Media Language

Paradigm – a set of signifiers and/or signified 

Syntagm – the combination of signifiers into a meaningful sequence.  

Masterplot – A collection of broad story-types that are told in different contexts and across genres 

Mytheme – A fundamental part of narrative structure (typically involving a relationship between a character, an event and a theme) from which myths are constructed. 

Selective representation – ignoring aspects of people/places intentionally to position audiences interpretations

Free market – A capitalist system where the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers and where state/legal regulation is kept to a minimum

Neo-liberalism – A political ideology favouring free market capitalism. 

Commodification – The process by which something becomes an object that can be marketed and sold.

Socialisation – From Gerbner: the process of leaning the norms and values of our culture. The media is said to have an active influence on this process.

Standardisation – The way the repetition of an idea, behaviour or attitude across the media over time can normalise/standardise the idea, behaviour or attitude.

Enculturation – (from Gerbner) How the media is part of the way we learn social and cultural norms. 

Bardic function – This refers to the nature of the media as a story-teller/information provider within the culture. 

Cultivation differential – The margin of ‘heavy’ viewers over ‘light’ viewers when assessing the perception of social reality that the media creates.

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