Historical context – How media products reflect or react to the time period it was set in or is referring to.
Economic context – How media products reflect or react to the business which the producers operate, or the financial constraints a media product may have been impacted by.
Cultural context – How media products reflect or react to the beliefs and meanings of groups or individuals. Also can be reflective of the time the cultural product was, helping understand the beliefs of society at that time.
Social context – How media products reflect or react to the social circumstances they and the rest of society operate in, and how the product portrays the social changes or inequalities.
Capitalism – A country’s economics and political system are controlled by private owners rather than by the state. (Economic context)
Populism – an approach that tries to address the ordinary people who feel like their concerns are disregarded by elite groups. (Social context)
Consumerism – The protection and promotion of the interests of consumers (Social & Economic context)
Globalisation – The process of businesses extending internationally, beginning to operate on a much larger scale (Cultural & Economic context)
Patriarchy – System where men hold the majority of the political, social and economic powers compared to women (Cultural & Social context)
Feminism – advocating for women’s rights and equality between men and women regarding all areas of life. (Historical, Cultural and Social context)
Individualism – A social theory favouring the freedom of choice for an individual compared to the state control. (Social context)
Self-managerialism – An approach of self discipline that requires people to manage themselves. (Cultural context)
Neoliberalism – a model of free market capitalism, favouring the reduction of deregulation, government spending, privatisation and globalisation. (Social context)
Imperialism – Extending a country’s power through colonization, military force, or other means, such as media production. (Historical & Social context)