Media terminology

Media language

  1. Intertextuality= when one text references another to create deeper meaning.
  2. Anchorage= how a text helps clarify the meaning of an image.
  3. Ideology= how beliefs and ideas shape how individuals perceive and interpret the world
  4. Paradigm= a set of signs that belong to the same category and can replace each other to change meaning.
  5. Syntagm= The arrangement of signs to create a specific meaning
  6. Diegesis= fictional world of a story
  7. Quest narrative= Stories structure where the protagonist overcomes a challenge.
  8. Causality= relationship between events where one causes the other to happen
  9. Master plot= recurring narrative structure that appears across various genres. Less risk- familiarity
  10. Genres of order= Involve conflict and resolution through action. (Thomas Schatz)
  11. Genre of integration= Social relationships and emotional connections e.g rom coms
  12. Mytheme= a key element of narrative structure from which myths are created.
  13. Ideological reading= uncovering media texts to reveal beliefs and ideologies it conveys
  14. Pastiche= when a media text mixes styles or borrows from others without mocking them.
  15. Bricolage= creating something new by combining existing pieces.
  16. Implosion= Implosion is when boundaries blur, like between reality and media representations.
  17. Simulacra= copies of things that no longer have an original version.
  18. Simulation= when representations are treated as reality.
  19. Hyperreality= the line between real life and simulation is blurry.

Media Representation

  1. Dominant ideology= main set of beliefs and values promoted by those in power.
  2. Constructed reality= A version of reality created and shaped by media.
  3. Hegemony= The dominance of one group’s ideas making them seem acceptable.
  4. Fluiditiy of identitiy= identity is not fixed but constantly evolving
  5. Constructed identity= how identity is formed through social cultural and media influences
  6. Negotiated identity= balance between who an individual is and what society expects from them
  7. Collective identity= shared identity of a group e.g with similar values and beliefs
  8. Voyeurism= watching others, often without their consent, for personal pleasure or interest.
  9. Raunch culture= objectifying individuals, especially women
  10. Female gaze= Media created from a woman’s perspective, highlighting female experiences and viewpoints.
  11. Gender as discourse= Ideas about gender are created and shaped through communication and media.
  12. Subversion= Challenging norms can disrupt traditional views of gender.
  13. Cultural imperialism= Dominance of one culture over others through media and institutions.
  14. Multiculturalism= A celebration of diverse cultures living together.
  15. Imagined communities= A sense of belonging to a group created through shared media and ideas.
  16. Marginalisation= Pushing certain groups to the edges of society or media representation.
  17. Orientalism= Stereotyping Eastern cultures as exotic, backward, or other.
  18. Otherness (alterity)= Viewing certain groups as different or inferior to a dominant group.
  19. Double consciousness= Feeling divided between two identities, like being both Black and British.
  20. Diaspora= Groups of people who leave their homeland and mix cultures to form new identities.
  21. Free market = An economic system where prices and production are determined by competition between privately owned businesses.
  22. Media concentration = The ownership of multiple media outlets by a small number of large companies.
  23. Neo-liberalism = A political approach that supports free markets and less government control.

Media audience

  1. Cumulation = The repeated exposure to media messages over time.
  2. Standardisation = The process of making things uniform or similar.
  3. Enculturation = The gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture.
  4. Bardic function = Media acts as a storyteller, shaping cultural narratives.
  5. Mean World Index = The belief that the world is more dangerous than it actually is, due to media exposure.
  6. Prosumer = A consumer who also produces content.
  7. Textual poaching = Fans creatively reinterpret and repurpose media content.
  8. ‘We the media’ = The idea that ordinary people can create and share media content.
  9. Web 2.0 = The second generation of the internet, focused on user-generated content and interactivity.
  10. Mass amateurisation = The rise of amateur content creators due to accessible technology.
  11. Cognitive surplus = The collective time and creativity of people, used to create and share media content.

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