Question reflection.

Question 2:

In order to get a hight band I need to have:

• Excellent understanding of the theoretical framework of

media demonstrated through critical engagement with the

nuanced aspects of the theories and argument.

• Excellent, detailed and accurate application of knowledge

and understanding to evaluate theories of regulation.

• Evaluation is insightful, thorough and critically informed.

• Judgements and conclusions regarding the validity of

theories of regulation are perceptive and fully supported

with detailed reference to specific aspects of the set

television products.

• Consistent, highly appropriate use of subject-specific

terminology throughout.

What I did:

• Basic understanding of the theoretical framework of media

demonstrated through engagement with more

straightforward aspects of the theories and argument; this is

likely to be limited.

• Basic application of knowledge and understanding to

evaluate theories of regulation; there is likely to be a lack of

clarity or relevance.

• There may be a tendency to simply describe features of the

set products rather than evaluate the theories.

• Judgements and conclusions are not developed and only

partially supported by reference to the set television


• Occasional appropriate use of subject-specific terminology


Question 3:

In order to get a higher band I need to have:

• Excellent analysis of the products that is detailed and

critically engages with the nuanced aspects of the

relationship between social and cultural contexts, media

producers, representations and audiences.

• Excellent and judicious application of knowledge and

understanding of the theoretical framework to analyse the

video games.

• Excellent, astute judgements and conclusions that are

consistently well supported by relevant and detailed

analysis of specific aspects of the products and precise

links to the specified contexts.

• Consistently appropriate and effective use of subject-

specific terminology throughout.

What I did:

• Satisfactory analysis of the products that is generally sound

and engages with the straightforward aspects of the

influence of the relationship between social and cultural

contexts, media producers, representations and audiences.

• Some satisfactory application of knowledge and

understanding of the theoretical framework to analyse the

video games.

• Satisfactory judgements and conclusions that are

reasonable and supported by some analysis of relevant

aspects of the products and with some links to the specified


• Occasional appropriate use of subject-specific terminology.

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