Historical –
Media products play a significant role in reflecting and addressing historical events and issues. They help audiences to have an insight into past events and their impacts. Understanding historical media contexts helps producers create content that resonates with audiences and ensures relevance of their products over time.
Economical –
Media products oftehn operate within specific business and finical systems, reflecting their economic contexts. Media products all depend on money and technology. They need to fit into market and use the latest tools while staying in budget.
Cultural –
Media products are deeply influenced by the cultural contexts in which they are created and consumed. The cultural contexts reflect beliefs, customs, and traditions of different societies. They can help us to learn and respect other ways of life.
Social –
Media products links to social contexts is crucial because products are shaped by social values. Media reproduces shape how people behave and think. They connect with societies values and influence how we react with one another.
Viewpoints and Ideologies
Capitalism –
An economic system where businesses and industries are privately owned.
Media is often driven by profit – big companies such as Netflix and Disney dominate the market.
Ads and products exist to sell things to audiences.
Populism –
Political or media style that appeals to ‘ordinary people.
Often seen in tabloids, reality tv and social media influencers.
Can be used to create division for example us vs them narratives
Consumerism –
The idea that buying tangible goods is equal to happiness and success.
The media pushes this through adverts, influencers, and celebrity culture.
Magazines, tv and social media encourage this – example would be luxury fashion in vouge
Globalisation –
The world is becoming more connected through media, tech, and trade
Hollywood, Netflix, and K-pop are examples of global media influences.
There is a concern for a loss of culture as western media dominates.
Feminism –
Fight for gender equality in both society and media
Early media = women as housewives, love interests or just over sexualized.
Modern media = such as the Gentlewoman challenges these stereotypes
Feminist Critical thinking.
Individualism –
Focus on personal identity and self-expression over community values
This is encouraged by social media via personal branding and influencers
Can be empowering but can also be isolating as some care about them self-more than they care about society
Neoliberalism –
The idea that free markets = best for society, with minimal government control
Media industries are mostly privatised, not state owned.]
Can mean less funding for public Serivices – for example, the BBC under pressure to make a profit.
Imperialism –
Historically, when powerful countries controlled weaker ones.
In media, it means that western – especially American – culture dominates globally
Hollywood, fast-food ads, and western social media trends influenced the entire world