers falling apart with clips of arguments and clips of love. 

I will use representation theories such as Stuart Halls theory of representation, this is the idea that there can never be one true meaning to a media product. The reason to this is to make the audience question everything that happens in the scenes used and keep them engaged with the outcome of this movie. Another theory I will use is Blumler and Katz, Uses and gratifications theory. This theory states that there are audiences that are active in their media consumption and the media consumers choose to fulfil one or more of either; personal identity, information/education, entertainment and/or social interaction. The way i will use this is by using the idea of education and personal identity with the use of the movie being shot in a school and the two lovers are trying to find themselves i will also make sure to tie in the social interaction with the posts by asking for opinions in the comments. 

 I will use funny behind-the-scenes clips to attract my audience of 12 and over. I will also use slightly bright coloured clothes in order to draw in that younger audience. As for the over 12’s i will use some of the slightly more serious ‘scenes’ from the rom-com as well as the funny jokes made. This is a low budget independent film which means they will be working alone without any funding from major companies such as sony or disney, in order to show this it will not look too expensive but still a good enough quality to be a success. 

statement of intent

I chose to create a hair front cover for my magazine ‘roots’, in this front cover I used my fictional celebrity ‘Evie Walker’. I want my front cover to focus on helping the audience to make their hair healthy and thick by inspiring them with someone who has shiny clean hair. To also promote a strong independent woman that my audience look up to. 

In my front cover photo, I used a low camera angle to showcase my protagonist to be of high status, the woman in the photo is also making direct eye contact with the camera to assert dominance and to break that fourth wall making whoever’s reading the magazine feel as if it is personalized for them. The clothing worn by my model seems to be modest and appropriate, the reasoning of this is to attract the correct audience of women therefore making my model look so she is not being objectified. The use of the mid–motion image is to draw the audience’s attention to the magazine’s purpose rather than what the model is wearing. The pink/red shade of my model’s lips showcase the power of women rather than dragging the male gaze theory into my magazine. 

The target audience of my magazine is an age range of 16–35-year-old women. The reason for this is due to the fictional idol used on the cover as that is her age range of fans. The fact that my model is on the younger side also attracts the younger half of that audience. The use of the pink and purple purposely stereotypically attracts a female audience. 

The repetitive use of the word ‘you’ enhances the idea of making the magazine feel personalized and therefore will have the reader questioning is this for them? This is exactly what I want my front cover to do which will attract more readers for the questioning. To keep my audience engaged I used a lot of statements rather than questions as if I’m telling the audience they need this therefore drawing in a larger audience.