All posts by Charley




Stephen Neale’s theory is that not all genres are the same, e.g comedy, they all have differences. Genres draw on an identical repertoire of elements. The main tensions in genre are between repetition and sameness vs variation and change.

One of his concepts is repetition and difference.


wedMake plan and finish statement of intentcomplete SOI
frisubmit 1st draft SOI
friSubmit production 1 (all products in appropriate media form)
WEEK 1FeedbackDr M awayInset
WEEK 4Sports dayDr M awayDr M awayDr M away
WEEK 7Print all work outFinal submission


For my media product I will be doing brief three where I will be producing three posters and three 45-60 second tik Toks representing my new rom com movie. There will be three characters in this movie, 2 girls and 1 boy. I want the tik Toks to represent young love and what effect it can have on someone; these clips will include a beginning and a climax. The clips will all end in a cliffhanger, making the audience want to watch on more. I have chosen to do this idea as i am personally interested in romance movies. Media language focusses on how signs are organized in a product. I am producing film posters and tik-tok videos, so to ensure that my products look professional I am going to include a clear and identifiable film movie title, supported by an image of the actors in my film. This will follow the convention of film posters. Similarly, in the videos for tik-tok I will include a cliff hanger to entice my audience into watching the film. My movie has particular characters and themes in it, to appeal to my particular audience. My movie features two girls which are girly girls meeting the stereotypes of girls. Similarly, the boy featured is going to be presented as masculine and sporty. I want to make my film familiar to a specific audience so that more people will watch if they are familiar. My intended audience will be 16+ which will mainly target teens and adults. I have chosen to do a romance/rom com, this film will target teens as many teens are in a developmental stage where they are exploring their own emotions and relationships. My film will make a “safe space” for the teenager audience for them to experience intense emotions and navigate the complexities of love and affection. My film will also target an adult audience as the poster will feature a sense of love and comfort by two teenagers, as adults may want to relive the exciting sense of young love. I will make sure that both of my products maintain the same look, design and style. For instance, both products will have the same actors, the same color scheme and title and logo. Semiotics is the study of signs and I think it is important to make sure that the signs and symbols are similar and consistent, In my media studies course I have looked at C. S. Pierce who suggested that there are three categories of sign, and as there are signs in my poster I will use his ideas in my productions. For example, I will use iconic signs such as a bold photograph to intrigue the audience and catch their attention, and indexical signs such as a light and pastel color theme to show this movie is not harsh and is chill and calm and symbolic signs such as the font used for the title of my movie, it is smooth and not harp to represent this movie will be relaxing, but then i have used some sharp font to represent a turn taking moment.