Paper 2 Mock Feedback

QuestionsWhat went wellWhat could be improvedHow to make improvements
1Showing an understanding of Barthes structuralist ideas and applying them to an unseen productExpanding on my points further + consider fluidity of gender.Look back over gender theories and consider how to approach unseens with them.
2Considering context surrounding production companies, broadcasters and regulators in relation to Responder and LupinFurther explore how the post-watershed time slot for The Responder gave it more freedom creatively, as well as French regulatory contexts for Lupin.Research French regulation for television
3Applying theories surrounding Audiences and their responses to products to New Media texts and showing a knowledge of the games themselves.Expand upon the use of stereotypes/countertypes in the games and how they may influence audiences.Look into stereotypes presented in Sims FreePlay and Horizon Forbidden West.
4Detailing the context surrounding magazines, ownership and to an extent funding. As well as audiences and how they respond to texts.Consider all elements of the magazines and how they are combined to appeal to audiences.Revise GQ and Gentlewoman and their inside articles + cover lines

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