Tues 18th March

4 different approaches: Historical, Economic, Cultural, Social

CapitalismA system where private individuals or businesses own capital goods.
PopulismThe idea that society is split into two groups at odds with one another-“the pure people” and “the corrupt elite”.
ConsumerismThe belief that excessive consumption of goods has a positive effect on the economy and that companies should create goods that customers want most.
GlobalisationThe speed up of movements and exchanges, the way the world has become more interconnected. Refers how people communicate as well as world trade, etc. international investment and the sharing of ideas.
PatriarchyA system in governance that the eldest son/father is head of the family, positions of authority held by men.
Feminismbelief in equal right for women and for respect, creating opportunities for women.
IndividualismBelief that every person is self-reliant and unique.
Self-managerialismThe ability to regulate behaviours, thoughts and emotions in a way that better serves you/ your work.
NeoliberalismRefers to market-orientated reform policies like eliminating price controls.
ImperialismWhen a country extends it’s power into other territories for political/economic gain.

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