Media Syllabus Key Terms

Anchorage- helping people understand something by adding words or explanations.

Diegesis- everything that happens within the story world. eg place, sounds, events, characters

Narrative Structure- the way in which the story is being told and organised, how the plot is developed.

Genres of order and integration- types of stories and media that focuses on creating harmony and revolving chaos. – things are brought into balance (crime stories are resolved by the end) and focuses on bringing different elements or characters together

‘Genre as cultural category’.- means that the type of stories (genres) we see in movies, tv etc are influenced by the culture they come from.

Pastiche- imitating, referencing styles or works from the past, often as a tribute or homepage. its like copying elements from others works – celebrate or honour them.

Bricolage- creatively mixing different elements from various sources to create something new. often in an experimental way

Simulacra- refers to copies or representations of things no longer have an original or real version. when something is made to look like the real thing, but is just an imitation.

Hegemony- the dominance and or control of one group of ideas, values or culture over others. beliefs or power groups are seen as ‘normal’ or ‘right’ way of thinking.

Constructed reality- what we seen in media is not exact reflection of real life.

Countertypes- are characters or images that challenge or go against the usual stereotype.

Mass amateurisation- refers to the process where ordinary people can create and share media content widely, not just professionals or influences.

Cognitive surplus- the free time and mental energy that people have which can be used to create or share content. ability to be productive in your spare time.

Prosumer- is someone who both produces and consumes media content. people who create YouTube videos and also watch videos.

Encoding/decoding- refers to how message in media are created by producers and then understood by the audience.

Enculturation-the process by which people learn and adopt the values, beliefs and behaviours of their culture through media and other influences.

Cumulation- the idea that media messages build up over time, repeating certain themes or ideas which can influence people’s thoughts and beliefs.

Commodification- the process of turning something into a product that can be brought or sold. eg a movie selling merchandise, t-shirts, or toys to make a profit.

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