Exam Reflection:

QuestionsWhat went well?What could be improved?What I am going to do to make the improvements
1) 3/8Mentioning of Santa, buildings, Manchester and Christmas as a whole  Being more specific, mention that it provides anchorage through the tag-line (“when it comes to
Christmas, there’s no place like…Manchester”). Stating of Christmas then sharpens up the snow-covered iconic buildings adds relevance and familiar Christmas aesthetic. 
Using three sets of signs, signs that constitute the Father Christmas, signs that combine as
words providing anchorage, talk about semiotic vocabulary.
2) 6/12Mention of conscious reproach to Thatcher’s Britain.

Brief mention of post-industrial collapse
of the economy everywhere else drew up lines of opposition across the 1980s.
 Know a broader economical and political context in terms of the Close Study Products. Know more about processes through which meanings are established through
3) 7/9 Mentioning Male Gaze. Objectification of Women.  Story of patriarchy and colonialism but not a serious one: it has
never been other than (partly) ironic.
 Talk about the obvious sexism of the ad is only partly historical, does engage
in conversation between context of its production (1967) and of
current reception (2020).
4) 8/20 Talking about Sub-genre/ summarising that and relating it to the music video. the associations of the song and images with Hip Hop and Rap in my writing about the music video.  Could mention the protest element which has reference to the sixties/ also through
Maya Angelou (“the caged bird sings for freedom”) to Billie Holiday
(“southern trees we hung from”) 
5.1) 2/3 Got Bricolage and Pastiche correct Knowledge.  Revise what Implosion means, fits into context.
5.2) 2/3Got 2/3 marks for the question.
 Expand more/ give a more detailed response in the definition.
 Go over the definition and memorise it more effectively.
6) 8/9Explained what the newspaper is, what it discusses and historical, social and cultural contexts. Briefly mentioned declining print sales for all newspapers Mention their not-for-profit
public funding, to media industries and their products
7) 16/20 impact of new technology

cultural industries-diversity
 improve writing about media organisations maintain, including through marketing research context about it. understadning the framework around the media product.

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