questions | What went well? | What could be improved? | What I am going to do to make the improvements |
1 | Good understanding of the unseen, used a few terms and theories well | Utilise more theories that relate to media language and semiotic analysis | Revise and learn more about Roland Barthes and semiotic terms. |
2 | Good contextual analysis of Ghost Town, applied relevant theories. | Compare and contrast this to the figure 1. Use more subject specific terminology | Remember that Q2 is always a compare and contrast between CSP and unseen figure 1. read question in full. |
3 | Wrote enough applicable examples, good understanding of Laura Mulvey’s theory | Didn’t develope example enough, could’ve written a lot more in general | Give some push back to the theory, revise some examples of the CSP beforehand. |
4 | Had an alright understanding of sub-genre and hybridity, found applicable examples for them. | Didn’t write about cultural categories. | Revise Steve Neale’s theory of cultural categories in terms of genre. Also look at finding examples of this and other theories to the CSP prior to the exam. |
5 | Good understanding of Postmodernism and the hypodermic needle theory | Was slightly unsure on the term ‘implosion’ Unclear on which theorists linked to the hypodermic needle | Be more secure on postmodernism terms and theorists. |
6 | Good understanding of The Daily Mail’s and Trump’s political stances, as well as viewing the Daily Mail as an old media product, and how that affects audiences | Didn’t write detailed examples, or enough of them. | Look back at The Daily Mail CSP and become more confident on examples that can be used for analysis. |
7 | Good understanding of Blinded by the Light’s industrial background, and applied relevant theories from Hesmondalgh. | Wrote about media representation, losing time on empty marks | Revise the requirements for Paper 1 and it’s CSP’s |