Media Magazine

Analysing Netflix’s Lupin:

Quotes from the article:

‘social issues like race are foregrounded very early on, with the visual language of the series bringing it to our attention within the first two minutes.’

‘Looking at this symbolically, seeing a character from Senegal, (a country colonised by the French for centuries), stealing an artefact from the Louvre is a delightful inversion and an elegant piece of poetic justice.’

‘highlights the disparity between those working minimum wage jobs and the opulence of the Louvre, France’s premiere museum. The fact that they are watched over by predominantly white male security guards doesn’t help either.’

‘the combination of Assane’s race, class and gender that keeps him firmly at the bottom of the hierarchy. This a good example of ‘intersectionality’, which is the idea that overlapping prejudices may create barriers to a person being accepted in certain spaces.’

‘What would possess someone to ask something as nakedly racist as this question? For a moment, let put aside the massive power differentials of class and age that are clearly on display here.’

Livingstone + Lunt and the social media ban:

Quotes from the article:

‘doctors claiming social media use presents ‘a profound risk of harm’ to teenagers’ mental health, coroners’ reports increasingly citing ‘the negative effects of online content’ as a factor in teen suicides’ 

‘the ‘consumer-based’ model, which foregrounds the interests of audiences and producers through policies which promote competition, variety and opportunities for profit, and the ‘citizen-based approach’, which puts societal, democratic and public-service needs ahead of those of the individual and the media’

‘In 2004 Livingstone herself wrote in The Guardian of the need for a balanced approach ‘steering a course between the twin risks of exposing children to danger or harm’

‘end social media companies’ culture of self-regulation by placing them under government regulator Ofcom’s oversight’

‘Livingstone was part of the consultation process for the Bill and welcomed it ‘for ending society’s misplaced hope that platforms will self- regulate adequately’’ 


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