Mock reflection

Monday 10th March

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1. 7/8Good analysis of product and use of the theoretical framework.Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific
terminology throughout.
2. 11/12Good understanding of the theoretical framework and understanding of contexts of media and their influence on media products. More detailed information  
3. 6/9Good understanding of the theoretical framework Analyse media product more, understanding of media language 
4. 15/20Good application of theory and understanding of music video.Understanding of genre theory
What does β€˜genre as a cultural category’ actually mean?
5. 6/6Knowledge of theoretical framework, good example used   
6. 6/9Good understanding of the influences of social and cultural contexts on media productsUse of terminology and expand knowledge of theorists  
7. 6/20Good understanding of the theoretical framework and use of terminology. Knowledge of Blinded by the light and diversity and production

The significance of patterns of ownership and control, including conglomerate ownership, vertical integration and diversification

The significance of economic factors, including commercial and not-for-profit public funding, to media industries and their products

How media organisations maintain, including through marketing, varieties of audiences nationally and globally

The regulatory framework of contemporary media in the UK the impact of β€˜new’ digital technologies on media regulation, including the role of individual producers

How processes of production, distribution and circulation shape media products.

Tuesday 11th March

Achieved target grade- B


To achieve the next grade boundary of an A, I would need to gain 4 more marks.

To secure a B overall, I will need to get 45 marks on paper 2.

To secure my target grade, I will need to improve in the 20 mark questions as I achieved 15/20 and 6/20.

Wednesday 12th March

Task 1:

Roland Barthes- SemioticsDavid Gauntlett- IdentityGeorge Gerbner- Cultivation theoryDavid Hesmondhalgh- Cultural industries
Levi Strauss- StructuralismJudith Butler- Gender performativityClay Shirky- End of audienceCurran & Seaton- Power & media
Todorov- NarratologyBell Hooks- IntersectionalityHenry Jenkins- FandomLivingstone & Lunt- Regulation
Steve Neale- Genre Paul Gilroy- Ethnicity & post-colonialAlbert Bandura- Media effects
Jean Baudrillard- Post- modernismVan Zoonen- Feminist theoryStuart Hall- Reception theory
Stuart Hall- Representation theory

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